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    Bill W
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  • 16,424 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

When Nerds Collide - 1. Chapter 1

I have divide this story into section to make it easier on the reader to find their place if they get distracted or can't finish the story in one sitting. I hope this makes it easier for you to enjoy this tale.

The bell had just rung and I was hurrying to get to the cafeteria so I could eat my lunch. I’d been sitting in stuffy classrooms all morning long and wanted to eat quickly so I could get out of the building for a little while to get a breath of fresh air before my afternoon classes started. With that in mind, I flew down the flight of stairs that led from the second floor and nearly fell, possibly breaking my neck or being badly injured in the process, since I was taking two steps at a time. As soon as I reached the ground floor in one piece, I shifted into high gear and started running down the hallway weaving my way in and out of traffic while making my way toward my goal.

I was about three-quarters of the way to the cafeteria when I ran past a rather large, heavy-set guy whom I recognized as a lineman on the football team. Just as I cleared him, I ran directly into someone else coming from the opposite direction. Even though I used my arms to lessen the blow as we collided, I still hit him hard enough that he was forced to take a couple of steps backward before someone else kept him from falling over. As I watched the other person help this person regain his balance, I immediately began to apologize as the crush of other students passed by.

“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?”

He was obviously younger and slightly smaller than me, and he had curly black hair that gave him a very intriguing appearance. He also had rather large, dark brown eyes that I was able to see through the lenses of the glasses he was wearing.

“Yeah, I’m fine. You just startled me when you suddenly appeared in front of me and we collided. I’m glad the guy behind me was able to keep me from falling on my ass.”

“I’m so sorry about that. Did I damage your glasses?” I asked when I noticed that he was adjusting them.

“No, you just knocked them askew on my face, but they didn’t fall off or break.”

“I’m glad to hear that and I’m really sorry, but if you’re all right then I’ll keep going, because I have something else to do.”

“Sure, go ahead. I’m fine and it wasn’t a big deal.”

I then made my way to the cafeteria, but I was no longer early enough to be at the front of the line. In fact, it took quite a while before I got my lunch, but then I wolfed it down greedily before I raced to the main entrance so I could go outside. Actually, there are two entrances at the front of the building, and the one I used was nearest to the main office and the cafeteria, while the other one was farther down the hallway and closer to the auditorium. The two entrances were also separated by the guidance department offices and the offices for the attendance supervisor and his secretary.

As soon as I got outside, I quickly realized how hot it was already. It wasn’t quite as hot as it had been when school started a month earlier, but it was still slightly uncomfortable. For that reason, I made a quick decision to get out of the sun and headed toward the two large shade trees on my left. They were in the small courtyard that was situated between the two entrances, so I turned and began walking in that direction.

As I got closer, I saw the same boy that I’d just run into as I was making my way to the cafeteria. He was sitting on the bench that was located under one of the shade trees and it appeared he was eating a bag lunch as he read a book. He was alone, so I studied him from a distance for a couple of minutes, and that’s when I noticed how he was dressed. He was wearing shorts and a polo shirt, which wasn’t unusual, but they were rather plain and not one of the current styles that nearly everyone else was wearing.

Although he stood out in that regard and it caused him to look a bit out of place, I noticed that he wasn’t acting like everyone else either, but that didn’t bother me. While the others outside and indoors were busy talking excitedly with their friends and unwinding before they had to go to their next class, he was sitting demurely on the bench with his nose buried in a book.

I moved to an area just inside the shaded area of one of the trees and decided to study him a little closer. After I examined his features, some of which I’d noticed earlier, I decided to question a couple of others to see if they knew who he was.

“Andy, do you know that boy over on the bench?” I asked as I also pointed at the kid. Andy just happened to be in the area and I knew him from my classes.

“Nope,” he responded curtly before he went to join up with his friends.

Since that hadn’t worked, I decided to ask someone younger than myself this time.

“Hey, do you know that boy sitting on the bench over there?”

“Yeah, that’s Tad. He’s a real nerd.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He’s really smart and likes to suck up to the teachers by answering their questions, and gets really good grades, but he sucks at sports and physical activities. And look at how he’s dressed. It screams nerd.”

I thanked him for the information and then that boy took off. Actually, I was able to identify with nearly everything the boy had just said about the other kid, although with a few differences. I also did very well in all of my classes and got pretty good grades, but I didn’t suck up to the teachers by answering the questions they asked, until they called on me at random. I also wasn’t a total spazz when it came to sports or physical activities, and I dressed better and wore the same types of clothes that nearly everyone else was wearing. However, other than those few differences, I suppose I seemed to be just like the boy I was asking about.

I waited until the period came to an end so I could get a better look at him, and he passed by as he reentered the building. As I mentioned earlier, he had large, dark brown eyes, although their size might have been exaggerated due to the lenses of his glasses. When he saw me, he smiled and exposed his perfectly straight and brilliantly white teeth and I almost wet myself. I felt totally drawn to him, and it was almost as if he was a powerful magnet and I was a piece of scrap metal that couldn’t avoid being pulled in his direction. That’s when I made up my mind that I had to get to know him better, but the bell rang ending the lunch hour, signaling everyone to go to their next class.

Needless to say, my mind wandered for the rest of the afternoon and I don’t remember much about what we went over in the rest of my classes. My mind was consumed with thoughts of this boy and nothing else was able to supplant him, not even my teachers’ voices. I was totally hooked and being reeled in like a big-mouth bass that had swallowed a colorful lure. I even dreamed about him that night and it caused me to have a nocturnal emission, which you may know better as a wet dream.

I was totally embarrassed and stripped the sheets off of my bed and rushed into the bathroom. I quickly rinsed the offending stains from the sheets and the clothes I’d worn to bed, and hopefully they’ll dry while I’m at school so I can put them back on my bed and toss the other things in the hamper.

When I got to school, I was just as distracted during my morning classes as I’d been the previous afternoon, so I don’t remember anything we went over. And shortly before the period that was right before my lunch hour ended, I asked to go to the toilet. Since I was generally a good student and hadn’t done this before, the teacher gave me permission to leave, but instead of going to the boys’ room, I headed down to the cafeteria instead. I wanted to be among the first in line so I could get my lunch and eat it quickly so I could go outside and see if that boy was there again. He was, and this time I plucked up the courage to speak with him.

“Uhhh, hi. Do you, ummm, mind if I sit here?”

He looked up and acted surprised when he saw me. “No, it’s a free country, but aren’t you the guy who ran into me in the hallway yesterday?”

“Uhhh, yeah, that was me, and ummm, I’m really sorry about that.”

“I told you it wasn’t a big deal and there was no harm done.”


“Uhhh, ok, and ummm, I’m Jeremy Tyson.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jeremy. I mean officially this time. I’m Tad Newton.”

As our eyes met, they lingered on each other briefly and I suddenly started to grow uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say. I was feeling kind of strange, possibly even a little queasy, sort of like I had butterflies in my stomach. Due to this, I concluded that I should continue speaking before I became so nervous that I barfed.

“Uhhh, you have a great name. Are you a descendent of Isaac Newton?”

The second I said this I knew how lame it sounded. It definitely wasn’t one of the top ten ways to make a good impression, but it was the best I could come up with since I was so nervous.

“No, not that I know of. Are you related to Neil deGrasse Tyson?” It took a second for this to sink in, but then I responded.

“Good one, but no, I’m not,” I replied as I turned red from embarrassment, and then I giggled. “Ok, that wasn’t the brightest question I ever asked, but it was the only thing I could think of.”

“That’s ok. I understand,” he replied while giving me a sweet smile.

“Why are you eating out here, instead of in the cafeteria?”

“The cafeteria is too crowded and way too noisy. Besides, I like eating out here because I can read at the same time.”

“Whatcha reading?”

“It’s one of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Riders of Pern books.”

“I read those and they’re really good.”

“Yes, they are, although I haven’t read all of them yet. Have you?”

“I’m not sure, but I read quite a few of them, and now I’ve interrupted you while you’re reading.”

“That’s ok. I’m used to being interrupted while I’m reading out here. One day I was hit in the head by an errant Frisbee that some other guys were tossing around. And there have been a couple of other times when a cop car or a fire truck was driving down one of the nearby streets with its siren blaring, and that interrupted me as well.”

“Yes, I guess those are the risks you take when you try to read out here.”

He merely nodded and I thought he was going to return his book, but he spoke to me instead. “I’m pretty sure you aren’t in the 10th grade like me, so I guess you must be older.”

“Yeah, I’m a junior, so I’m a year ahead of you, but I don’t remember seeing you around here before I ran into you yesterday. Have you always gone to this school?”

“Yes, at least after I graduated from middle school, because I went here last year too.”

“Then I’m surprised I’ve never seen you around here before today.”

“That’s probably because I don’t go to many school functions, unless they’re held during the day. I just started reading outside this year, though, because last year one of my teachers gave me permission to sit in his classroom during the lunch hour to read and eat, as long as I didn’t leave a mess. My mom packs my lunch every day and I just grab a drink before I go somewhere to read. Last year I mostly read my textbooks.”

“Then why aren’t you doing that this year?”

“Because when I’m sitting out here I get picked on if I’m reading my textbooks, so I started reading books like this instead.”

“Ok, that makes sense. Do you get picked on a lot?”

“Kinda, and it’s mostly by the other kids in my grade.”

“Why do they pick on you?”

“They say I raise my hand too often to answer the questions the teachers ask. Some of them, especially the boys, say I make them look bad because I get such high grades and that it busts the curve the teachers would use when grading our papers and tests if I wasn’t there. It’s because of those things that they call me names like Hermione Granger with a dick or Mr. Spock without the pointy ears. The boys also pick on me because I’m not very good at doing physical things, like playing sports, so in middle school I didn’t do very well in P.E. class either.”

There was momentary lull in the conversation after he told me this and I bit my tongue so I didn’t say something foolish again. I wanted to ask where he lived, but I felt it would be too pushy and way too early to do it yet, since I’d just met him, so I ended up saying something dumb instead.

“Did you know the bench you’re sitting on was donated to the school by the Class of 2001?”

“Yes, I read it on this plaque,” he replied as he pointed toward the brass placard that was attached to the center of the backrest.

“Duh,” I said blushing. “It also says it was donated ‘In Memory of Shawn Mercer’. Do you know who he was?”

“I have no idea, although I suspect he was probably a member of that graduating class.”

“Yes, you’re right. My parents told me he was killed in a single car crash in 2000. They knew him because he was one of our neighbors, but he died before I was born. They use what happened to him to let me know that I shouldn’t ride in cars driven by others around my age, since those drivers often do foolish things.”

“I see, and it’s too bad about what happened to him, but it was nice that his class did this to honor his memory.”

“Yeah, it was.”

We were experiencing another uneasy silence as I, or possibly both of us, tried to think of something else to say, but we were saved when the bell rang.

“It looks like it’s time to go to our next class,” I said. “Will I see you out here tomorrow?”

“Probably, I’ll be sitting here eating my lunch and reading again.”

“Oh, then I guess you probably don’t want me to bother you.”

“No, it’s been nice having someone to talk to.”

“Great, then I’ll bring my lunch and join you out here tomorrow. It’s been nice meeting you, Tad.”

“And I enjoyed meeting you as well, Jeremy,” he said as we walked inside the building and headed in different directions.

I did my best to pay attention in my afternoon classes, although with only limited success, because I still had Tad on my mind. Although I’m gay, I’m not quite sure why I was so infatuated with Tad. I knew plenty of other guys, and I suspected some of them were also gay, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Tad. Ok, I’ll admit that he was kinda cute, in a nerdy sort of way, and I found him irresistible. I won’t say it was love at first sight, but more like I’d found a nerd like me, maybe even more nerdy than me, and we seemed to be getting along fairly well.

Tad continued to invade my thoughts after school as well. So, when I arrived home, I had to think of an excuse to explain to my parents why I was distracted and not paying attention to what they were saying during dinner.

“I’m sorry. I was just thinking about how much homework I have to do tonight,” I lied. I figured they wouldn’t make a big deal out of me tuning them out if I told them this, and they’d also leave me alone after dinner when I went up to my room to do my homework.

Thoughts of Tad kept distracting me as I was doing my assignments, so I hoped I didn’t screw them up too badly. When I finished, I got ready to go to sleep, but that wasn’t easy either, since thoughts of Tad kept me from drifting off quickly. Once I finally fell asleep, Tad turned up in my dreams as well. Damn, I just met him, so why is all of this happening?

After I ate breakfast the next morning, I made my lunch to take with me. Fortunately, there were some cold cuts in the fridge, so I made a sandwich and grabbed an apple from the bag of apples that my mom had purchased the last time she went shopping. After placing those items in my backpack, I was ready to head to school.


I was doing much better paying attention to what was going on in my morning classes, although I was still looking forward to meeting up with Tad during our joint lunch hour. As soon as the bell rang to signal the end of my morning classes and the start of my lunch hour, I merely grabbed a drink before I headed outside to sit on the bench with Tad. When I got there, I already had my first question ready to ask him.

“What are your favorite classes – the ones you do the best in?”

“I do really well in all of my classes, but math and science are my favorite subjects. What about you?”

“It’s basically the same for me too. I’ve always excelled in math and science, but I also do well in my other classes.”

“I guess we’re a lot alike then. You know, when I met up with the guidance counselor at the beginning of this year, she told me I had the highest cumulative grade point average of anyone in the 10th grade for last year. She said if I keep it up I’ll have a good chance of being the valedictorian when I graduate. That’s because I get A’s or A pluses in nearly all of my classes.”

“I don’t do that well, but I get A’s and A minuses in my classes too.”

“My cumulative grade-point average for last year was 3.94. What’s yours?”

“Mine is for two years, not just one, and it’s 3.81.”

“Do you think you’ll be valedictorian when you graduate then?”

“I doubt it, because there are four girls and two guys that have higher GPAs than I do. I probably won’t be salutatorian either.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but maybe you can move up if you study a little harder.”

“It’s tough for me to do that, because I don’t have as much time as you probably do to study. I play on the soccer, basketball, and baseball teams, and that takes up a lot of my time with practices and games, rather than being able to study. I’m just happy that I’m doing as well as I am.”

“Oh, I’m not good at sports, except for ping-pong, but I still got an A in P.E. for the second semester last year. I wasn’t as lucky the first semester, until the P.E. teacher got to know me better. He gave me a B the first semester and an A second semester because I always showed up dressed for class. But then he found out that I know the histories of all the major sports, plus I’ve memorized the rules for those sports as well. I hope I get an A both semesters this year, since I have the same P.E. teacher.”

“I’m just good enough to make the teams in those sports, but I’m not good enough to be a starter. I usually ride the bench most of the time, but I’m just happy to be on the teams, because then the other guys think I’m one of them and don’t bust my balls about getting good grades.”

“I’m not that lucky.”

The bell rang right after Tad finished that sentence, so we headed inside to attend our afternoon classes. When we separated to go our own way, we said goodbye and agreed to meet up again the following day.

I’m not sure if Tad thinks about me as often as I think of him, but he seems to enjoy my company, and possibly even likes me, so I’m satisfied for now. I’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds.


2 * * * * 2


Tad and I continued to meet outside and sit on the bench as we ate our lunches and chatted, although Tad had completely given up on reading. Sitting outside was fine on most days, but whenever it rained or got really windy, we would stay inside and find a quiet place where we could eat our lunch and talk.

In addition to doing those things together, Tad surprised me and showed up at my next two home soccer matches, even though I only got in to play briefly in each one. He still cheered me on, or maybe it would be more accurate to say he cheered the team on, but I was pleased that he made the effort to be there.

Seeing him at those matches made me wonder how he’d arrived there, since I knew he rode the bus to school. I could only think of two possibilities, so he either had to provide his own transportation or arrange to be dropped off and picked up. The first match was held after school on Tuesday, while the other match was played on Saturday, so maybe he used a different method on each day.

When I asked him about this the next time we ate lunch together, he merely said he rode his bike to school on Tuesday and locked it against the frame of the bleachers during the day. He said he did this because he wanted to see me play, and then he did the same thing for the game on Saturday. After hearing his explanation, it gave me an idea.

“How would you like to spend Saturday night at my house? I’ll make sure it’s ok with my parents first, and then we can do all kinds of things together. I have a TV in my room that has access to Hulu, Netflix, Peacock, and the Roku channel, and it’s also hooked up to my Xbox.”

“Do you mean like having a sleepover?”

“Yeah, and if you ride your bike to my house then you can go home any time you want on Sunday.”

“Where will I sleep?”

“I have bunk beds in my room. My parents got them for me when I was younger for when I invited a friend to stay over.”

“Will I sleep on the bottom or top bunk?”

“You can sleep on the top bunk, unless you have a problem with doing that.”

“No, I don’t think I do, but I’ve never done that before. Heck, I’ve never slept over at anyone else’s house before either.”

“Really? You’ve never done that?”

“No, I never had any really close friends, at least none that ever invited me to stay over at their house before, so this sounds great. I’ll have to check with my parents first and get their permission, and then I’ll let you know what they say tomorrow.”

“Ok, great.”

“Uhhh, they’ll probably want to know where you live.”

“Duh, I should have realized that and it’s not a problem,” I said, and then I told him my address.

I didn’t think his parents would have a problem with him riding his bike to my house, since it’s in one of the better parts of town, so now I just have to get my parents’ permission to do this. I don’t think they’ll have a problem with it either, since they let me do it when I was younger, so I hope Tad’s parents tell him it’s ok as well.

The next day, I could tell Tad was very excited even before I joined him on the bench for lunch, and I knew it was because of what his parents had said.

“My mom and dad said I could stay over with you on Saturday,” he blurted out before I even sat down. “And they also said that you’ll have to stay over at our house sometime. I don’t have bunk beds, but I’ve got a queen-size bed, and if you don’t want to share a bed, we have a guest room as well.”

“Either will do, but let’s see how this Saturday goes first. My dad wants to know if you go to church.”

“My family only goes to church on special occasions, like Easter and Christmas.”

“Great, because those are the only times my family ever goes to church as well.”

“I had a feeling you were going to say that, since we’re so much alike.”

“Yeah, I guess we are,” I agreed. “And my mom wants to know if you’re allergic to any foods.

“No, I don’t have any food allergies.”

“In that case, my mom wants to know if you like Italian food?”

“Yeah, I love Italian food.”

“That’s perfect, and if you get to my house early enough we’ll have pizza for lunch, and then my mom will make lasagna for dinner. If you haven’t guessed it already, my mom’s family is Italian.”

“I had a feeling that might be the case; because of the questions she wanted you to ask me.”

Needless to say, Tad and I were both really excited as Saturday approached. In fact, when we parted ways after lunch on Friday, Tad gave me a big, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” before he headed to his next class. One of the other guys that happened to be on the soccer and baseball teams with me heard him and asked me a question.

“What did that kid mean when he said he’d see you tomorrow?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, Craig; but he’s going to spend the night at my house.”

“I’ve seen you guys eating lunch together and talking, but are you really friends with that weirdo?”

“Yes, he’s a nice guy and we get along really well. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, I just thought you were better than hanging around with guys like him, since you’re an athlete.”

“I can still have other friends as well and I really like Tad.”

“Ok, if you say so.”

I was hoping Craig would leave it there and not make a big deal out of my being friends with Tad, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be that lucky. He was the type of guy that might try to make trouble for me with the other guys that play soccer and/or baseball with us. I hope I’m wrong, because I’m not going to stop being friends with Tad, no matter what anyone else says about him.

Nothing more was said to me about Tad for the rest of the day, but on Friday night I had trouble falling asleep since I was looking forward to him staying over. In fact, after I ate breakfast on Saturday morning, I went outside and waited for him to show up. I wasn’t sure if he was going to ride his bike or if his parents were going to drop him off, and I had no idea what time he was going to get here, but none of those things made a difference. I was just eager for him to show up.

It was probably an hour or more before I saw him riding his bike up our street and I shifted my weight uneasily from one leg to the other as I waited in the driveway for him to pull up.

“Come on, we’ll put your bike in the garage so nothing will happen to it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, my parents leave their cars outside most of the time and only put them in the garage during the winter.”

“Ok, if you say so.”

Once we took care of his bike, I took Tad inside and introduced him to my parents. Of course, they began asking him a lot of questions about himself and his parents, and Tad answered each of them as politely as he could. As soon as the interrogation ended, I led him upstairs to my room.

“I’m sorry about that, but I knew you’d have to go through it and answer all of their questions if you wanted to do this again in the future.”

“Don’t worry about it, because I’m sure my mom and dad will do something similar to you when you stay over at my house.”

He then set down his backpack that contained the things he’d brought with him for this visit. As soon as he’d placed it on the floor, I asked him what he wanted to do.

“What games do you have for your Xbox?”

I told him and then I let him choose which game he wanted to play first. He chose “Dragon Quest XI S”, and we played it until my mom called us down for lunch. My parents had ordered a couple of pizzas, and the one for us had both sausage and pepperoni on it, which was one of the questions my mom had asked him earlier. The other one had mushrooms and peppers on it for my parents, and we all had a green salad to go with it. Tad and I both selected the same salad dressing to use, Thousand Island, along with a glass of cider to drink.

When we returned to my room after eating, we started discussing whether Star Wars or Star Trek was better. Although we each liked both of them, Tad seemed to prefer Star Wars, while I was an avid Star Trek fan. That was ok and it didn’t ruin our friendship just because we didn’t agree this time, and it led to a discussion about other science themed programs.

We talked about the Quantum Leap reboot first, since it was still airing on one of the major network channels, and then we compared it to the original Quantum Leap series. We’d both watched some of the reruns on Peacock TV before and agreed that each series was very well done. We also theorized what it would be like if we could go back in time and correct situations that hadn’t gone well for us.

We did this until my mom called us down for dinner, and then we ate lasagna, garlic bread, a broccoli and cheese casserole, and another green salad, this time with Italian dressing. When we finished, we thanked my mom for the wonderful meal before heading up to my room again. This time we talked about the Ancient Aliens TV series that is shown on the History Channel, and we debated the premise of the show and if it was possible.

Before we finished, I think I came to the conclusion that Tad was a cross between a geek and nerd. I say this because I researched the terms and learned the difference between them. It said nerds are socially awkward and unstylish, and Tad certainly fits that description, since he dresses very plainly and not in the current fashions. He is also socially awkward on several levels. Not only doesn’t he have any other close friends and hadn’t stayed over with anyone before, but he also prefers to read while he was eating lunch, rather than interacting with others – at least until he met me. A geek, on the other hand, is someone who’s enthusiastic about science and technology and eager to share his knowledge, and we’ve certainly been doing that.

I guess using those definitions I’m more of a geek than a nerd, but I didn’t usually talk about those topics with anyone else unless I knew they were as interested in them as I was. Instead, I tended to hide that part of me as much as possible, because I’d seen how other students tended to treat guys that didn’t seem to fit in. They could be unmerciful to students that seemed too smart, overly eager to answer questions in class, or talked about the types of topics that I was interested in, and I wished to avoid that at all cost.

Tad and I continued chatting about these things until it was time to get ready for bed. “You can use the bathroom first to shower, brush your teeth, and use the toilet. I’ll go in to do the same things when you’re done.” However, I went into the bathroom with him long enough to take a towel out of the linen cabinet for him to use, and then I left.

When Tad returned, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and he was carrying the clothes he wore earlier. When he picked up his backpack, he looked at me and asked a question.

“Why didn’t you get your pajamas out while I was in the bathroom?”

“I don’t own any pajamas. I usually just wear my underwear to bed.”

“Uhhh, then what are you gonna do when you stay at my house?”

“If it’s a problem, then I’ll just wear a pair of shorts over my boxer briefs and a t-shirt during the warmer weather and I’ll wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt when it gets colder.”

“Ok, I guess that will be alright, and if you’re only going to wear your underwear to bed, then I will too, at least when I stay here.”

He then grabbed a pair of tighty-whities out of his backpack, or what you might describe as a pair of traditional white briefs, and then he dropped his towel so he could put them on. I’m not sure why I hadn’t gone over to the bathroom yet, and I don’t think Tad realized I hadn’t left yet either, but it gave me a chance to see his cock. Then, while he was putting on his underwear, I sneaked out of the room and went over to the bathroom to perform my nightly ritual.

When I returned, I had a towel wrapped around my waist and was carrying the clothes I’d been wearing earlier, the same way he’d done, and then I dropped the towel. As I turned toward him, he looked surprise that I’d done this, but he was also unabashedly staring at my cock, so I decided to make a proposition.

“Since we’ve already seen each other naked…”

“You mean you saw my penis too?”

“Yes, I hadn’t left the room yet when you dropped your towel, so do you want to jerk off together before we go to sleep?”

“I didn’t realize that you saw me naked too, but are you saying that you want us to masturbate each other?”

“Nah, we can just do it at the same time. You jerk off, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do, but I don’t do it very often. How often do you do it?”

“I do it every day, and sometimes more than once during the day.”

“Really? I usually only do it on the weekend.”

“I think you might start doing it more often after this, if you want to do it at the same time. If you do, then we can sit on my bunk with our backs against the wall while we’re doing it, but I’ll lock the door and turn on Hulu first, so there’s noise while we’re doing it.”

“I’ve never done it with anyone else before, but I guess it would be ok. Have you done it with other guys?”

“Yes, with a couple of my friends when we were in 8th grade, but I haven’t done it since then.”

Tad took off his underwear and turned toward my bunk. After looking at it closely, he glanced up at the top bunk and made a comment. “Hey, the bottom bunk is much bigger than the top bunk.”

“Yes, the bottom bunk is closer to a full-size bed, where the top is more like a twin bed.”

“I always thought the top and bottom bunks were the same size.”

“They are with some bunk beds, but I think my parents bought this type so I’d have more room when I got older.”

“Ok, I guess that makes sense.”

After I turned on the TV, we sat down on my bunk, leaned against the wall, and began stroking our dicks. I saw his penis was about six inches (15 cm) long when hard, and I guess he was looking at my dick as well.

“Why is your penis so much bigger than mine?” he asked. I guess he was surprised that my penis is about 7.5 inches (19 cm) long when erect.

“The size of a man’s penis varies from person to person, and yours might get bigger as you get older.”

“What will determine how big mine gets?”

“I learned in sex education class that there are several factors, starting with genetics. It can also be affected by nutrition, environmental toxins, and the amount of hormones your body produces, such as testosterone.”

“Oh, ok. That makes sense.”

“Do you always jerk off like that?” I asked.

“I didn’t know there was any other way to do it, but now I see you do it different than I do.”

“Yes, there are many different ways to masturbate.”

“Man, I usually feel really smart about things, but right now I’m feeling pretty dumb. I didn’t realize there are other ways to do it.”

“Don’t worry about it, because we’re friends and I’m just trying to help you, so let me explain the other ways you can do it.”

I then started to tell him about the various ways, starting with one finger and a thumb, two fingers and thumb (as he was doing), and then multiple fingers and thumb without wrapping your hand around your penis. After doing those things, I told him he could also cup his hand under his penis, again without wrapping his fingers totally around the shaft, and then I told him about wrapping his fingers around his penis, such as I was doing. After that I told him that he could also give his hand a slight twist when it reached the head, although not too tightly.

Finally, I told him about the backhanded method where he would place his hand on top of his shaft, with the thumb closer to his pubis, while wrapping his fingers around the shaft. In fact, it’s the only grip where the thumb is actually close to the body, since the other ways your thumb would be closer to the head of your penis or partway down the shaft. When I finished, he made a comment.

“Ummm, I think I understand, but can you demonstrate the different ways?”

“Do you want me to demonstrate on myself or on you?” I followed, since I wasn’t sure I understood.

He took a few seconds to think about this before he answered. “If you do it on yourself then I might not do it quite right when I try to copy you. I also won’t know how it feels and which one I’d prefer, since it would be my first attempt, so maybe you should do it on me, but don’t tell anyone else that we did this.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. I promise. Then you’ve never had anyone else touch your penis before?”

“Uhhh, when I was little my mom would give me a bath and she’d touch my penis when she washed it, and some of the doctors would touch my penis when giving me a physical, so you can touch it too.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I want to see which way I’d enjoy the most.”

“Ok, and since you know how to do it with just your fingers and thumb, I’ll show you the other ways you can do it and I’ll do each way briefly so you can see what it’s like.”

I then cupped my hand under his penis and stroked it for a short time, and after that I wrapped my entire hand around his penis as I slid it up and down the shaft. Once I’d done both of those methods briefly, I used my entire hand again, but this time I gave it a slight twist when I reached the head on each upstroke. Finally, I demonstrated the backhanded method on him.

“It felt a lot better when you used your whole hand, rather than just your fingers, like I was doing, but I think I liked the last way the best.”

“That was the backhanded method and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Do you want me to do that to you until you cum, so you’ll know what it feels like?”

“Yes, that would be great.”

Although I didn’t tell him this, he’d already let me do more than I’d ever hoped for, and now he was going to allow me to make him cum too. I grabbed the towel I’d used when I showered and placed it on my bunk in front of him so he wouldn’t make a mess while he was ejaculating. As soon as everything was in place, I had him get on his knees in front of the towel and I began stroking his penis using the method he’d chosen.

As I expected, it didn’t take very long before his body began to tense up, and then the first spurt of his cum shot out of his penis. It seemed to have the full fifteen years of force behind it, since he seemed to enjoy this method more than the one he’d been using. The first blast shot out of the tiny slit and landed near the opposite edge of the towel and he was breathing rather heavily. I didn’t stop, though, and drained the remaining drops onto the towel, and then I gave him a couple of minutes to enjoy the afterglow.

“Damn, you were right and that was way better than the way I was doing it. Now I understand why you do it every day.” He gave me a big toothy grin. “But you haven’t masturbated yet, so do you want me to do it to you to make sure I’m doing it right.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, but I don’t mind if you want to practice on me.”

Although he seemed eager to do this, he was tentative as he reached over to grasp my dick. As he wrapped his fingers around it, he hesitated briefly. I wasn’t sure if he was slightly intimidated, since my penis was larger than his, but after holding onto it for a few seconds and exploring its girth and weight, he eventually began to masturbate me. He used the same method that I’d just used on him.

“Don’t squeeze it so tightly. You’re not trying to wring a chicken’s neck.” I said this because I’d seen my grandfather do it to a chicken when I was younger.

“Ok, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No, it’s ok because I warned you before it hurt too badly.”

I think he was amazed that it took me longer to spew than it had him, but I finally shot my cum on the same towel that he had.

“Damn, my hand was getting tired because you were taking so long.”

“You’ll start taking longer to cum the more you do it to yourself and then you’ll get used to having to do it for that long. And just to let you know, you did fine after I warned you.”

“I’m glad you let me do it to you to make sure I was doing it right,” Tad told me, and although he didn’t know it, I was glad too.

Now that we’d both gotten off, we agreed it was time to go to sleep, but I wanted to ask him a question first.

“You can either sleep on the top bunk or on the bottom bunk with me, since it’s big enough for both of us. So, where do you want to sleep?”

“I’ve never slept on a top bunk before, so I think I’ll sleep up there this time.”

“Ok, that’s fine,” I replied, although in my heart I wished he would have chosen to sleep with me instead.

However, before he climbed up to the top bunk, Tad shocked me when he wrapped his arms around my chest and gave me a hug. I was just getting over that surprise when he also kissed me on the lips. It was just a quick peck, like you might give to your mom, but as soon as he realized what he’d done, he got all nervous and his face turned red.

“I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. I’m just used to my mom saying goodnight to me and I always give her a hug and a kiss before I go to sleep.”

“Calm down, Tad. It’s all right.”

“You mean you don’t mind that I kissed you?”

“Not really.”

“You aren’t mad? Does that mean you’re gay then?”

“Yes, but I’m not out at school. Are you gay?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done anything with a boy or a girl before, uhhh, not until we jerked each other off and I kissed you.”

“It’s not necessary for you to do something with another person to know if you’re gay or not. Which sex turns you on?”

“Ummm, I’m not sure.”

“Well, do you think about boys or girls the most?”

“Uhhh, I’m not sure. Neither, I guess.”

“So, which sex causes you to pop a boner when you think about them?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never thought about anyone that way before.”

“Then do you think about boys or girls when you jerk off?”

“Until tonight I’ve only thought about what I was doing and how it was feeling. I didn’t think about either boys or girls.”

“That seems a little strange to me, but I believe you. Let’s go to sleep now and we’ll be able to spend more time together tomorrow before you decide to go home.”

I watched as he climbed up to the top bunk, and then I waited until he got settled before I lay down on my bunk and turned off the lamp.

It took a while before I was able to fall asleep, though, because I kept thinking about jerking him off and when he did the same thing to me. I had found both of those experiences exhilarating, although I’d done them with other boys before, but this time I was more revved up than usual. Eventually, I finally fell asleep, but I think it was mostly due to total exhaustion.


3 * * * * 3


The next morning after we got dressed, we went down for breakfast and my mom gave Tad and me a choice of what we wanted to eat.

“I can make French toast or prepare an omelet for each of you. If you don’t want either of those things, I can fix your eggs scrambled, fried, sunny side up, or over easy, and I can also fry up some sausage links or bacon to go with any of those items.”

“What are you going to have, Jeremy?” Tad asked.

“I’m fine with any of them, and since you’re my guest, then it’s your choice.” I could see the wheels turning in his head now that he knew I wasn’t going to make this decision for him.

“Ummm, how about French toast with bacon?” he asked as he looked at me for my approval.

“That sounds fine with me but let’s add sausage links to that list too. Is that ok with you, Mom?”

“Yes, its fine and I’ll go prepare everything for you.”

As we ate, we chatted with my mom and dad for a while, and then we went back to my room. Tad wanted to play another game, but before we started, he had something else he wanted to tell me.

“Thank you for last night. I’ve never done anything like that before and I really enjoyed it.”

“You’re welcome, and I enjoyed it too.”

“I’m going to ask my parents if you can stay over at our house next Saturday. Is that ok with you?”

“Yes, but I’ll have to check with my mom and dad to make sure they haven’t made other plans.”

“That’s cool, and maybe you can ask them before I leave. If not, just let me know on Monday or Tuesday what they say and I’ll tell you if my parents agree.”

“Ok, then I’ll just ask my mom and dad before you leave, and then you can check with your parents to make sure it’s ok with them.”

“Yeah, that works for me.”

We played games for about two hours, and in between the games Tad would lean into me, no matter whether he won or lost. I’m not sure, but I think he was trying to let me know that he liked me, maybe even more than just as a friend. Anyway, after we’d played video games for a while, he turned toward me and asked a question.

“Do you think we can do what we did last night again before I leave?”

“You mean you want us to jerk each other off again?”

“Yeah, I really liked when we did that, so can we do it again?”

“Yeah, sure, but let me lock the door and turn on the TV first, and then you can lower your shorts and underwear and get on your knees on the bed while I do it to you.”


While he was getting ready, I grabbed the towel he’d used when he took his shower and placed it on the bed in front of him. Then, I did exactly the thing I’d done the night before, using the backhanded method.

Tad was almost cooing as I stroked his penis, and he lasted slightly longer than he had the night before, although he spurted just as far. He was also panting by the time he exploded, and then I helped to hold him up as he was enjoying the feelings that were still coursing through his body. As soon as he recuperated, he gave me a hug and gushed into my ear.

“Thank you. It was just as wonderful as the first time we did it.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“I really did, and now I want to do it to you again.”

“Ok, if that’s what you want to do.”

While he was pulling up his underwear and shorts again, I was lowering mine, and as soon as I was ready, he eagerly grasped my penis and began stroking it. He wasn’t quite as rambunctious as he’d been while doing it the previous day, but I could tell he was enjoying doing it just as much. His hand and arm didn’t seem to be cramping up as quickly as it had the day before either, but I could tell he was getting to the point where he was hoping I’d bust a nut soon.

Nearly as soon as I did, he was asking how he’d done, and as soon as I could speak, I answered him. “You did fine and I enjoyed it just as much as yesterday.”

“Me too, and I hope we can do it when you stay over at my house.”

“Is there any reason we might not be able to do that?”

“Yeah, I don’t have a TV in my room, so we might have to wait until my parents go to sleep before we do it, cuz I don’t want my mom and dad to be able to figure out what we’re up to.”

“That makes sense and I don’t have a problem with it, as long as you don’t fall asleep first.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll be too excited to fall asleep.”

I laughed at his response. “Yes, I’m sure you will be.”

We played the video game one more time before we went downstairs again, and then I asked my parents if I could stay over at Tad’s house next weekend, if it was ok with his parents.

“Yes, that will be fine,” my mom answered after glancing over at my dad.

“Ok, I’ll check with my parents when I get home and let you know what they say on Monday.”

Tad then thanked my mom and dad for letting him stay over, and they told him he was welcome. They also said they enjoyed meeting him, and then we went back to my room so Tad could get his backpack. As soon as he was convinced that he had packed everything in the backpack again, we went downstairs and I helped him get his bike out of the garage. We then waved at each other as Tad peddled away, and he had a huge grin on his face as he rode out of sight.


4 * * * * 4


Tad was very excited when I met up with him at lunch on Monday. “My mom and dad said it would be ok if you stayed over at our house on Saturday.”

“Great! Did they have a lot of questions for you to ask me?”

“No. My mom just wants to know if you like fried chicken, fried potatoes, and green beans for supper. I already told her that when I was at your house we had salad with dinner too, so we’ll probably have that as well.”

“That’s fine, because I like all of those things.”

“And she said she’ll make lemonade for us to drink.”

“That sounds good too.”

Tad was a bundle of nerves during the week as he thought about me coming over to his house on the weekend. On Thursday, he also decided to tell me a little about his family before I arrived at their place.

“I don’t know if you heard what I told your parents when they were asking me questions at your house, but my parents didn’t go to four-year colleges like your parents did.”

He obviously knew my parents went to four-year colleges, since my mom is an elementary school teacher and my dad is an engineer for the county. I took it that this must really be bothering him when he continued speaking.

“My mom only went to a two-year college and got a business degree, but my dad never went to college. He’s an electrician and he learned his trade from my grandpa, since he was an electrician as well. My mom keeps the books for him and does the taxes, and she also answers the phone and schedules his appointments.”

“That works out nicely then, since she can take care of everything else while he’s taking care of his customers.”

“Yeah, they think so too. How are you going to get to my house on Saturday?”

“I’ll probably have my dad drop me off after my last home soccer game, because that way I can leave the duffle bag with my clothes in the car while I’m playing – if I get in the game.”

“Will your mom and dad both be with you?”

“Yes, because they’ll stay and watch the game.”

“Do you think they’d mind picking me up first, so I can watch your game too?”

“Nah, I’m sure they won’t mind doing that, as long as you’re ready to go when we get there.”

“I’ll be ready, and then they can meet my parents when they drop us off at my house later.”

“Ok, then I’ll let my parents know that we’re going to do those things.”

By the time we met up for lunch on Friday, Tad was so excited that he couldn’t sit still. In fact, he looked as if he was sitting on an ant hill and the ants were crawling up his shorts.

“Take it easy, will ya. This isn’t going to be a big deal. I’m just coming over to your house to spend the night after my soccer match tomorrow.”

“It might not be a big deal for you, but you’re the first person who’s ever stayed over at my house with me.”

“It’s not like I’m someone important. I’m just your friend and you asked me to spend the night there.”

“I know, but I’m really excited about it. I just hope that everything goes ok.”

“I’m sure everything will be fine.”

That night after soccer practice, a group of my teammates confronted me about Tad. “Craig tells us that you’re good friends with that boy who came to watch our soccer matches a couple of times. He says you two eat lunch together every day.”

“Yes, he’s my friend and we have a lot in common. We both enjoy math and science and do well in those classes, and it gives us a lot to talk about.”

“But he’s really strange and not much of an athlete. Even the kids in his grade don’t want to have anything to do with him, and Craig said you guys even spend the weekends at each other’s house.”

“He may not be much of an athlete, but he probably knows more about sports and the rules of every game than any of you. When we stay over at each other’s house, we play Xbox and watch Hulu, Netflix, or Peacock, and we spend time chatting with each other’s parents too. Is that a problem, because if it is then I’ll quit playing sports? I’m not a starter and I’d rather spend time with Tad than trying to explain myself to you guys. Craig obviously caused this problem and should learn to mind his own business, or maybe he has something to hide and is just using me to deflect suspicion.”

“Hey, we’re not telling you that you can’t be friends with that boy. We were just trying to understand what you two have in common.”

“Well, you know now, so tell me if I should show up for the match tomorrow or just hang up my cleats.” I could see they were getting nervous, because they didn’t want Craig to try telling them who they could be friends with.

“No, show up, because we want you to continue being part of the team.”

“Then you should also know that Tad will probably come with my parents to watch the match tomorrow.”

“That’s fine, and at least he’s interested in sports, even if he doesn’t play any.”

After we finished talking, they seemed to be avoiding Craig, since he started this problem. I believe he wanted me off the teams, since he wasn’t a starter either and he might get to play more if I wasn’t there, but the situation seemed to be settled for now. I’m not going to mention this to either Tad or my parents, because there no sense in them worrying about it, unless there are more problems later.

The next morning, we picked up Tad before we went to the game, and my mom asked him a question on the way there. “Is this the first time you’re going to see Jeremy play?”

“No, I went to a couple of his other games before.”

“Then I’m surprised he didn’t mention it to us, because we go to most of his matches as well.”

“I guess he didn’t introduce us or tell you I was there because he was with his team. I rode my bike to those games so I could see him play, and then I left as soon as the match ended. I guess I started riding home while his coach was talking to the team and before he met up with you.”

“It’s too bad we didn’t get to meet you then.”

“Yes, I agree.”

Since this was our last home game, the coach told us he was going to get everyone into the game for at least a few minutes, and I got to play in both halves. It’s a good thing that high school substitution rules are more lenient than the international rules, otherwise that wouldn’t have been possible.

When I came over to join Tad and my parents after the game ended, I made a comment. “Maybe I should take a shower here.”

“No, you can do that at my house,” Tad quickly stated. “My parents know you’re playing soccer before you come to our house, so I’m sure they expect you to shower when you get there.”

“Are you sure they won’t mind?”

“I’m positive, since I showered at your house after riding my bike there,” he said, and then he winked at me.

I wasn’t sure why he did that at first, but then after thinking about it, I believe I figured it out. If I take a shower at his house I’ll have to get naked, so his parents aren’t likely to come up to his room to check on us. I have a feeling he’s hoping that it will give us time to jerk each other off without having to wait until later.

When we arrived at his house, Tad introduced me and my parents to his mom and dad, and then he told his parents that I needed to shower after playing soccer. He grabbed my hand and led me up to his room while our parents were chatting.

“Do you want us to jerk each other off before or after you shower?” he asked.

“Let’s do it first, while our parents are talking.”

“Ok, that’s fine with me,” he agreed, and then he started getting undressed at the same time I was.

“Uh, do you have the towel you used when you last showered?”

“I showered last night and it seems that my mom took it while I was at the game with you.”

“Then I’d better shower first so we’ll have a towel to use.”

“Ok, then hurry up.”

He put his underwear back on so he could walk across the hall and show me where everything was, and then he went back to his room as I took a quick shower. As soon as I finished, I wrapped the towel around my waist and carried my soccer gear back to his room. Almost as soon as I walked through the door, he grabbed the towel from around my waist and placed it on the bed for us to use, and then he got on his knees and waited for me to get to work on him.

Needless to say, he was so excited about doing this again that it took hardly any time to get him off, and then we switched places. It took a little longer for him to get me off, and then we both wiped the excess cum from our drooling dicks and got dressed. When we returned downstairs, my parents were gone, so his mom asked a question.

“How does vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches sound for lunch?”

“It sounds fine to me,” we both replied in unison.

“Good, and there’s cider to drink and donuts for dessert.”

As we were all eating lunch together, his mom spoke. “Your parents seem very nice and I’m glad we got to meet them. Your mom said she’s a teacher, but she must be at one of the other elementary schools, because I never saw her at Eisenhower Elementary where Tad went to school.”

“No, she teaches at Horace Mann Elementary School.”

“Is that where you went to school?” Mr. Newton asked.

“Yes, but I didn’t have my mom for a teacher.”

“Yes, I suppose the school administrators might want to avoid a parent having their child in their class.”

“Yes, they even had her teach another grade that year, and then she went back to teaching fourth grade again when I went to middle school.”

“That’s one way to handle the situation,” he agreed.

“So, what are you boys going to do after you finish eating lunch?” his mom followed.

“I thought we’d go for a walk so I can show Jeremy the elementary and middle schools that I went to. And is it ok with you if we play video games when we get back?”

“Yes, we had a feeling you might want to do that. Is that what you did at Jeremy’s house?”

“Yes, but his Xbox is hooked up to the TV in his room, and he can get Hulu, Netflix, Peacock, and the Roku channel on his TV as well.”

“Unfortunately, you aren’t that lucky.”

Those are the things we did until we had dinner, and then we watched a couple of TV shows with his parents after we finished eating, When those shows ended, we all went to bed, and Mrs. Newton gave me a hug before I entered Tad’s room. She then gave Tad a hug and a kiss, and once we were both in his room, Tad shut the door.

“I’m glad my mom didn’t try to kiss you after she gave you a hug.”

“Me too, and now I see why you hugged and kissed me when you stayed at our house.”

“I’m really glad you didn’t get mad when I did that.”

“Actually, I thought it was kind of sweet.”

“Really? Then, can I do it tonight too?”

“Oh, I think that can be arranged, but do you want to jerk each other off first?”


“Do you think you’ll be able to cum again?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never tried to do it twice in the same day before.”

“Then let’s find out. Where’s the towel.”

“I put it in my closet so my mom wouldn’t take it while we went out for our walk or while we were playing video games. I’ll rinse it out in the morning so she won’t see our cum on it.”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea because she’s not used to you doing it very often. Did you usually use your towel to clean off afterward?”

“No, I keep an extra roll of toilet paper hidden in my closet to use whenever I do that and then I flush it down the toilet.”

We took turns doing it to each other again, and then after we finished, Tad took his towel and hid it in his closet. Once that was taken care of, I gave him a hug and a kiss, and then we climbed into his bed together and I placed my arm over his body as we slept.

As soon as we woke up, Tad got the towel out of his closet and took it into the bathroom so he could rinse it out in the tub. When he was done, he wrung it out the best he could, and then he draped it over the side of the tub hoping it would dry out before his mom found it.

Once this was taken care of, we went down for breakfast, but unlike what my mom had done, there weren’t as many choices for us today. “You can have cereal or I can make scrambled eggs and toast for you this morning,” his mom told us.

“Can we have bacon with the scrambled eggs and toast?” Tad asked.

“Yes, I had a feeling you were going to ask that question,” his mom said with a grin.

After we finished eating breakfast, Tad and I played video games in the living room for a short time. When we finished, I went up to Tad’s room to pack up my belongings, and then I returned to talk with his parents.

“Thank you for letting me come here and spend the night with Tad, but now I’m going to call my dad and ask him to pick me up.”

“That’s right, he dropped you off here after your soccer game,” Mr. Newton said. “Rather than bothering him, let me give you a ride instead.”

I didn’t argue with him, and Tad and I got in the backseat so we could spend a few more moments together. “I really appreciate you doing this,” I said when Mr. Newton pulled up in front of my house.

“It wasn’t a problem, and it will save your dad from having to come over to pick you up.”

“As I got out of their car, Tad did too, and after he gave me a hug, he got in the front next to his dad. I waved at them as they drove away.

“So, how did your visit go?” my mom asked as I entered the house.

“It was nice, but Tad doesn’t have the same type of set up in his bedroom like I do.”

“I had a feeling that might be the case after talking with his parents,” my mom said. “I got the feeling that their family income isn’t as large as ours, but that didn’t stop them from spending a lot of money on Tad as he was growing up, since he was their only child. They made sure he got braces to straighten his teeth, and they hired tutors for him when he was in middle school so he could get ahead of the rest of his class.”

“That explains why he has the highest cumulative grade point average of anyone in his grade after their freshman year.”

“Yes, his mom told me he was doing very well in school.”

“And why didn’t you call me to pick you up, instead of bothering Mr. Newton?” my dad followed.

“Mr. Newton offered to drive me home and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I didn’t ask him to do it.”

“Oh, ok, as long as he offered.”

I then took my uniform out of the duffel bag so my mom could wash it, because we still had an away game left to play. As soon as I’d done that, I went up to my room for a while. I told my parents that I was going to work on my homework, but I wanted to think about how wonderful it had been to spend the weekend with Tad and his family.


5 * * * * 5


Tad and I talked at school on Monday, and I suggested that maybe he should come to my house on most weekends when we spent time together, since there was much more for us to do there. He agreed and said he’d mention it to his mom and dad, and on Tuesday he confirmed that they thought it was a good idea as well. In fact, Mr. Newton even offered to drive Tad over to my house so he wouldn’t have to ride his bike, and he told Tad to call him when he was ready to be picked up. This meant that Tad showed up even earlier on Saturday, so we’d have even more time to do things together.

After my parents said hello to him and asked how he was doing, we went up to my room to either play video games or watch one of the apps on my TV. However, when we got there Tad had a different idea about what he wanted to do. As soon as I turned on the TV and opened Hulu, Tad asked a question.

“Can we just masturbate each other first?”

“We can, or I can show you what a blowjob is like.”

“You mean you want to put my penis in your mouth?”

“Yes, and I bet you’ll like it even more than jerking off.”

“Really? But I’m not sure I’m ready to do that to you yet.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll do it to you, and if you don’t want to do it to me then you can just jerk me off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m positive.”

“Have you ever done this to anyone before?” he asked to clarify the situation.

“Yes, when I was in middle school I did it with a couple of other guys and you’re lucky that I did. We were new to doing it at the time and we were able to work out a lot of the problems that can happen when you’re just starting to perform oral sex.”

“I didn’t know that, but doesn’t a penis taste bad? You know, like pee or something like that?”

“Not really. It’s about the same as sucking your thumb, at least if you showered this morning and didn’t sweat a lot since then. And since you didn’t ride your bike over here, you should be fine.”

“Ok, if you’re sure you want to do it to me.”

“Yes, I do, and I think you’ll love it.”

He quickly lowered his shorts and laid down on my bunk while I was locking the door, and then I took his shorts and underwear completely off him, as I got into position to do it to him. Rather than immediately taking his dick into my mouth, I decided to run my tongue over his scrotum and take his testicles into my mouth, one at a time. Of course, I couldn’t remove his testicles from the sac, but I used my tongue to move them around in my mouth without adding a great deal of pressure on them. I’d learned while doing it with the other guys that if I sucked too hard on them it would have a similar effect of punching him in the nuts, and I didn’t want to hurt Tad, even accidentally.

Tad seemed to be totally enjoying this as he squirmed beneath me and cooed and sighed in pleasure. After I’d done this to him for a few minutes, I finally took his dick into my mouth and started to nod up and down on it. As I was doing this, he began to thrust his hips up and down to meet my actions, showing me that he was totally into this. Eventually, he also placed his hands on the back of my head and guided how fast I was doing it until he stiffened and shot his load down my throat.

After enjoying his release, he realized what he’d done and quickly sat up. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was going to do that.”

“Tad, its ok. I didn’t mind.”

“So, my semen didn’t taste bad and you didn’t mind swallowing it?”

“Everyone’s cum has its own flavor, but I don’t think yours tastes bad, and I didn’t mind swallowing it either.”

“Then you didn’t mind that I shot in your mouth?”

“No, and it prevents you from making a mess on the towel and leaving evidence behind about what we’d done.”

He thought about this for a few seconds before he looked at me and spoke. “Yeah, you’re right, so I’m willing to do it to you too.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, you did it to me, so I’m willing to do it to you.”

“Ok, but let me give you a few pointers first. If you take my nuts into your mouth, like I did to you, then don’t suck on them too hard, since that can be painful, not pleasurable. And then when you take my dick into your mouth, don’t try to take the entire thing or you’ll probably choke on it. Just nod up and down on the top couple of inches and extend your lips forward, over your teeth, while you’re doing it so your teeth won’t scrape against my cock.”

“I’ll try to remember all of that, but just tap my head and remind me if I forget.”

“I will. You know that by doing this with me, if you later decide to try having a girl do it to you, then you’ll know what to warn her about.”

He nodded his head and seemed to appreciate the fact that he might be able to use what he was learning later, and it didn’t matter if he was with another boy or a girl, and then he got started. He did the same things to my scrotum that I’d done to him, and he actually did a pretty good job at it too. And then when he took my dick into his mouth, he made a couple of minor mistakes. First, I had to remind him to extend his lips over his teeth so his teeth didn’t scrape against the skin, and then he attempted to go down too far on it. This caused him to choke momentarily and he quickly pulled off and coughed and sputtered for a short time, but then he decided to try it again. This time he merely bobbed up and down on the head and maybe an inch or two past it, but he didn’t attempt to go down too far on the shaft again.

When I realized that I was about to cum, I tapped on his head and told him that he could pull off and masturbate me until I cummed if he didn’t want me to shoot in his mouth, but he kept going. He had a little trouble dealing with the amount that I shot into his mouth and some of my cum leaked out from the corners of his mouth and ran down his chin, but he still kept going. He only stopped when I tapped him on the head and told him he’d done enough.

“How did I do?” he asked, seeking my assessment.

“For a first timer you did really well.” He smiled through his cum-covered mouth and chin.

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, although your semen tasted a little funny, even slightly bitter, but it wasn’t too bad.”

“Yes, as I said earlier, each person’s cum will taste different depending on several factors, such as his diet and if he smokes, along with other things.”

“I don’t think I’m going to do it to anyone else just to see how their semen tastes, but we can do this when we’re staying at my house from now on. That way I won’t have to rinse out the towel that we cummed on, because my mom asked why I rinsed the towel out.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I said I got it all wet with really cold water, but then I wrung it out so I could throw it on your head to wake you up in the morning.”

“I’m glad you were able to come up with something so quickly.”

“Yeah, but my mom told me that doing it was kind of cruel. She’d never have said that, though, if she realized how much we’d both enjoyed the real reason that I’d done it.” We both laughed.

“Yes, we certainly did enjoy it.”

About an hour later, we went down to join my parents when my mom called us for lunch, and then I took Tad out for a walk so he could see where I went to elementary and middle school.

“These schools look much nicer than where I went to school,” he said.

“Yes, they replaced the older buildings before I was old enough to go there, but it looks like you went to the buildings that they’d replaced before I started school.”

“Yes, you live in a nicer part of town and probably went to school with kids whose parents were doctors, lawyers, and business leaders.”

“Yeah, I guess I probably did, but now we all go to the same high school.”

“And that might explain why I don’t fit in with those kids now, because of what my parents do for a living.”

“There’s nothing wrong with what they do and you have me for a friend and don’t need any of the others. To tell you the truth, I never felt like I totally fit in with them either, and even though they didn’t know I was gay, I think they realized I wasn’t exactly like them.”

“But we have a lot in common, so we don’t need them, do we?” Tad reiterated.

“You’re right and I’m glad I ran into you that day.”

“Yeah, you literally ran into me.” And then we both laughed again.

Tad and I enjoyed another wonderful weekend together and we both sucked each other off before we went to sleep that night. In fact, he insisted that we do it again, and he did a much better job this time. It might have had something to do with the fact that it was my second cum of the day, so I didn’t shoot as much, but I didn’t tell him that.

He didn’t call his dad to pick him up until just before we were ready to have lunch on Sunday, because he thought he’d eaten enough times with us, even though my parents had invited him to eat with us again. Before he got into his dad’s car, though, he told me he’d see me at school on Monday, and then he would come back here next weekend as well. I then said goodbye to him and gave him a hug, and then I waved as their car traveled down the street and faded into the distance.


6 * * * * 6


We continued this routine as the leaves started to turn and began to fall from the trees. In fact, during the two weekends preceding Halloween, Tad came over to my house again and we decided to put our heads together and write a ghost story that featured two boys based on us.

In the story, the boys found a dragon’s egg that had been smuggled out of China and sold to a private collector in a part of the city that was once very exclusive, but now it was run down and in shambles. The boys discovered the egg while exploring the decrepit home the collector had once lived in, and after finding it they decided to see if they could hatch it.

The boys made their own incubator, but this device was capable of attaining higher temperatures than you’d use to hatch bird eggs or to keep other animals alive. They felt this was necessary since a female dragon’s body would be warmer due to the coals in her lower body. Those coals were what ignited the female dragon’s breath when it breathed fire, and they waited to see if this was going to work.

Although it took over a year to attain any results from the egg that was nearly two centuries old, they were still pleased when they saw something was trying to break free of the egg, from the inside. They were ecstatic when they saw the hatchling dragon, but unlike the stories of Anne McCaffrey or The Game of Thrones, this dragon didn’t imprint on the boys. Instead, its actions resembled those of the Hungarian Horntail that Harry Potter faced off against during the Triwizard Tournament in the Goblet of Fire.

It was hostile and snapped at them every time they got near, and as the hatchling grew, it began to breathe fire and attempted to burn them to a crisp. It also burned down the house where the egg had been hidden for so many years, along with most of the city where they lived. The storyline was a horrific and very dark tale, although it was action packed, but it was a fun way to spend our time. More than likely it will remain for our private enjoyment only and will never be seen by anyone else, although someday we may decide to share it with our children or someone else.

Later, as Thanksgiving approached, I convinced my parents to ask Tad and his parents to join us this year. When I mentioned the idea to Tad, he thought it was brilliant, but his parents weren’t convinced. Even though Tad and I both spent a great deal of time whining while trying to convince his parents it was a good idea, they still didn’t relent. I think they might have been intimidated by the fact that my parents had better jobs than they did and we lived in a nicer house in a better neighborhood, so I came up with another idea. I convinced my parents to call and personally invite them to join us, and they finally accepted.

Mrs. Newton made a green bean casserole and two pumpkin pies to contribute to the meal, and we had a great time together. Our dads spent part of the day bonding over the NFL football games, while our moms shared recipes and talked about Tad and me as we were growing up. While they were doing those things, Tad and I went up to my room and enjoyed a little private time together as we got the sexual relief we were seeking. That evening we all parted as friends and everyone enjoyed spending the day together.

Tad and I began doing more things indoors as the temperature began to plummet, and Tad would come with my parents to watch a few of my basketball games. My parents also invited the Newtons to have Christmas dinner with us as well, but they were insistent that we have it at their house instead, since they’d had Thanksgiving dinner at our place. My parents didn’t have a problem with that and merely agreed on a time when they would show up.

Of course, both families opened their presents at home that morning, and my parents gave me a bike as one of my presents. I didn’t expect this and was confused, since my parents gave me a ride to most places. It was a ten-speed bike, similar to the one Tad owned, but it all became clear when my parents explained why they gave it to me.

“It’s so you and Tad can get around to different places and do the things you want to do over spring break and during the summer. You won’t have to worry if one of Tad’s parents or one of us can give you a ride there and back, and we’re sure you’ll find plenty of use for it.”

My parents also bought a present for Tad’s parents and I bought a present for Tad. When we arrived at their house, we discovered they’d done something similar for us, so we exchanged gifts. Our parents gave each other something personal for the house, while Tad and I gave each other something we could use together.

“What’s this?” Tad asked when he opened my gift.

“They’re pickleball paddles and a sleeve of pickleballs. My dad told me that some of the tennis courts that weren’t being used frequently have been made over into pickleball courts, which take up half the space as the tennis courts. The game is becoming very popular with older people that want to get some exercise, as well as younger people that just play it for fun. I thought you might like to play it with me, since you’re good at ping-pong.”

“But I don’t know how to play that game.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”

“And is that why you gave me two paddles?”

“It’s in case we want to play doubles and the other guys might not have their own paddles. I bought an identical set for myself.”

“The balls look like small Wiffle balls.”

“Yes, but they’re lighter than Wiffle balls since they are slightly smaller, the plastic is thinner, and the holes in them are smaller as well.”

“Ok, I’ll give it a try, as long as you’re going to do it with me.”

Tad then gave me a new soccer ball, which surprised me, but then he explained his reasons for doing it before I could ask. “I’m not very good at soccer, but I thought you could work with me and we could kick the soccer ball around with each other.”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

My mom also brought food to add to the meal, the same as Tad’s mom had done at Thanksgiving. My mom made a broccoli and cheese casserole for dinner and two cheesecakes for dessert, one topped with blueberries and the other topped with cherries. And while our moms were getting everything ready, our dads were bonding over an NFL game again and commiserating that their sons didn’t play football. All in all, it turned out to be a wonderful day and we enjoyed being together again, so we’ll probably do this again in the future.

Since my mom is a teacher and she’ll be home over Christmas break, Tad’s parents agreed to let him stay at my house on the weekdays between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, while his parents are at work. Our parents also agreed that we should go out to dinner together on New Year’s Eve, so my dad made a reservation, and Tad’s mom and dad invited us to their house to celebrate the New Year together afterward.

When we returned to their house after eating at the restaurant, our dads immediately turned on the TV and began watching the college football games together. While they were doing that, our moms chatted about other things and Tad and I sneaked up to his room to have a little fun, and then we came down to join them again when we were done.

They also had snacks and plenty to drink, including sparkling wine for the adults and sparkling juice for Tad and me. As it got closer to midnight, we all bundled up and went together to watch the city’s annual fireworks display. Along the way we also got to watch other fireworks being set off by our neighbors that lacked the self-control to wait until midnight. No matter who was setting them off, the fireworks were fun to watch and we had a good time doing it.

Tad and I continued to spend weekends together throughout the spring and we even managed to find a little time to ride our bikes over to the pickleball courts so we could play. We also rode our bikes over to the high school so we could kick the soccer ball around for a while, since there is more room there and nothing to break.

Tad would also come with my parents to watch my baseball games, and our families even went to church together on Easter Sunday. After the service ended, we all had Easter dinner at our house. We did this since Tad’s parents had Christmas dinner and New Year’s Eve at their house, so this evened things out a bit. Once again, we had a wonderful meal and everyone enjoyed a good time.

Tad and I also spent time together as we were doing our schoolwork and getting ready for final exams at the end of the semester, and we both did very well. In fact, I did even better than I had in the past, so this worked out really well for me. In fact, both sets of parents were thrilled with what we had accomplished.

Tad and I got to spend more time together over the summer as well, even though Tad was spending a lot of time helping his dad and learning about being an electrician. I knew Tad was planning on going to college, and since he was doing so well in school, I felt he’d be able to get a scholarship to help pay for college, so I didn’t think he’d end up becoming an electrician.

I got a summer job as well so I’d have a little spending money, but I didn’t spend nearly as much time working there as Tad did helping his dad. We also got to spend some quality time together while having some fun, which included our sexual antics, playing pickleball, and kicking the soccer ball around. We even rode our bikes over to the high school so Tad could also practice kicking the soccer ball at the goal, since they’d put the nets on them for the soccer camps.

The following school year went basically the same as the one before, and ironically Tad made an admission to me in October.

“I’m glad you got me the pickleball paddles and pickleballs for me last Christmas and that I bought you the soccer ball. Doing those things with you has really made a big difference for me and I’m not nearly as awkward now when I’m in P.E. class.”

“What do you mean?”

“Since I started getting better at doing those things, the kids in my P.E. class noticed how much better I was doing and most of them stopped picking on me about how uncoordinated I was. I’m not even the last one picked to play on the teams any longer and getting along with the other students has gotten a lot better for me as well.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Our families grew even closer as time passed. It was nice that we all got along so well, but I still wonder if Tad’s parents would have felt the same way about us if they knew the things that Tad and I had been doing in private.

Shortly after I went to college that fall, Tad emailed me and told me that he’d met a girl that was a year younger than he was and they started spending a lot of time together. I’m not sure if they’re doing anything sexual with each other, because he didn’t share that information and I didn’t ask, but when I came home for Christmas break, Tad clarified a little about it for me.

“I’m still going to do these things with you, but since I met Amy I’ve discovered that I’m heterosexual, not gay. I don’t mind doing this stuff with you, and we can still have fun like this from time to time, but I want you to know that I’m dating Amy now.”

“It’s ok, so maybe you’re bisexual then.”

“I don’t think so, because I don’t want to do these other things with another boy, only you.”

“Ok and I’m glad you’ve got Amy while I’m away, because I’ve made a couple of gay friends at the university. It’s not romantic, but we have a little fun like you and I used to do, and maybe even more than what we did, so I’m glad you have Amy now. I’m also happy that we became really good friends in high school and spent so much time together, and I hope we can always be good friends.”

“Yeah, I want that too.”

As it worked out, Tad and I got a chance to maintain our friendship, even though it wasn’t exactly as I would have liked. I think Tad and I could have been a happily married couple, but that was not in the cards. However, he didn’t end up staying with Amy either, since they drifted apart while attending different colleges/universities, but things worked out well for him.

Tad not only received a four-year degree in mathematics, but he also earned a doctorate in mathematics as well, and he’s now a professor in the mathematics department at the local university. He teaches both calculus and advanced calculus, so he deals with only the brightest students.

I also graduated with a four-year degree and went on to earn a PhD in physics, and I’m also a professor at the same local university where Tad works. I teach courses in general physics, along with classes in quantum mechanics and string theory. I wonder what inspired me to do that. Do you think it was possibly from watching the TV show Quantum Leap?

Tad and I also serve as faculty advisors for the science fiction club, and we discuss different books, short stories, TV shows, and movies about the topic and discuss how well they’re portrayed. We’re also reworking the ghost story we wrote in high school so we can see what the members of the science fiction club think of it. Of course, they won’t know who wrote it until after they’ve evaluated it and we’ve discussed their comments.

Tad still gets in touch with Amy from time to time, although he’s married to another wonderful woman named Beth. They also have two wonderful children, Jeremy and Thomas, and I wonder if those two will have a little fun with each other or someone else, as Tad and I once did. If you hadn’t noticed, Jeremy was named after me and Thomas for Tad’s dad, and I’m an honorary uncle to both boys, as is my husband. I ended up marrying another professor who teaches in the chemistry department at the same university where Tad and I work.

To tell you the truth, I’ll never regret taking the chance and making friends with Tad back in high school, because that leap of faith has led us to enjoying a lifelong friendship. No matter what happens from this point on, I’m convinced that we’ll always stay a valued part of each other’s life and we’ll be best of friends forever. Our families have also remained close and we all still celebrate the various holidays together whenever we’re not celebrating with our spouses’ families, but our parents still get together even when we’re not there. It truly has been, and still is a great life.



Copyright © 2023 Bill W; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

12 hours ago, FanLit said:

“Uhhh, you have a great name. Are you a descendent of Isaac Newton?”

As (unintentional) pickup lines go, this was unique, lol.

“No, not that I know of. Are you related to Neil deGrasse Tyson?”

That this was Tad’s immediate response confirmed he and Jeremy were meant for each other, lol.

What commenced was a lifelong friendship that included both their families.  While I’m sure Jeremy would have loved he and Tad’s relationship to turn romantic, Tad showed how special Jeremy was/is to him by continuing to hook up even after he realized he was heterosexual, as well as naming one of his sons after him.

jeremy’s leap of faith yielded great benefits.  

Lovely story.  

Thank you for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed this story.  Yes, Jeremy's pickup line was very bizzare, but Tad came right back and pointed that fact out to him by asking if he was related to Neil deGrasse Tyson.  

It's to Jeremy's credit that he didn't move on from Tad once Tad realized he was straight, and it's made for a lifelong friendship.  They work at the same University, are co-faculty advisors for the Science Fiction Club, and Tad named his first forn after Jeremy.    Jeremy's leap of faith had many rewards. 

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10 hours ago, wenmale64 said:

Great story with an ending that is both realistic and very happy. I wish more people could have that experience in their lives.  

Thank you for responding and I'm very glad you enjoyed this story.  And I agree, it is a shame that people that type of experience or that type of friend in their lives.    

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A very realistic and loving story of innocent exploration and a lifelong friendship.  A very well told story, Bill! 

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