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  1. wenmale64

    Chapter 17

    @P. E. Knapp, I am sorry for your pain. I hope you have people that understand and give you just the right amount of care, shoulders and love. My older brother does well most of the time. His wife and adult kids and grandkids all know the details and all know how to help and not push. PTSD is an evil condition and only understanding and care can help. Medication only masks the problem without giving any tools to deal with the thoughts, regrets, and pain in the long term. I found when we were younger and his condition was newer to us sometimes the best thing to help him was a simple game of chess. He said it forced his mind to work on a solution to a problem that required lots of forward thinking. He usually kicked my a$$, but the real game was won by all.
  2. wenmale64

    Chapter 17

    I thought more about the last two chapters and had some more thoughts. I know, that is dangerous 😇. This situation with Marc, Adam, Catlin and others is a very typical case of wartime PTSD. In Marcs case it appears that this is also a reoccurrence of an earlier battle. It seems that the earlier case very likely have hit both Marc and Catlin at the same time. These cases are all unique and require VERY careful handling. Marc should NOT be allowed to do this on his own. Hugo will be a good start as he is closer to Marc than any other person except maybe Tom. Adam needs to be brought into the loop slowly and with great professional advice. Marc is a ticking time bomb as shown by his simple threat of destroying the corporation if he does not get HIS way. That NEVER ends well for anyone. Hopefully Hugo can get the ball rolling and others can gently help. Adam will be the key even though, right now, he seems to be the problem. It would be nice if Adam could experience even part of Marcs pain. Maybe technology will allow Adam to silently ghost ride on Marcs implant and find out what Marc really needs from him. These things take time and like drug or alcahol abuse are never actually cured, but with help, understanding and a whole lot of love they can be kept way in the far distance. I have seen this in a close family member from the Vietnam war. He does very well 99.999% of the time, but that last .001% is hell and the only thing that helps is love.
  3. wenmale64

    Chapter 17

    Marc is hurting, but expecting a "landrat" to understand at this level is unreasonable. There is now obviously much more going on after Hugos' comments during the link. Because she has been there, hopefully Catlin can add a little understanding into the mix for both Adam and Hanna. Marc also needs to look back after he settles down and see that his understanding of actions and feelings also need to be tempered so Adam has a chance. Now for Adam and his mother... They BOTH need some lessons in corporate space life.
  4. wenmale64

    Chapter 55 S2

    WooHoo, I'm first . It sounds like the shaman and his son have panned very well, so there is sure to be a surprise happening in the near future. No good plan goes unpunished......
  5. wenmale64

    Chapter 12

    This chapter was great. Marc and Adam are now truly a couple. The next mystery has begun. Now I will just shut up and be happy my thoughts about Marcs lost friends have all been wrong. I was very happy Tom and Rachel showed up and are well!!! I can't wait for more....
  6. wenmale64

    Chapter 11

    This was another great chapter. With the new paint job I am now thinking that Marcs Bear Claws is a ghost ship. This would help explain the losses and the situation with Catlin... Well, Adam did jump into bed with Marc, but no sex while asleep 🫣
  7. wenmale64

    Chapter 10

    Another great chapter. As for the rift and losses...., I am now thinking Tom and his mate may be the losses. I guess we will find out in chapter 5.
  8. wenmale64

    Chapter 9

    Great chapter! Mark is creating a corporation to rival a small world. I am so glad I was wrong about the friends Marc has lost. Adam will be amazed when he meets Marcs varied group of friends and family. Marc has resources and ideas that we can only dream about. Oh but what dreams they are 🤣.
  9. wenmale64

    Chapter 52 S2

    And only eats children 5 and under..................................
  10. wenmale64

    Chapter 52 S2

    Great chapter with the reveal being a shock to the parents. I think dad will be accepting once he has a few beers while talking with Aaron at the cabin. Now mom is going to be more challenging. Maybe she has a favorite animal she really likes and Mac and Devin could transform into that and cuddle/play/gallop etc and appease her. Would it not be amazing to have a "pet" Tiger that is 100% safe to be around? Talk about a surprise at the party 😹.
  11. wenmale64

    Chapter 6

    This chapter was very interesting. I am thinking that Adams mother may have had an interest in the crash. It is obvious that she wants to be the sole power in the Knight corporation. I loved the flash of the armored marines for an escort service. That really got the attention Marc wanted. I am still dreading learning which of Marcs friends were lost and why. I am thinking Rory and Hugo(?), but I very much hope I am wrong......
  12. wenmale64

    Chapter 5

    OK, Adam smells right and is also taller than Marc. I think I see cupid floating in te background. Now the real question is, what speed bumps will be ahead? It is to early in the story for all smooth sailing.....
  13. wenmale64

    Chapter 21

    Ok, Olly is off the hook 😊. Now Richard needs to watch, listen, ask and learn. Gray, Raffa and Brian can be a great help for Richard learning that gay people are just people, both good and bad just like straight people. I think the family needs to meet Raffa so dad can see he is a really good and caring person. Nothing changes minds better than good examples!! Now for those who assaulted Grayson..... Now my hater side comes out.
  14. wenmale64

    Chapter 18

    Causing issues for management is never a good thing, even if you are in the right. However, this management team seems to care more about right than ease of operation. Grayson will still have to weather the haters, but if done properly he will gain respect and that will pay well for his future.
  15. wenmale64

    Chapter 17

    Ollie is going to be a problem without really understanding how big the issue is. The only thing that Grayson can do is try his best to be ready for it. Maybe when it happens mum will show dad the door...
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