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The Navigator - 12. Chapter 12

Check out my Patreon for early access to chapters(note:everything started at GA will be released in full at a regular pace. This is early access only, not exclusive access) and exclusive content! https://www.patreon.com/Cynus

Chapter 12

The sound of airbrushes filled the air as the black paint was applied to the side of the van. Brady watched with satisfaction as the rusty side of the van was covered up and he could already envision the look it was going to have. They had gone over their logo several times to make sure it was everything they wanted it to be, and then worked it out with the detail guys at the auto body shop to make sure that it would come out the way they wanted it to. They had more money than they were used to, but they still only had enough for one paint job, and it had to be right the first time.

Which was one of several reasons why the band had decided that all of them had to be there to see that it was done properly. The body shop hadn't been as keen on letting them stay and had made it clear it would take several hours to complete, but Jack had insisted. Like most people, they easily fell to Jack's disarming grin and had let them stay in the lobby and even gave them control of the remote for the television, though they had yet to pay any attention to it.

"It's about time the van got a paint job," Theo said. "I was getting sick of the rusty blue color."

"Yeah, well now it deserves it," Jack said with a grin. "We're official now."

"We weren't official before?" Theo asked.

"You know what I mean, Theo," Jack groaned.

"Yeah I do," Theo admitted. "Still, I'm glad we have enough spending money to make the van look good. She's taken us everywhere we need to go, and brought us everything we needed."

"Except for love, eh?" Stacey asked with a chuckle and a light jab of her elbow into Theo's side.

"Can it, Stacey," Theo growled. "I'm the only one who hasn't brought love into this van."

As Stacey laughed Brady interjected, "What about me?"

"Brady, are you kidding me?" Jack asked as he turned toward Brady and shook his head. Stacey and Theo had similar looks of surprise on their faces when they also turned toward them.

"What?" Brady asked, looking between them all.

"What about Silas?" Jack asked.

"He's not here, now is he?" Brady said with a wave of his hand before sitting down and crossing his arms over his chest. "I doubt I'll ever see him again. He's not in my life at all, so what are you talking about?"

"Braids, you've gotta lighten up," Stacey said as she walked toward Brady and then sat down next to him. She laid a hand on his arm and continued, "What do you think happened as soon as he heard Navigator? You wrote that song for him, and I'm sure he's going to hear it eventually."

"Yeah, whatever," Brady said as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. "Why hasn't he called Jack already?"

"Called Jack?" Stacey asked.

"I gave him my number so that he could connect with us when he was ready," Jack explained with a shrug. "I'm sure that he just hasn't had the opportunity yet. He needs to be able to pay for the phone call. Why are you worried, Brady?"

Brady opened his eyes and looked at Jack for a moment before responding. "Maybe because I'm afraid he's going to turn out like Gavin did for me. It already seems to be that way."

"Braids, you and Gavin didn't make it because Gavin couldn't handle you being on the road all the time," Theo said with a snort. "He was so controlling of your time that he couldn't stand the thought that you weren't spending every minute with him. If you really think that Silas is that way then you don't get it at all."

"What I mean is that Gavin and I drifted apart across the distance," Brady explained, "and then fell apart."

Stacey squeezed his arm and said quietly, "You're totally wrong, Brady."

"Stacey," Brady said as he turned toward her with a raised eyebrow, "you're usually not the one to tell me about relationships."

"Yeah, well that's because I usually think you're smarter than these two about them," Stacey explained as she nodded toward Jack and Theo, "but this time you're way off your rocker."

"How kind of you to say," Brady replied with a roll of his eyes. "Any way I'm going to be given insight into what you mean?"

"You spent a year with Gavin and you two didn't know each other at all. You spent three weeks with Silas and wrote the best song we've ever had," Stacey explained with a wide smile. "The two of you connected in a way I've never seen people connect. Jack and I are pretty good together, but it's taken us awhile to get here. You and Silas," she chuckled and added, "It's like it was meant to be."

"I agree with Stacey completely, she and Jack are pretty good together," Theo said with a solemn nod that quickly broke into a grin. "No, but seriously, Braids. You've got depth, and you're real. And I think that's exactly what Drake needed. He's got experience, and a vibrant spirit, and that's exactly what you need. And he has a dog, too! How can you fucking go wrong with that?"

Everyone but Brady laughed and Jack was the next person to speak. "Brady, we all see it. I know you've been bitter ever since your break up with Gavin, but you've got to let go of that. He wasn't meant for you, but I can guarantee you that it's not the same thing for Silas. He's going to call us eventually, and you've just got to be ready to go to him when he does."

"Ready to go get him?" Brady echoed. "What makes you think that he'll want us to go pick him up?"

"Because that boy is built for the open road, Braids," Jack said with a shrug. "I can't imagine he'd be anywhere else."

"But what makes you think that he'd choose to be with us instead of hitting the road alone?" Brady asked with an exasperated sigh. "I don't think he's ready to be with people. I think it's going to take an awful lot of healing for him to reach that point, and by then he'll have forgotten all about us."

"Really?" Stacey asked with a roll of her eyes. "We're unforgettable, Braids, and there's no way in hell that he'd forget the Demons of the Crossroads. You said he didn't stay anywhere for long, and he doesn't like people? He spent three weeks twenty-four and seven with us. Yeah, maybe he needed a break but he must have liked us at least some."

"Hey guys, don't mean to interrupt the moment or anything, but it looks like the detail guys are starting to argue about where to put the logo," Theo said as he glanced at the large window that looked into the shop. "We better get in there and stop them before someone does forget about us and blow all our cash."

"Shit!" Jack said as he started toward the door. "Braids, come on. You can mope about Silas later. We've got damage control to take care of."

Brady sighed and followed his bandmates toward the door, but even though he dragged his feet it was Stacey who brought up the rear and she reached out and grabbed his arm as he stepped past. He turned toward her and raised a questioning eyebrow and she pulled him into a hug without a word of warning. He squeezed her back and then tried to step away but she held him fast.

"Um, Stacey. We should really get in there." Brady said as he squeezed her again.

"Twenty seconds," Stacey said as she continued to hold onto him.


"Twenty seconds. I read somewhere that when you hug someone for twenty seconds you start to trust them because of the oxytocin released in your brain," Stacey said with a grin. Brady laughed and stopped resisting until Stacey decided to pull away, but his eyes widened as her lips teased his beard when she kissed him on the cheek.

She released her hold on him and then looked him in the eye and said, "I was going to keep that up until you believed me when I said that you and Silas aren't done. Trust me, Braids, that boy is the best thing to ever happen to you, and to this band. He's a good luck charm; the Navigator to help the demon's meet at the crossroads and come together for the best sound, the best feel, that we've ever had."

Brady nodded and then grinned. "And what was the kiss for?"

"Because you, Brady, don't get even a quarter of the attention you deserve, and I think it's high time that I showed you how I felt about you. You're the best person I know, and that's even with you competing with Theo and Jack. You deserve to be happy, and god damn it I'm going to make sure that you find that happiness. Silas is going to call. He's going to call and he's going to tell you how much he misses you and how much he wants you to be a part of his life, so stop worrying about it and focus on the music."

"He is the music, Stacey," Brady said as he felt moisture in his eyes. "He's the reason that I can play like I do. He was the reason before I even met him, and it's like it was fate. But he's gone, now, and I don't know how to deal with that."

"Keep playing so that he can find his way home," Stacey said with a wink. "Don't worry. The Navigator always knows how to find what he's looking for."

Check out my Patreon for early access to chapters(note:everything started at GA will be released in full at a regular pace. This is early access only, not exclusive access) and exclusive content(stories posted only at Patreon as of this posting)! https://www.patreon.com/Cynus

Special thanks to my patrons for their support: Michael, Charlie, Bill, Paul, Matt, James, Shadow, Joe, Bart, John, Mark, Sam, Pete, Richmond, Scott, Frank, Amr, Haldon, Jay, Mark, Joel, Steve, Don, Jos, Peter, Chris, Heiko, Jeff, Raymond, Ganymedes, Jerod, Mike, Craig, Jack, Pooven, Caleb, Joey, and YOUR NAME HERE. You're all awesome!

Updated: 5/24/2018

Copyright © 2015 Cynus; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

  • Site Moderator

Brady is carrying quite a bit of damage from loss and rejection himself. He is feeling a lot of anguish from the fear of never seeing Silas again or that Silas might not want him. It's good he has friends who saw the connection they had and that they are there to support him and set him straight.


I found the business at the body shop pretty funny. You don't paint over rust and you have to prep the surface. We'll call that literary license. Unless the band demanded something the shop didn't recommend, any mistake would be for the shop to eat. That is the way a legitimate shop has to do business. I guess you can call the band logo on the van a good business expense now that they are up and coming. It's a rolling billboard.


Now we're waiting for Silas to hear that song.

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So that was like a half-chapter word count wise. ;-) Do we get another half-chapter anytime soon? I can't wait to see how Silas first hears The Navigator. Will it be at the Diner? Or with Tara & Chels? Looking forward to the next installment! Thanks, Cynus!

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Brady got a little heartache going on there, but it great to see the others rally around him. Thing is there are a couple things at play. Silas is not just with 'people'. He's found his brother, and that family is hoping he puts down roots. There is that connection to Brady, but so far he hasn't had a chance to give voice or thought to that since he left. The band says he was born for the open road... It's going to be hard to just up and leave I think. That's going to be a tough call, and it going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

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Even a little bit of Navigator is better than no Navigator!


I like that the rest of the band is trying to keep Brady's hope up. I know they are right. It's just a question of time.

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I found it interesting that Brady on the one hand denied he and Silas had a special connection and on the other hand he was upset Silas hadn't gotten in touch yet. For all his awoved determination to give Drake space and time, he sure is having difficulty without his Navigator. It takes all three of his band colleagues to prop Brady up, each in their own way.
Are you going to post a picture of the band logo in the forum?

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  • Site Administrator

The chapter may have been short, but it was very sweet. I really hope that Silas and Brady find their way back to each other. They really need each other. I look forward to what's next!

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On 06/03/2015 03:06 PM, drpaladin said:

Brady is carrying quite a bit of damage from loss and rejection himself. He is feeling a lot of anguish from the fear of never seeing Silas again or that Silas might not want him. It's good he has friends who saw the connection they had and that they are there to support him and set him straight.


I found the business at the body shop pretty funny. You don't paint over rust and you have to prep the surface. We'll call that literary license. Unless the band demanded something the shop didn't recommend, any mistake would be for the shop to eat. That is the way a legitimate shop has to do business. I guess you can call the band logo on the van a good business expense now that they are up and coming. It's a rolling billboard.


Now we're waiting for Silas to hear that song.

I suppose it's time to admit that I know even less about cars than I do about dogs... :)

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On 06/03/2015 03:46 PM, Rosicky said:

So that was like a half-chapter word count wise. ;-) Do we get another half-chapter anytime soon? I can't wait to see how Silas first hears The Navigator. Will it be at the Diner? Or with Tara & Chels? Looking forward to the next installment! Thanks, Cynus!

You'll get another half-chapter three chapters from now. :) The rest should be full, from my recollection. I normally don't write them this short, but it's the length that it wanted to be.


Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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On 06/03/2015 07:20 PM, Daddydavek said:

Brady gets encouraged, but nothing from Silas' point of view. More please.

Saturday, or late Friday night depending on where you live. :) The story follows a pattern of two chapters from Silas' point of view and one from Brady's. In writing this I decided to take the risk of running two story lines side by side, and hopefully that isn't too distracting.

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On 06/03/2015 09:54 PM, Defiance19 said:

Brady got a little heartache going on there, but it great to see the others rally around him. Thing is there are a couple things at play. Silas is not just with 'people'. He's found his brother, and that family is hoping he puts down roots. There is that connection to Brady, but so far he hasn't had a chance to give voice or thought to that since he left. The band says he was born for the open road... It's going to be hard to just up and leave I think. That's going to be a tough call, and it going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

The thing to note here, I think, is that the band has no idea what has been going on with Silas since he arrived in Crow's Lake. Brady and the band are still thinking of Silas as he was when they left him. A large part of the philosophy behind the story as that everyone is in a constant state of transition.

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On 06/04/2015 06:48 AM, Puppilull said:

Even a little bit of Navigator is better than no Navigator!


I like that the rest of the band is trying to keep Brady's hope up. I know they are right. It's just a question of time.

I'm just hoping to whet everyone's appetite for more Navigator to come. :)


I don't determine what length the chapters are going to be, I let the characters do that. Turned out that the band only had so much to say this time around.

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On 06/04/2015 06:54 AM, Timothy M. said:

I found it interesting that Brady on the one hand denied he and Silas had a special connection and on the other hand he was upset Silas hadn't gotten in touch yet. For all his awoved determination to give Drake space and time, he sure is having difficulty without his Navigator. It takes all three of his band colleagues to prop Brady up, each in their own way.

Are you going to post a picture of the band logo in the forum?

What an interesting idea . . . I suppose I'd have to make one in order to do that. :)


I think that Brady would have had an easier time had he never known that Jack had given Silas his number. Then he wouldn't be waiting for Silas to call, like he is now.

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On 06/04/2015 09:15 AM, Valkyrie said:

The chapter may have been short, but it was very sweet. I really hope that Silas and Brady find their way back to each other. They really need each other. I look forward to what's next!

Saturday will mark a new day in the epic of Silas and Brady, and I promise the sweetness isn't over. Thanks for the review, Valkyrie. :)

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I loved the way Stacey incorporated the band's name with predicting how Silas will hear his song and know that the demons are at the crossroads. That was pretty insightful, actually. =)


Let's see - either the song will be playing in the diner, or he'll hear it in the car with Adam, even though Adam hates rock. lol


Great chapter, Cynus! :)

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On 06/04/2015 01:27 PM, Lisa said:

I loved the way Stacey incorporated the band's name with predicting how Silas will hear his song and know that the demons are at the crossroads. That was pretty insightful, actually. =)


Let's see - either the song will be playing in the diner, or he'll hear it in the car with Adam, even though Adam hates rock. lol


Great chapter, Cynus! :)

Stacey is her own brand of philosopher. All four of them are, really. Brady is the deep thinker, Jack is the eternal optimist, Stacey nurtures, and Theo is the protector. They all have their modes by which they lift each other up.

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On 06/04/2015 01:27 PM, Lisa said:

I loved the way Stacey incorporated the band's name with predicting how Silas will hear his song and know that the demons are at the crossroads. That was pretty insightful, actually. =)


Let's see - either the song will be playing in the diner, or he'll hear it in the car with Adam, even though Adam hates rock. lol


Great chapter, Cynus! :)

Stacey is her own brand of philosopher. All four of them are, really. Brady is the deep thinker, Jack is the eternal optimist, Stacey nurtures, and Theo is the protector. They all have their modes by which they lift each other up.

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I really like how you are including the band in this story. It´s so nice to know what´s happening in their lives. :)
I found the lyrics to the navigator. Beautiful song :thumbup:

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On 09/06/2015 03:15 PM, Suvitar said:

I really like how you are including the band in this story. It´s so nice to know what´s happening in their lives. :)

I found the lyrics to the navigator. Beautiful song :thumbup:

Thank you. :) The song was actually written as early as chapter 3, which is when I decided to keep the band in the story. I knew what had to be done after that. :music:

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