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Incandescence - 2. Reunions

*Explicit content
Why not? It's already chapter two

Sunlight crept in the room and I let myself lay still for a while longer. Sleeping in was never an option. There was too much on my plate every day. This person needed something looked over. That person needed help with something. I was needed in Syrin for this or that. Wyn and Talon needed looking after.

The light was warm on my face and upper body and I was thankful for it after the absolute plight that was my time in Dleth. Too much time there would make anyone think they’d never seen the sun again. Cracking my eyes open, they took in the empty half of the bed. It was the side farthest from the windows. With the most pillows so its owner could hide from the early morning rays. Smiling, I sat up. Sometimes when Talon was away, I missed when Wyn was still little. It was rare that I wouldn’t find him curled up next to me, leeching warmth and stealing blankets. When Talon was here, I’d awoken on more than one occasion to find the boy sprawled across the man’s torso, arm draped over Talon’s face. My smile grew as I threw off my blankets.

Talon had long done away with the frilly pastels. The room was painted a deep eggplant, our sheets were a dark purple too. The fluffy comforter was an equally dark blue. Talon’s love of candles had taken over The House of Waves and they were spread around our bedroom. In all fairness, the estate along the ocean was still in very light beachy colors, so it was only fair. I stretched and made for the washroom. A bath sounded amazing.


Running through the day in my head, I tried to make a list. Most important was our unwanted guest. I twisted my shoulder length hair away from my face and pinned it back with the clips Tyren had made me long ago. I flinched slightly when I remembered that I’d worn them last at Anders’ trial. I frowned. I should make a habit of wearing them more so he knew I still loved them. I forced myself back on track as I wondered when a good time to call the meeting would be. It was a break in classes. Hence why Wyn had so much free time. That meant Hanja and Tyren wouldn’t be busy the entire day. Hopefully. My brother’s schedule was a mystery to me. I had no idea if he had a routine. Luckily, The Council was to meet when we returned anyway so many of the members who lived farther away were already in the city. We’d fill in the others at the official meeting. I nodded as I slipped a short-sleeved silver shirt over my head. I was still figuring out meeting logistics while I yanked boots over my white pants with dark grey pinstripes. The closet door nudged open and Wyn padded in. His hair was sticking in every direction, but he was dressed for the day. A simple green shirt, brown pants, and boots.

“Is Uncle Loren here?” He asked as he fiddled with one of the pieces settled inside his ear.

“He should be.” I grinned. Wyn seemed to befriend all of Talon’s least favorite people. Loren had been a favorite since the day he’d “spoken” to him.

“Can I come with you into town then?” I frowned and sighed as I tried to find the right words. Loren was in an odd place. Not only were things falling apart with his job, but other things were also rumored to be struggling. I wasn’t sure if the man would be in the mood to entertain a twelve-year-old.

“Not today, little love. Stay here. Maybe tomorrow.” The disappointment was immediate and crushing. Wyn nodded and left the room, dragging his feet. I groaned as I realized Wren would be put out again as well. Wonderful.


An annoying amount of finagling and near-begging later and everyone who could attend was gathered in my brother’s war room. Three of the dukes were missing excluding the one I’d expected. The eleventh spot was still left unfilled. Wren, though not a part of The Council, was lurking in the far corner. Eon leaned back in his chair, Hanja to his left. Hanja’s hair was free and hanging over his shoulders. He had dark circles under his eyes and I imagined a tiny storm cloud over my friend’s head. His cheek balanced against his glove-covered fingers, the corners of his mouth already downturned. Tyren was next to him and was writing quickly, face smashed against his palm, ink smeared across his cheek. His curls had grown out the tiniest bit, hanging down over his forehead. I smiled at the coils of bronze twisted into his dark hair and the chains hanging from his neck. He was bright as usual, pants a sky blue with a blue and pink vest on his upper half. I’d even seen blue dusted around his pretty yellow eyes. The dukes were gathered at the other end and all looked varying degrees of annoyed. I pushed myself to stand, resting my hands on the table before me.

“I came back from Dleth early with news. The king was unhappy as we predicted. He counteroffered with an additional emissary of his own. Suman Verloren. His grandson.” Tyren’s writing stopped, head jerking up to stare at me. Hanja’s expression grew darker.

“The madman? No. No way.” Duke Keverin said right away, frowning at me.

“Does he seem to be willing to work with us?” Duke Fawcell questioned at the same time.

I held up a hand, “I don’t have much in the way of answers. We’re all aware of Suman’s reputation and he seems to have information that he shouldn’t. He knew things weren’t going well in Illiath. He knew about Loren.”

“What exactly does the little prince know about me? Should I be worried or excited?” I groaned at the smug voice. I hadn’t invited him, but it made sense for him to be here. The chair next to me skidded out loudly and a body dropped heavily into it. Snarky comment at the ready, I twisted to face Loren. I closed my mouth when I took in his face. His dark circles rivaled Hanja’s and his hair was pulled into a messy attempt at a bun. There were scratches on his face and his clothes were torn in places.

“Loren…” He threw one of his grins my way, but it was lacking something. I frowned.

“So, the reports were true. They weren’t quite ready to let you go.” Eon said from his end of the table. The conversation continued around me, but I had a hard time looking away from the man who’d sat next to me. He looked beaten down more than physically. The alliance had gone well for roughly two years. Then the king, Loren’s father, had started deciding that the terms were unfair to them. No manner of negotiating made him happy. In the end, he wanted a deal that benefited only their country and left ours high and dry. When Loren refused on our behalf, things grew tense and continued to get worse. I tuned back in to hear that he’d been attacked leaving. His ship had barely made it out of the port.

“That’s an act of war.” I said, gripping the arms of my chair so tight my fingers ached.

“That it is Kalian.” Loren said, face serious for once. I didn’t like it. This subdued Loren. I tried to catch his eye again, but he avoided me for the duration of the impromptu meeting. We’d have the real one when the whole Council could be here. We agreed to end it and I had to rush to keep up with the normally bright rogue.

“Loren!” I could see his shoulders rise and fall in a heavy sigh. That was unusual. Normally, I had to threaten the man to leave me alone. I took in the shredded olive-green jacket. His thick pants were tan and ripped at the knees, the skin scuffed and ripped open. If he was this rough, I’d hate to see the other parties involved in the altercation. I had to know something, though. There was a very important party unaccounted for.

“If you are going to ask where your friend is, I don’t know. I haven’t seen her for a month.”

His voice was flat and I walked around his still form until I could face him. He was holding himself rigid, fists clenched. I reached out, thought better of it, and crossed my arms at my waist instead. Picking my words carefully, I met guarded eyes, “What happened?”

“Kalian. I don’t want to have this conversation with you.” I stared as Loren walked past me, careful not to shoulder check me on his way past. I turned to watch him go. It wasn’t the first time I had wished I’d had a connection with Amaris like the one I had with Talon. I didn’t see her as much since she’d gotten together with Loren, but we were still close. It scared me that I had no idea if she was safe. What if Loren’s family had her? She could fight and defend herself, but if she was alone, she could have been outnumbered.

I should have known something was wrong the last time she’d visited us on the coast.


“I don’t know how you do it!” Amaris laughed. Her fuchsia lipstick was bleeding from her lips a touch and had left an imprint on the glass clutched in her hand. The wine sloshed dangerously as she fell back against one of the powder blue couches. I raised an eyebrow, letting my head fall back as I relaxed on the other couch. We’d had far too much wine and my head was spinning.

“Do what Ris?” I let my head loll to the side so I could see her. My vision was a little fuzzy at the edges. She stood on wobbly legs and climbed onto my couch, stretching her legs over my lap as her back rested against the arm of the piece of furniture.

“The responsibility, the land and houses, the…family.” I sputtered a laugh that quickly dissolved us both into giggles that had us leaning against each other, forehead to forehead.

“I don’t know what you mean. I have no idea what I’m doing. My best. That’s all I can do. Plus, you started your family first. You committed to Loren before Talon and I took that step.” Her eyes were closed, lips parted as she took deep breaths. I smiled, turning my head and taking another sip that I definitely needed. For a split second, I wondered how my husband and child were still playing with another grown man on the beach at night, but I couldn’t find it in me to be bothered. Loren and Talon were giant children after all.

Her eyes opened and she looked to the side, “Yeah…sometimes I still just want to run away.”

“You’re doing amazing, I’m sure Amaris.” I smiled and her arms snaked clumsily around my neck. There was spilled wine and laughter. The conversation was forgotten fast as more wine was poured. I could barely function the next day.




Dragging myself home from the palace harkened back to days where I was studying Magik and I could almost laugh at how hard I thought I’d had it. I walked, the light exercise feeling good after sitting most of the day. I’d made it to the next ring when a feeling settled over my shoulders like a cloak. Something wasn’t right. A familiar sensation ran down my back. I was being watched. As I began to pay attention, I noticed it was worse than that. I was being tailed. Unwise really. I walked normally, making sure I didn’t increase or change my pace in any way. I didn’t want to tip off whoever it was.

I altered my course. The House of Waves would have to wait. I wouldn’t lead this person to my front doorstep. So instead, I meandered through the city streets aimlessly. They were deserted now. It was dusk and most people were settling down for dinner with their families. Now knowing I wouldn’t put anyone in danger, I started to jog. Once I had a plan, it turned into a full run. Footsteps echoed behind mine and I veered left. Then another left. Then a right. As fast as I could, I flicked light around me and disappeared. I blinked back into existence behind a small form which I forced against the wall. I held a slip of light between my fingers, hovering above a cheek that I knew. One with a thin white scar right under the red eye from a battle I’d fought in.

“Amaris? What the hell are you doing? I could’ve hurt you!” I stepped back and she laughed as she sagged against the alley wall. She looked far better than her…than Loren had. She was smiling brightly. She wore a bright purple bodice with satin cap sleeves and lavender pants that gathered at her ankles and were slit all the way up her legs to her hips. There was a lot of her beautiful skin on display and her dark hair was gathered in a lazy updo, her gold pins placed strategically.

“I knew you wouldn’t. You’re better than that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would’ve met you somewhere or you could’ve stayed at the house instead of sneaking up on me!”

“I wasn’t sure if I was coming to Syrin or when. It figures I’d come when he did.” She rolled her eyes and grinned at me, pink lipstick making her teeth looking whiter.

I rubbed my side and studied her, “What happened? I thought the plan was marriage and the whole deal?”

She threw her arms up as she spun around, “Ugh! You sound like him Kallie!

“Forgive me, but it’s been seven years.”

“Loren and I haven’t been together for months Kal. Do you remember when we talked about how I didn’t know if the domestic life was for me? Back when we were in the safehouse church? It wasn’t. When I met Loren, I thought our life together was going to be exciting, but then he settled into his position. I was happy for him, but I hated it. I’ve never been so bored in my entire life. The schedule made it impossible for me to carry on in the Verseckt as well. I’m sure Talon knows exactly how I feel now. We’re like wild animals forced to preform in a show. We weren’t made to live like this!” Her hands moved a lot when she spoke, gesturing this way and that as if to paint a picture. My mind got tripped up on the last sentence. Was she right? Was Talon-was he bored of this life? Did he resent me for it the way Amaris had started resenting Loren?

“The last time you and I talked, when I said that sometimes I wanted to run away? Well, I did Kalian. I came back eventually, but it was only to tell Loren that it wasn’t working anymore. I, uh, I’ve never seen him like that Kallie. At the end he just stared at me. He didn’t even talk. Loren! Loren never stops talking!” She was explaining quickly and I saw the guilt in her expression. It was etched all over her face. On one hand I suppose it was good that she’d ended it when she’d realized it wasn’t what she’d wanted, but Loren…

“Amaris…did you gave him any warning?”

“If he didn’t know that something was wrong, that’s not all my fault. It wasn’t right for a long time Kal. I felt so trapped. It wasn’t his fault. None of it was. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. I jumped into that relationship before we even knew each other. Emotions were so high. Neither of us were in our right minds. Everyone tried to warn us.”

“Have you seen him today?” I asked softly. Part of my brain was reeling at the fact that I was feeling bad for Loren of all people.

“Yes, I heard about what happened. I’m not a monster. I needed to make sure he was okay. You don’t hate me, right?” She looked up at me with huge red eyes and I rubbed my temples.

“Do I think you handled it correctly? No. I’d never hate you Amaris. C’mon, let’s get to the house. How’s he doing with the whole thing? Do you know?” We began the trek to The House of Waves and I felt her fidget next to me.

“He’s justifiably angry, but the whole time, he’s come off as confused. It’s as if he doesn’t know what to do with himself? He’s still been kind to me which is more than I deserve. You wouldn’t think it, but Loren really did treat me like a damn queen. He plays a part, but not once did I feel like he would actually do something with someone else.” She kept talking about the downfall of their relationship and it made my chest ache.

I couldn’t imagine Talon leaving me or me choosing to leave him. I swallowed hard. Amaris had looked guilty and a little sad, but I didn’t understand. If the same happened to my relationship, I’d be devastated. I’d be a sobbing mess. As we walked up the steps of the house, I wondered if this relationship’s devastation wasn’t one-sided. I’d pegged Loren a certain way, but it seemed as though he’d given his all to my friend and unfortunately, she hadn’t felt the same way. My fears for them had come true but in reverse.

“You have apologized to him?” I asked as I made up a bed for her. Lydia had long gone to her quarters and I didn’t mind. Amaris helped, tucking the sheets in on the other side. We’d been talking for hours now and I was worn out.

“Over and over. I think he’d rather me leave him alone at this point. Which is fine. Wren was more than happy to take me back. I’m hoping for a mission soon.” I threw the other half of the comforter to her and she smiled nervously at me, “Why do I feel like you’re mad at me?”

“I’m not mad. I guess I feel a little bad for him. That’s all. That’s rough.” She was uncomfortable. So was I, but I had to be honest. I’d seen him earlier. Even after almost dying, Loren had never looked like that. The poor guy was having a hard time. Maybe it was good that she might be leaving soon. He could heal and return to his annoying self. Loren would find someone else. Oh! Potlyne was here! That should help. Maybe having his adoptive mother close would help him untangle his emotions. I’d seen them together. Loren wasn’t shy about that fact that he was a mama’s boy. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t technically brought him into the world.

“Alright! Enough serious talk! How’s my baby?!” She exclaimed and I tried to shift myself into a different headspace. Our entire band of misfits had taken to Wyn. The poor child had a horde of super-powered uncles and aunts surrounding him. I smiled softly as I fluffed a pillow. It made me happy. The boy once trapped in the dungeon would never be alone again.

“He’s good. His classes start soon, not that he’s excited. He’s worried that he’ll get stuck with Hanja as his main mentor.”

Amaris barked a laugh, “Hey, that’s a rational fear!”

The conversation after that was lighter and much easier. As I crawled into my own bed and got comfortable, I sighed as my thoughts turned dark again. Unintentionally, Amaris had ripped the top off an insecurity that’d been lurking inside that I hadn’t even been aware of. As bored as I was with our life sometimes, how hard was it for Talon? He’d never wanted to be a part of the court. He’d never wanted any of this. He’d been forced into it by our friends and me. Granted, he’d volunteered himself to be the emissary, but I’d forced him to give up the Verseckt. It scared me too much. I couldn’t go with and I didn’t know where he was. He’d quit for me. That was the only reason. Had I cut off his last lifeline? Would he grow to hate what we had the way Amaris did? Would he want to leave one day out of the blue? Would I be left in a state of shock like Loren?




Amaris didn’t leave the house much over the next day. She entertained Wyn and avoided the city and Loren. I didn’t blame her. She knew she’d hurt him and if he needed distance, she was right to give it to him. I was different. I was in Syrin constantly, and I found myself seeking out dark brown and grey hair. One brown eye and one green. The problem was that Loren was either avoiding me or keeping a low profile. If that was the case, it was fine. He couldn’t hide from me forever.

I was making my way through the converted palace when I finally spotted his messy half updo. He grimaced when he saw me and my suspicions were confirmed. He turned in the opposite direction and I quickly made to follow. Only to have thin fingers dig into my shoulder. I twisted my upper body with a glare for the culprit, surprised to see Hanja.

“Leave him alone.” I glanced from the healer to where Loren’s back was getting farther away.

“I just need to know if he’s okay.” I shook off Hanja’s hand. How did he know everything?

Hanja flipped his long hair over his shoulder and fixed me with a look, “If he is running from you, perhaps he does not wish to talk Kalian.”

I felt myself sag and ran my hands down my face. I felt myself nod, “You’re right as usual. I need to stop stalking him.”

“You’re kind. You have a good heart. But gods, sometimes you just need to leave things alone.” I stuck my tongue out at Hanja’s back as he walked away and grinned softly as some students nearby snickered. Then Hanja’s head snapped in their direction and one of the poor things literally yipped with fear as their laughter cut off. Feeling a little guilty for getting them in trouble, I retreated. They’d reminded me that Wyn needed to register for classes. That’d be a chore. The boy was grumpy. He insisted it was because he didn’t want to restart school, but I secretly suspected he missed Talon.

He definitely wasn’t alone in that.

I brought the paperwork I’d been carrying up to my chest, flipping through it and reading. I groaned as I made it to the end of the page. I had so much to do and I didn’t care about any of it. I froze in my steps and someone almost walked into me. I apologized and waved. Where had that come from? I couldn’t think like that. I hadn’t taken all of this on. It wasn’t fair for me to whine about it now. The king had left me a lot. I’d been given more than I could’ve imagined and I had agreed to help rebuild the country. It was a little late to rethink my commitments now. Guilt flooded through me and I felt a comforting nudge against my mind. I buckled down, ironing out a daily schedule in my head and resuming my steps. I sent an answering caress across the tether and wished I could do it with fingers against skin instead.




Something other than sunlight had woken me up this morning. My brain was still dumb from sleep. Things clicked together slowly. There was a body pressed to my back, arms holding me tight, and a face buried in my neck. I inhaled and let my arm move back to tangle fingers in thick dark hair. I decided fast that I was unhappy with the position and took my arm back so I could roll over. I wrapped my arms around Talon’s neck as he leaned down, lips pressing to mine. It was unhurried and one of his hands slid slowly down my spine, simultaneously pulling me tighter to him.

“Too long.” I mumbled against his mouth. I opened my eyes and he chuckled softly, “What time is it?”

“Just after dawn. Rah and Suman were a bit unhappy that I chose to travel through the night.” They should be. It was unnecessary and childish. There was no reason for it. I told him as much as I pressed our lips together over and over. I let my hands slide over his chest as his hand cupped my jaw. I pushed harder at his chest and coaxed his tongue into my mouth as we rolled. I straddled his hips. Both my hands cupped his face now and he held my hips.

“Ugh, gross. Glad I came in first. I had a feeling this is what I’d be walking in on.” A whimper left me at the same time a frustrated growl left Talon.

“Why is the she-demon in my bedroom Kalian?” I felt the bed dip and Talon’s anger soured our bond as I hesitantly looked.

Amaris was laying on her side next to us, head propped up on her hand as she smirked.

“Don’t you have an obnoxious partner of your own to harass? He has a house too. Why are you in ours?” I flinched and so did Amaris. Talon looked between the two of us, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“I’ll, uh, see you two at breakfast.” Amaris rolled off the bed, slamming the door as she left.

“Hey! No slamming doors!” Talon yelled after her. Sighing, I laid on his chest, playing with the neckline of his shirt.

“Her and Loren aren’t together. They haven’t been for months.”

Hands rested on my back and Talon shifted, “I had heard something was wrong, but I didn’t know what. What’d he do?”

“It wasn’t him. It was Amaris. She decided she didn’t want that life for herself, so she left him.”


I lifted my head, folding my hands on his chest so I could pillow my chin on them. He began running his fingers through my hair, pausing to cup my cheek, “What’s wrong?”

“Are you happy?” Talon’s face fell fast and he sat up quickly, gripping my shoulders and awkwardly taking me with him. I shifted until I was comfortable and out of the strange position he’d put my back in.

“You’re asking me this because of Ama and goblin man? Kalian, that was doomed from the start. You and I are fate. You were meant to be mine. We’re married. You’re fucking stuck with me now. I swear to the gods if you’re having second thoughts now after you made me go through my own emotions and-“

“No! I’m not having second thoughts!” I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my forehead against his as my eyes closed, “Loren had no idea from the sound of it. He was shocked. I don’t think I could…survive that.”

“Stop it. Yeah, that sucks for stabby boy, but that’ll never happen with us.”

“Are you bored? With our life? Is this what you wanted?” I waited and something dropped inside my chest when the silence stretched out longer. I opened my eyes and Talon was looking to the side. He was grimacing slightly, fingers rubbing my hips soothingly.

“You are. It’s not.” I said, sitting back and dropping my arms.

“You can’t tell me you aren’t bored, love. I see it. You’re exhausted. You hate this too. It isn’t just me. Listen, it doesn’t matter. If this is what you want, then this is what we’ll do. You, that’s all I need.” I climbed off his lap. It felt like things were crashing down inside of me. Had Amaris said any of this to Loren in the seven years she’d drawn their relationship out before deciding it wasn’t for her?

“Stop it Kalian.”

“Stop what?” I wandered to the closet and began to get dressed. There were things that needed to be done. There were always things that needed to be done. Things that could my focus away from this. I needed to think.

Fingers caught my wrist and dragged me to a stop, “Look at me.”

I did and Talon sighed, “We aren’t Loren and Amaris. This relationship was built. Theirs was thrown together. We aren’t the same. You know I don’t lie to you. Do you not remember what we went through to get to this point? I may be stupid some times, but I’m not dumb enough to throw all of that away.”

I pulled at my wrist in his grip and he let go. I looked up and he jerked the closet door closed. I sucked on my lower lip as his eyes swept over my body. I eyed him just as blatantly, letting my lower lip go slowly. In the next second, my back was slammed against the wall. My legs were wrapped around his waist, fingers gripping his hair. One of his hands gripped my thigh, the other by my head against the wall. One of my hands slid down his nape, digging my nails into his skin as he all but devoured my mouth. He swallowed my noises and I tried to drag him closer.

He waved his hand and a small vial appeared in his palm. I panted as I came up for breath, “Pervert.”

He laughed as he set it on the dresser beside us. He lowered me down and the struggle to get clothes off began. It took too much time. Clothes were evil. He spun me around and fingers slid in as his mouth found mine again. I spread my legs and nipped his lower lip as I rolled my hips back. A third jammed in a little soon and I tensed. He curled one and slid his other hand down to palm me.

“Now.” I rasped as lust took over.

“Oh?” His fingers withdrew and I pushed my hips back. My fingers scoured the wall’s flat surface for purchase as he began the slow push in. I pressed my palms flat and jerked my hips back, forcing him the rest of the way in and earning a gasped curse.

“That way, huh?” Talon was smirking and a snotty comment died on my lips as his hand gripped the back of my neck. The other gripped my shoulder as we stumbled back. I heard his back connect with what I thought was a wall as he jerked me backwards onto him, both hands on my hips now. With nothing to grip onto, I gasped as he continued dragging me back. The awkward position didn’t last and Talon slid down the wall, ending on his knees. His hand found the back of my neck again and he forced my upper body to the ground while I was still on my knees. He yanked my arms behind me and held them tight to my lower back. He knee inched mine farther apart. Then, apparently satisfied, he resumed slamming deep into me.

My cheek slid back and forth across the floor and I bit my lip hard. No child on the planet wanted to wake up to their parent screaming during sex. I flexed my fingers in Talon’s hold and gasped when he hit my prostate. His free palm slid up my spine as his hips continued to work and I rested my forehead on the floor, gritting my teeth as I tried to stay quiet. I was becoming less successful the closer I got to orgasm. Pleasure coiled in my lower body and I knew it wasn’t going to take much more.

“Talon…” I gasped and he seemed to understand the warning. He released my hands and his landed next to my head. I reached for his arm and he hooked it around me. I gripped it, fingers digging into pale skin as I rested my forehead against it. I rolled my hips back desperately as he lost his rhythm. I writhed and bit down on his forearm hard as I came, muffling my scream. His face fell into my neck as he forced himself as deep as he could before finishing inside with a gasp. My back arched and I licked gently at the bite, mumbling barely coherent words as I healed the shallow marks.

His head nudged mine gently and I turned to kiss him. His arms wrapped tight around me and held me as we came down. At some point we should get off the floor and clean up before anyone noticed what we’d done. I let my head fall back for another kiss and smiled against his lips. He kissed my nose, “Believe me now? Feel better?”

“Mhm.” I nodded and made a face when we finally pulled apart.

“I don’t know why you retreat into your head like that and decide the sky is falling. Instead of, you know, talking to me. Your husband. Hi, we’ve met. I’m not a stranger you can talk to me.” Talon waved at me and I rolled my eyes at him. I pushed his face away and opened the door. I looked around and then darted to the bathroom. I glanced behind me to watch Talon casually strolling in behind me. Not a care in the world. I shook my head and started a bath. I clambered in, my limbs all still too loose and Talon followed. I sat between his legs and leaned back against him.

“Loren was in really bad shape when I saw him.”

“You are really caught up on a relationship that doesn’t involve you. It’s between them. Let it go.”

“I know. Hanja basically said the same thing.”

“See? The planets have aligned to warn you away from butting into someone else’s business. Hanja and I never agree.” I splashed a handful of water into Talon’s face and he sputtered, “Do whatever you want but you know I’m right!”

“I worry. About everyone. All our friends. Even if Loren is kind of a fringe one.” I nuzzled his neck and Talon rubbed my shoulders.

“He’s nothing if not resilient. He’ll get over it. He’s not a teenager. I doubt this is his first heartbreak.”

“I hope so.” Everyone was telling me to mind my business but I kept seeing how beaten down he’d been. How very unlike Loren he’d looked. They were right. Every time I inserted myself into things that weren’t my business it ended badly. I’d been in enough arguments to prove it. I sighed and lowered farther into the hot water. Fingers slid over my skin and I leaned into the touches. The reality was there were other things that were more important. Our country being in danger was a bit more important than Loren’s feelings being hurt. The man had to be close to 40. He’d be alright.

For now, I needed to let go of things that weren’t my problem and focus on the things that were.

For the record, I have always loved Loren and this branch of the story hurt to write at first.
Also, I thought this might help since the time has jumped a bit.
Kalian-27 yros
Talon, Eon, Amaris-32 yros
Hanja, Tyren-42 yros
Loren-40 yros
Rah-26 yros
Wyn-12 yros
It hasn't been mentioned yet but Suman is 30 yros

Sooooo, I don't have an update schedule for this.
I'm sorry if I'm a little inconsistent, but hey here's two right off the bat

Copyright © 2021 Demiurge; All Rights Reserved.
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It’s so comforting to know that nothing’s changed…except the Kingdom? Nation? Realm? And perhaps a twelve year old that has no idea just exactly how his parents, sitters, and teachers went from most wanted to being the founders of their new nation and government.

Wow, that parent/teacher conference will be a history debate.

Given the time jump, I still wonder the of the history search for the ancient languages, and does Wyn have a better understanding of his lineage; of his family and gifts…pure Druid?

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“Stop it. Yeah, that sucks for stabby boy, but that’ll never happen with us.”

You really can't help yourself, can you? Well, unfortunately for you (& your poor readers) neither can I...

Sing with me 'k? I'm sure you know the tune:

Old McDemiurge had a farm
e i e i o

and on that farm he had some poor lost boys
e i e i o

With a red herring here and a foreshadowing there, here a broken sword, there a sightless head, everywhere a big ol' bloody mess mess

Old McDemiurge had a farm
eeee iiiii eeeee iiiiiiiiii oooooooooooo


Anyway man, you know I love your stories, right? Like truly madly deeply, yeah? Because I do.

  • Haha 1
7 minutes ago, Demiurge said:

@a_dragon you bring me joy 🤣

Ya know, I was gonna respond with some snarky blah blah blah bollocks but as I started typing I found that I couldn't. Because honestly, that is the point yeah? Bringing joy.

Thing is man, with all the joy you've brought - and continue to bring - to us, your readers well...any small joy I can offer in return is just a very poorly rendered facsimile. But nevertheless, I am happy to keep trying.

Oh and while I'm here, I am assuming your beloved goblin man will be (once his heart recovers ofc) issued with a shiny-ish! new-to-him! slightly more unhinged (it's not a competition I know, but it also kinda is), differently gendered, equally goblinish lover? I mean after seven (7) years of trying (and failing) I think it's obvious Ama needs something little goblin dude just don't got... I'm sure she and Rah will/would be much better together anyway.

Back to the joy thing though, I hope you remember this convo (and reach for a tissue instead of anything stabby) when one of my comments inevitably gets up your nose.

Thanks for taking the time to read my nonsense man, and for engaging with me - much appreciated.

  • Haha 1
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