Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Star, The Demon, and The God - 10. Reflecting on the Past
The three strangers pull Tobias into a room. They are most likely going to plan out how to get that necklace.
I am not entirely sure how a necklace is supposed to help us bring back all the humans, but if the Mother Goddess says it will, then we had better get it.
While they brainstorm over all of that, I am left wondering why the Mother Goddess did not bring the necklace herself. Nor did she say why we needed the necklace. Surely she would have told someone how it works.
Now that I think about it, why did Drulai bring herself here? Mother used to say that the Goddess keeps to herself. That she never speaks with anyone.
Why is she speaking to humans of all things? It is strange. I am not sure how I feel about that.
Not only is that whole situation weird in on itself, the family tree that Vlad’s family was trying to show us brought strange memories.
This...Laneer feels familiar. Just the name on my tongue feels as if I have said it plenty of times before. It is just...I know for a fact that I have never even seen or heard that name before in my life. Yet, I feel as though I have met him.
Frowning, I stare at the letters placed into the family tree made of stone.
This man died over a thousand years ago. I was never born back then. I am barely over three hundred years old!
I am just standing there staring at the name in confusion but then someone speaks behind me.
“Your friend is not very friendly,” Vlad says behind me with a laugh. “He must have taken a liking to you. That, or he is a very loyal bodyguard.”
I turn to him and raise an eyebrow.
“Well,” I say. “People have made their threats against him for if he were to fail. I personally hope I am not making it hard on him. He really is a nice guy! You just have to get to know him better!”
Vlad nods in thought and juts his chin to Laneer’s name.
“You find Laneer’s ending confusing as well,” he says more than asks. “For all we know, he could have started another line of family. There could be more with the Bancroft blood out there.”
I tilt my head in confusion. “Why is your family so obsessed with your blood? It makes you all sound full of yourselves.”
He shrugs. “Trust me, it was not our decision. If anything, we were hoping to change our ways with that. Unfortunately, so many of the common folk are still in love with Violette.”
“Why?” I ask. “It is quite strange in all honesty.”
Vlad laughs and nods. “You’re not wrong. My guess is that it has something to do with how she unified the kingdoms to defeat many evil forces. She took over in the Serendian war, the war with the Hollowed, and a war against Demons.”
I frown. “Hollowed? What is that? And Demons? Why?”
“Well, the Hollowed are a strange beings who are created by raw magic. They are pretty much as smart as a walking corpse, but their numbers were massive once upon a time. Nobody is sure where they came from.”
“And the Demons?” I ask.
He actually looks a little uncomfortable with this topic.
“The Demons were teaming with the Serendians,” He says. “When the Serendians lost, the Demons were angry. So many of their contracts had ended against their will. They chose to attack us in retaliation.”
“In the end we won,” He grins.
I can only frown at how he says that with enthusiasm. You should never be happy that war has or had taken place.
“Is this all you humans know,” I ask. “War? Pain? Even against your own kind, you still bring more of the two. Why? Why must you do such things? You act as if the Serendians were so different from you, when really, they simply lived further away.”
Vlad actually looks sympathetic in my small outburst. He almost acts like he understands.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” he gives a sad smile. “Believe me, I wish it never had to happen. My cousins are not as open minded about it, but they also agree that sometimes, it just is not worth questioning it. I imagine like yourself, the Gods look down at us with a crease in their brow.”
I shrug. “I guess so. Did Raiyo not say that was a thing? I imagine he did. He tends to say a lot of things. That is what I have gathered recently.”
At the mention of Raiyo, Vlad’s face becomes a bit grim.
“What is it like,” He asks. “Working for him. Is he as cruel as the stories say? The only time he ever seems peaceful or kind is when it comes to the truly underprivileged people.”
I can only shrug again.
“In all honesty,” I say. “It can never tell. I have only just met him recently, but I can tell that it is more of a guessing game with him. I thought he was nice, but then I did not for a time. Now after what you have just told me about Halehigh, I do not find him nice in the slightest.”
Vlad gives a sad smile. “Yeah. I figured it would be somewhat complicated on your end. Did he really send you both here to bring us back? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.”
I nod. “He really did. That was not a lie. We were pretty much ordered by him to bring everyone back to life.”
He hums and pinches his chin in thought.
“Do you think he is planning something?” He asks. “Surely there is something he is planning with all of us.”
“I think so,” I say. “I think Tobias does as well. He told me that he was seriously doubting the leadership he brings over the Demons.”
Vlad looks surprised by that.
“Really? A Demon is questioning his master? My, the world really has gone crazy, hasn't it?” He chuckles.
Another shrug from me. What else do I say to that? I still blame a lot of the people, but the Gods are definitely making it worse, even if they probably think otherwise.
“Would you like to join me in the war room?” He asks while holding a hand towards the doors that Tobias and the other King and Queens entered.
The last thing I want to do is enter a place called ‘The War Room’. It sounds awful in there. Do they make mini versions of their armies fight one another? Yes, I would rather not go in there today or ever.
Shaking my head, I glance over my shoulder to the entrance of this room, ready to leave. “Sorry, but I need to feed my friends. I promise to be back in an hour or so.”
Vlad looks a bit confused but in the end, he bows to me and walks through the War Room doors.
The city is so strange. It feels empty. I get that it is cold, but there is not a single soul out here. Sure, every now and then there is a guard, but I mainly find them close to the little bonfires that are littered across the city.
I do not want to be here. I want to be back out in the woods where it is safe. In here, I feel trapped.
Unfortunately, it is freezing right now. When did it ever get so cold?
With a loud whistle, I look up the skies, hoping for Enfi to come down. I could use her warmth. It would be perfect honestly.
Instantly, a bundle of red feathers can be seen flying my way.
I smile at how majestic she looks in the sky.
Enfi flies down and lands on my shoulder. She chirps and rubs her face against my cheek.
“Thank you, pretty bird,” I smile and make her a strawberry out of thin air.
A gasp to my right grabs mine and Enfi’s attention.
At first I think it is nothing but an empty house, but when I look closer, I see that there is a small child standing behind the window. She is trying to hide behind the curtain.
I smile and walk closer.
“Hello,” I wave to her. “I’m Luno!”
She stares wide-eyed at Enfi.
“Oh don’t be afraid,” I say. “She is harmless! She might try to cuddle with you honestly.”
Shrugging her off my shoulder, I make Enfi drop onto the window. She shrinks down a bit more to make herself not seem like a threat to the little girl.
Her idea works! The little girl slowly peeks out and stares at Enfi. She looks up at me as if she needs permission. I only nod with a smile.
“Go on,” I say. “She won’t bite.”
Hesitantly, the girl holds her hand out to Enfi. At first, she backs away when Enfi looks up at her, but eventually the girl is able to have her hand rubbed on by Enfi. She giggles and looks up at me with a smile that shines in her eyes.
Okay. So maybe the Humans are not that bad. It has just been awhile since I have met some nice ones. A long, long time.
Not wanting to stay here any longer, I wave goodbye to the girl before whistling for Enfi to get on my shoulder.
Doubling checking that Kulu is alright, I walk back the way that I got into this city.
Don’t get me wrong, the little girl was nice, but she feels like only a small light in this city full of war and violence. I can practically feel the tension on the walls of each of the homes. It is not right.
To be fair, their anger is most likely towards what has been happening to their people. It is just strange that even with something as awful as that is happening, they still continue to have wars with one another.
The day that Tobias met me on that cove, I was fixing the damage from one of those human wars. Was it really worth killing all that life for some stupid problems that can be solved without such violence?
With a sigh, I push open the gates and walk out onto the road for a few minutes. I only want to put some distance between me and Halehigh.
After awhile, I walk off course and trudge my way through the snowy woods.
It is pretty out here. I will admit that.
The snow is nice and bright, the trees are tall and covered up in the white sheets. The green pine needles smell especially good right now.
Not a lot of creatures out here right now. That is...until I look behind me.
A small family of moose are following me. Two adults and one baby.
They are rather silent and when I notice them, they bow their heads. The father’s antlers are especially big.
Smiling, I make small piles of catkins for each of them to eat. Maybe they were following me for food? Best to give them some just to be sure.
A small rush of air comes up behind me. At first I get scared than an Angel is about to attack me, but then I feel the familiar vibration that Mother gives off.
Recently, I learned that Raiyo does the same. I guess that means that I can sense all of the Gods? Or maybe just those two?
I turn to her with a small smile. It is nice to smile right?
“Hello, Mother,” I say. “It has been a long time.”
“Yes, yes it has,” She says with a sigh.
It is moments like this where I wish I could see her. I can’t quite tell how she is feeling at the moment. She sounds...sad? Bored? Angry? Maybe a little happy? I do not know. If I were to see her face, maybe I would have been able to tell.
With a flick of my finger, a drop of light falls into the snow-covered ground. A sapling begins to grow at an astonishing rate. It grows green and then as it thickens, it turns brown. It’s hard bark twists around until it makes a small bench. One for me and Mother to us. That is, if she wants to use it. She could always just fly. That is what I assume she does. Or maybe she floats?
I sit on the bench and hug myself. Enfi sits next to me, providing warmth from the fires of her wings.
“How do we even begin this talk?” I ask. “There are so many things to ask. I don't even know where to start!”
Mother sighs again. Her energy becomes stronger in the empty space next to me. Surprisingly, a warmth can be felt on my shoulder.
“I know,” She says. “I never should have kept so many things from you. I just-...I never wanted you to experience the dark, twisted ways of the world. You are so innocent and kind. I did not want you to lose that about yourself.”
Shaking my head, I stare hard at the ground. “That was never your decision! Let me choose who or what I want to be!”
A small pause from her. “I will not stop you now, Luno. You can do whatever you want. I only wish I had done so sooner. Forgive me and my...harsh rules. I only wanted what was best for you.”
Now it is my turn to sigh.
“Mother,” I say. “You were harsh at times, but I knew you cared for me. Do not think I am completely angry with you. You taught me so many things. You taught me how to be careful and also how to keep my magic under control! I only wish you did not have to keep so many secrets from me. For instance, I finally learned what I am! Unfortunately, I learned it from another God.”
At that, Mother scoffs.
I guess I should have known bringing up Raiyo would bring her attitude out, but it is true! He did tell me these things.
“Yes, you are a Star,” She says. “A Star that my...husband...had brought down from the skies. I am sorry that happened to you, Luno. You did not deserve this life filled with so many things to taint your purity. You should be up there. Not here where all the filth beckons for you.”
I tilt my head.
“Why did Morgoren bring me down here?” I ask. “What did he want to use me for?”
Mother’s energy seems to vibrate at a faster pace now. That usually happens when she becomes angry or agitated.
“He wanted to use you as a way to replicate what he lost,” She says.
I frown. What he lost? What does that mean...he lost Raiyo? That does not really make sense to me.
“Morgoren was going to use you as his champion,” Mother continues. “Raiyo was originally his champion, but things had changed. Most likely because of me. You were to be Raiyo replacement. Morgoren tried to make you as close to Raiyo’s resemblance as possible. Raiyo was his favorite after all.”
She clears her throat.
“You were to do all that he wished. He tried to taint you with the vilest of spells, but I happened to come across his experiments.”
A shiver runs down my spine at that. This makes me more scared of Morgoren.
“When I saw your face, I thought you were Raiyo. I wanted to kill you right then and there, but then I looked closer and saw that you were not an Archdemon, but a Star. A Star that was carved to look like Morgoren’s whore.”
Well...hearing that does not exactly make me feel better, but I guess it is good to know why I am here.
“In a way to keep you from harm, I brought you to the Sanctuary,” She says, her vibrations calming down. “There, you awoke for the first time. I hated you. I hated you with every fiber of my being. I wanted to kill you myself so many times, I lost count.”
I hug myself a little tighter, not exactly liking this talk anymore.
“But then,” She says after a time. “I realized that you were so different from any other being I know. You were genuinely kind and caring. Never doing things to gain from it like so many others do. It amazed me just how different you were. How much you were the opposite of what Morgoren wanted.”
A warmth wraps around me in a small squeeze. Mother is hugging me.
“I grew from hating you to loving you,” She says. “I know I was harsh, but I just wanted you to stay safe. You were so carefree, I was only a bit worried for your safety.”
I would argue that I would have been fine without her worrying, but that is not entirely true. I had learned that I was not ready long ago.
“Thank you for everything,” I say. “For giving me a home. For sparing me. For loving me. Even for teaching me how to control my magic. That night, back in Varen. It still haunts me from time to time. I wish you had taught me how to control it back then. Maybe Viktor and Monie would have lived.”
“Oh Luno,” Mother’s voice trembles. “I have kept another thing from you.”
I am not entirely surprised about that. I have been with her for quite a long time.
“On that night in Varen,” She says.
At that I sit up and look in her direction. She continues.
“You never burned down that home. You never did anything wrong. You did not kill the two Humans. You have never lost control before that night. The only time that you have was when you let your anger get the better of you.”
Not really able to keep sitting, I stand and pace back and forth in front of the bench.
“Morgoren was there,” She says. “He knew you were staying in that village because we did not know we were supposed to hide back then. He started the fire. He made the river drown the little girl. He spread whispers through the people that you were doing magic and that you were a demon. It was all him.”
I shake my head while walking back and forth.
This...this cannot be true! I was so sad and angry with Moni’s death that I started the fire in my sleep. I had to be me! I never even felt Morgoren’s presence. I did not feel anything.
I start breathing too fast and I cover my eyes. Anything to not think about those images. The darkness should help me forget.
“I’m sorry, Luno,” Mother says, her warmth surrounding me again. “I truly am. I never should have kept this from you.”
All these years, I have been trying my best to ‘perfect’ my magic, when really, I never lost control? I never killed Viktor and Monie? I have felt guilty for two hundred and fifty years for nothing?
“Is there...is there anything else?” I ask, my voice shaking.
Mother is silent for a few moments. No doubt thinking over her lies.
“No,” She says. “That is all. I am afraid I must also leave as well, my child.”
Frowning, I look up at where she should be standing. She has never called me her child.
“Just know,” She says, almost as if she is about to cry. “I have loved you more than anything in this world. You were a beacon of love for me. I can never thank you enough for that.”
For some reason, hearing that makes tears start to fall. Maybe it is because she has never told me she loved me until today. Maybe it is because she just called me her child. Either way, it leaves me so incredibly happy, that I can’t help but cry.
A portal opens in the air. It has a pretty white glow that does not blind me.
I feel Mother’s presence slipping away into the portal. Just as she passes through, I forget how to breathe.
There, on the other side of the portal, stands a woman. Her skin does not have one color, but thousands. Strands of colors that I have never even seen before dance across her skin and hair. Her eyes are a solid blue color that glow. Behind her is a set of great wings that are both colorful and see-through. They remind me of stained glass.
All too soon, Mother and her portal disappear.
Why...why has she allowed me to see her true form?
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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