Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Don't Blame The Band - 11. The Audition and Cops One Last Time
Tuesday November 8 - Atlantic Records
We start out, as requested with 'Free Bird.' While we're playing we see smiles all over the listening booth. Then, as we previously decided, we go through our songs in the order we wrote them:
'Live Your Own Life'
'Love, Hate, War, and Peace'
'Try Harder'
'Running Out of Time'
'Trust Your Fears'
'Eye Meets Eye'
'There's Time Enough to Die'
'Will My Love Grow?'
'In Another World'
'Watching Life Go By'
All the way through, we're seeing smiles, nods, bouncing knees, even some clapping along where it fits. I know I'm getting more and more confident as we go. By the time we finish, I'm thinking we nailed it. Zach puts on hold for a bit.
"OK, just hang in there guys while we talk over a few things."
Unfortunately our spy is sent out of the room. He comes back with more waters for each of us and stays in the studio with us until they're ready for us.
"They didn't want me spilling the beans about what they were saying, so they shipped me out for waters for you guys, told me to stay here until they were ready."
"It's cool Ty. Would have been nice to hear details later, but I guess we'll know soon enough. There sure are enough people out there.
"Yeah Pete. I don't know who they all are, but I know a couple are producers and marketing folks. The guy second from the left is Paul Rodgers. To his left is Mick Jones."
"No shit. Damn, I hope we get to meet them."
"Can't say Gabe. Looks like they're breaking up."
He's right. Zach turns on the outer mic and Wayne speaks to us.
"OK guys. Real good job. I think for now we have most of what we need. We might be able to improve the output on a couple of the songs, but we'll want you back to re-record most of them at some point anyway. If you don't mind staying longer, we would like you to do a couple more takes of 'Try Harder' and 'Trust Your Fears.' 'Try Harder' will be your first single. Tyler, after Zach and Mick are happy with the sound, you can take them back to the conference room and let Bill Arnold know you're ready for him. It's not settled yet, but we're thinking Mick will produce your record. Feel free to whoop and holler for a moment. You're in."
Whoop and holler we did. When we finally quieted down, the team that listened to us all gave us a round of applause. You can't know what it meant to us for a group of record executives, producers and, shit, even famous artists to show that level of appreciation. After that, they broke up, only Zach, another sound guy Jim, Mick and Tyler remained in the listening booth. We did 'Try Harder' four more times and 'Trust Your Fears' three times before Zach and Mick came in to talk to us. Really just Mick.
"Let me first say I'm impressed that a bunch of, pardon the expression, kids, did that good a job on Free Bird. And your original songs, wow. We had a hard time deciding which one to push first. I'd guess Tyler told you, but I'm Mick Jones. I am so happy Wayne asked me to come in this afternoon. Just hearing you guys was a pleasure, but having the opportunity to work with you; I'm looking forward to it. Now, tell me who you all are."
We all introduce ourselves, also saying what an honor it is to meet him.
"The honor is mine. But, now; I have to warn you. Making a record is hard work. Talent gets you a long way, but without the effort, success is fleeting. The good news is, we're not under any time pressure. That's important because two of you are still in school..."
"That would be Ant, Anthony, and me."
"Thanks Pete. I like the nickname, Ant. So, between now and graduation, we'll probably only get together once a week because it will need to be after school hours; like today. And many weeks we'll have to skip due to other commitments I may have. We have a whole inventory of instruments at our disposal. I don't see anything in your drum kit David or your keyboard setup Eddie, that we can't replicate. So you won't have to cart your equipment back and forth every time. Amps we have as well. Bring your favorite bats David, picks and guitars for you guitarists, your harmonica and sax Pete for those couple songs that use them. If it's possible, we may want to put you up in a hotel for a few days between Christmas and New Year's when you're off from school. Pete, I understand you're still only 17, so we'll need parental permission if that happens. Gotta keep everything legal. Questions?"
No surprise, Eddie speaks up.
"About contracts, how will that work?"
"That's your next step, with Bill. He's probably putting together a standard recording contract now for you guys to go over and take with you. Have your manager, a lawyer, someone who knows what they're doing, go through it with you. I probably shouldn't say this, but young artists have been screwed, sometimes unintentionally, by record companies ever since records were invented."
"We know that first-hand. We already have a lawyer lined up. She helped us with a lawsuit against a fly-by-night record company that planned to steal our first couple songs. Pete here had a bad feeling about it and we escaped with a tidy sum and bankrupted a corrupt record company."
"Good for you. Smarts helps in this business too. Other questions...? No, then two more things from me and I'll let you go. I understand you're a house band on the Jersey shore?"
"Right. Garson's Hideout."
"OK. Until your songs are officially published, I'm sorry to say you're not going to want to play them. Once it gets out that you're signed to Atlantic, bootleg copies can and will show up. Definitely not in yours or Atlantic's best interest. And once you're signed, feel free to advertise that fact, hell, tell your fans now. When the single or singles are ready, you can share that info too. Ditto for the album. Your hometown fans knowing all that will only help sales in the future. Secondly, and a little selfishness on my part, I'm guessing that skipping your own songs will leave a few holes in your set lists. I'd love it if you added 'Cold as Ice' and let me know when you plan on playing it. I'll leave copies of my business card with Tyler before I leave. Similarly, any other Foreigner songs you may wish to add, you have my permission, not that you need it if you're not making money off them specifically. I'm actually going to go to the rest of my band mates and see what they think about you covering 'Cold As Ice' for your album. I think you'd do an awesome job with it. We may have to be in disguise, but coming to see you play it, if you decide to, would definitely be something we'd like to do. OK. That's it for me. You think of any more questions for me, you'll have my card. I'm sure Zach will be able to handle any technical questions. I'll be in touch after I hear you've been signed and we'll get you back in here to start work. Great meeting you all."
We all say goodbye and thank you. I have to admit, I'm a little starstruck. One of the founding members of Foreigner wants me to sing one of their songs. This whole session has been a roller coaster ride, and it's not over yet. Tyler leads us back to the conference room and leaves to chase down Bill, who comes back alone.
"Hello. I'm Bill Arnold, one of the business managers here at Atlantic. First, congratulations. Not many artists who walk through our doors get to meet me. I'm sure Wayne told you the odds of getting signed. I have 6 copies of, basically our standard contract here for you. Do not, I repeat, do not sign them now. Have your manager, a lawyer, shoot, even Mick, look it over. This is a big step and you don't want to make any mistakes. There's nothing in here that's an obvious disadvantage to you all, but I'll be honest. Shit happens and loopholes get found. I've already spoken to Tyler. He told me you guys had a verbal agreement to make him your unofficial sound engineer. All well and good to record things for you up to now. Being he's an employee for Atlantic now, that will no longer be possible. We do have other provisions here for our employees directly involved with any of our artists to be compensated beyond their salaries. Wayne's talking to him right now about those, so don't worry about breaking a promise to your friend. Wayne also told me you already have a lawyer in mind to review your contract. Here's a few copies of my card, forward me their contact info and I'll provde a copy of the contract dirctly to them. If you have any general questions about the contract, let me know. Questions, comments?"
"I can give you the lawyer's contact information now. It's Michelle Exton, at Wheeler, Prince, and Smith. My father works there too, here's the phone number. Would you need anything else?"
I write the number down on one of his business cards.
"No, actually that would be enough. They're here in Newark so I'm at least marginally familiar with them. Anything else?"
None of us can think of anything. I think we're all still a little stunned.
"OK, I'll let Tyler know you're ready to clear out. Can you find your way back to the studio you were in?"
We say we can.
"I bid you farewell and I hope to see you again soon."
We head back to the studio and start disconnecting things. A couple minutes later Tyler comes back. I think he might even be happier than we are.
"Oh man, You guys kicked some serious ASS! Everybody loved you. I know you met Mick. But I gotta tell you he practically begged Wayne to work with you. That applause after you finished? Totally unplanned, as far as I know. And the cherry on top? I get a piece of your action even though I can't be your unoffocial sound engineer anymore. Plus, I got a raise, and an offer to work full-time after I graduate. Pete, I know you joked about kissing me when I told you about Uncle Larry, but Ant, I'm sorry, I have to kiss your boyfriend. I wouldn't have this opportunity if it weren't for him."
"Go ahead, but I'm watching."
Tyler gives me a quick peck on the lips.
"Oh shit, that was lame. Go ahead, slip him some tongue."
Tyler looks at Ant, wondering if he's serious. Ant nods. Tyler gives me a real kiss for about 5 seconds. Just short enough to still be somewhat innocent. Long enough to make him need to adjust himself though.
Wednesday November 9
"Hey Pete."
"Hi Ty."
"I want to thank you again for being my friend. Last night was just amazing. I have a potential career that I'll love. I'm in love with a wonderful guy. I have a bunch of friends I never could have hoped for in the band. All because you decided I was worth the effort."
"It was an easy decision, even though you drooled over me at the beginning of the school year."
"Sorry about that. But, really, thanks a lot."
"You're welcome. It makes me feel good knowing I made someone this happy."
"So, what'd you think of Mick? You guys got to spend more time with him while I had to do other things."
"He was great. I think he's going to help us a lot and hopefully make us, at least marginal stars. He actually asked us to add 'Cold as Ice' to our set and possibly cover it on the album."
"Wow, that is so cool. And I'll get to work with him too whenever he's in the studio with you guys. I'll learn a lot."
"Win-win. Hey, we wouldn't have this opportunity if it wasn't for you either. Granted your uncle came to us initially, but maybe nothing ever would have happened after the beatings took place. He may have forgotten about us."
"I think he did, a little. It wasn't until I mentioned you and Ant getting beat up before it clicked."
Tyler and I talked a little more through lunch. He and I seem to have grown closer since Rob shared my secret. I have no worry about him ever saying anything to anybody about it.
Later, at Eddie's:
"So, when do we start practicing 'Cold As Ice?'"
"Right now Gabe, sort of."
Eddie passes out copies of the sheet music to everybody.
"I know you all at least know the song. But take these home, play along to a tape, however you get ready, hopefully tomorrow night we can give it a first shot. But before that, I have to ask a totally stupid question. Does anybody have any reason why we shouldn't sign the contract, assuming Michelle blesses it, with or without revisions?"
We all take a moment to look at Eddie like he's crazy before he starts laughing.
"I just had to see the looks on your faces when I asked that. OK. Let's crank up the amps and play. I don't think we need to spend as much time on our songs for the moment, considering for now, we can't play them in public anymore. Even though we're not technically signed yet, I don't want to take any risks. So, let's just run through what we want to play Friday. Pete, you'd said the doctor blessed you. Anything you don't want to do yet?"
"Nope. Although 'Tired of Toein the Line' never got a great reception before I had to cut it out, I think we can probably leave it out anyway."
"Anybody disagree? No. Good. Since we'll be adding Flirtin' With Disaster,' I think that's an upgrade anyway."
So we run through a bunch of songs, confirm the set list for Friday and head home.
Thursday November 10
The phone rings after school. Caller ID says it's dad's work, but I doubt it's him. I'm right.
"Hi Pete. Michelle Exton."
"Hi Michelle, how are you doing?"
"Excellent, but probably nowhere near as high as the cloud you're probably floating on. I got a package from a courier today. Congratulations. Atlantic Records, wow."
"Thanks. Yeah, it's been quite a ride these past couple days."
"I want to hear all about it, but don't want to take all your time right now. I know you guys rehearse on Thursdays. I'll be at Garson's Saturday, I'd love it if you all hung around for a while afterward."
"I'm sure the guys will be OK with that."
I'm thinking 'the straight ones all think you're hot, so asking them to spend time with you will not be a problem.'
"Will you want payment for reviewing the contract, like last time?"
"Yes, but that's covered in the contract by Atlantic. You'll end up paying for it in the long run, but they front those types of things for you. Which is good because it's a lot more complicated than the 3-concert one. I'm sure you noticed that."
"Yeah. I started looking through it Tuesday night after I got home. Had a headache within 5 minutes."
"Now you know why lawyers charge so much. Our aspirin budgets are tremendous."
"Ha ha. That's good."
"OK. I just wanted to say congrats and set things up for Saturday night. I won't be done with the contract by then, but I can point out any major concerns there may be; although I really don't expect any. Send the rest of the guys my congratulations too."
"Thanks Michelle. See you soon. Bye."
"Bye, rock star!"
Later, at Eddie and David's.
"Before we start, need to tell you guys something. I spoke to Michelle this afternoon. She started reviewing the contract. She said congratulations and she'll be at Garson's Saturday to hear the whole story from Tuesday. So bring your bibs to catch the drool."
"Funny Pete. We don't drool over her."
"Damn close Rich."
"Well, yeah. Leer, maybe. Drool, no. Ha ha."
"Do we need to bring money to pay for her consultation, Pete?"
"No Eddie. She said Atlantic is fronting those costs for us but we'll end up paying them in the end. I'd guess out of our first royalty check."
"Royalty check. Fuckin' A!!"
"Calm down a bit there Gabe. I'm sure they won't be millions of dollars."
"I know, Pete, but just the idea is exciting."
"No argument there. Pete, same question as last night. Anything you don't want to tempt fate with on your voice?"
"No Eddie. Let's give 'Highway Star,' 'Run to the Hills,' and 'All the Way' a shot tonight."
"OK, we'll start with them then."
I get through the higher pitched songs without a problem. Then we run through a bunch more to tune up for Saturday.
Saturday November 12
"Hello Garson's!"
"I have a couple announcements to make before we start tonight. First, I'm sorry to say we can't play our original songs for a while..."
"Wait, wait. There's a really good reason for that. We've gotten an offer to sign with Atlantic Records..."
I get completely drowned out. It takes me a minute to get them quieted down again.
"Thanks. Pretty much how we feel. Anyway, since we'll be recording them for a future album and at least one single, we can't perform them right now. Nobody wants bootleg copies floating around. Secondly, and on a more personal nature, I've gotten a clean bill of health for my voice. So, I know you guys have missed this one."
Rich and Ant hit the first notes of 'All the Way' together. As had been the case before the beating, the audience joins in. I think louder than ever. They're having such a good time, we keep repeating the refrain at the end for an extra minute or so. After a few more songs I talk to them again.
"Any Foreigner fans out there?"
Quite a few cheers.
"We're extremely lucky that Mick Jones has been tabbed to produce our songs..."
Once again, I have to wait for a break.
"OK, OK. Mick suggested we play a Foreigner song during our shows. We're not quite ready to do that yet, but we'll definitely be adding one, maybe two. Unfortunately, we'll have to trim, so this might be the last time we play this one for a while."
We play 'Born to be Wild' then finish the first set off with 'Heaven and Hell.' After the break, we start up with the latest song we've added. The first notes from the keyboard elicit more cheers. It quiets down quickly so they don't miss any of 'A Whiter Shade of Pale.' After a few more songs we close out with 'Surrender' and head into the storeroom for a minute and as usual, play 'Free Bird' for the encore. There's a knock on the door and then Michelle walks in.
"Hi guys. How does it feel to almost be real-life rock stars?"
She gets six different answers, all synonyms of awesome.
"I'm surprised nobody's disappointed."
We look at her like she's crazy. But only for a moment.
"Eddie got the same reaction when he asked if anybody thought we shouldn't sign the contract. Nice try Michelle."
"Well, I'm a lawyer, not a comedienne, David. Anyway, I'm sure Pete told you I have the contract and have started reviewing it. Nothing heart-stopping yet. A couple little things I'll negotiate with Bill Arnold, but so far it's pretty good. I hope to finish my review by Tuesday, and then be back Friday to get your signatures. Some of that depends on Bill's response to my suggested changes. Fingers crossed. He says they're pretty anxious to get your first single out. I'd expect them to want you to come in to put the final touches on that right after they get the contract back. I can't believe you'll be working with Mick Jones. You guys are so lucky."
Pam had popped in initially to see if Michelle wanted anything to drink. Michelle got a champagne to celebrate for us, the rest of us got sparkling cider. It's the thought that counts. Paul wouldn't want to risk his liquor license by giving us the real stuff. Nor would we want him to.
We talked to Michelle a little more about Tuesday's activities, packed everything back into the vehicles and went our separate ways. Mostly.
Tomorrow will be a month since Ant came home from his second hospital visit. We head over to his place after the show, both of us knowing exactly what is on the other's mind. I started wearing the testosterone patch a week ago in anticipation. The making out is hard and heavy, but Ant can't wait to get to the main event. He practically rips off my clothes and throws me down on his bed. He strips as well, spins me around, and then gets between my legs, tongue at the ready to start massaging my rosebud. After a couple minutes of this, he starts with his fingers, lossening me up. It's been a while, so this doesn't go as quick as it has before, but it's quick enough before I'm ready. Ant lubes his dick and mounts me from behind. This is our first time doggie-style, but it's just as good as the other times. He cums in me pretty quickly, but he's obviously very horny. His dick doesn't go soft and he continues pumping into me. Not pounding my ass like the last time, he's not taking that risk again, but he's still doing me pretty hard.
After he cums a second time, I start rimming him, then pretty quickly he implores me to move faster. I'm not one to turn him down and so I finger him until he's loose enough for me to enter him. He wants me to do him doggie-style as well. Again, who am I to complain? After I enter him and start making love to him, I have a feeling this is going to be a slow orgasm, so I try not to tire myself out too fast. After a while I'm getting close and I feel Ant's ass muscles contracting around my cock. He's cumming again. This is enough to finish me off as well. I pump a month's worth of decaffeinated semen deep into his ass before we both collapse. We continue to lie together, kissing softly. It isn't long before we fall asleep wrapped in each other's arms.
Sunday November 13
I came home late Sunday morning from Ant's. It's not much longer before the phone rings.
"Detective Weston. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine detective. How about you?"
"I'm doing well, thank you. I have some news for you and I wanted you to hear it first from me and not the news."
"OK. What's up?"
"There've been two arrests made in the warehouse fire case. A pair of known local drug dealers were arrested yesterday and charged with murder, arson, and numerous drug charges. I know this isn't directly related to your case, but hopefully you'll get some closure knowing that the people who killed your acquaintances are going to pay the price."
I'm speechless for a long moment.
"Are you still there?"
"Yes. Wow. I'm just surprised you found them so quick."
"Not to share too much, but after we discovered who the men killed in the fire were, knowing at least two were known drug dealers, it wasn't too hard to connect the suspects to it. There was DNA at the scene and an anonymous witness came forward, albeit much delayed, that pointed us right at them. They were found with enough meth to land in jail for an awful long time, regardless of the arson and murders."
"Wow. Thanks for letting me know. I'm sure my parents will be happy to hear it's really over as well."
"You're welcome. Bye."
"Bye detective."
It's actually almost time for the noon news. I turn on the TV and pop a tape in the VCR to record the news. I have to wait a couple minutes before they get to the story.
"And on the local front. Two arrests have been made in relation to September's warehouse fire that killed four young men from Red Bank. Thomas and Trent Scott, from Middletown, have been charged with four counts of first-degree murder, arson, and a number of drug related charges. Monmouth County Assistant District Attorney Robert Romano told this reporter that they have a very solid case and he fully expects them to plead to second degree murder to take the death penalty off the table. This was only one of two drug-related cases resolved yesterday. No details are available yet for the other case aside from a number of arrests being made late last night during a large drug delivery."
Holy fuck! I gotta call Ant.
"Hi Ant."
"Hi Pete. Long time no see."
"Yeah. Have you heard the news?"
"Yeah. It sucks."
"Wait. Sucks? It's good that the Scotts were arrested for the murders, isn't it?"
"Oh, yeah? No I hadn't heard that, but it explains what I did hear."
"What did you hear?"
"The cops arrested Uncle Marco, my two cousins, and a handful of other folks that essentially worked for my uncle."
"Oh shit. That does suck. Explains why you sound sad. That must be the second set of arrests they mentioned on the news."
"Yeah, someone ratted them out, probably the Scotts, now that I know they were arrested too. They told the cops that my uncle had a big drug shimpent coming in last night. When the truck got opened up, the cops came out of the woodwork and arrested everybody there."
"Oh, man. I'm really sorry about that. But what does that..."
"Nothing. They were into a lot of other things besides the drugs. They had to get caught sooner or later. Believe me, nobody's saying anything about it. A life sentence is bad enough."
"Shit. Here I was happy the murder was solved, but your family got caught as well."
"You don't know how right you are."
"What do you mean?"
"My father was taken in too."
"Oh fuck no."
"Yeah. He wasn't really a player, kept the books for Uncle Marco. Once the cops got hold of the records, they came in the middle of the night and took him in."
"Maybe when the dust settles they'll let him go."
"Maybe, but I doubt it. It's likely he'll only be charged with accessory-type crimes, but he's probably still looking at time. Three to five if he's really lucky. K, I gotta go. Mom's a wreck over all this."
"OK. Talk to you later. I love you."
"Love you too."
Double fuck. It's a good thing Ant didn't get involved in too much of his uncle's business, otherwise he might have been there last night. Shit, I hope his name doesn't get dragged in somehow. The cops could still be interested in him. Triple fuck.
Monday November 14
The evening news last night had the story about Ant's family. I'm paying more attention to the news than ever before. Mom senses my concern after school.
"Something bothering you?"
"Yeah. I'm sure you saw on the news last night about the second drug bust?"
"Yes. I'm glad they're clearing out the drug dealers around here."
"Well that second group included Ant's uncle, 2 cousins, and his dad."
"Anthony's father was involved with drugs?"
"Ant said he just handled the uncle's finances, but once the cops got hold of the books, he got picked up later Saturday night."
"Thank God Anthony has enough sense to keep out of it."
"So far. I'm worried someone will mention his name, being family and all that."
"We'll just have to hope that doesn't happen."
I head to Eddie and David's as usual and arrive a couple minutes before 6:30. Ant's not here yet, but until he's actually late, I'm trying not to worry. Finally, I see his Blazer coming up the road.
"Hey all, sorry I'm late. I guess pizza's on me tonight."
"You seem happier now than when I spoke to you yesterday."
"I am. Not sure if the rest of you heard the news or not, but my uncle, a couple cousins, and a few more members of my uncle's crew were arrested Saturday night. My dad handles the books for my uncle's 'organization' so he was picked up too. After a review of the records the cops got hold of, there was nothing tying my dad to any drug activity, so they released him this afternoon."
"That's great Ant. I was worried about you experiencing guilt by association. Sounds like that's less of an issue now."
"Yeah Pete. Should be a non-issue at this point."
Everybody else agrees the news is good and we start in on the rehearsal, initially focusing on the new songs we're adding. We're pretty sure 'Flirtin' With Disaster' can be added this week. 'Cold As Ice' is getting there and we'll probably add it next week. That way we give Mick some lead time if he really does want to come to the show when we play it. We also agreed to add 'Double Vision' as well, also likely to be added next week.
Next up - "Musical Progress and Relationship Status"
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