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    Lee Wilson
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  • 6,894 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay and bisexual fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between both young men, a young woman and a young man and a boy. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission.

Don't Blame The Band - 10. Unresolved Issues Become Clearer - Well, or Badly?

Saturday October 22 - Still with Tyler.

I'm standing in the middle of a lake. I'm on something like a sand bar. 10 feet away from me in every direction the sand bar disappears and the lake is so deep, I can't see the bottom. I also can't see land in any direction. Rob is standing on top of the water about 100 yards or so away. No, he's hovering above the water. I can't hear him, but it seems he's calling out to me. I know I can't swim that far. I look around, hoping for a piece of driftwood, anything I can use to float to him. I see something that looks like a log. Actually a few of them. They're coming toward me. I'm saved. I look back at Rob, but he's gone. I spin around, looking all over for him, no sign of him anywhere. I notice the logs are getting closer, but they have eyes. Alligators, or crocodiles. I've got nowhere to go...

"Buzz, buzz, buzz"

"Wha'? Oh, fuck."

I'm practically drowning in sweat. That was the worst fucking dream I ever had. I sit up and look at the clock. Oh my God, the room is spinning? Am I still dreaming? And why is my alarm going off at 7:00 on a Saturday morning? Maybe I didn't turn it off yesterday. Wait. I'm still in my clothes. What the hell? OK, think Tyler Joseph Watkins, why are you still in your clothes? Rob was over last night. He told me about him and Pete. I know we had a beer together, did I drink more? I must have, there are three empty cans on my nightstand. But we drank the first one in the living room. God, I'm so fucking confused. This damn headache isn't helping either. I always have to piss when I first wake up, but I don't now. I throw the covers back. Oh, fuck, it's not only sweat I'm laying in.

I get up, change out of my wet, piss-covered jeans and underwear, strip the bed, and head down the hall to the bathroom. I hop in the shower, soaping my lower half three times before I'm convinced I've washed all the piss away. I'm thinking about the dream, no, nightmare, that I had. Its meaning is obvious. Without Rob, I'm lost. I don't think I'd really die, but whatever might happen if I break up with him would not be good. I dry off and head back to my room. Damn, I'm not thinking straight. I never walk to and from the shower naked. It's good thing mom's not up yet. I get dressed and head downstairs to the kitchen. No way I'm going back to sleep.

"Oh, hi mom. You're up early."

"I have to go into work today. And I could say the same about you. You're more of a surprise after drinking four beers last night. What went on? I'm guessing your boyfriend was here. Did you decide to have a party? I had to help you into bed, you were passed out on the couch. I set your alarm so we could talk before I leave for work."

"He was here. We had one beer together. He told me something that upset me and I guess I had the others after he left. I really don't remember much."

"Care to talk about what upset you?"

"No. I can't, it's too private for Rob. But I'm OK now. I'll call him later and tell him everything's OK."

"I'm not stopping you from going out tonight, because your uncle is coming over to take you to see your friend's band, but you're in through Friday. If I find out you snuck out before I get home from work, you're in until Thanksgiving..."


"I know. You're still working on your relationship with Rob. I won't prevent him from coming over, but I'm limiting it to three visits between tomorrow and Friday. And the rest of the beer is gone. I dumped it. I'm taking the cost of a twelve-pack out of your allowance over the next few weeks. Am I understood?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I screwed up and got drunk. It won't ever happen again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. Just make sure it doesn't happen again as long as you're living under my roof."

"I will."

"OK, I'll see you this afternoon. You're alone today. If Rob was planning on going with you and your uncle, that's OK. And I won't count it as one of the three visits. See you later."

"Bye mom. Again, I'm sorry."


I have a bowl of cereal. The first few spoonfuls, I was afraid I'd lose, but I kept it down. I know it's too early to call Rob. But I don't want to leave him hanging any longer than necessary. I text him a message.

'Hi Rob. Wanted to let you know as early as possible everything is cool between us. Will fill you in later. Call when you get up. xoxoxox'

Well, I'm grounded for a week. I guess I deserve it. I know I won't be drinking again for a while, beer in the house or not. I throw my clothes and sheets into the washing machine and just lie down on the couch.

I hear my ring tone, but I'm a little disoriented. I obviously fell asleep on the couch waiting for the laundry.

"Hi Rob."

"Hi Ty. So, you're OK with what I did?"

"I'm still dealing with it, but it's not going to make me stop seeing you."

"Oh God. Thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you. Probably go back into my own personal hole."

"I feel the same. I actually got a subconscious message this morning."

"How's that?"

I tell him about the dream and that it convinced me to not ruin what we have. I leave out the pissing my bed part.

"Wow, that's freaky. That's definitely a strong message though. I'm glad we're OK. Can I come over later?"

"Um, no. I'm grounded for a week."

"Shit. I can't see you for a whole week?"

"No. You can still come with us tonight, and mom understands that we're building our relationship, so you can come over three times between tomorrow and Friday. I get paroled on Saturday."

"Whew. That was nice of her. But why exactly are you grounded?"

"I ended up drinking two more beers after you left. She said I was passed out on the couch when she got home."

"I guess that would do it. Hung over this morning?"

"Yeah, I was. I woke up after the dream to a spinning room. My head was aching so I laid back down after mom left. I'm feeling better now though."

"OK, well, I'll see you later. I guess since I can't come over today, you'll have to pick me up. I'm really glad we're still OK."

"Yeah, we'll come get you. See you later."

Uncle Larry shows up right after mom gets home, bringing Chinese takeout. He's done that a few times, so he knows what we both like. I almost always ask for the spicy shrimp, so he doesn't waver from that.

"So, Tyler. Why don't you connect the speakers out here and we give that demo tape a listen?"

"Can do unc. Be back in a sec."

I've piped music out into the living room before, so I know where to set the volume so it doesn't break any eardrums. We all listen to the tape. Even mom likes the songs. But then they're kind of middle of the road. Something like maybe Journey or Kansas would record. If they were like Sabbath, she might not have liked them.

"Wow. I remember they were good, but that sounds fantastic. I'm guessing it was recorded using your system?"

"Yes, I brought a few pieces to where they practice."

"Why is Lynyrd Skynyrd on there too?"

"That's actually the band mom. We included that so the tape would also include something they do very well. A lot of people say they sound exactly like Skynyrd."

"Wow. I'm even more impressed then. And that's your friend from school Pete singing?"

"Yep. He's awesome. I'm glad he introduced me to Rob, but he'd be a great boyfriend too. Anthony's lucky."

"Would I be out of place if I tag along with you all?"

"Nope. It's a pretty mixed crowd. You'd fit in. The tape is good, but you really have to see Pete on stage. They do play a couple songs you may not be crazy about though."

"I can suffer through the metal if the rest of it is good."

"It is. For sure."

"Before we go, there's something else I want to ask you Tyler."


"Listening to that demo tape cemented my thoughts on this topic. One of the assistant sound engineers took sick and will be out for a couple months. It wouldn't be permanent, but what would you think about helping out in the studio while he's away? Part-time, after school, obviously."

"Like, being an intern?"

"Better, you'll be paid a per-diem. Not a lot, it'll probably come out to about $6-8 an hour. $30 for 4 or 5 hours. He's an assistant sound engineer, but that's an elevated title. It's pretty much a gofer position. There may be days where you wouldn't be needed, and possibly the occasional Saturday."

"That'd be awesome. But how would I get there? After school for a few hours, mom would have her car."

you can pick up the bus here in Red Bank, go right to Penn Station. The studio's only 5 blocks from there."

"Sounds great. Mom?"

"Well, you've always been real big into music. And you're always fooling with that sound system. I think it would be OK. Would he be leaving the studio after dark Larry?"

"Probably some of the time if it lasts until winter. But I can drop him off at the station on my way out. He may have to hang around a little longer sometimes, but we can make it work."

"When would this start?"

"I'd have to get everything set up, payroll-wise and what not, but I think a week from Monday would be a good target."

"Tyler Joseph, you've got yourself a job."

"Thanks mom, you're the greatest. And thank you too Uncle Larry. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. Let's hit the road so we're not stuck in the back somewhere."

"Pete knows we're coming. We'll have a table up front. You don't mind picking up Rob on the way, do you? He's practically around the corner."

"Not a problem. Reserved table or not, I want to try to talk with the guys for a few minutes before the show."

We pile into Uncle Larry's Jaguar XJ6, pick up Rob, and head to Garson's. We get there about 7:45. Pam shows us to a table up front and takes our initial drink orders. We head to the storeroom door and I knock before we go in.

"Tyler. Our sound engineer. How you doing? And I remember Larry. Hello Larry, RB. Thanks a bunch for agreeing to bring in a demo tape. And who is this lovely lady?"

"I'm good. That's my mom Eddie. Mom; Eddie and David Nash, Rich Larkin, Gabe Romano, Anthony Rossi, and you know Pete already."

"Nice to meet you all."

A bunch of 'same here' and similar responses follow.

"And no problem on the demo tape. We listened to it at Tyler's. I was impressed. Both with the music and the quality of the tape itself. I'm sure Wayne will be impressed too. Nice touch adding 'Free Bird' on there; it shows a little more of your range. OK, we'll get out of your way, I just wanted to drop in and say good job on the demo."

"Thanks Larry. Enjoy the show, all of you."

"I'm sure we will, Eddie."

Monday October 24

"Hi Pete. Can I sit with you?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't you?"

Maybe Rob told you he shared your big secret?

"Just being polite. Hey, I didn't get much of a chance to talk with you Saturday night. My Uncle Larry got me a job, part-time and temporary, but as an assistant sound engineer with him."

"No shit? Congrats. You're really into that stuff, it's perfect for you."

"Yeah. It's really pretty much just a gofer position. But they have a guy who's out sick for a couple months and he thought of me. The job I did on your demo tape helped him decide it was a good idea. If nothing else, I get to learn the business a little. A few hours after school and the occasional Saturday. And probably not every day. Hey, I wonder if I'll get to meet any real rock stars?"

"That'd be awesome. You'll have to find out the artists they handle."

"There is something else I need to talk to you about, but here isn't the right place."

"I won't ask what it is then. Maybe I can pop over there tomorrow after school?"

"No. I'm grounded this week."

"Wait. You? Grounded? You don't seem like the kind of guy to ever do anything wrong."

"That's usually true. But me and Rob had a, I guess disagreement on Friday, and I kinda drowned my sorrows in beer."

"You guys seemed fine Saturday night, couldn't have that big."

"It could have been, if I stewed over it too long. I had a weird dream before I woke up on Saturday morning. Made me realize how much I needed him."

I told Pete about the dream, again, leaving out the pissing the bed piece.

"Yeah, that is weird. But I guess it told you something. I'm glad you guys are still OK."

"Yeah, it would have sucked if I didn't forgive him. I probably would have sooner or later. Sooner was better, though."

"I'd hate to ask what you'd have to forgive him for."

"Same topic not for here."

"OK, well, you have a phone. Give me a call tomorrow after school."

"Maybe. I think it'd be better face-to-face. I get paroled on Saturday, so maybe sometime over the weekend."

"Yeah, whenever. You know my schedule. So about the job; where is it?"

"Newark. I'll have to take a bus there and back, but that actually ought to be kinda fun. Like you know, I didn't get out much until recently."

"Yeah, that's pretty cool though. Hey, maybe one day your uncle's boss will want us to come in. You could show us around."

"That would be awesome."

"Yeah, Ant and I have started working on a few more songs, in case we ever get the chance to make an album."

Since we talked between bites, lunch went by fast, so we said bye and went our separate ways. After mentioning I wanted to talk to him about something, I started to have second thoughts. What if he didn't like the fact Rob told me? Would he be mad at me for knowing, and the possibility of letting it slip? Not that I would do it on purpose. Or mad at Rob for telling me? Oh, well. I guess I have until Saturday to decide.

We'll follow Pete for tonight's rehearsal.

The guys all brought in 3 or 4 of rock's or southern rock's best. It was a pretty impressive list with a lot of duplicates:

Potential adds in the classic rock show:
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
School's Out
Sister Christian
The Boxer
You Really Got Me
Jailhouse Rock
Whiter Shade of Pale
Lean on Me
Wonderful Tonight

A smaller set of potentials for the southern rock set:
(Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay
Flirtin' With Disaster
Can't You See
There Goes Another Love Song

To start out with, we chose 'Whiter Shade of Pale' to highlight Eddie's keyboards, and 'Flirtin' With Disaster' for the multi-guitar sound.

Tuesday October 25

I guess it's a good thing I couldn't meet Tyler today. Completely forgot about my doctor's visit until they called to confirm yesterday afternoon. It went well, clean bill of health. I shouldn't have any lasting effects with my voice, and the scrotum is healed completely. Granted, it's still empty, but it shouldn't give me any problems. Too bad Ant is still restricted, but I can wait. The doctor said I wouldn't need to see him again for three months. I'm finally getting past that whole experience. Hopefully the detectives will get an ID from the witness and the whole mess will be behind me. Turns out, I wasn't quite getting that desire satisfied.

Later on, I head over to Ant's. We work on the new songs for a while, then make out. It's still about 3 weeks before we can do more. I'm holding on as best I can.

Wednesday October 26

Ding dong.

"Oh, hello again detectives. Come on in. Another update?"

"Yes Mrs. Daggett. Is Peter home?"

"Yes, come in and sit down, I'll get him..."

Knock knock.

I can barely hear the knocking on my door over the music on my headphones, hopefully whoever it is, probably mom, wasn't knocking long.

"Come in."

"Pete, the detectives are back. Apparently, they have another update."

We head down and sit in the living room.

"I was getting to think Thursdays were update Pete days detectives."

"Sorry, Peter. We're here a day earlier this time around. Like you suggested, we obtained pictures of the young men who died in that warehouse fire. We created a photo lineup for our witness. She was sure that two of them were the ones who assaulted you. She did pick out the other two as well, but because they were partially facing away from her, she couldn't be completely sure."

Calling me Peter. That worries me a little, but I'll put that on hold for a bit.

"Great. So, this is over?"

"Not exactly Peter. Since we determined the assailants were indeed the men who died in the fire, we had another look at that report. The cause of the fire was assumed to be an explosion in a meth lab, so it was never looked into deeper. When our arson specialist did a further investigation, remnants of an incendiary device were found. A burned-up fuse and gasoline."

"Insen... what?"

"Items used to create a fire. Also, there was no indication that meth was being produced there."

"I heard they found meth though."

"Yes. Obviously planted. Probably by one of their competitors. You may have heard, the older 2 Turner boys were suspected drug dealers."

"Yes. I heard that. So they were murdered?"

"It appears that way. We understand how it can be upsetting to find out someone you know was murdered. And probably confusing now that you know they were the ones who beat you. So, I guess you're happy they're dead?"

"What? No. Fuck, no. They should have spent 20, 30 years in jail for doing that to me. Oh my God. Someone killed them."

"It's in our homicide department now, so your case is being closed, perpetrators deceased. I'm sorry we upset you, but we felt it better than never knowing who your assailants were... Well, at least you don't have to worry about them doing you more harm. We already have a couple persons of interest."

"I guess. But, yeah, thanks for letting us know."

"Have a good evening."

"We'll try, thank you detectives."

Let's eavesdrop on the detectives after they get outside.

"Scared, or genuinely upset?"

"I'd say upset. There was no delay between finding out they were murdered, you asking him if he was happy, and his outrage that it happened. If he was involved, he would have taken a few seconds to consider his reaction when you asked if he was happy about it. If he's involved, that performance is academy award winning level. No way that kid is that good an actor."

"Agreed. Let's get back to the house and let homicide know it wasn't revenge so they can focus on the competitors."

Back inside with Pete and his mother.

"I guess you're happy that's over?"

"Yes and no. Them getting killed... Seems like an unfair punishment."

"Personally, any number of drug dealers off the streets is a win no matter what happened to them."

I wonder if she would feel that way if she knew I had even the tiniest part in it. Rehearsal is not going to be fun tonight.

It's time to head over to Eddie and David's. My brain is still pretty fuzzy from the detectives' visit. I know I won't be the same. Fortunately, we're all pretty comfortable with all the songs, but it's best to keep on top of them all the time.

"Hey guys. I'm going to apologize up front for any fuckups I make tonight. The detectives handling my assault case came by today. They let us know that the 4 people from the meth-lab warehouse fire were indeed the ones that assaulted me. I'm just not real happy their punishment was so severe. They said the homicide folks will probably focus on other drug dealers, so my case is being closed."

"Double-edged sword. Good you know who they were, bad because they got off easy."

"Easy, Rich?"

"Yeah, they won't have to suffer for however many years they would have gotten in jail. You have to live with your injuries maybe another 70, 80 years. Why shouldn't they spend more time suffering than the time it took them to die in the fire?"

"I see your point. But it still bothers me."

I get through the rehearsal pretty good. Just a couple times my thoughts drifted and I lost track of where we were. They all said they hoped I'd be back to normal by Friday. Obviously, I'll try. Ant pulled me aside as we were all leaving.

"You sure you're OK? I'd guess that would shake anybody up."

"Yeah, anybody like us, that wer..."

"Shush. You never know who's listening. It's good that they think it's part of a drug war."

"I guess."

"We'll talk more tomorrow night. Take it easy. I love you Pete."

"Goodnight. I love you too Ant."

Thursday October 27

I chase down Paul Turner before classes start.



"Your dad said to tell you if I heard anything."

"Oh, yeah, about my brothers."

"The cops came by to give me an update. They're definitely looking at it from a drugs perspective. The one said they already have someone they're looking at."

"They say who?"

"No. And I wasn't about to ask."

"OK. Thanks for the update. Keep the ears open still though. Maybe they'll tell you more."

"Yeah, sure. I'll find you again if I do hear something."

I head over Ant's for a while after rehearsal as usual.

"Feeling a little more settled Pete?"

"A little, I guess. Even though they closed my case, now there's a murder investigation open. I think we'd have been better off if my case went unsolved. Now they have a real reason to look at me."

"Why? You didn't know it was them that attacked you. I'm sure the cops would think if you had known, you would have told them right away."

"I know you keep telling me it will be OK. I just can't let it sink in."

"OK. I wasn't going to tell you this. And to set your mind at ease, I wasn't part of this piece. It happened even before we got there. Now that the cops are going to look at it as a murder case, and like you said, their first assumption is essentially a drug war. They're going to have the perfect suspects."


"Uncle Marco is a shrewd character. He always keeps things around that could help him out later. There's these other drug dealers, the Scotts. When the cops take a closer look at the evidence they gathered from the scene, they'll find a cap that will have one of the Scott brother's DNA on it. The meth actually came from their supply. When they take a closer look at that, they'll find more DNA. Sweat from another brother. They would have motive, obviously opportunity because they were there, DNA says so. Plus there'll be a witness. After you mentioned it last night, I gave my uncle a call. He's having one of his guys call in an anonymous tip about seeing the two Scott brothers in the area that day."

"Won't the cops be suspicious because it took so long to report it?"

"Really, Pete? If you had dirt on known drug dealers, would you be all fired up to say something about it?"

"No. I guess not. But what if they check on his story?"

"Anonymous. He'll say something like he was and still is afraid to come forward against thugs, and hang up. Burner phone, no way to track him. No way to check that he was even there. Once the cops check for DNA, case closed."

"I guess I'll be a little worried about it until it's over. It does sound like it's all wrapped up with a pretty bow for the cops."

"OK. Less talk. More kiss."

The world goes dim when Ant says something like that. It goes away completely once we start.

Saturday October 29

Tyler spent the day with Rob so he doesn't call me until late afternoon. Boy, that was a sudden switch last week, from RB to Rob. We decide I'll go to his house tomorrow and we'll head out somewhere for lunch. He can either tell me what he needs to there, or when we get back to his house. His mom's working tomorrow so he'll have the privacy he thinks he needs. I've been thinking about it since Monday. I can only think of one thing concerning me that RB, Rob, would need to be forgiven for. I'm worried that's what it is. But I'll be patient.

Sunday October 30

"Hey Tyler. You want to do lunch first, talk first?"

"I think we better talk first. You might not want to be with me afterward. Come on in."

The anxiety meter just went up to 13. Unlucky 13.

"Want something to drink?"

"Soda's fine."

He brings us both a coke and we sit down in the living room.

"This is going to be hard. I've been going back and forth in my mind whether or not I should share it with you, but Rob did to be honest. I want us to remain friends, so deceiving you wouldn't be right. Direct and to the point is probably best. Rob told me about what he made you do."

"I had a feeling it was going to be that. What do you expect to do with that knowledge?"

"Nothing. I understand why Rob told me. I was mad at him initially, but then I had that dream I told you about. But I wanted you to know that I know, and it doesn't make a difference to me. I still want us to be friends and I hope me knowing your secret doesn't affect that friendship."

"Just one question, did he mention one thing or...?

"Both, or technically all three incidents."

"OK. I can't change the fact that you know, or that he told you. I figured it might get out at some point. But as long as you're going to keep it to yourself, we're good. I can't promise anything if you do share it with someone else, though. Five people is a lot to try to keep a secret. I guess I have a few people I can never piss off."

"I swear, I'll never say a word. Along with Rob, you guys are my best friends. I want to keep it that way."

"OK. But you're buying lunch."

"Deal. Where do you want to go?"



"Just kidding. Vinnie's pizza would be cool."

"I guess I have to expect some digs from you for a while."

"Maybe. Nothing serious, though."

I'm obviously not happy that the group with that knowledge is growing, but I believe Tyler when he says he won't say anything. He spent too long not really having any friends to jeopardize one of his best friendships.

Tuesday November 1

It's Ant's birthday. He turns 18 today. I'm not worried about it, like with Rob. Rob was, turning 18 and not being able to blackmail me anymore. I may not have ever gone to the police if he kept at it, but for sure, there's no way I'm going to the police because Ant's 18 now. I'm not even really sure that's a big deal, or even illegal.

"I'll have to give you my real present in a couple weeks, but here's a little something I know you can use."

"Cool. Yeah, I can always use more strings. And these finger picks are sweet. Where'd you get them?"

"Ad in the back of 'Rolling Stone' magazine. That's not all. This wouldn't wrap too well."

"Sweet. A Geezer Butler poster. Someone's going to have to be demoted... I think it would have to be either Lemmy, or Tina Weymouth."

"I'd keep Lemmy. He's better looking than her."

"Most of the male population of the world would disagree with you."

"But we're not like the rest of the male population."

"Good point. Bye Tina. Now, there was something I wanted to give you tonight. I just can't find the words. It's right on the tip of my tongue."

"Maybe it IS the tip of your tongue?"

"By Jove, I think he's got it!"

So he gave me the tip of his tongue, and I gave him the whole thing. For about an hour with the occasional break.

Wednesday November 2

I get to Eddie's on time, but am the last one there.

"About time you showed up. Eddie wants to tell us something, now he can."

"OK Rich, but I don't live right around the corner, like the rest of you. Go for it Eddie."

"Just bustin' your chops."

"I got a call from Larry today. Wayne Washington, Larry's boss, wants us to come in one day next week and play our songs live for his team. I told him we still had a couple guys in school, and asked if Tuesday, maybe around 4:00 would be good?"

"You gonna leave us hanging there Eddo?"

"Call me Eddo again and I'll find another drummer. And another brother, Davey-o."

"Ooof, I won't just to never hear Davey-o ever again."

"I said I gotta ask you all if it's good. If you are, we're confirmed and I'll call him back tomorrow."

Nobody has a problem with the time. We'll have been working on the four newest songs for almost 3 weeks by then, so we can surprise them with more, hopefully they'll want to hear them too. I decide to call Michelle to let her know we're going and if it works out, we may have another contract for her to review. She's extremely happy for us and more than willing to work with us again.

We've been practicing the new ones every time we meet, but still spend some time on the first 6 and the rest of our set.

Friday November 4

It's the end of Tyler's first week with Atlantic. We'll invade Tyler's mind for a bit. He's got tonight off, but will need to be there tomorrow.

"Hey Rob."

"Hey Tyler. What's up?"

"Well, you already knew I had off tonight, but I was thinking, if your mom can give us a ride, we hit Garson's early. Make a date out of it, dinner and a show. If she can't maybe I can get Pete to."

"Awww, how sweet, you want to blow your first paycheck on me."

"Well, I haven't exactly gotten it yet. I should tomorrow. Four days, before taxes, it should be $120. I took a little out of my savings account after school. I'll just put it back in with my check. So, sounds good?"

"Yeah. Free food, extra time with my boyfriend, how can it not? Let me go ask mom... I'm back, still there Ty?"


"She and dad made plans, so that's a no. But I asked Cathy, she's going out with Andy, as usual, but they didn't have firm plans. Let me hang up so she can call him. I'll call you right back."

"Okay. Talk to you in a bit."

Cathy calls Andy. He hasn't seen the band lately, so dinner and the show at Garson's works.

"Hi again Ty. They're cool taking us, even staying for the show. We may need to beg Pete for a ride home though. Cathy and Andy will want to do more afterward."

"We can convince him, I'm sure. He and Ant can make out just as easily at Pete's. He he. K, see you later."

"Cathy said be ready to go around 6:30."

"Will do. Bye."


Andy, Cathy, and Rob pick Tyler up just after 6:30. They're all willing to share a table. Cathy had called ahead of time to get a table reserved near the front. They make their orders and it's time for small talk.

"So how was you first week at work, Ty?"

"Oh, it was great Cathy. Only worked Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday so far this week. Have to go in tomorrow. Mostly, I ran a bunch of errands, but when I wasn't running, I watched Zach, he's the head sound engineer, technically my boss. He showed me a lot about how to use the panel. It didn't even feel like work, it was fun."

"Where are you working, Ty?"

"Atlantic Records, Andy. My uncle's kind of like a talent scout, in addition to being the accountant."

"Wow, pretty sweet gig."

"Yeah. Eddie sort of hired me as their sound guy, after I recorded their Demo tape. Then a couple days later, my uncle asks me if I want the fill-in job."

"Meet anybody famous yet?"

"No Cathy, no big stars yet, just one of their support groups, session musicians with a relatively new artist. I never heard of her before, Alannah Myles."

Pete stopped over between sets, so I had to repeat my work summary for him. He was happy I did more than running for drinks and empty garbage pails.

Tuesday November 8 - Lunchtime with Pete

"Hey Ty, how's it going?"

"Great. Love the job, can't wait to hear you guys later. I told my boss you were friends, he's going to let me stay in the booth the whole time. It's gonna be awesome."

"Cool, I was hoping you'd be working, but essentially working with us, can't ask for more."

"Yeah, I can't wait. See you there Pete."


Between David's drum kit and Eddie's keyboards, it's like going to Garson's for the weekend. Both David and Rich's vans make the trek to Newark, Ant has a 3-year-old Chevy Blazer, so he has the guitars and amps. I ride along with Ant (no surprise there). I'm quiet during the ride, going over the lyrics to all our songs in my head. Today is not the day to fuck up. No cops have shown up since Smith and Wesson were there last week, so that's drifted to the back of my mind. I was fine during the shows over the weekend, I hope I will be today too. Lots of pressure on us today.

"You're quiet."

"Yeah. Sorry. Going over lyrics, I don't want to fuck anything up for us."

"You'll be fine. Just take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and picture yourself on the stage at Madison Square Garden."

"And that won't make me more nervous?"

"No, because it'll mean we got through today and knocked their socks off."

"Hmm. Maybe."

"Sure, you're worried about what could happen today, picture yourself in a situation that means today went well. Maybe even opening for Molly Hatchet."

"That would be too great, if not impossible. They're with Epic."

"They can be anything you want in your imagination. OK, Judas Priest, or Meat Loaf then."

Ant keeps up the chatter the rest of the way there. I know what he's doing, keeping me from being nervous about the audition. I suppose it worked. We pulled into the parking lot behind the studio and I'm not thinking about messing up, just how great it is just to be here. We walk around to the front entrance and the receptionist calls back to Larry that we're here. About two minutes later, Tyler comes out.

"I'm supposed to show the new guys to the studio, is that you?"


"You'd know, Rich. Margaret, isn't that what you told Larry, you needed an escort for the new guys?"

"That's true."

"OK, come on guys, follow me if you won't let me have a little bit of fun."

"It's cool Ty. Actually, it's awesome that you're our escort."

"Thanks, Pete."

We follow Ty to a conference room. Wayne wanted to meet us first before Zach, Ty's boss, gets us set up in the studio. Ty introduces all of us. So, it's Wayne, Larry, Zach, and Ty. Wayne runs the meeting.

"Welcome to Atlantic. I'm actually looking forward to hearing you guys live. The demo tape was very well done. Both your music, and Tyler's recording of it. He's got a future in this business. But you don't care too much about your friend's future, just yours. So, here's what we're going to do today. You're, obviously, going to play your original songs. Tyler informed us that you have four more ready beyond what is in the demo tape. Is that correct?"

As usual, Eddie speaks for the band, saying it is.

"Fine. We'll want to hear all 10 songs. And while not technically part of the audition, and we, unfortunately at this point in time, can't record it, also want to hear your rendition of Free Bird. I have to say, it was a stroke of genius to put that on the demo tape. For two reasons. It shows a little more range than your original songs. And second, and don't take this the wrong way, I found it hard to believe it's really you, it was so well done. If that's your high-water mark as far as how well you can do, you have the potential to make it in this business."

We all thank him. I have to give Tyler the credit he deserves.

"It was actually Tyler's idea to include it. We pretty much all agree it's the song we do best, so he said, why not add it? What could it hurt?"

"Apparently he was right. I may have to rethink his temporary status. Anyway, I'd like you to run through them once as if they were part of your show. Don't worry about tiny flubs. If we notice anything that needs addressing, we'll talk about it and you'll play it again. We'd like to get a clean copy of all 10. If everybody's satisfied, we'll start down the road for the next steps. Eddie, aside from essentially being the spokesperson for the band, do you also act as the manager?"

"No, we don't officially have a manager, but I think we do have someone who's willing to handle any legal aspects for us."

"Good. If we decide to move forward, we'll want his contact information."

"Her. It's a woman."

"Sorry, her. After you leave, our team will listen to the new recordings, determine a good flow for their appearance on a potential album, perhaps also pick out one or two to release as singles, and another one or two for the b-sides. Again, this is all sunny day scenario. I don't want to rain on your parade, but we hear 20 or 25 bands for every one we go forward with. So, there are no guarantees at this time. In a couple hours, that may change. Questions?"

Nobody has any.

"OK, Tyler, if you would show them to studio B, and coordinate getting them set up?"

"Of course."

"Thanks. Then let Angela know they're ready and we'll gather up the team. See you boys in a little while."

Tyler shows us to the studio we'll be using and points out how the last band he worked with set up so we'd have an idea where to put things so they'll sound the best. Then we cart in the instruments, Tyler helps there as well. As we're setting up, Zach makes a suggestion here and there about exact placement. We tune up and we're ready to play.

We decided to play them in the order we wrote them, that way the ones we're most comfortable with are done first. Wayne has a different idea.

"OK, like I said, we can't record Free Bird, but it would be helpful if you played that first. That way Zach can get the sound levels set up for the ones we will record. Whenever you're ready Zach, give them the go."

Zach makes a few final adjustments based on our voices and we're on.

Next up - "The Audition and Cops One Last Time"

Copyright © 2023 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

GA did it again I didn't get a notification of the chapter being posted but I found out  later when I was notified of a chapter comment.

One last time? Before I read that I thought of a lot of scenarios that would take awhile so what could end this? Perhaps Paul Turner's dad does something?

I love the Song The Boxer it's a little different from the rest of the set.But I have a question how is Sittin On The Dock of the Bay southern rock? Otis Redding right? Or are you talking about a cover by someone else?

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4 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

One last time? Before I read that I thought of a lot of scenarios that would take awhile so what could end this? Perhaps Paul Turner's dad does something?

I love the Song The Boxer it's a little different from the rest of the set.But I have a question how is Sittin On The Dock of the Bay southern rock? Otis Redding right? Or are you talking about a cover by someone else?

I haven't figured out 'One Last Time' yet, so your guess is as good as mine.

I initially had 'Sittin On The Dock of the Bay' in the classic rock portion of the list. Just tried to level the count ever so slightly. There are others in that list (Chapter 3) that don't really fit the genre either, but let's say it's a 'basically southern rock' set.

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