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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

It's Always Something - 6. Chapter 6

Even though the back roads weren't fully plowed, Rhylan's truck had no trouble getting through the wintry accumulation. The vehicle had thirty-five-inch off-road tires, four 6" LED lights on the roll bar behind the cab, and two in the middle of the grill guard. Despite having those features, the nineteen-year-old drove cautiously, with no desire to test his driving skills, especially since his mate was beside him. There were bars on the driver and passenger sides to make getting into the pickup easier. The teen was a fan of "The Fall Guy," starring Lee Majors, and always wanted a truck like Colt Seavers drove. Rhylan deviated from the original vehicle's design and had a grey wolf's head airbrushed onto the hood. Fabien loved riding in the K25. The teen was ecstatic he'd get his driver's license when he turned seventeen in a couple weeks, then he could "officially" drive the truck. The couple passed the time singing along to their favorite songs and sharing their thoughts about what they hoped their future together would be.

"Do you want pups,' Fabien asked.

Rhylan pulled up to the stop sign, then turned left onto Dill Creek Rd., halfway between their homes and town. He quickly gazed at his red-haired mate and gently rubbed his passenger's leg. Fabien writhed and squirmed as the couple's giggles blended and filled the cab because where his wolf's hand was placed was a sensitive and very ticklish spot on his body.

"Of course I do, babe. You're gonna be an amazing Mom to our pups," Rhylan chuckled.

The raven-haired wolf winced when Fabien punched his shoulder. He tried to pout and look hurt but couldn't keep up the attempt, and once again, the boys started to giggle. The pair cherished special moments like this and knew it was the solid foundation on which their love was built.

"What the fuck," Rhylan shouted.

Seemingly, out of nowhere, a blazing fire blocked the road. A momentary wave of fear and panic swept through the teens' minds and emotions. Their shared bond's calming influence took over and brought them the peace of mind and rationality needed to minimize risk. Fabien held onto the handle above the door with his right hand and braced himself as Rhylan gripped the steering wheel and jerked it to the right, sending them into the snow-covered empty field. Even though they were driving five miles under the speed limit, it was fast enough for the K25 to leave the ground as the pickup jumped the ditch. The vehicle bounced once before staying on the ground. The GMC rocked side to side for a second or two after being brought to a skidding halt. Rhylan and Fabien were panting heavily as beads of sweat glistened on their foreheads and dripped from their hair. They opened the doors, jumped out of the cab, and wrapped their arms around each other in a bone-crushing embrace. Curiosity and disbelief shone in their eyes as they watched the fire they'd just avoided disappear as if it were never there.

"Rhy, Ian," are you boys alright?"

The voice belonged to their uncle, Sheriff John Watching Hawk Stormcloud. The raven-haired forty-nine-year-old wasn't a Stormcloud by birth. He was ten when his best friend, George Stormcloud, and his parents adopted him after his mom and dad left a note and abandoned him while he was in school one day before Christmas break. His parents gave him the house and left five hundred thousand dollars in his savings account at the town's bank. John and Amy weren't shifters or witches, and neither was Ethan. However, they did dabble in some spell casting, and with Alvora's and Declan's help, they created potions and learned the advantages of herbal remedies. When he turned eighteen, John moved back into the house he grew up in and still lived there.

John was off duty but always on call, so he and his eighteen-year-old son, Ethan Standing Deer Stormcloud, attached plows to the front of their pickup trucks and were helping their aging neighbors by plowing some of the secondary roads where they knew seniors resided. The father and son jumped out of their trucks, ran across the road, and gave the couple hugs and kisses on their cheeks as soon as they reached them.

"We saw the whole thing, Cousins. You're not hurt, are ya?" Ethan asked. The dark-haired teen wiped the tears from his eyes as he gazed into Rhylan's and Fabien's eyes.

"We're fine, little Cuz," Rhylan said as he rubbed his emotional cousin's back.

John took a few minutes to give his nephews a quick surface physical exam, which had them squirming and giggling when he got to their ticklish spots before he agreed the pair were okay and didn't need medical treatment.

Ethan also gave his cousins an exam consisting of quick tickles and pokes to their sides. Since they couldn't get to his only tickle spot, his feet, the pair used another form of retaliation. Their cousin squealed and kicked the snow-covered ground when his actions earned him Rhylan's headlock and a noogie from Fabien.

"Nice reflexes, Rhy." the elder of the gathered clan stated as he examined the truck for any damage that would keep them from getting where they were heading. "I also noticed you were driving a few miles under the speed limit. That's good judgment because you never know what might suddenly be in your way... as you've just experienced."

"Rhy was awesome, Unc," Fabien said. "He stayed calm during the crisis, which kept us as safe as possible."

Rhylan lowered his head and blushed from all the praise, which caused his mate and relatives to chuckle. "I was only doing what I was taught. So thanks, Unc, for helping with the driving lessons."

Fabien walked towards where the flames showed up. He stood on the edge of the road and looked in both directions, and that's when he noticed a small circular disc in the middle of the double yellow line. "Uncle John," he called out. "I think I might've found something."

"What'd ya find, Sunshine," John asked as the three Stormcloud men approached the red-haired teen.

"There," Fabien stated as he pointed to the disc. "That's where the flames were. This is the second time today someone's used an illusion of some kind."

"Yeah, George told us about what happened with Bran. I'm glad little bear wasn't hurt."

"It's just a guess," Rhylan said, "but I'd be willing to bet that the same person's responsible for the illusion in the woods and the flames we just encountered."

The sheriff pulled a napkin from his pocket and used it to wrap up the strange disc to avoid getting his fingerprints on it. "That's most likely what we'll discover. I've launched an investigation and sent guys to the woods where the hole was." He used his phone to inform his deputy at the station that he'd be in shortly with a piece of possible evidence. "Are you guys heading into town?" John asked after placing the device back in its holster, clipped to his black leather belt.

“Yes, sir, we're spending the weekend with Cam and Tay," Rhylan responded.

"Given what's happened, do you think we shouldn't go," Fabien asked.

"I don't see why you shouldn't. The truck seems to be okay, and so do you two." John paused and placed his hand on each of his nephew's shoulders. "I'll call my brothers and sister and let them know what's happened. If they have any problems, I'll take the hit since I'm giving my consent. However, I don't think they'd have a differing opinion. Rhylan Greywolf Fabien Michael, you've both gotta promise me that you'll tell your brothers what's happened, so if either of you have a concussion or any delayed symptoms from this, they won't be blindsided. Also, the second you feel anything's amiss with the truck, I want you to get it serviced."

"We promise, Uncle John," the teens responded in unison.

"Hey, isn't my little cousin's birthday coming up in a couple weeks," Ethan asked. He chuckled and ruffled Fabien's red locks.

"Yeah, I can't wait to drive the truck on my own when I get my license."

Rhylan smirked. "What makes ya think you'll be allowed to drive my metallic baby?"

Fabien's eyes narrowed. "You know you're gonna let me drive our baby. If yeh even try saying no, I'll unleash my cutest Christian child pout and puppy eyes, and you know damn well you're no match for them, wolf boy."

"He's got ya there, Nephew."

John and Ethan threw their heads back and laughed at their adorable wolf and witch.

Rhylan closed his eyes and shook his head as he handed the keys to Fabien. "Here ya go, my sweet leprechaun. You can drive the rest of the way to town. It'll be good for you to practice when the roads aren't completely plowed."

"I agree. If it makes you feel better, I can follow you. I've gotta get to the station anyway," John said with his hands on his teenage nephew's shoulders.

"Dad, I'm gonna get back to plowing. I'll do two more roads, then get back home to Mom," Ethan said.

"Thanks for checking on us, Cuz," Rhylan and Fabien said in unison.

"Of course, I'd check on you two. I love you both, you two goofs. Love ya, Dad. Please, be careful. I'd be devastated if anything happened to any of my family."

"Love you too, Son. I'll see you at home."

"Be careful, Ethan, we love you too," Fabien said.

Ethan hugged and kissed his dad and cousins, then ran to his pickup.

John wiped a stray tear from his cheek as his nephews embraced him and kissed his cheeks. He and Rhylan shook their heads and giggled when Fabien excitedly jumped into the air, whooped, and hollered as he ran to warm up the truck. The trio shared one last kiss and hug before getting into their vehicles. John pulled onto the road and waited for his nephews. Fabien took a couple of deep, calming breaths and listened to Rhylan's guidance as he got the truck back onto the pavement. Once they reached the town's limits, John honked his horn and turned off onto the street that led to the sheriff's station.

Thanks for taking the time to read, react, and comment.
Love y'all
Copyright © 2023 Ajbt2001; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Is this aimed at the boys; or are they just unlucky in being there for two of the illusion mishaps.  

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