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    Timothy M.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Clueless Camping - 10. Twins in town

More talks and a hot club

The weather was so nice that after walking around Tiøren Park for half an hour – including a snack break –we decided to continue south along the coast. This time Chris held Evan’s hand, and I walked on my twin’s other side.

“I’m so happy you came to Denmark, guys. Thank you, Chris. It’s the best gift you could have given me, apart from loving Evan and taking care of him.”

“It’s my pleasure, Russell.”

“I just wish we had more time together.” Evan grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“We have all week, and Christmas is only four months away. And hopefully, we’ll be living close to each other next year.”

“Yeah, I know. I can’t wait. I wonder where Mom will be.”

“Probably near Kristin, if she can find a place. We’ll have to ask her tomorrow. But in a way I wish she’ll be back with Father, because that would mean he was beginning to accept us.” I couldn’t help the hopeful note creeping into my voice.

Chris muttered something under his breath, and I looked at him. “What?” He shook his head.

“Go on, you can say what you think, Chris. We won’t be offended, will we, Russell?” Evan said.

“Nah, I was just being cynical. After all, miracles do happen.”

“You don’t think Father will change his mind?” I had the feeling Chris might be right, but I wanted to keep hoping.

“From what I’ve understood, your dad cares a lot about his status as a family man and a pillar of society. If someone he respected could convince him writing off his sons is incompatible with this image, then maybe. But do you really want to have anything to do with him, if he’s just pretending?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. I’m also concerned about Mom. I think she still loves Father, and I know he loves her.”

“How do you know that?” Evan was clearly surprised.

“Well, he told me so yesterday morning.” I tried not to think of the other revelation he had made. I hadn’t yet shared that unexpected information with Evan.

My twin knew I was hiding something. “Russell, what aren’t you telling me?”

For a moment I considered asking him to wait, but on the other hand Jacob knew, so Chris ought to as well.

“Father told me he had been with guys during college. Only hand jobs and oral, though. But once he met Mom, he put it behind him. That’s why he thinks we should to be able to do the same.”

Chris and Evan spoke at the same time.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” – “I’m gonna kill that hypocritical son of a…”

My twin’s face was bright red with anger. His boyfriend pulled him into a soothing embrace.

“Don’t Evan, don’t say things like that. You need to let go of the anger and hate, or it will eat you up. Your dad isn’t evil, just misguided and upset. He is losing control of his kids and he can’t stand it. It’s old-fashioned and wrong, but he probably would have the same problem if your rebellion had taken another form. I guess you have to face he’s a hypocrite like most right-wing, religious, intolerant bigots. But he’s your dad so it’s OK to be upset about it.”

Halfway through his speech, Chris reached out and pulled me into the embrace too. Evan and I hugged each other, and Chris stood with his arms around our shoulders: protective, calm, caring, and completely focused on comforting us. I had never wished for an older brother before, because Evan was there to protect me, but right then I knew Chris would be in that place for me from now on.

“I’m so glad you’ll be my brother-in-law, Chris. And I think you’re perfect for Evan.”

“Why, thank you, Russell. That may be one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever had.” He kissed me on the cheek. “I’m happy to think of you as my younger brother, particularly since I only have sisters.”

“Yeah? How many sisters do you have? Are they younger or older?”

With this change of topic we resumed our walk and Chris told me funny stories about his two younger sisters, with Evan contributing now and then. He liked Alicia, who was only two years older than us.

“But Evelyn, she’s a lot harder to get along with,” Evan commented on his twenty-five year old future sister-in-law.

“You’re being polite,” Chris grinned. “It’s not like you at all, babe. It must be the good influence Russell has on you.” Evan stuck his tongue out, he’s so childish at times, but Chris didn’t seem to mind.

“I’m not blind to Evelyn’s faults,” Chris continued. “And she certainly is a ‘stuck-up, selfish, and spoilt little bitch’ as you called her the other day. But she is also using her talents for charming and manipulating people in a good cause, and for that I can forgive her.”

It turned out his sister did fundraising for various charitable organizations, including one that focused on helping homeless gay teens, and two involved in HIV/AIDS research and relief work in developing countries. She had also been a model since she was fifteen, but now only did this occasionally. Chris assured me his sister wasn’t famous or anything.

“No, but she sure would like to be,” Evan snickered.

By then we had passed the small marina and ended up at the National Aquarium, Den Blå Planet. There were so many people waiting to see the exhibition we chose to come back another day. However, when we looked into the restaurant it wasn’t too busy, and we decided to eat lunch. Most of the menu consisted of seafood which was logical, I suppose, but also rather expensive. However, Chris insisted, so Evan and I let him order and pay.

After the delicious meal we strolled back to the hotel, since it was less than a mile away. On the way we discussed which other tourist things they might want to do. On arrival to their room Chris grabbed his laptop and went downstairs to work, and Evan and I relaxed on the couch. I decided to bring up the question of rings.

“Evan, have you thought about getting a ring for Chris? After all, you proposed to him.”

“Yes, I did, but the truth is I can’t afford it. Not the kind of ring I want to give him. And it seems wrong to ask him to lend me the money.”

“You should ask Mom. She gave us money for wedding rings. We wouldn’t have been able to afford them otherwise.”

“Really?” Evan sat up and his green eyes sparkled with delight.

“Yes, and I’m sure she would love to help you as well. You could come with us when we pick up our rings and see if you can find anything you like.”

“Both of us you mean?”

“Well, that depends. Do you want it to be a surprise? Do you know Chris’ ring size and what kind of ring he would appreciate?”

My twin thought it over for a while, and I used the break to visit the bathroom. When I came back, he told me his decision.

“I’m going to ask Mom tomorrow, and afterwards I’ll tell Chris I want to buy him a ring. I’m not sure whether to go for something similar to the one he’s giving me, or a completely different style. He can come with us to point out which ones he likes and I’ll choose one of them. Going with you to the jewelers would be great. When do you pick up yours?”

“No later than Friday, and it might be before. But we could go there on Monday, if you want. It depends on whether you want an inscription, or if it needs to be sized, because that takes time.”

“If it fits, I could buy it right away. I don’t think we’ll get an inscription until we intend to marry.”

“Have you talked about how you’ll get married? Is it even legal in Illinois?”

“Yes, as per June 1st this year. Chris doesn’t want a huge thing, but his mom is anxious for a big reception. Once she gets together with Mom, I think we’re done for.” Evan rolled his eyes, and I began laughing.

“Shut up, Russ. It’s not funny. You don’t know how lucky you are Jacob’s family is small.”

“Stop pretending, Evan. You know you like to be the center of attention, and you’ll do anything to make Chris happy, including indulging his mom.”

“Well, you’re going to be right up there with me as my best man.”

“No problem, since all eyes will be on you and Chris.”

“Jacob’s won’t. He only has eyes for you. It’s so sweet the way he gazes at you.”

“Nonsense, Evan.”

“Sure he does. You don’t notice because you still spend a lot of time looking down. Jacob can’t keep his eyes off of you. Think back, Russ; whenever you look up at him, don’t you meet devoted blue eyes? And if you smile, he looks as if you’ve granted him a most precious favor. You really should give him more smiles – and kisses too.”

“Evan…” I objected feebly, as I cast my mind back. Fuck, he was right. Every time I looked at my boyfriend, his attention was on me. Even when he had been talking to Chris last night, I’d felt his eyes on me most of the time.

“When you kissed him in the lobby last night, he looked as if he had died and gone to heaven.”

“OK. Enough, Evan. I get the point. Can we change the subject now? Jeez.”

“Sure, let’s continue the discussion that got interrupted yesterday. About what to consider before having your cherry popped. You know, getting your virgin ass deflowered.”

Of course, now I was flustered, my twin brought up the subject of sex.

“Ahh, Evan...” I sighed, when I saw his determined face. “Okay, fine! What do I need to know?”

“I wanted to ask if you and Jacob have talked about using protection or getting tested.”

“I haven’t done anything before, so I don’t need tests, do I? Jacob says he has been tested clean several times since he broke up with his boyfriend a year ago, and he hasn’t been with anyone else.”

“OK, that sounds good. Chris and I used condoms in the beginning, but we have been barebacking for a while now.”


“Fucking without protection. It takes trust, and it can be messier, but it feels a lot more intimate.”

“Oh. Do you…?” I blushed, not knowing how to ask if Evan also fucked Chris.

“Do I top or bottom? You know what that means, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, generally I bottom. It’s more fun for me, because Chris is a very accomplished top.” The passionate expression on Evan’s face made me blush again.

“But sometimes I fuck Chris, and that’s good too. Variety keeps the sex life going, or so I’m told. Chris says those couples he knows who have lasted more than a few years have mostly been monogamous but playful within the relationship. But we do have friends with open relationships, like Greg and his husband.”

“Greg? Oh wait, the photographer who wants to do nude photos of you and Chris?”

“Mmm-hmm, and that’s part of the reason Chris refuses. Anyway, it’s one of the nice things about Chris being so much older. He has experience, and he is inventive and knows how to satisfy me in bed.”

“Does it hurt?”

“Getting fucked, you mean?”

I nodded.

“No, it can be a bit uncomfortable at first. But – well, Chris is quite big, so he makes sure I’m ready, and wanting it, before he takes me.”

Even paused before continuing, “Of course, there’s also the preparation I do first. Do you know about how to clean up, back there?”

"My ass is always clean." I was somewhat embarrassed.

"Clean, inside and out...?"

I slowly shook my head. "I don't know…?"

"Well, you have to be sure."

When I asked ‘How?’ he went on to explain the way to do it in minute detail, and told me the types of methods I could use.

Oh… I suddenly knew why Jacob had insisted we should wait until we got back from camping before we tried anything more advanced than oral.

“You do this every time before sex with Chris?”

“Oh yes, it's a must. He does as well. You never want a bad experience when you play around back there.”

I was still reluctant and doubtful. “There’s no way I can ask Jacob if he has this stuff, and I would die of embarrassment if I had to buy it. Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to find it.”

"Well," Evan said knowingly. "It's just another form of getting clean; nothing to be embarrassed about. Surely drugstores in Denmark sell everything you need, if not, then maybe one of those adult shops Copenhagen is famous for. But the easiest might be to order online. However…” He got up and opened his suitcase.

“…Isn’t it lucky I thought my twin might still be a virgin and would need a beginner’s pack.” Evan smirked and pulled out a bag with a box inside.

“Here you go, everything you need to make sure your tushy is all clean and ready for your fiancé.” He gave me the unmarked black cardboard box and motioned for me to open it.

I did and felt relief at seeing the various things mentioned in Evan’s instructions, including a big tube of lube – plus one extra item. I took out the dildo and held it up with raised eyebrows.

“It’s for practicing,” Evan grinned. “There should be a package of condoms with it. Chris says it’s better to suit dildos up, because you never know if they give off unhealthy residues, chlorine and such. Plus it makes them easier to clean. We always put rubbers on ours.”

“But why use them when you’ve already gone all the way?”

“Oh, sex toys can be a lot of fun, and not just dildos. Remember what I said about variety. But… you’ll have to discuss that with Jacob to see what he might like.”

I dumped the toy into the box and closed the lid. Evan gave me the bag and I put it around the kit and hid it in my backpack. I wondered whether I could conceal it from Jacob when I got home. But maybe I should tell him. After all, he might be happy to know I had the technical details sorted out, more or less anyway. I wasn’t sure about this whole ‘prostate as your love button’ deal. But Evan swore it worked like magic.

“Now tell me Russ, are you more comfortable with the idea of going all the way with Jacob?”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean he’s already put a couple of fingers inside me and it felt good, even though he didn’t get deep enough to touch ‘the magic button’. And he… ehmm… he…” I ground to a halt, unsure how to admit the next part.

“Yes? Did he use more than just his fingers?”

“His tongue…” My dick stirred in my pants at the mere thought.

“Ohhh, he rimmed you? How did you like it? I go absolutely crazy when Chris does it to me. You know when I’m on all fours, ass high, and he spreads my cheeks and sticks his –”

“Arrghh, TMI, Evan. Fuck, I did not want to know that.”

“Ooops, sorry. But do you like it?”

“Yeah. What…what you said. It’s the same for me. I never knew anything could feel so good.”

“Mmm. Have you done it to him?”

“Nooo. Umm, have you?”

“Yes, of course. And I often play around with my fingers when I do oral on Chris.”

“Jacob likes that too.”

“Good for him. So, he flip flops?”

“Yeah, but he’s mainly a top. Suits me fine, I want to be fucked.”

“I know what you mean. That’s the way I felt the first time Chris kissed me. I wanted him inside me.”

“That’s how I felt, too, with Jacob. But I only got a blowjob.”

“What do you mean, only?! I had to wait for more than two weeks before we got that far.”

“Well, I spent two months in a tent with Jacob before I clued in to the fact I’m attracted to him.”

“Fuck, Russ. How could you not drool over Jacob in a Speedo? I realized five years ago our cousin is a sexy hunk.”

“Hey, watch it, Evan. Jacob’s mine, and you have your own hunky boyfriend.”

“I know, and I adore him. Now tell me how you found out you love Jacob.”

I had to tell my twin all about the night on the beach where Jacob kissed me and told me he was in love with me and finally made love to me with his mouth and his fingers. Evan kept asking questions and before I knew it I had told him a lot more than I meant to about my intimate moments with my boyfriend. But to be fair, Evan did reciprocate with small snippets from the dating and cuddling he and Chris had done.

At one point I stumbled into a part I had been ignoring. “…And then Jacob said a weird thing. He called me a ‘sub’ and wanted me to ask you if Chris was a trained ‘dom’. I had no idea what he meant, but…”

Evan sat up abruptly; I faltered and stopped.

“Repeat what you just said, the question about Chris?”

“Whether Chris was a trained dom? Jacob immediately retracted the question, but he did explain a bit about BDSM, and later I looked it up on the internet. But we haven’t talked about it since. It scared the shit out of me to be honest.”

My twin stared at me with the most inscrutable face I had ever seen on him. The silence went on and on, until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Sooo, the spanking you mentioned this morning…” I ventured.

Evan face-palmed himself. “Shit…”

He took a deep breath. “OK, Russell, twin bond truth. Yes, Chris and I do play around with a bit of BDSM, but it’s very vanilla. No more than a few light slaps or the marks you saw yesterday. We blindfold each other, and he has tied my arms a few times, because I like it. I love to tease and provoke, and my ‘punishment’ always includes the most awesome sex – with lots of edging. It’s a game, no more, and we only play it sometimes.”

There was another long, awkward silence. Evan swallowed and pleaded with his eyes.

“Russell, please. Just because I like this, doesn’t mean –”

I interrupted. “But Chris knows about this stuff, right? He taught you?”

“Yes.” My twin whispered, closing his eyes and going beet red.

“How long have you…?”

“A couple of months, maybe a bit longer. But it sort of came on gradually, playfully. However, last month Chris sat down and explained what we were getting into, and we sorted out what the limits were. Not that we have gotten close to them, and to be honest I don’t expect us to. It’s just harmless fun. Truly.”

“So if Jacob asked Chris, he would be able to explain? Like you can tell me, so I can find out if I want any of that? I mean, I already know I don’t want pain or being humiliated or feeling helpless. But I guess I might like one or two of those games you mentioned. And Chris could help Jacob, instruct him...”

“Yeees,” Evan conceded reluctantly. “I guess he could. But I think you should wait. Be intimate first; find out what turns you on without any outside influence or kinky stuff; love each other and get used to sex. Maybe when you come home at Christmas, we could talk about it again.”

There was a knock on the door and a moment later Chris opened it and came in. “Hey there, am I interrupting anything?”

Evan jumped up and ran over to kiss his boyfriend, and I shook my head.

“No, no, we’re all done and ready to go back to Jacob’s place.” My twin said. “I just need to dig out the shirt I want to wear tonight. Are you going to change here?” He went over and rummaged in his suitcase. Pulling out a black satin-like shirt with short sleeves, he held it up for inspection. “This one would go well with both the denim and the leather shorts.”

“You’re planning on wearing those shorts in public?! They’re indecent, Evan.”

“No, they’re not, and anyway you like it, when I look sexy and other guys envy you.”

“But –” Chris began.

Evan overrode him, “Russell is going to wear his outfit, aren’t you?” He winked at me and I fell in line.

“I expect so. Jacob bought it for me to go clubbing with you guys.”

“See?!” Evan folded the shirt and put it in my backpack. He came back and sat next to me, and we looked at Chris expectantly, turning on the adorable twin look.

“Fine.” He rolled his eyes and went over to dig out a clean shirt. He shed the T-shirt he was wearing and I nearly gasped as I saw his naked torso. Chris’ back was a sculpture of defined muscles and nicely tanned skin.

Evan nudged me and whispered: “Stop drooling, Russ. He’s mine.”

“What?” Chris turned around, and my eyes took in the equally toned pecs and abs with a nice patch of dark hair decorating the middle of his chest. Evan had certainly found himself a sexy specimen. I preferred Jacob, but I could see why my twin liked Chris’ body.

“I think Russ approves of my choice in men, babe. We both have a thing for tall guys with defined torsos and a bit of body hair, particularly if they are well hung. Yummy.”

“Evan!” Chris and I were equally outraged. My future brother-in-law quickly put his shirt on, and I pushed my silly twin over on the couch and tickled him till he begged for mercy. But I guess he did have a point.

Both of them grabbed jackets for later and then we walked over to the Metro. Chris said Jacob had organized some pizza we could heat in the oven. He was done studying for today, even though it was only five in the afternoon, and had suggested a walk along the canals of Christianshavn.

When we arrived at the apartment, Jacob pulled me in to a warm hug and kissed me, insistently and intimately, causing an instant boner. Afterwards he whispered in my ear, “Fuck, I missed you so much.” I hugged him back and reveled in the scent and touch of my man. I’d missed him too. More than I thought I would.

The next few hours were relaxed, uneventful, four friends getting to know each other, bonding. Of course Evan and I were already twin bonded, but we still had to realign, as I had envisaged a couple of days ago. I had to get used to thinking about Evan-and-Chris, and Evan had probably an even greater adjustment happening, since I had changed a lot. Not just physically, but also mentally. I imagined there was both joy and pride in his eyes when he looked at me walking hand-in-hand with Jacob.

I spent some time sketching Evan and Chris sitting by the canal, and also attempted a portrait of my boyfriend. They all praised my efforts, but I knew I could do better. I tried not to worry but simply enjoy the feel of a pencil in my hand, seeing lines and shades appear on the paper, working in the details of a boat, or the corkscrew spire of the 18th century church towering over the area. Of all the stupid choices in my life, giving up drawing was probably the worst. Never mind that now, I was determined to win back lost ground.

We didn’t get back to the apartment until almost eight o’clock. We had eaten huge ice cream cones from a popular local shop at the start of our tour, but now we were hungry for pizza. Evan teased Jacob a bit about having another Italian meal, but my fiancé told him pizza was invented in the US by Italian immigrants. “It might as well be considered an American meal like hamburgers.”

“Nice try, cousin. But I love pizza, so I don’t mind eating it often.”

“We didn’t have pizza yesterday.” Chris pointed out.

“No, but we could have it again later this week.”

“Tomorrow we’ll have dinner at my parents’ house,” Jacob said. “I think my mum has planned something typically Danish. By the way, do you want to meet Kristin and your mum at the airport? My dad is picking them up.”

“I thought they were staying at the hotel with us?” Evan said.

“Well, my mum objected and said they should stay with them. So it’s only the night before Kristin goes back that she’s staying at the hotel.”

“Oh, yeah, her flight is horribly early in the morning, isn’t it?” Evan shuddered; we both hated getting up early.

“We have a flight to Singapore a couple of hours after you leave.” I told him.

“Hey, that’s cool. We can stay together right till the last minute. How long will you stay in Singapore?”

Jacob answered this question. “We don’t know yet. We’re visiting my twin uncles, Peter and Paul, who live in Singapore. They invited us to stay with them.”

“Your dad has twin brothers?”

“No, Evan. Granddad has twin brothers. They are Mom’s uncles too.” I told him.

“What?! Why has she never told us about them?” My twin was as surprised at this information as I had been.

“I don’t know. We’ll have to ask her. But they’ve lived in Asia for years, and we would probably never have seen them, under normal circumstances.”

“But you have met them?” Evan asked Jacob.

“I’ve only met both of them twice, and I was six years old the first time. But I remember when they were last home in 2006. I think one or the other comes back on business trips regularly, but I usually don’t see them on those occasions.”

“So why have they invited you and Russ to stay with them? Are they OK with you being a couple?”

“According to my mum they are fine with Russ and I being together.”

There was a short silence while Evan digested the information. I bet he was wondering the same thing I did. Were the other twins in Mom’s family gay too?

Jacob got busy with finding plates and glasses. “Would you like a beer?” He got four cans out of the fridge. They were all dissimilar and Chris took one and looked at it. Jacob explained about the different types of Carlsberg and Tuborg beers and Chris decided to have the strong Sort Guld beer.

“Would you like to try one, Evan? Or you can do like Russell and mix it up as a shandy.”

“We’re not old enough to drink.” Evan said.

“In Denmark you are. The age limit for alcohol is eighteen, sixteen for beer at home. That’s why you and Russell can go clubbing too.”

“Oh. I hadn’t thought about that.”

“If he offers you snaps, I advise you to decline,” I told my twin, and Jacob laughed. I smacked his butt as he went past me with plates. Evan grabbed the glasses and I took the bottle of lemonade. Chris followed with the beer cans and we set the table. Jacob got two small pizzas out of the oven and stuck the next two in.

“My oven isn’t big enough for more than two pizzas at a time, but they only take twenty minutes to heat.” He began cutting the pizzas into slices.

“Not to worry, Jacob, we have plenty of time, don’t we? When should we go out?” Chris asked.

“Oh, around eleven would be fine. I have a couple of bars in mind, the first is mainly for drinking and talking, but the other is more like a club where we can dance.”

We dug in to the pizzas and Jacob filled us in on the nightlife of Copenhagen. It sounded a lot of fun, and I was excited about the prospect of going to a place when it would be OK for us to dance and kiss. Evan hadn’t done any clubbing either, and he loved the idea of being considered an adult. In addition, he was looking forward to dancing with Chris. Around ten-thirty we went into the bedroom to change.

“Oh, you look so hot in that outfit, Russ.”

“Not as good as you.”

“Nonsense. Your hair looks much better than mine, and your tan is nicer too. Jacob looked like he wanted to eat you last night. What did he do to you in here? Oh-ho that blush and smile will make a lot of guys want to fuck your innocent ass. Better stick close to your boyfriend.”

“Stop it, Evan. I bet Chris will be hovering over you the whole time. Those leather shorts are shouting ‘I’m a naughty boy with a sexy ass’. Jeez.”

“Yes, and? That ain’t no lie. They can look as much as they want, only no touching. Hmm, did Jacob shave you this morning?”

“Yeah, under my arms. He thinks it looks better with the tank top. Should I have said no?”

“Nope, it looks great. Did he trim you, so the thong would cover everything? I’m sticking out at the sides.”

“No, I cut that back myself. Do you want me to find the scissors for you?”

“Nah, then I would have to shower. I’ll live. Are we all set?”

“Yeah, I think so. Let me grab a sweatshirt to wear, I don’t want to get a cold.”

We went back to the living room. Chris and Jacob were on the couch talking and finishing off a second beer each. They looked up when we came in, and I had the distinct impression they liked what they saw.

It was still fairy warm outside, but I was glad we only had a short walk to and from the Metro, since most of the bars were close to Nørreport Station. Once we got inside, it was hot, loud and crowded. And what a crowd! There were men of all ages, but mostly young, fit, good looking, intoxicated, and friendly. Very friendly.

Even though Jacob and Chris never strayed from our sides, Evan and I got flirted with and hit upon constantly. But so did Jacob and Chris, and I might have gotten rather jealous and insecure if I hadn’t observed how Jacob more or less ignored all attempts to chat him up.

The same was the case when we changed venue to the club in order to dance. His attention was on me and he got a slightly pained look on his face when other men asked me to dance. He told me I was free to say yes, but I declined politely. I’d never been much for dancing; I preferred to watch. Especially Evan, of course, he and Chris were awesome as they twisted and turned on the packed dance floor.

Jacob and I did a couple of slow dances with our arms around each other. I got hard immediately and so did he. Our hands crept down to cup firm butt cheeks; I’d seen other couples do the same, so no need to be shy. In fact, I saw two guys doing some pretty obvious groping and grinding, not to mention kissing.

Evan dragged me out on the dance floor once, and I did my best to copy his moves. He told me I was doing great and just needed to relax. But that was rather difficult when friendly but unwanted hands ghosted over my ass at regular intervals. I was about to leave the dance floor when somebody grabbed hold of my shoulder and turned me around. I shrank back for a moment, but suddenly recognized the face in front of me.

“Oliver!” In my relief I jumped forward and embraced the lean dark-haired guy. After a split second of hesitation he hugged me back, fiercely. I turned to introduce him to Evan who was watching me with surprise written all over his face. Oh well, I guess he’s never seen his shy twin hug a stray man in a bar – nor a girl for that matter.

“Oliver, this is my twin brother Evan.” I shouted the name in his ear and it was probably the only thing he heard above the loud music. I gestured towards the table section and Oliver nodded.

We made our way towards the place where Chris and Jacob were sitting. I noticed another guy followed, he had short dark hair, sexy stubble, and his trim body and graceful moves screamed ‘dancer’. I waved my hand towards him and raised my eyebrows at Oliver, mouthing ‘Boyfriend?’ He grinned and nodded. We finally managed to get through the press of sweaty, scantily dressed bodies to reach our table. Jacob got up immediately and greeted our friend from Læsø.

“Oliver, you found us. I can see you’ve met the naughty twin. And this is Evan’s better half, Chris. ”

“I’m pleased to meet you. This is my boyfriend Mikkel.” Oliver gestured at the handsome man who slid his arm around his waist. We spent a few moments exchanging greetings and explaining how we knew each other. Soon Evan and Chris were talking dance with Mikkel – as much as one could talk in a noisy club – and Jacob and I were catching up with Oliver.

“You’re looking good, Russell.” He ran an admiring look down my body and even took a step to the side to take a peek at my tightly encased ass. “Yeah, real good to see you in cool clothes and a flattering haircut.”

“Thanks, Oliver. Did Jacob tell you we would be here?”

“Yep, he sent me a message on Facebook. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s wonderful to see you again. And I’m glad you can meet Evan and Chris too. Will we get to see your boyfriend dance?”

“If he likes the music. But he does so much dancing during the day he rarely has the urge when we go out. Your brother might persuade him, though.” Oliver showed no signs of worry at the thought, and I liked the idea of a relationship being solid enough to trust your boyfriend implicitly.

“Evan wanted to learn dancing and fencing when we were kids, but our father refused to let him do so. So he did baseball and other sports instead.” My twin had been a competent pitcher, but he only dabbled in the track and field stuff. At one point Evan had confided in me he mainly helped out when the serious athletes trained. Of course now I wondered if the attraction had been watching fit teen males go through their moves.

We spent the next hour with Oliver and his boyfriend, and I did indeed get to see my brother dance with Mikkel. Wow! Had Evan taken Dirty Dancing lessons in secret? He was certainly keeping up with the moves Mikkel threw at him. Plenty of other people in the club were impressed by the display too, and some even applauded when Evan and Mikkel left the dance floor.

“Where did you learn to dance like that, Evan?” I shouted in his ear.

He grinned exuberantly. “I’ve been taking lessons the whole year; and practicing at home in front of a mirror – and Chris.”

We all did a few slow dances to end our night. We left around two am, but the club was in full party mode and new guests were still arriving. Amazing.

I was surprised to learn the Metro ran all night, although with fewer trains, but I guess with no drivers it was feasible. We were lucky and only had to wait five minutes at Nørreport. We all got off the train at Christianshavn, since Chris and Evan had to change to the other line to get back to their hotel.

“Thanks for a great night, Jacob. You too, Russ.” My twin leaned against his boyfriend and gave us a tired smile. Chris repeated the sentiment.

“I enjoyed getting a taste of the nightlife of Copenhagen, and it’s cool how accepting everyone is.”

Jacob and I exchanged a glance at Chris’ words, and I muttered, “Well, not everyone. Remind me to tell you about the couple we met on Strøget.”

“Yes, hate crimes happen here too, but most places are safe.” Jacob said.

“I expect you’ll want to sleep late tomorrow.” I said to Evan.

He nodded and winked, “Mm-hmm, I better put up the do-not-disturb sign or the maid might get an eyeful.”

“Minx,” Chris laughed. “I intend to be up before the breakfast buffet closes at 11.”

“Yes, that’s what I mean. It’s quite an eyeful once you get it up, old man.” The two drinks Evan had consumed in the club had apparently gone to his head.

Luckily the train was announced, so I missed what Chris growled into Evan’s ear in reply to this insult. But it sure made my twin leer triumphantly.

“Text me when you’re ready and we can make arrangements to go to the airport.” Jacob suggested as the train arrived. With a last good night we saw them off and went back to the apartment.

As soon as we got inside, I toed off my shoes and made a dash for the bathroom, needing a pee badly. Jacob was waiting for his turn as I got out. He gave me a bottle of water. “Drink this; it’ll help prevent a hang-over.”

I wanted to object. One beer and a couple of drinks in the bars would hardly cause problems. However, I did feel somewhat dehydrated after dancing in a hot club. Jacob had his own bottle which was already half empty. I went into the bedroom to wait for him, gulping down my water. I got rid of my sweatshirt and bent down to remove my socks.

I heard a grunt behind me and barely managed to stand up before Jacob was all over me. He nibbled on my ear and neck and groped my ass. I moaned as he rubbed my hole through the tight shorts.

“Fuck, Russ. You are irresistible in these. It’s getting harder for me to wait.”

“Mmm, I can feel that.” I ground my butt cheek against his hard-on, and reached back to caress his firm ass. Maybe Evan wasn’t the only one whose inhibitions had been loosened by alcohol and dirty dancing. Jacob groaned and palmed my bulge.

We fell on the bed together, rolling around kissing, and I ended on top. I sat up and made sure to push my ass down on Jacob’s crotch as I stripped my tank top off.

“You’re so hot, Russ. You’ve been driving me crazy all night.”

I smiled at him, loving him for making me feel attractive and sexy. I decided to tease him some more and slid down until my head was right above his zipper. I undid his jeans, and when I pulled them down at the sides, his cock escaped the skimpy underwear. I couldn’t wait but dove right in and swallowed as much as possible.

The next few minutes were a confused tangle of limbs, as Jacob fought to undress us both, and I fought to keep his wonderful manhood in my mouth and get my hands on his balls, ass and nipples as soon as they were revealed to me. Once we were naked I managed to get on top of Jacob again. I rubbed my naked ass against his cock, loving the way it slipped between my cheeks and teased my hole.

“Damn, Russell. What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing so far, but I hope that’ll change. Maybe not tonight, but it better be soon.” I leaned down to kiss my hunky man.

“I had a chat with my twin today.” I smiled coyly.

“Oh really? What about?”

“About this and that; about how I can get myself ready – to get plowed by you, big man.”

“Did you learn anything…?”

“Ummmm-hmmmm. Lots. I learned he loves it when Chris takes him, and takes him roughly, too.” I felt his cock flare against the crack of my backside.

“You want that, don't you, Russell? You want to get fucked, nice and deep, hmm?”

“Don't tease me, you know I do.”

As I spoke I ran my hands over his body, pinching his nipples, admiring his muscular arms and hairy pecs. I could feel him leaking pre-cum all over my butt, and he moaned and squirmed against me. Oh yeah, I knew exactly what Evan meant when he said teasing your lover was the best of fun.

I moved towards his face, and Jacob grabbed my butt with one hand and directed the head of my cock to his lips with the other. Ahh bliss, I almost shot as his mouth engulfed my shaft. I let him suck me for a few moments, before I shifted around for us to do a sixty-nine. Jacob swallowed my dick again and his fingers did a tantalizing dance on my backside, while I practiced my oral skills.

Both of us were so turned on it didn’t take long before we were treated to mouthfuls of cum. I knew what to do now and kept as much as possible in my mouth. Turning around I climbed up the muscular body below me and clamped my lips to Jacob’s. I think he was slightly surprised when I drilled my tongue into his mouth and deposited the remains of his spunk, but after half a second he was kissing me back.

Sated and exhausted we lay in each other’s arms. No words were necessary to express the love and connection we felt. This was how I wished the rest of my life to be; safe and wanted and loved by the man of my dreams.

This will have to last you for a while. Please visit the forum for links to the places mentioned and for discussion of the story. Suggestions for further developments are welcome.
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

On 01/19/2015 04:04 AM, JohnAR said:
Being taken roughly? Are the boys growing up? ;-) what's next? JAR
LOL, more like Russ catching up with Evan. I thought you might zoom in on that part. :lol:

I have no clue what's next. Suggestions are welcome.

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Perfect ending to a perfect day. Very hot and very romantic, a very satisfying combination. I already liked Chris, but now I love him. He sounds like the perfect guy...not just for Evan, but for anyone :boy: . The twin talk about sex was wonderfully done,Tim. It's always glossed over in stories, but, like showering and brushing your teeth it is a part of gay sex. I love how open they are with each other even though they blush a lot. Realigning the twin bond was a great reminder that although it's there, it needs attention. Russell and Evan are people first and twins second. I think, for all Evan's exhuberance, he is very smart, and his advice to Russell about learning what he likes first, before considering BDSM, was really good. The talk about the twin's father was excellent...I loved the protectiveness of Chris and how he looked at the situation. But mostly I liked Evan telling Russell about how Jacob looks at him. That was powerful for Russell, and for me. Another great chapter, well worth the wait. Nothing but sheer enjoyment here, Tim. Kudos and cheers...Gary

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On 01/19/2015 05:09 AM, Headstall said:
Perfect ending to a perfect day. Very hot and very romantic, a very satisfying combination. I already liked Chris, but now I love him. He sounds like the perfect guy...not just for Evan, but for anyone :boy: . The twin talk about sex was wonderfully done,Tim. It's always glossed over in stories, but, like showering and brushing your teeth it is a part of gay sex. I love how open they are with each other even though they blush a lot. Realigning the twin bond was a great reminder that although it's there, it needs attention. Russell and Evan are people first and twins second. I think, for all Evan's exhuberance, he is very smart, and his advice to Russell about learning what he likes first, before considering BDSM, was really good. The talk about the twin's father was excellent...I loved the protectiveness of Chris and how he looked at the situation. But mostly I liked Evan telling Russell about how Jacob looks at him. That was powerful for Russell, and for me. Another great chapter, well worth the wait. Nothing but sheer enjoyment here, Tim. Kudos and cheers...Gary
Thank you Gary, I love your reviews. You always point out which parts you like and why.

I'm glad you approve of the prep talk, it always annoys me how it's mostly ignored, as if anal sex can happen as spontaneously as vaginal sex. AC was a great help when discussing how to write this, so I'm passing on the praise. :)

I think it's good to point out occasionally how into Russ his boyfriend is. Because we always get Russell's POV the balance can tip, particularly since Russ still has issues. But now he noticed Jacob watching him in the club. I'm so pleased it gave your liking a boost.

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You know what I realized while reading the chapter?

When the guys are in Singapore visiting their great uncles, Jacob will be surrounded by Peter, Paul & Mary... he should sing If I had a Hammer in that chapter!



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On 01/19/2015 07:23 AM, Carlos Hazday said:
You know what I realized while reading the chapter?

When the guys are in Singapore visiting their great uncles, Jacob will be surrounded by Peter, Paul & Mary... he should sing If I had a Hammer in that chapter!




I have no clue what you're talking about. But yes, the twin uncles are named after two saints.

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The first vibe I got off of Chris when he was part of Evan and Russell's skype conversation is nicely reinforced as we get to spend time with him in person. It seems plausible that identical twins would fall for the same type of person as to marry, so it's good to see Jacob and Chris exhibit some similar characteristics. I think if Chris had been shown as 'way different,' the reader would be suspicious whether or not Chris was really the right guy for Evan. As it is, you leave no such doubts.


I like how the ring conversation between the brothers flowed into the 'getting clean' discussion. The old one-two punch of love and sex, eh? – but it worked really nicely here, I think.


The one thing about the dancing that I was struck the most by was how it is building in Russell's still-coming-out mind a simple truth. That wherever Gay folks gather, there is our community. When Oliver reappears with his hot dancer bf, and then Evan and he have a great time dancing, it just seemed understated to me, and realistic. I hope you know what I mean, it just seemed right to show Russell that it's not about going out to find a one-night stand; it's about meeting up with people you know and like and meeting the ones they know and like. I don’t think straight people have any concept about this, or how to put it in the correct context when they think about LGBT people. In other words, they do not really know what we mean when we speak of 'community.'


Later on, it sure was a hot time Jacob and Russell had after they came home, but I would never go to bed all sweaty and slick from the club – maybe a shower before beddy-time/nookie-time would have been appropriate ;)



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Another great chapter! This one really seemed to be about connections. All the boys, Evan and Russ, Chris and Jacob, the boys and Oliver. Just a series of beautiful vignettes that captured how gay men interact with each other.

The Evan/Russ conversation was great fun to read. Sharing, blushing, learning - it was so cute.

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On 01/19/2015 12:01 PM, AC Benus said:
The first vibe I got off of Chris when he was part of Evan and Russell's skype conversation is nicely reinforced as we get to spend time with him in person. It seems plausible that identical twins would fall for the same type of person as to marry, so it's good to see Jacob and Chris exhibit some similar characteristics. I think if Chris had been shown as 'way different,' the reader would be suspicious whether or not Chris was really the right guy for Evan. As it is, you leave no such doubts.


I like how the ring conversation between the brothers flowed into the 'getting clean' discussion. The old one-two punch of love and sex, eh? – but it worked really nicely here, I think.


The one thing about the dancing that I was struck the most by was how it is building in Russell's still-coming-out mind a simple truth. That wherever Gay folks gather, there is our community. When Oliver reappears with his hot dancer bf, and then Evan and he have a great time dancing, it just seemed understated to me, and realistic. I hope you know what I mean, it just seemed right to show Russell that it's not about going out to find a one-night stand; it's about meeting up with people you know and like and meeting the ones they know and like. I don’t think straight people have any concept about this, or how to put it in the correct context when they think about LGBT people. In other words, they do not really know what we mean when we speak of 'community.'


Later on, it sure was a hot time Jacob and Russell had after they came home, but I would never go to bed all sweaty and slick from the club – maybe a shower before beddy-time/nookie-time would have been appropriate ;)


Thanks AC, I'm glad you like Chris. I see him as a more refined and responsible version of Jacob's personality - plus he has a 'kinkier' side sexually. Russell needs nurturing and care, whereas Evan benefits from a more restraining, but still loving approach - occasional pruning to stay in the plant analogy. :lol:

The comments from you and Bucket about connections and community have been added to my story notes as something to explore. You have a good point.

The initial version of the end did have a shower involved, but it got a bit out of hand. :P so I wrote this one instead and forgot the shower. You're quite right - even if they didn't do much fast dancing in the Club.

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On 01/19/2015 09:10 PM, Bucket1 said:
Another great chapter! This one really seemed to be about connections. All the boys, Evan and Russ, Chris and Jacob, the boys and Oliver. Just a series of beautiful vignettes that captured how gay men interact with each other.

The Evan/Russ conversation was great fun to read. Sharing, blushing, learning - it was so cute.

I hadn't thought about it like that before I read AC's and your review. I liked this view of the story and I'll keep it in mind for future chapters. I though about having Evan and Russell visit the dance studio / gym where Mikkel works.

I'm pleased you liked their talks, they were great fun to write.

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i'm really an outsider where most of this is concerned. but it's great to see you enjoying your writing and pleasing your audience so beautifully. thanks for sharing.

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On 01/20/2015 05:15 AM, carringtonrj said:
i'm really an outsider where most of this is concerned. but it's great to see you enjoying your writing and pleasing your audience so beautifully. thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much. I'm flattered you stay with the story, in spite of it not quite being your cup of tea. :)
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I hate coming in late to reviews, everybody else has covered what I wanted to say, and steals any thunder I might have provided. Even so, there wa nothing out of place in this installment--it was well-crafted, romantic and re-affirming of the bond Evan and Russ have. The inclusion of Jacob and Chris into their bond was just icing on the cake. :)


You mentioned a possible visit to the gym where Mikkel works...I'd love to see that, because I want Russ to learn to dance as a surprise for Jacob...it would further show his desire to become a full part of his life...and build his confidence at the same time. Mostly we are seeing what Jacob has done for Russell, and this would make Russ feel tht he is giving something back beyond his love. I can so easily picture him surprising Jacob with a few dances at their party.


This was a truly rewarding chapter for us readers, and for the characters involved...as a seafood-hater, I am disturbed by the abundance of it and the dearth of anything on the plate which has/had legs. :)

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On 01/20/2015 04:48 PM, ColumbusGuy said:
I hate coming in late to reviews, everybody else has covered what I wanted to say, and steals any thunder I might have provided. Even so, there wa nothing out of place in this installment--it was well-crafted, romantic and re-affirming of the bond Evan and Russ have. The inclusion of Jacob and Chris into their bond was just icing on the cake. :)


You mentioned a possible visit to the gym where Mikkel works...I'd love to see that, because I want Russ to learn to dance as a surprise for Jacob...it would further show his desire to become a full part of his life...and build his confidence at the same time. Mostly we are seeing what Jacob has done for Russell, and this would make Russ feel tht he is giving something back beyond his love. I can so easily picture him surprising Jacob with a few dances at their party.


This was a truly rewarding chapter for us readers, and for the characters involved...as a seafood-hater, I am disturbed by the abundance of it and the dearth of anything on the plate which has/had legs. :)

LOL - no seafood on the pizzas, does that help?

Good idea with the dancing lessons, this will go into my story notes.

I'm grateful for your reviews even if late :)

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On 02/14/2015 08:12 AM, Daddydavek said:
That ending was so hot. The club scene was well done too. More soon please, now that i'm caught up!
Yes, well, I wish I could tell you the next chapter is on its way, but I haven't started writing it yet. But maybe this will prompt me to get going. :)

I'm pleased you enjoyed it so far.

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Wow I can't believe I'm all caught up. :o I really enjoyed the talk between the twins. Russ is so innocent and naive that it is good that he has Evan to give him some guidance. The talk about preparation, the importance of being playful (maybe versatile) and waiting to find out what turns you on before adding anything else into the mix was smart advice and something I could see two close siblings discussing. I laughed but really liked the practicality of a "beginners pack"'. For someone who acts so "flighty" Evan really is a smart young man.


The club scene was great. It was good to see Russell out there and enjoying himself. He noticed being hit on by other men and - although he wasn't interested - didn't automatically put himself down or think the attention was for Evan and not him as well. It was subtle, but it is progress.


And then to have Russ actually teasing Jacob in bed at the end of the night? I think Jacob may have unleashed a monster :lol:

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On 04/20/2015 10:36 AM, EagleIsaac said:
Wow I can't believe I'm all caught up. :o I really enjoyed the talk between the twins. Russ is so innocent and naive that it is good that he has Evan to give him some guidance. The talk about preparation, the importance of being playful (maybe versatile) and waiting to find out what turns you on before adding anything else into the mix was smart advice and something I could see two close siblings discussing. I laughed but really liked the practicality of a "beginners pack"'. For someone who acts so "flighty" Evan really is a smart young man.


The club scene was great. It was good to see Russell out there and enjoying himself. He noticed being hit on by other men and - although he wasn't interested - didn't automatically put himself down or think the attention was for Evan and not him as well. It was subtle, but it is progress.


And then to have Russ actually teasing Jacob in bed at the end of the night? I think Jacob may have unleashed a monster :lol:

I can't believe you're caught up either ! I've enjoyed getting your insightful reviews, and they helped push me into writing on the next chapter.

Did Evan unleash the monster - or did Jacob ? :lol:

Very good point about the club and Russ realizing he could be seen as attractive. I'm glad Russ is progressing in your opinion.

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Another great chapter :boy:
Russ and Evan have such a wonderful relationship, and they feel comfortable sharing practically every aspect of their lives. They are very lucky to have that :) and even their boyfriends get along with each other.

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On 09/14/2015 06:54 PM, Suvitar said:

Another great chapter :boy:

Russ and Evan have such a wonderful relationship, and they feel comfortable sharing practically every aspect of their lives. They are very lucky to have that :) and even their boyfriends get along with each other.

Russ and Evan used to share everything, but then their lives split apart and for four years they have been out of step. But now they are working their way back to intimacy - to mental, spiritual and physical closeness. But not sexual of course, apart from talking about their hot boyfriends and how to please them. :P I'm sure Jacob won't mind that at all. :lol:

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I think there are many great things in this chapter worth noting so I want to start with the two easier to speak to things. One, I loved the twins "sex" talk. It is nice they are close enough to talk freely and openly and good for Russell that Evan has enough experience to give advice. I liked that you kept it realistic. I mean no one wants to talk a hygeine, but what's the point of asking for advice and trying to learn something if you aren't going to get technical advice? When I turned 18 my sister gave me a book instead of a talk like the boys had. I will neve forget it, the name of the book was "How to Make Love to a Man" and I believe there was also a version for males about women. At the time I thought it was pushy of her, but I read it anyway. I have to say, it was a brilliant idea. It was a straightforward book on the mechanics and different techniques of sex based upon informal research surveys. Being 97% inexperienced at 18, that book armed with enough knowledge that when my first sexual experience came along I was prepared and felt I knew enough to make it a good experience for the man. Knowledge equals a level of confidence and confidence equals comfort and that allows a person to enjoy and let go and experience what is happening instead of concentrating on fighting fear and nerves. So I love that Russell is gaining knowledge and lessening his fears, but it also means that the "impatient puppy" will only get more impatient. Although from the last, amazing part of the chapter it doesn't seem like Jacob can wait much longer either.
Second I wanted to talk about the boys going out. I don't always read the other reviews, but I am glad I did on this chapter. I loved reading the review by AC. Getting insight into other perspectives is always great food for thought. I never really stopped to think about what was meant by "community" and on some level I guess I figured it meant peopel that were alike or shared something in common, but really I have always just thought of it as meaning thouse that made you feel accepted and safe. So I am glad I read through these reviews and got to learn new things. What I liked about the scene was that Russell was still himself, no dancing other than slow dancing, but enjoyed being with his group and running into Oliver and his boyfriend. I can so easily relate to that. I love going out with friends and even watching them dance and have fun. I don't dance and believe me everyone is happier that way, but it is still fun to be a part of it and have fun. It was so good to see the boys get to experience that and enjoy being out with their boyfriends and with each other. I also loved the thought that Russell had about liking the thought of a relationship where you completely trusted the other person and there was no need for jealousy. Of course I loved the way Jacob was worked up over Russell and how that played out better! If they are this hot now I can't wait for them to make love after the engagement.

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On 12/4/2015 at 7:54 PM, pzetts3 said:

I think there are many great things in this chapter worth noting so I want to start with the two easier to speak to things. One, I loved the twins "sex" talk. It is nice they are close enough to talk freely and openly and good for Russell that Evan has enough experience to give advice. I liked that you kept it realistic.


Second I wanted to talk about the boys going out. I don't always read the other reviews, but I am glad I did on this chapter. I loved reading the review by AC. Getting insight into other perspectives is always great food for thought. 


I’m sorry it took me such a long time to reply to this review. I liked it tremendously and wanted to do it justice in return.

Thank you for praising the technical sex talk. It’s something of a pet peeve for me how much it’s glossed over in most gay fiction I’ve read – well, to be honest also in straight porn involving anal sex. I know we don’t want graphic details, but I prefer if there’s at least a plausible interlude, such as a shower or other hints of preparations made. Just enough to make inexperienced readers think ‘OK, I need to find out what all-out sex entails apart from buying lube and condoms.’ And I simply love your conclusion about ‘knowledge = confidence = comfort = enjoyment.’ Oh, and you’re right about the impatience, of course. :lol:

It’s wonderful when reviews make you see the story in a new light, isn’t it? I had the same feeling you did about AC’s review for this chapter, but yours also had me discover new details. You’re right about Russ staying himself, but at the same time getting new insights which will unfold further growth into the man he’s meant to be. He’s noticing things and relating to them, rather than shutting the world out. And of course, most of his thoughts revolve around Jacob and their love.

Not surprisingly, most of Jacob’s thoughts and wants revolve around Russ too, and I don’t know where he gets the will power to wait. He wants to make love to (= fuck) Russ so badly. :blushing::P

Edited by Timothy M.
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Ah this was nice, loved the twins chat bout sex, getting clean, condoms. I got the job of 'splaining all of that to my newly out nephew! Poor guy the look on his face was priceless!


Anyway,it's good Russ has someone other than Jacob to turn to. I wonder if they'll make it to the wedding!


Loved it, Tim!



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On 01/25/2016 03:05 AM, Mikiesboy said:

Ah this was nice, loved the twins chat bout sex, getting clean, condoms. I got the job of 'splaining all of that to my newly out nephew! Poor guy the look on his face was priceless!


Anyway,it's good Russ has someone other than Jacob to turn to. I wonder if they'll make it to the wedding!


Loved it, Tim!



LOL, tim, I can imagine your nephew's face but kudos to you for giving him the advice he needed. Just another example of your thoughtful, caring personality. :hug:

Russ always had Evan to turn to - and the other way round, but they haven't really had the chance of that for a while.

Will they make it to the wedding? I assume you mean with waiting for full-on sex. I really want to answer but :X Keep on reading though. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter too.

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I'm still getting a gay vibe from the Twin Uncles we're yet to meet. I feel the talk between Evan and Russ was awesome. I love how they interact with each other. It's defiantly character building. 

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