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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Chosen - 12. Between Dreams

I was dreaming again.

The city of Atlantis was absolutely beautiful at night. The tall shimmering skyscrapers of tritium metal stretched high into the sky. Soft pale lights from the windows made the silver monoliths shine against the dark skyline. The view from this balcony was always breathtaking. Here, the Imperium Tower soared above the other buildings and was centered right in the heart of Atlantis. Moonlight reflected off the towers silvery structures as people carried on with their business, crossing from building to building via, long spindly crystalline sky bridges. Below them, the walkways weren't busy with foot traffic at this time of night and the parks were absent of their usual laughter of children.

I rubbed my arms to fight the wind chill. It was nearing winter and my least favorite time of year. The weather was always far too cold. The balcony door slid open with a soft chime and I turned.

Admerion loomed in the doorway. He was dressed in white trousers and a red double breasted tunic. When I saw his face, misted and features hidden I was thrown into awareness. I remembered this was a dream, no a memory, and I was merely a spectator in my body to witness the past. Though his features were obscured he seemed younger than 20-something man I normally dreamed of. This was must be an earlier point in the past.

“Princeling, there you are!” the teenage version of Admerion proclaimed.

“We've known each other for six years and that still does not give you permission to butcher my title.”

“I’m sorry, Prince Emrys,” he said promptly.

His tone and dancing hazel eyes reflected the humor he was trying and failing to hide. Admerion was the most difficult person in this entire city. Whether eleven or seventeen time hadn't changed his rambunctious personality. I crossed my arms.

“Is there something you require of me, Admerion?”

He nodded and didn't bother to fight a smile. “There's a ball going on and we're missing one prince. Will his highness be gracing us with his presence?"

“I just needed some air," I said, then looked up wistfully into the sky. "I became caught up in stargazing.”

Admerion stepped closer. “You and I could go back to my room and we could find something more interesting to do.”

I looked into his eyes and said simply, “No.”

“You wound me, my prince.” He dramatically clutched his heart. "I think only a kiss of true love could cure this injury."

My expression was bored. “I wish you look on finding that true love you seek. You won't find it here."

Admerion grinned roguishly. “Such untrue words have never been spoken, Princeling.”

“This is why I barely tolerate you,” I snapped unable to keep the frustration from my tone. "You throw your advances at me and think I will fall right into your arms."

Admerion frowned this time regarding me with a stubborn look. “Why do you not want to be with me? Give me one good reason.”

I raised both my eyebrows astounded at his obliviousness. “You're arrogant and flaunt your power and status as Chosen to seduce people into your bed. Why would I ever want to be one of your conquests?"

“You're more than a conquest, Princeling.” Admerion stared at me with something unreadable in his eyes. “I have loved you since I was eleven years old. You are everything to me.”

Looking into his eyes I found myself gripped by the simultaneous urges to flee and blush under the attention, but my body seemed rooted in place as if enchanted and all that happened was a half choked, "I. I can't. As prince-"

“Not that again,” Admerion said with a sudden swiftness that left me reeling. “Stars above! No one will think less of the perfect prince if you have a life. You deserve to have more than duty."

I was shaking. He knew just the right way to get me angry. I stepped closer to him and said coldly, “I'm a prince but also commander of the Chosen. People look to my family for guidance and to me for protection against the things that live in the dark. Duty ”

Admerion shook his head. He looked unbearably sad. “You are wrong you know.”

“About what?” I asked icily.

“About the people look to you for protection. They look to all Chosen. You're not the only one who feels that weight on their shoulders.”

“Still I will-”

Without warning, Admerion closed the distance between us. He looked down at me from his taller height advantage with a look that was part knowing and undeniably fond. Thoughts raced chaotically in my head, everything felt too hot and too close and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say because I was now extremely aware of Admerion’s chest pressed flush against my own.

Admerion smile was smaller than usual. There was a tenderness and warmth there that was making me speechless. He pressed his forehead against mine and I couldn't move, trapped in the hazel eyed gaze. It was like I was frozen in time and space.

“I have flirted with other people I won’t deny that,” he said softly, but it seemed loud in the sudden quiet blanket that enveloped us. “I only did it at first just to see if you reacted then after so much time passed it became habit.” He licked his lips, then paused before saying, “Just so we’re clear I have never slept, anyone. Ever.”

I couldn’t resist blurting out, “Are you saying you’re a-”

Admerion’s smile turned shy. He grazed his nose against my shoulder. “I’m saying exactly that.” He pulled back and fixed me with a look. “I’ve been waiting for you since I was eleven years old. You have always had my heart.”

My resolve broke and I saw Admerion truly for the first time in a long time without holding myself back. We were standing outside but it suddenly felt like there wasn’t any air at all. It was the revelation that was squeezing the air out of my lungs because I could see the truth of it now in the lines of Admerion’s face. The things I only allowed myself to feel alone in the deepest night were mirrored on his own face.

In between one blink and the next, our entire lives flashed by - Admerion as a boy following me around every corner, a preteen Admerion presenting me with flowers, falling and being caught by strong arms that made my pulse race, each memory Admerion’s face was losing its boyishness and becoming more man. Every time I had fallen more in love. I could not resist any longer. I didn’t want to.

I blinked as a tear trailed down my cheek. He caught it with his thumb and I smiled tearfully, completely overwhelmed by my long buried emotions.

“I’ve been made you wait a long time haven’t I?”

The smile on Admerion’s face was probably the best thing I have ever seen. “I would wait a lifetime for you.”

I grabbed the lapels of his tunic and crushed our mouths together. It was everything my most secret of fantasies portrayed. His lips were soft against mine. I moaned into his mouth feeling his fingers need my back muscles, making me relax into him and practically melt against his body. This was perfect. I never felt anything feel so right in my entire life.


“Chad Summers!”

I snapped awake. My head snapped up so quickly I felt the tendons scream in protest. I looked around wildly and met the laughing faces of my fellow classmates. What in the hell was so funny? I groaned and met the stern gaze of Mr. Duran. I racked my brain to remember where I was. Note to self: falling asleep during Spanish class was definitely a no.

“Yes, Mr. Duran?” I asked innocently.

Mr. Duran’s stared me down and I wanted to piss my pants. At two hundred plus pounds of solid muscle, anyone would be scared. I had magical powers and still was.

“You think my class is so boring that sleeping is better ?” Mr. Duran asked.

I swallowed and tried to grin. “Oh I was listening, sir.”

“Why were your eyes closed?” he shot back snidely.

I did grin then. “I was concentrating really hard,” I assured him.

He was clenching the yard stick so tightly I was sure that it was going to crack and explode. The bell rang and with a shaky but relieved smile I grabbed my bag and sprinted from the room. I was the first one through the door. Beat that Flash. I was a regular Wally West.

I dodged a swarm of giggling girls and jogged to my locker. It was early release today since it was the start of winter break. I really needed to be careful where I fell asleep these days. No one said anything about random memories from past lives appearing as dreams in the reincarnation manual.

The dream played repalyed itself as I dumped my books and bag into my locker. It still had me rattled. I had no idea that Emrys had disliked Admerion for so long. All my other vague memories took place years later, toward the fall of Atlantis. That had been my first memory from in a time before Admerion and Emrys got together.

“Hey Chad,” a voice behind me called.

I turned and smiled as Ryan appeared at my side. He, unfortunately, had Killian with him. My smile dimmed a little but I managed to send him a tight smile in return. He returned it, barely. We were definitely making progress.

“We’ll be patrolling the west side of the city tonight at around nine,” Ryan whispered.

Damn. “Look, guys. There’s a party that I promised someone I would go to. If I could get out of it I would but I already said I’d go.”

Killian smirked. “Nathaniel won’t be too happy that our leader’s not joining us.”

I didn’t like the way he said, leader. It was condescending and carried an underlining tone of mocking with it. I narrowed my eyes and restrained myself from kicking him in the chest. All I needed was some Raid and I could spray his ass. Like a good little roach, he would just turn on his back and die on the spot. I smiled dreamily and sighed with pleasure.

“Chad, why do you look high?” Ryan asked warily.

I wiped the smile off my face. “I just realized that Killian must really be excited. I hear you got the part as Quasimodo in the school play.” I looked at him, smiling brightly. “I bet you’re really nervous, huh?”

Killian’s green eyes flashed and he started forward. “Listen up, you blue eyed demon-”

Ryan laid an arm across Killian’s chest and sighed tiredly. He looked at me and half smiled. “I think that we’ll be okay to patrol without you tonight. If we get in real trouble we’ll just contact you.” He waved goodbye and pulled a sour faced Killian along.

“Wassssup Biitccch!”

I spun around and almost choked on the arm that Kevin slung around my shoulders. I glared at him and he wiggled his eyebrows at me. Was my locker Grand Central Station for dumb motherfuckers today?

“Hi, Kevin,” I said begrudgingly. “Didn’t expect to see you out of the cave so soon.”

Kevin pulled away and leaned against my locker. “Not funny, whore. We’re going to your boy’s party tonight right?”

“Yeah, Kev. I should be ready to go by eight. I just have to do some chores and I really need to catch some sleep. I fell asleep during Spanish today.”

Kevin’s eyes widened. “I bet Duran was spitting fire. You know he has a temper like my great uncle Andy who was deported to Canada two years ago!”

“I don’t know what that means but yeah he was pretty,” I twisted my face up and growled, “grrr like with the anger.”

Kevin snorted. “I have a soccer meeting after school so I’ll catch you later is that cool, baby slut?”

I rolled my eyes. “Such mental abuse I put up with. I’ll see you tonight.”

There was no casual stroll out the door for me. I tried my best to leave the school grounds quickly just in case the motherfuckers changed their minds and trapped us here. I waved at some people I knew and got into my Blazer. I really needed to vacuum out the inside soon. It was looking like the inside of the Cookie Monster’s mouth. Crumbs from snacks littered the seats and the carpet. I really needed to stop eating in here so much.

I hummed to myself as I listened to some pop song about cheating boyfriends and getting revenge. The tires screeched as I turned a corner and I waved cheerfully at a driver that was giving me the finger. It wasn’t long before I pulled into the driveway of my house. Silence greeted me as I walked in.

It still wasn’t three o’clock. Morgan’s school wouldn’t get out until close to four and Mom didn’t normally leave work past six in the evening. The house was all to myself. I had an insane urge to pull a Tom Cruise in Risky Business but knew I would just slip and hit the ground pulling off his underwear act. I was neither graceful nor coordinated.

I fell on my bed and sighed. This was nice. I toed off my shoes and settled under the comforter. I definitely needed to never stay up late watching that damn Heroes marathon on Syfi. Save the cheerleader, save the world my ass. Save me some sleep was more like it. I closed my eyes and did just that.

I was having one of those dreams where I was falling.

The sky rushed past me so fast and it wouldn’t stop. I was almost at the point where I didn’t care if I went and hit the ground. I was ready for this damn dream to be over with. All this falling had me seriously tripping. I felt like I was stuck in the Valley on a weird acid trip. Without warning the sky darkened and I hit solid ground. I let out a low groan and rolled over on my back. Well, fuck the shit out of me. I climbed to my feet and looked around. Mist clung to the ground and a forbidding darkness surrounded me. Only a low light filled the immediate area I occupied.

“Are you ready for what is to come?”

I spun around and came face to face with myself. Back the fuck up. What the hell was going on? I looked closer and realized that it wasn’t me. It was my past incarnation. Prince Emrys stared at me. He was older than I was. Where I was cute. He was handsome with soft facial features and an aura of wisdom glowed around him. I was in awe.

I took note of his clothes and felt embarrassed in my torn jeans and a vintage Star Trek shirt. He was dressed in a fine white suit, which was like a tuxedo but cut in a style I’ve never seen before. A silvery white cape was attached at his shoulders. On his brow was a silver circlet that gleamed even in the dim light. He smiled at me and I took a step back. Seeing such a serene smile appear on my own face made me feel weird and a little disturbed.

I frowned at him, well me. “What the hell are you talking about? What’s with the single white male act?”

Prince Emrys shook his head and he looked at me calmly. “I am you. All I am is what I am. All I am is what you are.”

“Wow. Cryptic much,” I said, watching him carefully. “Why are you here and where is here anyway?”

His tranquil smile was still creeping me out. “We are in the dreamscape. I am the part of your soul that whispers to you about the power you wield, the one who guides your actions when you fear too much, the one who walks with you through dreams.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. “Umm... thanks, dude.”

“You shall soon remember the greatest love of our life. Our soul mate is near.” He paused, looking at the ground and then up at me. “We did not have enough time together as I would have hoped in our last lives, but we made the best of it. I want you to do what I could not. Hold on to him. Hold on to them. Keep them alive and live your lives together. Ours was cut too soon.”

My breath caught in my throat. I could feel his sadness as if it were my own. “I didn’t know Admerion’s close. Have I met him or is he someone I will meet in the future?”

Prince Emrys looked at me. It was that fond look that parents often looked at children with when they said something amusing or did something cute. I didn’t know if I should be insulted or not. I was going to go with not. He might power smack my ass down.

“You will know Admerion by his mark of the eight pointed star.” His smile left and his expression turned solemn. “Beware Those Who Dwell In Shadow. Our seal is weakening. Their time is nigh.”

I wanted to roll my eyes but again. Power smack down. “What does that even mean?”

“Be good, Chad Summers,” Prince Emrys said sadly. “It is time for you to return to the waking world and for us to again be one. Farewell, my incarnation.”

Prince Emrys walked forward and I gasped as he stepped right into me. I wrapped my arms around myself as a feeling of peace and completeness settled in my stomach and traveled along my body filling me with warmth. I opened my eyes and looked up.

And I awoke.


I tried not to think too hard as I got ready for the party. I pushed both of today’s dreams to the back of my mind and focused on today. Right now I just wanted to be normal. No dreams of past lives, no heart to heart with my soul, and no magic.

I styled my hair into a different style than I usually wore it. I normally only changed my hairstyle when I was feeling it was a special occasion. Going to a party thrown by my...boyfriend? We had only gone on one real date so far and there hadn’t been an official discussion on exclusive dating. I Google’d an image of Arthur Darvill and styled my hair like. I was on a Doctor Who kick lately.

Kevin whistled at me as I got out of the bathroom. “Looking good.”

“Like a hustler on the corner of West Hollywood?” I asked smiling lopsidedly. “And I see you let yourself in by the way.”

Kevin shook his head. “What can I say, no door is locked to me. You look like a poor man’s version of Shawn Ashmore.”

Shawn Ashmore was cute so I decided to take that as a compliment. “Thank you. And you look like the bastard child of Dean Cain.”

Kevin narrowed his eyes. “Is that because we’re both part Asian. I have you know I am way better looking than that man of steel.” He abruptly doubled over laughing. “Man of steel! Get it?”

I nodded feeling like I was dealing with a toddler. Close. “Yes, Kevin. Man of steel. Dean Cain played Superman on TV. I get it. Hilarious.”

He stuck his nose up at me. “Hater.”

“Yes look at me,” I replied in a bored monotone. “I’m just standing here basking in my haterness. Drinking my bottle of Hateraide.” I grabbed my keys and jiggled them in his face. “Let’s go to a party, bitch.”

It was definitely a party alright. Danny and Adam’s house was about half an hour from my house in a recently built neighborhood. The homes were big and situated on large plots of land. The house was a two-story and it was lit up like Times Square. Music boomed through the air and I could swear it was shaking the ground as I pulled up next to a hundred other cars parked in the front yard.

I was surprised at how many people were here. I knew it was a party but damn. Did he invite all of Centennial? Lots of people stood outside, drinking and laughing. They each had a red plastic solo cup in hand, the official cup that was at every party. We entered the house and the force of the music hit me hard. It was so fucking loud in here. I checked my eardrum and sighed in relief that it wasn’t bleeding.

A laughing couple bumped into me jostling the drink in my hand. I glanced down at the cup in my hand and blinked. Where in the hell had that even come from? I had literally just walked into the door. These people move fast.

Kevin eyed my cup. “Chad, where did you get that drink?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess somebody put it in my hand.”

Kevin slapped my wrist and the cup went flying out of my grip. What the flying fuck. I looked at the cup on the ground and scowled at Kevin.

“What the hell was that about?”

He rolled his eyes and slapped my head. “Don’t you watch TV? That drink could have been roofied. You would have been stuck on stupid if you got roofied like Veronica Mars or Paige on Degrassi.”

“You could have just said that,” I said annoyed. “Let’s go find Danny.”

We moved through the crowd and I spotted a familiar ponytail of swinging mahogany hair. I grinned at the sight. Danny was dressed in jeans in a white tee with a sky blue hoodie over it. I found myself licking my lips. He looked hot.

“You might want to wipe the drool from your chin,” Kevin pointed out.

I wiped my mouth and rubbed my now wet hand against my jeans. Geez. Could I be any more of a creepy geek? I tugged on Kevin’s denim jacket and parted through the sea of bodies. Danny was standing next to a throng of people who were dancing and bobbing their heads to the hip hop song filling the air. Danny’s his face lit up when he saw me. He broke apart from his group and met me halfway.

“Hey, cutie!” he said, enveloping me in a hug. “It’s good to see you.” He looked at Kevin and slapped him a five. “Man, Kevin. Glad you could make it too.”

I smiled as Danny bent down and whispered in my ear that he was really glad to see me. His breath tickled my skin and I smiled giddily, leaning into him as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

“I’m going to dance with the girl in the corner who is sexing me up with her eyes,” said Kevin, winking at a tall blonde. “I’ll be back, baby boy.”

Danny guided me to a corner. “You look really good tonight.”

I looked down at my faded jeans and cream fitted sweater. “What can I say sometimes it just all comes together. Do you like my hair?”

Danny laughed at my coy question. “Your hair looks cute too.”

“I didn’t know you knew so many people,” I said, leaning against the wall.

Shaking his head, Danny chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I don’t know what happened. I told a friend to bring a friend and they brought a friend...”

“And your house turned into a Hollywood night club,” I finished, chuckling.

He laughed and nodded. “I guess so. I never thought it would be this crowded. I put all the valuable stuff away so it’s fine with me.”

I accepted a drink from Danny and we talked, well flirted. Tonight I had as much tact as a football jock trying to nail his first girl. I was bringing out my A game. I pulled out all my tricks. I was going to make him my official boyfriend by the end of the night. Things were just so perfect when we were together. I was starting to think maybe he could be The One. I didn’t want to admit it since it seemed so far fetched, but maybe he could be Admerion.

“Your arms are really big?” I felt his biceps. “You work out a lot?” Lame. But dammit I wanted some prime first base action. I was coming on strong like Bella Swan wanting to be immortal so she could be railed by a corpse for eternity.

Danny flexed his muscles in my grip and smirked devilishly. “I work out enough. You have something on your lips.” He pointed out.

I wiped my mouth. “Did I get it?”

“No,” he said, reaching forward. “It’s here.”

I felt his arms wrap around me and he leaned down, capturing my lips in a sweet kiss. My eyes closed and I put more into the kiss. He pulled back still trapping me in his arms.

“Wow,” Kevin appeared in front of us like Houdini. “I’m totally grossed out now.”

I stuck my tongue out and grinned. “What’s up, Kev?”

Kevin looked between us and I could see that he was struggling with something. I excused myself from Danny and pulled Kevin outside. He stared at me with an expectant look once we were clear of the partiers.

“Well,” Kevin said, slowly. “I just got a call from my mom. She needs my help at home so we can go visit my aunt who’s in the hospital. It’s nothing really serious, but you know, it’s still family. I hate to ask you to leave, but I really have to go. Sorry, bro.”

I waved off his apology. “Don’t worry about it. Look, I don’t feel like leaving so take my keys and use my car.” He protested but I cut him off. “It will be okay, Kev-kev. Just come and pick me up in the morning.”

Kevin raised his eyebrows. “You trying to turn in your Virgin Card tonight?”

“Hell to the no!” I yelled, spitting up the coke I just sipped. I think not! “I like him and everything but we so just met! I just planned on spending the night. A make-out session and maybe some cuddling is all I have planned, Gossip Girl.”

Kevin snorted. “Too much information! But if you’re sure I’m fine with your plan. I’ll be here first thing in the morning to get you.”

I nodded and swooped him up in a hug. “I hope your aunt gets better soon. See you in the morning, Kev-kev.”

“Have fun, C,” he beamed, wiggling his eyebrows. He looked ridiculous.

I rolled my eyes and I waved as he jogged down the little path to the front yard. I saw the Blazer light up among the sea of cars and the horn blew as he reversed. I waved again and he blew the horn one more time then drove out of the cobblestone driveway.

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket scowling at the low battery message. Son of a bitch. I forgot to charge it up last night. I slipped my phone in my pocket and swore. I blamed that damn Heroes marathon. Fucking cute guys with their super powers. Why didn’t I have my own television show or book? Oh right. Secret identity.

Danny smiled at me as I returned to the living room. I found myself grinning back reflexively and I practically skipped to his side. I really needed to get these hormones in check.

“Everything okay?” he asked immediately.

“Yeah. Kevin has a family emergency. He had to go so I told him to take my car.”

“When’s he coming back?”

I smiled impishly and looked up at him through my eyelashes. “In the morning?”

Danny mirrored my expression. “Cool.”

Very cool. We moved into the kitchen and Danny introduced me to a group of his friends. I couldn’t even begin to remember all of their names. I just knew that Austin looked like an underwear model and that Pixie had to be a nickname since she did have a pixie-ish look about her. We played a game of Suck and Blow, and I felt like I was back in the nineties and trapped in Clueless. All I needed was Alicia Silverstone to barge in and start critiquing outfits. Danny accidentally dropped the card twice when it came to pass to me and his friends hollered and ribbed him good naturedly. I was relieved that they weren’t going to go all gay-bash on our asses My generation was becoming surprisingly more open minded. There were still the homophobes but they were outnumbered. Well at least in Centennial.

People kept handing me drinks and I was too hot to decline. There were so many people here. All the bodies were causing the air to become thick with heat, making it humid and kind of muggy. I didn’t realize until maybe my fourth drink, when the room started to spin, that I was getting drunk. I cursed myself for forgetting Kevin’s warning. I really did take the cake with the blond stereotype. If stupid people were forced to jump off a bridge I would be third in line, grinning like an idiot. I declined the offered drinks after the room started to spin. It was too late. I was already drunk.

Danny appeared in my swirling line of sight. “You okay, Chad?”

“I feel all tingly and warm inside,” I responded with a slur. “Did I just watch a Disney movie?”

He laughed loudly. “Aw, I think you might be drunk, cutie. Come on I’ll take you up to my room so you can lie down.”

“Beds are good. I get weird dreams when I’m in bed,” I giggled, smiling goofily.

Danny nodded, his eyes twinkling. “I bet you do.”

He helped me to walk and we began the long trek to his room. I noticed tiredly that there weren’t that many people here as earlier. The place was finally clearing out. It must be getting late. It seemed like it took an eternity for us make it up the stairs to his bedroom. I didn’t even register entering the room until I was falling on the bed with a drunken laugh of delight.

“You are really drunk,” Danny chuckled, joining me on the bed.

I was too busy counting the speckles on the ceiling that I didn’t notice Danny lean in and kiss me until his lips were pressed against mine. I fell into the kiss and closed my eyes in pleasure. He ravaged my mouth like a hungry man. He pressed hard against me guiding me onto my back. We stayed connected like that until I lost all sense of time. Hands pressed against my back rubbing and feeling me. I groaned as oxygen started to become a factor in the equation. I pushed him back and sat up a bit to catch my breath.

“Wait,” I said, panting a bit. “I just need a little break.”

“You want to go back to the party?” he asked with an odd tone.

It was different than the joking, caring voice I was used to. If anything I guessed it was snide. Maybe I was imagining things. I was still feeling the alcohol burn in my stomach.

“Well no,” I replied slowly, carefully watching him. “I just think we’re moving a little fast. I don’t really feel good right now. I want to-”

Danny cut me off. “You just need to relax,” he advised soothingly, moving closer to me. “Come on I can help.”

He grabbed my arms and started to kiss my neck, leaving trails of kisses down my chin to my collarbone. He grabbed my head and forced his mouth on mine. Hell no. I wrenched myself from his grip and glowered at him.

“What the hell are you doing?” I snapped, staring at him. His look was answer enough. It scared the fuck out of me. It was a weird grin that didn’t meet his eyes. Hannibal Lector anyone? I didn’t see him shift until he was upon me. Danny moved over me, pinning his body against mine. “Danny, no!”

“Just relax,” he whispered in what I guess was a comforting voice. It wasn’t very reassuring. “You’ll like this.” He pouted as I struggled against this sick motherfucker. “I thought you liked me, Chad?”

“Danny, stop!” I yelled angrily.

No fucking way was this happening. I was not about to get fucking date raped. This night was turning into a bad episode of Riverdale. How in the hell hadn’t I seen this psycho for the crazy bastard he really was? Then again he probably was the expert at playing charming. I bet Annalise Keating couldn’t puzzle this shit out. I screamed out in frustration as I struggled against his kung fu grip. Fucking bitch! Let me the fuck up. I yelled for help and knew even in my inebriated state that the music was too damn loud for anyone of help to hear me.

“Somebody help!” I cried struggling with all my strength.

Tonight was a bad fucking time to get wasted. I jostled his grip and knocked him off balance. We tumbled over the bed and to the floor. I scrambled to my feet. He knocked me over like I was a tackling dummy. This is why I didn’t play football! He turned me onto my back with a strength I didn’t know he had. Danny forced his way between my legs and pushed his forearm against my throat. I clawed at the arm as air rushed from my lungs.

“Calm down, Chad. Don’t be like that I’m not going to hurt you.”

Yeah, fucking right. Why were the cute ones crazy! I tried to call on my magic. I couldn’t concentrate and the alcohol chugging through my system didn’t help matters along. It was like my magic was a pool of water and I was trying to gather it with hands, but my fingers were splayed open. Each time I tried to grab it the power diffused, my concentration and ability were down for the count. Thank you fucking Vodka!

“Help!” I screamed. I was full blown panicking now.

Danny reached for my pants and I cried out again. Tears pricked my eyes and began to fall down my cheeks. I twisted and squirmed but this motherfucker had turned into Superman. Please. No. This can’t happen.

“Please somebody!” I shouted with a sob.

Danny glared at me and those eyes that I came to cherish were glinting with a hard light that I had never thought to see from him. Those hazel irises had darkened to a dark brownish-green that sent chills deep in my soul

“This is going to happen!” Danny snapped harshly, scowling at me. “Stop being such a bitch about it.”

His hand came flying out and my head jerked to the side as he slapped me. He didn’t just slap me. He slapped the fuck out of me. With the sharp pain focusing my senses, all my thoughts gathered together and my magic reacted simultaneously with intensity.


My power struck out without me even thinking or forcing it to act. One second he was on top of me and the next my power slammed into him like a freight train. He was jerked sideways into the air and sent crashing into a far wall. He slid to the ground, knocked out. His head lolled forward and blood trailed down his nose. I staggered to my feet. It’s about fucking time this magic shit helped me out besides fighting demons.

Was Danny in that category now? Fucking bastard. I needed to get the hell out of here. I went to the door, stopped and then turned and went to Danny’s side. That asshole was knocked out cold. I reared my foot back and kicked him hard as fuck across the head. He made a noise and fell over onto his back. Fake ass Pretty Little Liars villain.

I swung open the door and staggered into the hallway. The music blasted at me as I leaned against the wall, panting. Shit. After all that I was still feeling none too sober. I wasn’t about to go passing out but I didn’t think I could manage a trustworthy spell at the moment. I needed to get the hell out of here. I pulled out my phone and pressed the power button. It didn’t respond. In a dawning realization, I remembered that my phone was low on battery earlier. Fuck the fucker was fucking dead. I resisted the urge to go back in the room and hurl my phone at Danny’s head.

I didn’t know anyone here and needed to use a phone. Maybe there was a house phone somewhere. I went into a room further down the hall. I closed the door behind me and turned the lock on the doorknob. I was not going to get a surprise Scream like appearance in case Danny Rapey-raper-son wakes up.

I looked around and frowned. There wasn’t a phone in sight. I grabbed my head as a dizzying feeling hit me like a wave. I needed to sit down. I looked around and realized I was in a bedroom. It was neat and orderly with everything in a specific place. I sat on the bed and immediately felt better at being off my feet. A door adjoining the room opened. I tensed as light streamed from the revealed bathroom. Adam stood in the doorway dressed in athletic shorts and nothing else.

My eyes traveled down his form and I blinked. His thick brown hair brushed the tops of his naked shoulders that belonged to a muscular upper body. His eyes were open and unseeing, clouded an off white. His stomach was flat with a triangle of dark hair peeking above the athletic shorts. His upper chest was smooth, perfect, no hair at all. I was entranced. He was gorgeous.

I could have slapped myself then and there. What the hell was wrong with me? Get it together, Summers! You were almost just raped like the title character of every Lifetime movie, and here you are ogling a blind man. I wanted to kick myself. I was feeling sick. I didn’t know why but it didn’t feel wrong to stare.

“Hello. Anyone there?” Adam said, still standing in the doorway. “I can hear you breathing. If this is another couple looking for some privacy, you can take your Pornhub action downstairs.”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. Anything porn-ish always made me chuckle. “Sorry, no making out couple. Just Chad. Your neighborhood almost-rape-victim.”

Adam sucked in a breath. His fists clenched tightly. “Chad! Somebody tried to- It was Danny wasn’t it.” He growled under his breath. “I’ll fucking kill him.”

The sudden anger on my behalf me threw me. “I handled it. Mr. Grab Hands is knocked out. I’ll take care of him tomorrow. Or at least Kevin will.”

Adam walked to the bed and sat down next to me. “Are you okay? Danny isn’t known for his boyfriend abilities. I tried to warn you but I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know he would do something like this.” He turned to me and I was startled at the tears pooling in his eyes. “You have to believe me. I didn’t know.”

“You told me not to come. I can only blame myself.” I believed him. “I just feel stupid for crushing on him when he turned out to be prison material.”

“He won’t get away with this,” Adam promised with a quiet ferocity.

He wouldn’t indeed. I was Chosen. Soon this alcohol would be out of my system and he would have hell to pay from the champion of magic. Right after Kevin got through with him of course. I would be surprised if there was anything left of him after Kevin. Looking at Adam I wondered if he would get to Danny before Kevin had a chance.

“Why are you suddenly so protective of me? Not that I don’t appreciate it. I just thought that you didn’t like me much.”

Adam shook his head and I was surprised at the sudden flush creeping up his neck. “I do like you. A lot. I have since we first met.” He was rubbing at the webbing between his thumb, a little anxious gesture. “I can come off as a jerk sometimes when I’m nervous.”

“Oh,” I said simply.

I was stupidly charmed by the confession. I admit in my subconscious that I admired and was attracted to Adam. He had always seemed so standoffish. I chalked it up to Adam being out of my league and refused to acknowledge the tiniest bit of attraction I felt.

“I’m sorry he hurt you,” Adam said softly. “You may not want to be touched right now, but can I hug you? Is that okay?”

My eyes were wet at the thoughtfulness and how it was the complete opposite of the encounter I just had. It took several moments to get myself under control.

“It’s okay,” I said quietly.

He reached forward and I tensed as he hugged me. Something clicked inside me and I relaxed into the hug. My head rested on the crook of his neck automatically like I had been in this position many times before. I sighed in contentment. I felt safe for the first time since Danny attacked me. Why? I was the one with super powers. I dismissed that thought. I couldn’t even focus enough to use my powers. Adam was like a pillar of strength and at the moment I needed that strength to support me. His arms felt like home.

Adam smiled. I could feel it against my skin. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m too drunk to go home and I told my best friend to pick me up in the morning,” I mumbled into his skin. “My phone’s dead and I can’t really call anyone since all my numbers are in it. I could call home but my mom would flay me like Willow did to Warren. I’m not ready to tell her about tonight. I don’t know if I can.”

“You can stay here if you want,” Adam offered hesitantly. “I’ll make sure Danny stays out of here.” He squeezed me slightly in his grip. “I’ll protect you.”

I half smiled. “Okay. Thank you.”

I was surprised at how much I trusted him, but he was the one who warned me about Danny. That amounted to something. I settled onto his bed and he reached over to cut off the light on the bedside table. Only the bathroom light streamed into the room. I was amazed at how capable he was even without his sight.

Adam was someone to be admired. We laid there together on the bed and it felt like everything was going to be alright. His presence next to mine, just laying there filled me with such a feeling of peace. It was incredible. He whispered goodnight and I did the same. My eyes closed and I was asleep as soon as my eyes closed.

It wasn’t until sometime later that I was jolted into consciousness. What had awoken me? I felt an arm around my midsection and I panicked. What the flying fuck? I turned my head and sighed in relief. It was just Adam. My first thought was to immediately move away but I didn’t. I couldn’t. It was kind of sweet that even in sleep he was protecting me. I closed my eyes and was grateful to feel my magic respond to the gentle probing.

“Seal and protect,” I whispered softly, staring at the bedroom door.

I projected my power outward and the door glowed at its edges. I smiled. That should make that door near impenetrable from any attempt at opening. I was glad that my magic was back on point. Rule number eighty- eight: Never get so drunk that you can’t focus.

That rule was definitely a golden one.

I bit my lip. I could actually go home now. All it would take was a leap of faith to be home in less than ten minutes. I looked at Adam and my heart felt tight like someone was squeezing it. I didn’t want to leave him without saying goodbye. He had been so nice to me.

“Protect you,” Adam mumbled in his sleep as if reading my mind.

My lips melted into a smile. He was so cute. Wait. Hold up. Cute Adam? That was going to take some time to process. Where was this even coming from? Weren’t people who had been near sexually assaulted supposed to go through some post traumatic stress or something? I thought that over. I wasn’t most people. I could vaporize this house if I wanted. This wouldn’t happen again. That was a promise.

I gazed at Adam and traced his features with my eyes. He was handsome in the truest sense of the word. I could see in him already the man he would later become. He had a strong face but was softened by dimples. The high cheekbones and square jaw were manly. His soft brown hair and bow shaped lips were his best features.

I came to a decision. I would wait for Kevin to pick me up in the morning. I didn’t want to leave Adam. Not now. This feeling when I looked at him screamed stay. I shook my head. I was so tired. I settled back into a comfortable position and squeezed the hand resting on my stomach. My back was pressed against his chest. The gentle rising and falling of his chest lulled me into a sleepy trance.

I traced the fingers on my stomach then his hand all the way to his arm. I looked closer and stared at the spot on his forearm. In the low light, I couldn’t make out the mark against his skin. It was an odd shape. It stood out sharply against his tanned skin and I traced it with my fingers. I turned his arm and it caught the light from the bathroom. I recognized the mark now. It was a tattoo. Small, but it was beautifully done. I repositioned his arm and fell back to sleep.

In sleep, the eight-pointed star on Adam’s arm tugged at my memory.


Copyright © 2018 xTony; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Ok as an avid fan of Tom Cruises dance I feel the need to tell you that it is Risky Business in which he performs the dance. I thought Danny was too good to be true but I didn't think he's be rapey! Shawn Ashmore can be my Jimmy Olsen anyday. Or my Bobby Drake. If he's not available his brother could work. Hey they were both on Smallvile.  

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Awww, so it's Adam :heart:

So Danny is a complete "insert bad word here" - I hope Kev kicks him into next week!


Great chapter @xTony - and yet another cliffhanger (will Chad remember seeing the tattoo in the morning?)!

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AAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh! I was so into the story I got caught up in it so when it got to the end I was like, 'What?' 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!'

I can't wait till Kev-Kev gets there.

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I can't say I called it because I still couldn't figure out who, like I said though I am OK with Adam. Danny still needs a nad check with a pointy shoe.

Now...what will his power be (steepled fingers and mischievous grin)

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So we know the fourth Chosen. So Danny is a complete jerk, I didn’t expect him to be that bad. I can’t wait for Kev to deal with him, I think he’s going to suffer a lot of pain.

Great chapter @xTony but these cliffhangers.

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14 hours ago, Wesley8890 said:

Ok as an avid fan of Tom Cruises dance I feel the need to tell you that it is Risky Business in which he performs the dance. I thought Danny was too good to be true but I didn't think he's be rapey! Shawn Ashmore can be my Jimmy Olsen anyday. Or my Bobby Drake. If he's not available his brother could work. Hey they were both on Smallvile.  


Omg you're so right. I had to go back and change. My brain really nodded and said yep that sounds right. You have excellent taste in men and tv shows. I appreciate you.


13 hours ago, Howzat said:

Awww, so it's Adam :heart:

So Danny is a complete "insert bad word here" - I hope Kev kicks him into next week!


Great chapter @xTony - and yet another cliffhanger (will Chad remember seeing the tattoo in the morning?)!


Well the answers to those questions are all in the next chapter I JUST posted :)


12 hours ago, Buz said:

AAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh! I was so into the story I got caught up in it so when it got to the end I was like, 'What?' 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!'

I can't wait till Kev-Kev gets there.


Don't be sad. Next chapter is posted and Kevin is definitely on the scene!


12 hours ago, Hellsheild said:

I can't say I called it because I still couldn't figure out who, like I said though I am OK with Adam. Danny still needs a nad check with a pointy shoe.

Now...what will his power be (steepled fingers and mischievous grin)


I can't believe I pulled off surprising so many people. His power is definitely not an obvious one :)


11 hours ago, chris191070 said:

So we know the fourth Chosen. So Danny is a complete jerk, I didn’t expect him to be that bad. I can’t wait for Kev to deal with him, I think he’s going to suffer a lot of pain.

Great chapter @xTony but these cliffhangers.

Alas, the cliffhangers are my specialty. At least I post daily so it's not terrible!


20 minutes ago, Parker Owens said:

Beautiful, in many senses. The feeling of safety and contentment in Adam’s arms was drawn perfectly. 


Aww thank you! That's so sweet. It came across exactly how I wanted then.


4 hours ago, Thomas Haworth said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Tiresias, all right.




Hmmm... next couple chapters will answer that one.

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Now that the chosen four is complete we will have to move on to finally closing the gate to the underworld. I am fascinated by your writing style though as a very old man I am lost in all your contemporary references. I am sure a young person who watches TV and goes to movies regularly would understand them all, however. I am most interested in whether Adam's blindness will be cured now that he one of the four. It would seem possible as each of the others was given the ability to cure broken bones and battle injuries at an accelerated rate. Okay, on to the next chapter for more answers.

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