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Out There

Sasha Distan

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I haven't watched it yet, but this seems like it might be good:




Stephen Fry (oh holy and wonderful wordsmith) is looking at being gay around the world. it still scares me that for some people, the big bad darklands are still right on the doorstep.

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It's a must-see for all GLBTs and anyone concerned about how people are treated just for loving someone. In this first prog he looks at the UK, then travels to Uganda and the US. He is very honest about himself and his own sexuality, and he gets understandably emotional with some of the people he challenges about why they hate homosexuals. Part 2 is on tomorrow night when he goes to Brazil and Russia. Apparently he was so upset during some of the filming that he took an overdose :( Luckily his producer found him in time. It's well known that although he is one of the most intelligent and gifted people on the planet he has many personal demons and suffers periodic bi-polar depression. If Sasha's link won't play in your territory maybe it will pop up on Youtube under "Stephen Fry: Out There"

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Clearly Mr. Fry is not a professional interviewer. This first episode would have been more effective were he, or had he, taken along a neutral, experienced interviewer and Mr. Fry had reserved his thoughts for comments or the odd interjection. As it is, the episode is a bit jokey even when it needs to be serious with the people that affect the lives and well being of many. In fact these people in power may be the cause of the murder of countless innocent people. Relying on emotion alone does not make this show effective. It tugs at the heart to be sure but it is not necessarily more informative than anything else one can get through various news venues.


The odd thing I find about this was the 'star' interviews. Elton John and his husband offered almost nothing beyond personal anecdotes. Neil Patrick Harris was maybe slightly more informative but only as to issue of gays playing straight roles. He was quite balanced in his remarks but both 'stars' live in a rarefied position. And let's not forget that each of these famous people had a following before they came out. They are far removed from your average non-hetero individual. Quite frankly, I almost turned it off before the show moved to the US segment.


What is the reason for this show? Or, at least this first episode? I ask myself this as I watched and I really couldn't come up with an answer that satisfied me.



edit: by innocent, I include those who actually are non-hetero because there is nothing wrong with them and those that are falsely accused, guilty by association or for political convenience.

Edited by Ron
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No, he's not. But that's how TV docs are made in the UK - they're typically written, fronted and presented by one person. Fry is an eloquent and erudite presenter and his interviews with ordinary gay people were skillfully done with compassion and humanity - having an extra bod tag along to the 6 countries just to do the "big" interviews would have made the programmes clunky and awkward. So, yes, your criticism is valid but, as we say, you just have to take the rough with the smooth :P

I've just watched the second part and I think this is the programme you wanted to see. Much more serious and factual covering Brazil, Russia and India. I don't think you'll be disappointed. His interview with the leading anti-gay Brazillian politician is intellectual, sober and chilling. It gives an insight into the mindset of these people - we need to understands this. Fry calmly gives the guy the rope to hang himself. He tries the same approach with the Russian Deputy but unfortunately is unable to contain himself at the end - well the guy was a Class A dick :lol: How do you debate with bigotry anyway? But it's his interviews with ordinary gay people in both shows that are so moving and have real impact, clearly showing the widespread suffering of gays and, in particular, the Brazillian mother of a 14 yo victim of the most appalling homophobic attack. And there are many important facts, for example that Indian culture was very gay friendly until Britain imposed criminal law against homosexuals in the 19th century, and that anti-gay laws in many countries are relics of British laws imposed during colonial rule.

What's the point? It's about awareness and understanding. There's huge ignorance about the oppression of homosexuals around the world and why homophobia is so toxic, even amongst many gays. The rights of LGBTs are now taken for granted in those countries, like Britain, where they are free to live their lives as they want to. But rights should never be taken for granted - they can be taken away just as quickly as they were won. This is what's happening in Russia now. The parallels with a certain country in 1930s Europe are frightening.

I can't find a Youtube link to Part 2 - maybe Addy can post it when it pops up? :)

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i have my evening viewing all sorted out now.


i am shamed that homophobia seems to have pretty much originated in the country from which i am forced to claim my heritage, and it was spread and disseminated by us as well. what a legacy...

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