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  1. Chapter 38 Of PfS is now up :) Hope you all enjoy it.

    1. Mikiesez1


      thank you! ♥♥♥

    2. EagleIsaac


      I am still so far behind!

  2. Any of you Puppy diehards out there that were hoping for a chapter today... well I do plan to post it but it will be around 11.30 BST. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WestcliffWriter


      Its up - If a little late :P. But I am always late usually lol

    3. clochette


      Better than being too early lol ;)

    4. Kitt


      There is such a thing as posting a chapter too early?

  3. Welcome matey. Its a mad house here, but you'll feel really welcome i'm sure. Loads of good stuff to read, and there is also a forum for guys your age that you may have already found that will answer some questions you may have. Or you can just ask one of you own. You can find that HERE if you haven't already. If you are looking for a certain type of story just ask in the forums, there are many folks here that had read loads of content and will probably be able to recommend some winners. Stay safe, and again, welcome to GA
  4. Hey, thank you for your kind message. It meant a great deal.

  5. Brand new story starting next week. Its called: Thrown Down like a Barricade. Hope you can all check it out. Forum thread coming soon :) Hugz to you all, have a great weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. clochette


      Great, just great! Now when will I find the time to sleep at least a few hours? LOL I'm reading so much stories lately but knowing you and your writting I have not doubts it's gonna be great ;)

    3. clochette


      And you can be sure I'll be there. No, no, don't think you'll get ride off me LOL ;)

    4. LitLover


      Awesome! Another story to add to the rotation. :D

  6. Fell asleep on the sofa at 10pm last night, woke up at two and been awake since. Think I'll reply to some awesome reviews you guys left me. Thanks :)

  7. A new chapter of PFS? How did you know I wanted something to read for when I get home? :) hugz!!

  8. I've told Smokey, my Russian Blue that he must stop stroking my face with his paw at 3AM!!! asking for food. When I dont get up, his soft pad is replaced by ever increasing clawrige!! Time to make some slippers I think!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kitt


      My sister in law had one while they were living with us for a while. That first couple of months the catchphrase was "Mittens by winter!"

    3. LitLover


      Mine really likes to "tap" you on the nose, repeatedly, to get your attention while you're sleeping.

    4. TLM280249


      Ouch!!! Mine knows not to use his claws on me (Bonaprte - the black and white one in my gallery) so he just head-butts me until he knows I'm awake then meows and jumps off the bed and waits by the door.

  9. The Puppy Saga continues in Chapter 32 - Trying to get Answers. Hope you all enjoy it :)

    1. LitLover


      yay! Something else to read when I get home :D

    2. clochette


      What's not to love?! Puppy is so endearing and lovely ;)

  10. Don't you just hate it when people leave messages on Facebook saying - "Oh I've had a bad day" or "I've had bad news" or "I'm so upset" without elaborating or adding any more? So desperate for attention they wait for some sucker to say..."aww, whats happened" or "are you ok?" Well do you know what, I don't care, people don't care, so quit whining and just tell people whats happened, if you really must bore us all to fucking death...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. WestcliffWriter


      @ Mike - Yeah I was writing the update in anger...grrrr! and made a few spelling mistakes, several times.

      @ Eagle - You have the right idea. Let life be quiet! :)

    3. MikeL


      I agree with Issac on Facebook. Used it for a couple of years, then dumped it for cause. Life is too short to deal with idiots (not my real friends) and idiotic schemes.


      Matt, I know how aggravating aggravation can be.

    4. Headstall


      I only use facebook for family... I do not have one friend on it... it is a great way to stay in touch across the country, with family but my real friends, I see in person

  11. I really must start trying these out... but i'm strangely scared. lol
  12. I don't normally post on Saturdays, but I had some time before my Partner's family get here for dinner. Anyway PFS chapter 30 is now up, Hope you all enjoy it :)

    1. Joen


      Thank You! :)

    2. clochette


      It was a nice chapter. Have a great time with your family ;)

  13. Always nice to see another Brit join the site, it means one more person who understands my writing Welcome Stuart, where are you from South or North? Welcome to GA Its reporting you have only made one post. Try another forum section.
  14. A Massive thank you to all my readers of PFS. I cant believe in a couple of days we'll be approaching 30 chapters!! What a long walk this Puppy has been on. Thank you so much for all the comments, support and kind words. You guys are like my little book club family. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. clochette


      Ouff!! Good! And yes time fly when in good company ;)

    3. LitLover


      It's a great story Matt. The chapters have flown by.

    4. Joen


      Reading a new chapter of PFS is something I glady look forward to almost everyday. It is one of the bright moments of my day! :D

      With the incredibly fast pace that You release great new chapters, I wish to thank You for bringing that extra little joy into my life nearly every single day! :)

      Thank You! ^_^

  15. Here it is - PFS Chapter 29, Hope you all enjoy it. :)

    1. clochette


      Like always. PFS is such a pleasure to read Puppy is just so adorable yet complexe. And I've been waiting for this chapter all day since you told me about it last night. What can I say, you're making me impatient ;)

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