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Finding Joy - Story Statistics

  1. Finding Joy Complete

    By AC Benus, in 2019 - Spring - Into the Stars. 04/28/2019 (Updated: 04/28/2019)

    Genres: Comedy, General Fiction
    Sub-genres: Comedy Modern, Drama
    • disability
    • medical
    • parents
    • philosophy
    • psychology
    • love

    A couple arrive at a crossroads in their relationship, with one of them poised to end her postdoctoral education and "start life". She's not so sure about the baby her wife wants though, working with kids and their parents facing huge health issues as an MD, but she starts having a series of mysterious dreams involving a wise little girl.

    **This story touches upon issues of difficult pregnancies and miscarriage. Please proceed with caution if you find these topics upsetting.**

    • 1 Chapters
    • 14,155 Words
    • Teen
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  1. 1. Finding Joy
    • 14,155 Words
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