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Looking Glass - Story Statistics

  1. Looking Glass Complete

    By Cole Matthews, in 2017 - Spring - Unintended Consequences & Jagged Edges. 05/11/2017 (Updated: 05/11/2017)

    Genres: Historical
    Sub-genres: Non-Contemporary
    • young adult
    • urban
    • music
    • psychology
    • 20th century
    • love

    What is the nature of love and how do we feel about it? Elliott is struggling because he likes a girl, needs her, but he doesn't really love her, not like he loved Claire. Claire was the love of his life. He bumps into another soul who is hurting from the same kind of condition. In the end, the emotions become lyrical and we see how the creative process is sometimes a healing one. Let's see if we can find the Coupe de Ville hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box.

    • 1 Chapters
    • 4,174 Words
    • Mature
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  1. 1. Looking Glass
    • 4,174 Words
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