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Tail to Tell - Story Statistics

  1. Tail to Tell Complete

    By comicfan, in 2015 - Fall - Blurred Edges. 09/10/2015 (Updated: 09/10/2015)

    Genres: Fantasy, Romance
    Sub-genres: General Fantasy, General Romance
    • young adult
    • magic
    • alternate earth
    • no sex
    • light-hearted
    • love

    Marcus graduated from high school and works locally at the marina. He inherited a love of the sea and of surfing. However, Marcus makes the mistake of trying to surf when a terrible storm is coming. While he hoped to catch some killer waves, instead he is nearly killed. Rescued by a mysterious stranger, Marcus isn't sure what to make of his rescuer. What does this stranger have in store for him?

    The story was written for the 2015 Blurred Edges

    • 1 Chapters
    • 4,607 Words
    • Everyone
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    • 4,607 Words
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