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Featured Story: Angst Poetry Collection



Poetry is one of those things I think are in the eye of the beholder. The impact a poem bestows on the reader is only as great as the answering emotion it awakens. When Houdinii offered to do a Hosted Review, I was surprised and pleased when he offered to review Luc's poetry. I thought his review was as honest as he found the poetry; I hope you will enjoy both!


By Luc


Review by Houdinii


Marzipan once told me that I, Houdinii, may be great at poetry, but I've never tried. I just messaged Cia moments ago that I thought, well, what the heck . . . never had a go at poetry. The pieces I'm viewing are by Luc, and I decided to choose his angst volume, as I'm a darker person than most would believe. I read my first bit of poetry on this site tonight, and I was pleased. It's rather hard when you read it hard and fast, but if you slow it down, as I had to do, I was surprised at my reactions.


The Door
As this was a difficult task for me, I needed to first prepare myself and grab a notebook. No telling where this goes. The very first poem was entitled The Door. This, I can say is the only one of the bunch I couldn't connect with easily. I wrote in my little book that it sounded like a kid growing up in the closet. While I was in high school, I knew that feeling. I was that kid that belittled and bullied the “fags” into submission; a price I fair dearly for. I can say, if the rest of the poems are like this, I have a hard time on my hands.


Film Noir
Okay, after reading another, and making a stiff drink because I realized Luc's a little deeper than I was expecting. I'm trying to feel out what this means, because it really disturbed me when I re-read it. Not only have I been within a situation, the emotions Luc brought up were truly open. I like how the gun felt on my hand while I myself shot the victim... Cold blooded and calculated.


A few of the people that either know me or have read my sole story on this site know that I have been incarcerated myself, and out of all of the poems in this volume, this is the one that stung the most. I've never had someone be able to convey the feelings I went through so completely. If my emotions hadn't been hardened by my own situation, I probably would have been in tears after reading this poem.


I do not know where to begin on this one. It truly sent shiver's up my spine. Growing up, if it wasn't my sisters or me getting the brunt of abuse, it was my mother. As this is the forth poem I've read that hits close to home, I'm actually quite close to the tears I said couldn't fall in the previous review. I take back my previous statement; this is definitely the one that stung me the most....


I'm glad this one didn't move me as much as the previous two, because I don't think I could stand being on the brink of tears once again. I'm assuming the poem is speaking about a relationship, but really could be talking about anything. I feel bad for my fiancé after reading this though. I was in a previous relationship that ended on bad terms over a suspicion, and somehow it all came rolling back.


I know this review looks a little more like a diary entry, but I wasn't quite sure how to write a poetry review, so I simply jotted down how it made me feel. I hate to admit it, but tears did fall in the process. I don't know Luc, but I hope to one day meet the man that was able to connect with me through simple words, knowing my every thought. I do think next time I'm going to read the “Love” volumes though. I'm not sure if I can take much more angst from him. Maybe I'm not as dark as I thought. Luc, you are well versed, and I'm glad to have been schooled in the world of poetry for the first time by a man that can move the heart.


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