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Featured Story: Catara

Renee Stevens


In addition to being a fantabulous asset to GA through all his work and time here, Lugh is also one of our Hosted Authors. Here our great guest reviewer Fozzie Bear has written a review of Lugh's Catara - a story you may want to check out yourself!





Reviewer: Fozzie Bear
Status: Complete
Word Count: 24,325


Wakka, Wakka, Wakka. Fozzie Bear here again. What do we say about our resident grouch, other than get to know him. He might be the guy in chat you run into but sit back and read his stuff, wakka. Wow, what a surprise this author hides beneath his gruff exterior.


If you haven’t gotten to read Lugh’s stuff be prepared to be taken on a roller coast ride. However, I could gush over a number of his works today we focus on his little tale, CATARA. For those of you who only like a complete story, well this one is.


Welcome to the world of Catara, not one everyone is familiar with. Catara focuses on Mathew Patlyk Khoury. The story begins with a journal entry that sets up the world so well. You learn right off that Mathew is a clone of Danyl, his brother. His father is captain of the ship, and his mother is a diplomat also on the ship. It is due to her job that Math is sent down to Catara.


When the simple act of sharing a piece of fruit opens Mathew up to world he knew nothing about. At first suspected to be his primary, Danyl, soon Mathew learns he is able to handle what his brother could not. Lugh moves through a world of customs, beliefs, sex, and knowledge in a richly story that finds you reading faster and faster as you go.


In the end Catara is a story of one soul finding out it can do so much more than be a simple clone. In a land where death is part of the survival when all your life says one thing, and the person you call friend is shown to be more, what are you to do?


Mathew is a man of change. One who grows and learns. Welcome to the world of Catara, where the Gods watch over, the weapons are sung into being, and a young man begins the first steps of interesting journey.


So here is another amazing tale by Lugh, Wakka, Wakka. One of self discovery that leads from the depths of one’s soul, to his dreams, and beyond all within a tightly woven tale. Where Lugh will take you on the next leg of this trip has yet to be revealed but, well this Bear can’t wait. Enjoy your trip, and be careful what you eat and what you think. Wakka, Wakka.


Thank you Fozzie for that review! What about you? Is there a story you've read that you want the rest of the GA membership to check out? If so, why not do a review to feature in the GA News Blog! Contact me or Trebs for more info!

1 Comment

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  • Site Administrator

Lugh was the first author I stalked on GA. He was the first one I conned into letting me read what he was writing before it went on the site. He will always be one of my favorite writers, plus he's a good friend!

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