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Featured Story: End Of The World



Yay - Saturday and a start to a great spring weekend.... Well - spring if you live upside down like Graeme, though fall for all of us normal people ;-)


Speaking of our antipodean friend, Radiant Renee Stevens has done a great review of a 2007 Anthology story written by Graeme - his End of the World.


And on the subject of reviews - once again, we need help. If you are interested in helping us by reviewing a story here on GayAuthors.org, please let me know. We can't do it without your help. And now, please enjoy this review!







Reviewer: Renee Stevens
Status: Complete
Anthology: 2007 Endings & Beginnings


I’ve enjoyed most of Graeme’s work, so when I went looking for an old Anthology entry to review for the blog, I saw this one by him and decided to take a look. I hadn’t read it before and especially with our special anthology coming up that’s titled “End of the World” I thought it was fitting for me to read this one.


This is a very bittersweet story about several colonies that have been built on the moon. Different nations have different colonies and the reason they are still moon bound quickly becomes clear as the reader finds out about the issues going on with Earth. The story is centered around Joshua, and to a lesser extent, his husband Chris. Joshua is the Admiral in charge of the United States Moon Base. He has many burdens to shoulder and depends on his husband Chris to help keep him grounded. It’s his job to keep everyone busy so that they don’t focus on what is happening on Earth.


When they face the end of the human species, some hard decisions have to be made, and both Joshua and Chris are smack in the middle of it. This is a story full of turmoil and drama and I can safely say that I don’t recall a single moment of lightheartedness. The ending really surprised me and I wish there was more to the story. Maybe one day Graeme will write a sequel to this story to let us know what happens with these characters.


Until then, Graeme shows his skill in pulling the reader into the story, though there’s a pretty good size twist at the end that threw me for a bit of a loop. The one warning I will give is this, if you are only interested in reading happy go lucky stories, then this one probably isn’t the one for you. Otherwise, why not give it a looksee and then leave Graeme a review to let him know what you think!

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