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Weekly Wrap Up!



Well this is my first week without the training wheels on, so lets hope I don't go home crying with a scraped knee :) Renee will be back next week to whip this back into shape!


Final Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. To learn more about Light the Night and how you can help support SonoLuminus, please visit the lounge topic.


Monday's review day was posted by Cia with a review of an Andrew Todd short story entitled 'Empath's Kiss'. The review by Renee introduces two characters Damon and Kai and one of their unique abilities to act as an Empath. Spoiler: This is a GREAT read and will make you craving more. Luckily Andrew has followed up with a story called 'Chosen'


If that wasn't enough to pique your interest, Premium Tuesday brought to our attention Stephanie L Danielson's Ice Fairy II. Lots of quick and easy options available to you in case you want to take out a membership which will help keep this site mainly free for all!


Wednesday, Cia gave us the run down's of why and how of Flash Fiction writing pointing out how fun, short and self-satisfying it really is. Then to finish off, Cia issued a Micro Challenge where she asked us to describe a picture in 10 words, no more, or no less. Unfortunately I failed as I tend to write long sentences and without punctuation and too many useless words that never in the end making any sense at all. 0:)


Finally the week was finished up with our amazing Prompt Guru giving us two new prompt for Prompt Friday. First was Use the following in a story - bottle of pills, birth announcement, a balloon, a scuffed sneaker and a new car. Second was the tag The Book. Check out the blog for the details of this prompt! Cia also featured Rook Lee and Greg_A's response to the Micro Challenge and feature Sasha Distan's Prompt 352 response.


Anthology Announcements:

  • 2014 Winter Anthology: Chain Reaction - Due December 3rd *Note: Deadline is for submission to the Anthology Proof Team*
  • 2015 Anthology Theme Voting is Closing Today!! - Make sure to stop by the topic and register your votes for what you would like to tackle writing or reading over the next year. We have some really great choices to choose from thanks to our Anthology Theme Selection Authors who whittled down 162 suggestions to 20 Quarterly themes and 5 Poetry themes. You have a say in this so make sure you go and VOTE!



In Premium:


No More Hiding by Renee Stevens


By our Signature Authors:


Finding Alex by Nephylim


Krista's Prompts by Krista


Streak by Mark Arbour; Book 15 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP)


Lost Inside by Cia; Book 2 of Carthera Tales


The Secret Life Of Billy Chase 8 by Comicality; Book 8 of Billy Chase Chronicles


Global Explorer by David McLeod


Leopard Spots by Graeme; Book 2 of The Lilydale Leopards


New Kid In School by Comicality


Streak by Mark Arbour; Book 15 of Chronicles Of An Academic Predator (CAP)


Priest and Pariahs by Mann Ramblings; Book 3 of Ship Logs of the Santa Claus


By our Promising Authors:


The English Year by Jwolf


Redemption's A Bitch by Sasha Distan


Sole Scion by JMH; Book 2 of The Sole Scion Cycle: Second Cycle of the Centurion Chronicles


A Wolf And His Man by Sasha Distan


Vintage by carringtonrj


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!
And last, but certainly not least, please remember to help us thank Myr this week for his incredible dedication to this site from its original version to the site we have today. He doesn't just keep the site open, but constantly strives to ensure GA is an awesome online gathering place for the QLTBG community as well as one of the premiere sites for quality gay fiction.






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  • Site Administrator

Happy Anniversary, Myr!  This site is so amazing and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. :)  :hug:

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Congratulations on a fine achievement, Myr. I am appreciative of what you have accomplished with GA. Thanks!

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Thanks Myr! You've created a great space for us to express ourselves and read awesome stories. Ive made great friends and feel part of a community of artists. That is a feat worthy of a kiss!

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