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Writing Prompts #368 & #369

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a great week so far and is looking forward to the weekend. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection.


Prompt 368 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“You’ll get it back over my dead body!”


Prompt 369 – Creative
Tag – The Bully
You finally were given the position you have longed for and gone to school for. It has taken you years to realize the nay sayers and people who said you weren’t worth it were wrong. Now as you finally set into the place you want to be your past also rears its head. Your first job applicant to work under you is a name very familiar to you. In fact, it was the bully who made your life a living hell through your school years. Now, their future is in your hands. Are you able to forget the past or is the bully about to get a taste of their own medicine?


Normally I'd share the previous prompt response right now, but I'll get to that in a minute. This week we also have the next Poetry Prompt to share!


Poetry Prompt #3


Write two stanzas of lyrics. Follow the 8-syllable/6-syllable pattern as you go. Base it on the first emotions you remember having when you woke up this morning. This is practice, so it is up to you if you wish to incorporate rhymes, and feel free to make the poem humorous if you like. For more information on this poetry prompt, visit the thread!


This week I decided to feature a couple of the previous Poetry Prompt Responses, one set by Aditus and the other by Dolores Esteban:



Leaves sail down, yellow
dog storms past at breakneck speed
the mouse slips away.




Ice crystals sparkle,
Reflecting the thousand lights,
of cars racing past.


If you want to leave Aditus a review, you can leave it here.

Though drained from the cold
The call of the butterflies
Cannot be ignored




Windows opened wide
It is time for spring cleaning
The spirit is high


If you want to leave Dolores a review, you can leave it here.

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Thank you, Renee, for spreading the word on the poetry prompts. I think that I can speak for both Irri and myself when I say the response has been awesome. We welcome everyone to take a look and not feel intimidated - it's all meant to be fun!    

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