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True As It Can Be Chapter 19 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 19 is now live, here are some author's notes -Well, Sammy turned out to be very helpful. In addition to being an upperclassman, barista, and bartender at night, he's got an unique background. -I got the inspiration for this scene at Keller Hall from a combination of real-world events. A concept from the "January 6th" insurrection/riot in Washington DC was logistically how I organized the mob and invasion force within Chapter 19. The most violent groups relied on non-aligned gro


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 18 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 18 is now live, here's some thoughts -Brad's freak out about his insomnia and growing sexual arousal are side effects of Methadone withdrawal. He's not crazy or unstable, Brad is trying to be responsible and protect Beau even if it means being distant from him. Beau understands that -A tasteful sausage making joke Freud would be proud -We get to see a Thanksgiving celebration -Morris' dilemma is something a lot of heterosexual black males face. Having an unplanned ba


W_L in Writing Stories

First Anthology Entry in Years: Spirited Holiday Engagement

So like my current novel-length story True As It Can Be, I want to share some thoughts about the story I submitted for the Fall 2021 Anthology: -I had a wild idea of trying an unusual combination of story elements: a. A western holiday story with a gay wedding  b. A funerary rites exploration with commentary on little known details involved in Taoist funeral practices. c. I also wanted to write a ghost story that starts off heavy with melancholy, but ends lighter with potent


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 17 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 17 is now live, Here are some notes: -Yes, Brad and Beau needed a very good scene of exploring each other's bodies, then a bit of exploring pleasure -I know there are gay/bi guys, and probably a few ladies on here, who know what I am describing through Brad's actions of breathing hot air down Beau's spine. It's not something seen or written about often, but it's a kind of sexual foreplay and stimulation itself. Not sure if there's a proper name for it, yet. -Brad's desires


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 16 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 16 is now live, Here's some author's notes: -Thanksgiving is coming up, there's lots of planning going into the meal and other things coming to head For those, who follow American Football, Thanksgiving day is well known for being a day of football games. Wonder how that will affect the plot? 😛 -The two foods I noted are both street foods of Japan and South Africa, both are deep fried items and would fit in the theme of comfort food, including Fried Cajun Turducken.


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 15 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 15 is now live, here's some author's notes -Finally, a direct confrontation between Brad and Gary -Gary's recent moves weren't just random pieces of malice, they were all calculated plays after discovering Brad's presence on Campus, most likely Thursday night -Brad through Cook called in his lawyer, Peter Brownlow, to assist in the legal issues -Dean William Sikes is the husband of Melinda, older sister of Gary Gaston, and petty power broker seeking to become Presiden


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 14 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 14 is now live, here's some author's notes -Morris and Beau are still close friends, even if they're no longer roommates. Morris also recommends the same thing Brad did, Beau should attempt to hide from Gary Gaston. -Yes, I am a fan of Squid Game and its social commentary on the moral relativism and money -As for the library scenes, I've worked in a library before, when I attended university, so I know a few things about some oddities that are kept. VHS tapes probably stil


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 13 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 13 is now live, Here's some Author's Notes: -Some indirect inference on Brad and his mood shift as the effects of Methadone wears off. It's revealing a bit more about the man behind his initial appearance or foul moods, he's a very empathetic person, but it doesn't mean he's selfless. -I indirectly revealed a major explanation in this chapter: Why are all the residents of Keller Hall there? The answer is simple: Each boy had felt a sense of abandonment Francis- Was abandon


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 12 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 12 is now live, Here's some notes: -A look into Beau's work-study job at the University Library. While in Beauty and the Beast, the Beast gave Belle an entire library, Beau actually works in one and has access to a massive amount of books. -Gary Gaston has returned and his next scheme has far-ranging repercussions -Min's story is revealed. It's very tragic and he has a lot of guilt to deal with. I was inspired by the story of former professional baseball player Kazuhi


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 11 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 11 is now live, here's some author's note: -Brad's beastly side is showing -Despite how much emotional growth and progress is shown, there's still a long way to go for everyone -Beau has an innate gift as a therapist and someone who can empathize with others. -Brad is naturally intimidating and dominant, but he's not sadistic or selfish about it. Some gay guys are naturally very dominant by personality, but in this case, Brad is worried that his nature is linked to Ga


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 10 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 10 is now live, here's some author's notes: -Sunday around Keller Hall isn't a day of rest, there's a lot of personal and emotional things coming up -Warren is mad at himself, not Beau. He's also still not a fan of Brad, because Brad hasn't yet acknowledged what he did to Francis. We and Beau all know Brad isn't a bad guy, but we also understand he's not in a good head space right now. -Seeking forgiveness and reconciliation are difficult topics, while some people would ar


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 9 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 9 is now live, here's some thoughts: -Sleeping wrapped around each other in a bed, while one partner is interested in sex and the other isn't in the mood. Is it a sexual Snuggle? A non-sexual Cuddle? Or, is it a Huggle? -Brad reveals a lot about himself in this chapter: He's driven to be the best, not out of obligation or parental pressure, he does it to himself. His fatal flaw is internalizing many things in his life. -Brad's dog Cam gets a little backstory. It would have


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 8 is Now Live- Author Notes

Chapter 8 is now live and here's my thoughts: -First I hope fans enjoy One Directions "What Makes you Beautiful" -New South African Xhosa term Uyakuthanda- He loves you -Mrs. Angela Potter is a side-character just as much as any of the boys in the house. Her past is no less tragic, being an abused spouse who learned to rise above her abuse for her child and becoming a champion for others. I'm happy to explore a strong heterosexual female character -We finally l


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 7 is now Live-Author's thoughts

Chapter 7 is now live, here's some thoughts and commentary: -A nice Brunch of Beignets doughnuts and Chicken Fried Steak, what can I say, I am sucker for southern comfort food. -The package reveal is a neat little twist to explore character backgrounds and open up things. -Chip's excitement over the new Pokemon games isn't completely fictional, they really are coming out on November 19th and pre-orders are already in. There's usually some Nintendo event that goes with these launch


W_L in Writing Stories

Special Thanks to Readers so far and Poll of Favorite Characters in True As It Can Be

Thanks to all the wonderful readers for recommendations and getting the story more readers views than I imagined, I am deeply gratified that readers enjoyed this story so much in recent weeks. For newcomers, you can catch up on the 6 chapters posted located here. For Fans, I want to run a poll with you all this month to see who is your favorite characters in this story. --------------- I also want to give an individual shout-out to all those who have given me reactions or recommen


W_L in Writing Stories

True As It Can Be Chapter 6 is now Live- Author's thoughts

Well, Chapter 6 is now live. Here's some thoughts: -One thing I've considered about Beau, if he's a modern gay character, he's most likely has had experiences with other guys. Our urges drives us into things that we may very well regret, especially in an environment where we can't really be free to find good relationships or sexual outlets. Fantasy heroines and heroic lover archetypes are usually virgins, who save themselves for the "right guy", but reality is, most of us don't wait. -


W_L in Writing Stories

Chapter 5 of True As It Can Be is Live- Some Bonus stuff

Well Chapter 5 is now live. I want to share some South Africa Xhosa translations with you all and thoughts: "Hamba uyo bepha inja" = "Go and Fuck a Dog" "Xolo" = "Sorry" "Ndiyakuthanda"= "I love you" "umncinci"= "Little One"/"Youngest" "Intanda"= "Beloved" "ihenyukazi"= "Whore"/"Prostitute" -------- -For those wondering, I do enjoy Cajun Cuisine, the spice and sauces are some of the best representations of American combination cuisines. I've dined at Comma


W_L in Writing Stories

Chapter 4 of True As It Can Be Live- Thoughts from Author

Well Chapter 4 should be live now Here some thoughts on a very revealing chapter: -As a reader, I personally believe that side-characters' stories need to be developed alongside main characters, they impact the flow of plot and develop the main characters. As such, any named character I've added to this story will have a background story. -Paki's background for those who have not done a quick google search for Pretoria is the second capital city of South Africa. He was using Xhosa


W_L in Writing Stories

Chapter 3 of True As It Can Be

Chapter 3 is now live and I should shed some light on a few things: 1. If it's not apparent by the end of the chapter, Brad is not as crass or crude as he may seem. Beneath his psychological and physical issues, he's actually a very intelligent and strategic guy. He's pushing for Beau to stay in the house to protect him for more than the stereotypical "you're my future boyfriend" angle in romance fiction. He's fine with Beau not wanting him and still wanting to protect him from Gary. Beau i


W_L in Writing Stories

My new story and some thoughts as I experiment

Well for those people who follow my writing, book reviews, and stories, you probably noticed I started a new series, True As It Can Be, a story inspired by the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. I have read the classic fairy tale La Belle et la Bête in high school french class, along with watching the Jean Cocteau 1946 french film and 1991 Disney animated movie. Everyone has seen or heard of the classic, most of the folks probably have seen the Disney version as kids like me. How


W_L in Writing Stories

What I am up to in August 2021

Well, I put the Mainstream book review series on hiatus after finishing off my reviews with the classic Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. Some readers may wonder, why did I stop? Well like I noted, I think I overdid it with my daily reviews. I gave too much content for interested readers to read, it became a daily newsletter email. Book reviews should be fun or neat things that give readers guideposts for certain things, if they are preparing to purchase a new book for reading. I read


W_L in Writing Stories

Inspired to write by an object of past love

I am churning out a bunch of new story premises and I really don't know which one to pursue. Currently I have 4 stories in review, 3 fan-fictions and 1 Original adventure fantasy story. I can't stop writing or else I will lose my muse and focus, but I am going in several different directions. Today, I sent my 4th new story, an original story inspired by a pendant I found in my drawers. The pendant was given to me by one of my first boyfriends, luis, he worked at Dunkin Donuts and I enjoyed


W_L in Writing Stories

Writing and focus on disabled gay characters

Well just to make it clear for people who do not know, I suffer from Congenital Glaucoma, I was born with bad eyesight, and am legally blind with very low vision. One thing I've learned as I read stories, there really isn't much diversity or representation of people with disabilities in various gay fiction genres. People like me exist throughout the world in various forms; for instance, my last boyfriend was deaf, but it very hard for me to find any kind of story that reflect that kind of relati


W_L in Writing Stories

Fourth Story in Comforting Touch Series Live!

The Fourth Story is now live in Comforting Touch series:   Relationships aren't fairy tales in real life and more often than not, there's a good amount of complications between even the most committed lovers. How you deal with it is what defines who you are and who your lover is in relation to issues and conflicts. Maybe to some readers, what happened to Jason in Fanning Flames is off-putting, being given alcohol and drugs to make you more pliable for sexual intercourse is a comm


W_L in Writing Stories

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