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Being Positive - giving up 'not nice' for lent



I'm liking positive, optimistic people lately. I find myself being more drawn to them and avoiding or spending less time with negative, debbie downer types.


Whenever I get exposed to negative people...you know, the ones who seem to complain or find fault in just about everything....It sucks the life out of you. It's no fun to hear how this is pissing them off, or that's bothering them all the time. Don't get me wrong, we all gripe. But the glass is not always half full.


Positive/encouraging people are just more fun to be around. For example, we were running intervals last tuesday and after a particular grueling set, one of the guys smiles and says 'good job'. No big deal, but it did make me feel a little better (especially as I was gasping for breath).


The opposite happened at a dinner party on saturday night with a bunch of friends from work. It turned into a giant complaint fest and I probably walked out of there more drained then when I arrived. That's not what dinner & drinks with friends was supposed to be.


But instead of just hanging around with positive people and get the benefit, I realized that I had a resposibility to be positive too. That other people might be drawn to the same things I'm being drawn to.


So in honour of lent, I'm going to try being less bitchy and try to be a more optimistic/positive person. You know, try to smile more biggrin.gif . I'll also try to avoid negativity (or at least not acknowledge/encourage it).


Take Care®,




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Those nattering nabobs of negativism are with us still.


In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism. ~ Spiro T. Agnew


Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people is the best cure for the blahs. Could you have let the other participants in that bitch fest know that you were there to celebrate something? Were you in a position to walk out if you couldn't steer them away from complaining?

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Okay, so I know I have been told this comes across differently when a guy does it, but sometimes I can smile back at a strange man who smiles nicely at me, so it can't be all the time. Anyhow, tangent. What I was going to say, was try an experiment that I try to do everyday. Smile at at least 10 strangers each day, as you are walking past on the street, in the store, oooh, especially those poor people who work as cashiers, tellers, gas pump attendants, anyone who you just know gets a lot of grief throughout the day. It makes them smile, which makes me smile bigger and really mean it, even if I didn't when I first made the gesture. Anyhow, just an idea ;)



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Happy people are just pleasant to be around, and those who are miserable make others miserable.


Just be careful though...it's always easy to tell when someone really being positive or just being smarmy. A half-ass smile never replaces a real one.

Be happier, not seem happier specool.gif

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