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Dead Baby Jokes?



Dead baby jokes  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever heard a dead baby joke?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do dead baby jokes go too far?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Would you be offended if someone told you a dead baby joke?

    • Yes! Fortunately, no one has told me one.
    • Yes! Unfortunately some asshole/bitch told me one.
    • No! Unfortunately, no one has ever told me one.
    • No! I've been told dead baby jokes before.

So I'll get to the point. Dead baby jokes are the only ones arguably even more controversial than racist ones. So I decided to start this poll. Personally, I don't think they go too far. I love babies and am sad whenever one dies, but I also have a sick and twisted side. I will not post any dead baby jokes or links to them, so if you really want to read some, use a search engine. :P


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It doesnt bother me to hear it, seeing it or knowing someone who does it literally...now that's different.



haha i think environment has a lot to do with it.


i'm not gonna crack one of these at an abortion clinic.



Q: How many dead babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil?

A: It depends on how hard you squeeze them.


Q: What's funnier than a dead baby?

A: A dead baby in a clown costume!


Q: How many babies does it take to paint a house?

A: Depends how hard you throw them.


Q: How do you stop a baby from crawling around in circles ?

A: Nail its other hand to the floor.


Q: What do a dead baby and a horse have in common?

A: After you ride them your always sore.


Q: What is red & yellow & screams?

A: A peeled baby in lemon juice.


Q: What's funnier than a dead baby?

A: A dead baby sitting next to a kid with down syndrome.


Q: What is the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies?

A: You can't unload a truckload of bowling balls with a pitch fork!


Q: Why do you stick a baby in the blender feet first?

A: So you can see the expression on its face!


Q: How do you make a dead baby float?

A: Take your foot off of it's head.


Q: What's the difference between a baby & a watermelon?

A: One is fun to hit with a sledgehammer & the other is a watermelon.


Q: What's blue and thrashes about on the floor?

A: A baby playing in a plastic bag.


Q: What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs hanging on your wall?

A: Art.


Q: What's the difference between a bucket of gravel and a bucket of baby guts?

A: You can't gargle gravel.


Q: What's harder than nailing a dead baby to a tree?

A: Nailing it to a dead puppy!


Q: What do you call a baby with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean?

A: f**ked.


Q: What's red and dances all around?

A: A baby on a barbecue.


Q: How do you make a baby walk?

A: Cut off its hands.


Q: Why is it so hard to play with dead babies?

A: The parts keep coming off.


Q: What gets louder as it gets smaller?

A: A baby in a trash compactor.


Q: How do you know when a baby is a dead baby?

A: The dog plays with it more.


Q: How do you get 10 babies into a bowl?

A: With a blender!


Q: How do you get them out again?

A: With tortilla chips!!!


Q: What's present do you get for a dead baby?

A: A dead puppy.


Q: What is charred black and screams?

A: A baby getting his toy out of the fireplace!


Q: What does a dead baby and a jar of ketcup have in common?

A: If you squeez them hard enough red stuff comes out.


Q: How do you save a baby from drowning?

A: Harpoon it.


Q: What is black, white, and red all over?

A: A zombie baby eating a nun.


Q: What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in a swimming pool?

A: Bob.


Q: What do you call a bunch of retarted babies in a bathtub?

A: Vegetable stew!


Q: What does a blind, deaf, quadriplegic baby can get for Christmas?

A: Cancer.


Q: What's the difference between a dead baby and a trampoline?

A: When you jump on a trampoline, you take your boots off.


Q: What's the difference between a dead baby and a peanut butter cup?

A: The dead baby won't stick to the roof of your mouth.


Q: What's red and goes round and round?

A: A baby in a garbage disposal.


Q: What do you call a dead baby, a rat, 6 week old bread and a gherkin?

A: A Big Mac.


Q: What is better than a dead baby?

A: The revoked child-support.


Q: What do you call a baby on a stick?

A: A Kebabie.


Q: What is the difference between a watermelon and a dead baby?

A: A watermelon floats.


Q: What is red and lies in all four corners of the room?

A: A baby that's been playing with a chainsaw.


Q: What is the difference between a dead baby and a Styrofoam cup?

A: A dead baby doesn't harm the atmosphere when you burn it.


Q: What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs laying on your porch?

A: Matt.


Q: How do you stop a baby falling down a manhole?

A: Stick a javelin through it's head.


Q: What have you got when you strap a dead baby to each foot?

A: Slippers.


Q: What is blue and sits in the corner?

A: A baby in a plastic bag.


Q: What is green and sits in a corner?

A: The same baby, six weeks later.


Q: What is red and swings back and forth?

A: A baby on a meat hook.


Q: How do you make a dead baby float?

A: A tall glass of Fresca and two scoops of dead baby.


Q: What is red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding?

A: A baby in a microwave.


Q: What is black and sits in a corner?

A: A baby with it's finger in an electric socket.


Q: What squeals and goes around at 100mph?

A: A baby in an electric fan.


Q: What is blue and knocks on glass?

A: A baby in a fishtank.


Q: What is charred black and smells really bad?

A: A baby chewing on an extension cord.


Q: What has 4 legs and one arm?

A: A Doberman on a children's playground!


Q: What do you do with 4 dead babies and a sheet of glass?

A: Make a coffee table.


Q: What is worse than running a baby over with a car?

A: Getting it out of the tires.


Q: Why is it so groovy to be a test tube baby?

A: Because you get a womb with a view.


Q: What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs laying on a beach?

A: Sandy.


Q: Why did the baby fall off the swing?

A: Because it had no arms or legs.

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Mark Arbour


James.... *shakes head while grinning*



Oh my.



dead babies jokes are like any other jokes really - if it's ok to make fun of one thing, it's ok to make fun of anything.



dude james just rode the troll train into this blog, hahahahahahaahah



So true, Chase.



well, and to be official for tiger: dead baby jokes are kind of weird, in any social situation or if you're just thinking about them, which you shouldn't.


i'm gonna go take more shots of vodka



Jamessssssssssss lmaosmiley.gif



Dead baby, yo mama, and w/e the f*ck jokes stopped being funny after...lets see, oh right 8th grade...


They aren't offensive, just stupid



He missed one of the better ones though:


Q: What's worse than a bathtub full of dead babies?


A: A live one at the bottom trying to eat its way out.



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