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Joe's Blog

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Hey everyone! It’s been far too long since I’ve been around GA but even longer since I posted a blog but I promise to keep this short. For the past few months I’ve taken a step back from the site in order to get my personal life in order. I’ve been through some rough spots lately and I’m still not sure where exactly my life is headed right now. I’ve been in and out of physical therapy for about 3 months now but I’ll most likely have to go back in for more surgery. Nothing serious, just a minor speed bump in life really.


I’m in the process of finishing up school (if I don’t tell one of my professors where he can shove it) and shortly after I’m moving out to California. Not to San Francisco yet like I want to, but the Marina Del Ray area is close enough. My boss and best friend is moving out there in two weeks so I’ll have to take on more responsibilities at work while still finishing school and dealing with all my medical crap. Long story short, I’m down to sleeping about every other day right now with two days in a row snuck in there every now and then.


This site has transformed a LOT since I’ve been away and I’d like to thank those that stepped up to cover for me and handle my duties when I did so. Myr, Lugh, Cia, Steph, and the rest of the GA staff… you guys are lifesavers. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come back just yet because I really don’t have the time. I haven’t even poked around in the new GA.Stories system yet just to look much less learn the system. Until I have the time to get comfortable with it (and someone has the time to teach the old dog new tricks I suppose) I will remain on leave from tech support.


Once I’ve moved to CA and have had a chance to get things settled and life isn’t so hectic, I will officially return to GA and become more involved once again. Until then, I wish you all the best of luck in your lives :)



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Good Luck Joe!!! I'm glad things are working out for you and hope you know that we're all rooting for your return :)



I'm excited to have you moving to our state. Be sure to stop by and pick up your welcome packet!





  • Site Administrator


Awww, you're a dear. You know, you may have taken a step back but you've been around if/when we needed you, even with all of that going on. You're at a crazy time in life and I've been in the whole physical therapy situation, it takes a lot of energy to deal with that on top of everything else.


Btw, "OLD DOG" you are the youngest person of the admins. Take a break now and then and cut loose if you really forget that! I mean, sheesh, you're barely all the way legal :P

old bob


Good luck Joe :great:.

Your future is in your hands and I'm sure you will succeed. You are strong enough, you have proved it :2thumbs:.

Mark Arbour


Good luck, my friend. I think you'll like LA. I know it will like you.



Marina del Rey is a great area... As long as you don't go too far inland like... Riverside County or something...



good to hear from you. all 3.5 of our interactions have been pleasant.



Whatchu talkin bout Trebs? I hear Riverside is a nice area with free 256K wireless internet access for all!


Well, here's to things looking up Joe :2thumbs: ...



*PS I wasn't here.... now to drift off to my dark corner again*



Marina del Rey is a great area... As long as you don't go too far inland like... Riverside County or something...


dick =p

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