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It's nearly November. For most people in the USA that means sacrifice the birds! It is the beginning of the annual family overdose, crowded malls, endless bombardment of "buy me or feel guilty for disappointing your loved ones" advertising, too much turkey, fattening a goose, and other strange but once a year customs that you put up just for the sake of traditon and (sometimes questionably) loved ones.


For me, November also means a total break from sanity -- and a chance to overdose on caffine while being sleep deprived -- in the form of NaNoWriMo. For those of you who don't know, that means National Novel Writing Month. It is promoted as a contest by the Office of Light and Letters and the goal is to produce quantity over quality and to silence the inner editor for one month while shoving 50,000 words out of your head.


Fifty Thousand NEW words that is -- not an old project -- a new one. That equates to One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Seven new words A DAY.


This year I have decided to attempt to produce a rough draft of my Novella for the Secrets Can Kill Anthology.


I hope you join me.


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I always start NanoWrimo but after the first week i tend to die out :P I may not do it in November, possibly December... In fact I will try to do in my pretty much month off during xmas :)

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I'll probably give it a shot this year, although I haven't won since 2004, and the last couple years, I didn't even manage to get started.

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I've done it once before and I have the certificate to prove it. Actually, I think that it would be a nice distraction for me this year. Thanks Lugh. I'm off to sign up :)

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