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Things are getting done - sort of



Well the Thanksgiving cards are out. I bought my Christmas cards. For me that is a major step this year.


I have my father's birthday card and gifts. Still trying to figure out what to do about Christmas for him. I forgot my sister-in-laws birthday. I wonder if that makes me a bad person? Anyway I ordered off Amazon, and sent her card out. All I can say is Oops, I'm human.


I posted Seeon yesterday, partially because I was having a bad day and partially cause I know the site will be down on Saturday most of the day. I'm amazed that a story of mine can have over four hundred views between the first two chapters and just six reviews. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Mainly because if I read someone's work and can't find something nice to say, I just don't comment. Makes me wonder what people really think of my writing.


If my mood had been better yesterday AH would be done. Instead 30 sits half complete. i did finish Chapter 8 on Jonas. After I go over it tonight I will send that over to Andy.


I still have two chapters of a Day in the Life of Seer I need to type up for FSO yet. I feel like am way behind.


Then there nanowrimo. Well, the way this month is going I got about 10,000 words and haven't had two minutes to get back to it. The month is only going to get worse considering I work retail and we are rapidly getting towards Black Friday.


Today is Veteran's Day. I wish to thank all those who have served to make our country safe. Whether you love it or hate, those people put their lives on the line to defend us. For that, I offer my heart felt thank you.


Anyway, have a good day all.


Recommended Comments

I wouldn't worry about the reviews issue. Take a look at other authors. Some of my read counts run into thousands with only a couple of reviews. Simple fact... most people don't review :) If it's a comment on your work then I'm screwed :)

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