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Writing Prompts #112 & #113



Today's writing prompts brought to you by Comicfan are...

Prompt 112 – Creative
Cue – Poetry, Haiku

The Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. In English we usually use a 5, 7, 5 syllable line. The Haiku usually focuses on some aspect of nature and ends with a surprise. With that in mind try writing at least one of your own. Here is one of mine as an example.

I hear the screaming

And run to find him pointing

At a spider. Squish.

Prompt 113 – Challenge
Cue – Sidekick

The sidekick is the one the hero or villain turns to. They can be the best friend, the comedy break, or the sounding board for the ideas. Whether it is Dr. Watson to Sherlock Holmes, Ethel to Lucy, or Mini Me to Dr. Evil these characters exist and are an important part of the story. What sort of sidekick would you create? Look over your short stories and create one of your own.


Before I introduce this week's spotlight I just have to say I would like more than six regulars to pick from... so if you are enjoying these prompts and the spotlights, etc... pick up your pencil and join the fun. Being great isn't the point... I like 'original'. Other than that.... kudos to Joe!

In response to prompt 108 by JOeKEool:


I did it. There. The obituary's done.
It's Final.Finis.The race is run.

She was here. Here.Now she's gone.
I can't let go.I can't move on.

She's so young? So happy?And so strong?
And just like that. What went wrong?

I can't stop now.I can't even cry.
She didn't.She didn't.She didn't die.

Come on.Get up.You've things to do.
Be strong.Be tough.Make it through.

They asked me how to lay her out.
The red dress?Red.Yes,no doubt.

Oh god!Her fish.She loved her fish.
To her sister.Of Course.That's her wish.

That night's ice cream is still on the table.
Please tell me. It's all a dark fable.

The blanket.We were all cuddled up.
Five minutes.Five.To walk the pup.

Come here little guy.You don't understand.
Ow! Ow! You're biting my hand!

This apartment.Her clothes.All of her things.
Little guy.
You don't know.
The pain death brings.


The blog team is looking for some more reviews if anyone is interested in helping out just PM me.
Happy Writing! and as always Read and Review!

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

Good job Joe! Thanks for coming up with these Comic and posting it all Lugh. I like this feature!

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Lugh.Thank you. I don't know what to say. This is an honor to be sure. I put a lot of real grief into this one. A lot of tears. Thank you.

Thank you Cia. Your support means so much.

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I'm glad people are taking an interest in the prompts and even more grateful for the spotlights on those who take an interest in writing them. Some really great stuff has been written here in the prompts but because they are short no one seems to take the time to read them. In some cases they give a writer a chance to do something he wouldn't normally do, whether it is poetry or some aspect of writing they shy away from. The results of these prompts sometimes launch incredible stories that go far beyond what the prompt asked for. Hopefully as time goes on more writers will attempt them and more people will take notice of the hard work done on things so short.

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