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Featured Story: Spark



What a better way to start a week than with a great story. Hosted Author Libby Drew is one of our most talented authors with wonderful tales - here is a review of her short story Spark. Enjoy!





Libby Drew


Reviewer: Renee Stevens
Status: Complete
Word Count: 6,434


I have had Libby Drew on my “to read” list for quite a while, and today I decided why wait? I scrolled through her list of stories and one immediately jumped out at me. The description sounded like something that I might enjoy and I always like to start with an author’s short story, to really get a feel of their writing. The story I chose was “Spark” and I thoroughly enjoyed the read!


The story takes place on a train, and not just any train, but one that’s path is through a treacherous mountain pass. The main character, Derrick is terrified, but the train is a necessary evil of his job during a time when things are hard for many people. He meets Nix, who is also on the train for business. Things develop between the two, but Nix is extremely hesitant, it’s only when he reveals his job to him that Derrick understands why.


This story was very well crafted and kept me thinking. I had a couple of difference scenarios in my mind as to what was going to happen, but none of them ended up panning out. Libby Drew artfully kept me in suspense as I read on to find out exactly what was happening between the two main characters. It’s really not until about three quarters through that the mystery starts to unravel and I really began to understand what was happening.


After reading “Spark” I am definitely intrigued and have become a fan of Libby Drew. I know that after this short story I will be reading more of her works and luckily for me, the majority of her works are short stories which I prefer. If you haven’t already checked her out, I strongly suggest you do so. Especially if you enjoy a good mystery. Happy Reading!


Recommended Comments

Libby is an excellent author. Her Running Far Afield is probably one of the best things I've ever read online. If you've never checked out her work, I'd highly recommend you give it a whirl.

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