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Weekly Wrap Up!



Announcement: As we've recently noted, we're working with our Hosted Author's to promote their eBooks. A few weeks ago we were proud to announce Cia's eBook Pricolici, and in today's "New Reading", we have Lugh's eBook Catara - which has a surprising ending. This is just the start and we look forward to working with more of our author's in the future and, as always, are exploring other ways of supporting the authors of this site.


October is almost half over - this year has been passing so fast. Though for those in the US, I'm guessing you'd wish it'd go faster so the constant barrage of election ads would be over. Oh well, this too shall pass.


As for out GayAuthors.org News Blog, we started the week with a great review of Hosted Author Nephylim's Memories of Forgotten Love. I loved reading this story when it was an entry in our first Novella Contest.


For out Tuesday Toss-Up, we had an Interactive Day - where we mainly looked for feedback from the community. Letting us know what you think ALWAYS helps us - so leave us comments or send us a PM anytime you have something you want us to know.


Our Author Showcase at midweek looked at a review of Promising Author Dezlboi's Facing the Demons, as well as a great review by CassieQ of Author Stellar's Hidden Sunlight. I love seeing comments like the one Joann414 left "Cassie, I am not much into sci-fi either, but you make me want to read this by your review." Thanks for the comment Joann414, but even more - thanks for the review CassieQ!


Oh - did you know YOU can write reviews too? If you're interested, just contact Andy021278, Renee Stevens or myself!


CassieQ also helped us out on Thursday with a writing tip on Using Description. Again - shameless plug - we love articles like this.


For our weekly Writing Prompts, we thank our Prompt-Guru Comicfan for two really interesting creative prompts. We also featured a past prompt response by a relatively new member who had a great beginning for a story come out of Prompt 156 from this past summer. I really hope he continues his story!


The week closed with our Blast to the Past, looking at an article from our October 2006 newsletter - a transcript of an "Author Chat" that we had with Hosted Author Viv.


So - how was your week?


Anthology Announcements:

  • Winter Anthology "Desperate Ends"- Due Dec 8th
  • Special Mayan Tribute Anthology "End of the World"- Due Dec 14th



In Premium this week:


Chosen of Honorus by Quonus10, Book 1 of Champions of The Gods


By our Hosted Authors this week:


The Secret Life of Billy Chase 7 by Comicality, Book 7 of The Secret Life of Billy Chase


Standing in Shadows by Krista


Legacy by Altimexis, Book 29 of Naptown Tales


Catara - the ebook by Lugh - available for purchase at Smashwords


Forging Trust by Renee Stevens


In the Arms of an Angel by Nephylim, Book 1 of Wednesday Briefs


Never More Lonely by Cia


Adverse Effects by Cia, Book 2 of Saving Caeorleia


Circumnavigation by C James




By our Promising Authors this week:


The Nano Wars: Rebirth by JMH, Book 1 of The Nano Wars


The Mark by JMH


Have a great week everyone! Read, Write, REVIEW!!!


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