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Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)



Hey all.

This week we continued to focus on the tragic news of @Comicality's passing. I know when I do the wrap up, I'm kind of doing what I hope some of your are doing. catching up on what happened over the week. When I heard we were out of Comsie's articles and also another blog when we heard he was having some health concerns, never did I know this would happen :(. I enjoy reading all the blogs over the week and liked Comsie's Weekly Writing Articles. They just made sense. 

If for some reason you haven't read the unfortunate news, please check out the blog and comment if you wish, or leave a comment below if you want.

We slowly got back to a schedule on Thursday, but with missing the Wrap Up last week, I'd like to give credit to the blogs that appeared last week up until last Thursday. 

So back on Monday the 15th, Cia had announced our Signature Feature for the month. Check it out and download the banner to use in your signature:

Then on Wednesday, Cia returned again with the Signature Feature Excerpt:

Thursday, before the announcement, Val got out the 3rd week of this year's Poetry Anthology:

We picked things back up the past Friday, where Val recapped all the entries for the Poetry Anthology. Those that contributed, read and commented, should be thanked :worship: :


We also had a few Words of the Days to recap too! Check these words out if you never had a chance to:

glopmete, mawkish, paperboy, proboscis

Upcoming Writing Events 

Secret Author Contest - More information to come.

Annual Anthology - In Too Deep - Due October 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!


1 Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. Strip Supa by astone2292

10 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour
  2. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus
  3. Doing It Again - NaPoWriMo April 2024 by Mikiesboy
  4. Get Into James Shorts by JamesSavik **Complete**
  5. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour
  6. Calliope's Carousel by Parker Owens
  7. Time and Nature by Mikiesboy **Anthology Entry** **Complete**
  8. Changes by Aditus **Anthology Entry** **Complete**
  9. Breathless and Mendacity by Headstall **Anthology Entry** **Complete**
  10. Apple Season by Parker Owens **Anthology Entry**  **Complete**

4 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Window Stories by Ronyx
  2. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W
  3. Sands of Time by Roland
  4. Beyond the Crags by Kyle Aarons

3 Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Blades of Ashes by lilansui
  2. Strip Supa by astone2292
  3. Into the Past by kbois **Anthology Entry** **Complete**

41 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story by MrM
  2. A year of schoolwork: poems I submitted for a grade by MythOfHappiness **Anthology Entry** **Complete**
  3. Thicker Than Water by John Henry
  4. The Making of a Slave by and9993
  5. Country Retreat by quokka
  6. Re-Education by Justin4Fun
  7. What Else Is There? by Al Norris
  8. The Case of the Disappearing Co-Eds by chris191070
  9. Life's a Dreamboat by J92
  10. Res Publica Christiana by W_L
  11. Crossing the line by Robert Hugill
  12. Ink and Flowers by Celian
  13. A Wizard's War by TeamStilinski
  14. Parasitic Love Redux by mastershakeme
  15. Beyond A Colour by Sam Wyer
  16. The Shadowy Path by Lupus
  17. Doctor Carlo and Brandon by Lee Wilson **Complete**
  18. Hubris: Pilgrimage by ValentineDavis21
  19. Dragon's Roar by Xfighter1984
  20. They may not mean to, but they do by Robert Hugill
  21. It's Always Something by Ticklishboy30
  22. Twinks in Space: Fantastic Voyage - Part Two by Adam Andrews Johnson
  23. Sands of Time by Roland
  24. Blades of Ashes by lilansui
  25. The World Out There by Drew Payne
  26. Deeds of Their Past by mcarss **Complete**
  27. Out Of The Closet by RichardWrites
  28. Widderkin V. O. E. by Palantir
  29. Andre and Chris by Paladin
  30. Special Circumstances by lawfulneutralmage **Complete**
  31. Any Way Out by Leslie Lofton
  32. Oregon in the Fall by drown
  33. Love Of Family (2024 Revision) by Ticklishboy30
  34. You're so Weird by Arch Hunter
  35. Simba Returns by quokka
  36. Halos and Heroes by JJQuinn
  37. Adam's Grace by CasualWanderer82
  38. The Mistress by vanalas
  39. Trash Polka by Demiurge
  40. Murder in Alphabet City by chris191070 **Complete**
  41. Between Two Mountains by James Carnarvon **Complete**

1 Recently Updated 'Poet' Stories

  1. Musings of a Wordsmith by JACC


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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