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What a month [or two]

Lately I've been doing most of my blogging on my website/blog, but since this is geared more toward my friends and acquaintances on GA, I figured I'd put this up here.


Normally holidays are hectic. I'm learning they are more hectic when you have a toddler. This year was particularly bad. First I had to work Christmas day - 'had to' is a relative term. i volunteered to do it this year because my 'turn' was coming around and this is probably the last year 'lil q won't remember the day or understand what is happening. I figured it would be better to do it on my terms than be told I was doing it when I didn't want to. But it just added to the stress.


In addition to the usual holiday issues, I ended up in trial for two weeks straight. It wasn't a particularly hard or complicated trial, but the judge decided to take most of the days off in December which meant he had a lot more than normal packed into each day. Then, he only sat for a full day once in that two week span and my weeks got crammed with wasting time waiting for him to call my case. [i won both trials for what that was worth.]


Then there was gift buying, always a struggle for me as I'm horrible at figuring out what people would like. I don't have good taste in much so it was a tough slug.


I also had the publisher deciding that I was going to do the edits in December - happy f'ing Christmas right? Chosen of Honorus was renamed The Last Grand Master and is slated for publication Feb 1, 2013. [More on that to follow another day] So I had to do the edits, approve the cover art, get someone to do a map etc. It was a ton of work because they have the story edited twice, by two different editors.


Finally, and perhaps the worst, is I was really ill. Sicker than I can remember. At first I thought I had pneumonia, but in the end it was bronchitis that I ignored for a couple weeks because I was too busy to go see the doctor. That really sapped my energy and at the end, before the medicine, I was really dragging. I'd stop by, peek in and them click away because I had so much to do and so little energy to do it.


So I'm finally starting to get over this, still not all better, and I've been told to expect this will linger another week. But now that the holidays are over, work starts to pick up again and I've got to figure out how to navigate the whole - 'how to market your newly released book' scheme - which is also not much fun, but I suspect I need to do it and do it right this time.


So with that, hello again and hope to be around a bit more.

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wow, congrats on the upcoming book release!

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Man, it has been a BAD winter for illnesses.  Bronchitis, flu and pneumonia are running rampant this year.  Take care and hope you start feeling better soon!

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Andrew Q Gordon


Thanks Layla  :)


CQ - yeah, glad it wasn't pneumonia.  And I had to get the flu shot - well had to in the sense 'lil q got one, but I wanted to be sure given where I work and that I take metro each day, but yeah this was a kick in the butt.  But thanks :)



Glad you are feeling better.   Bronchitis can sap you and make you feel like dog doodo.  Looks like the rest of your winter will be busy too!  'lil q's christmas dress was so cute! 

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