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I miss my old GA/Writing Life

Back in July '10 when I joined GA I had these 'dreams' for my writing life. I wanted to get get better, write more and one day get published. I suppose I believed the last part wasn't a pipe dream, but a part me also expected to get shot down by the readers here and told, 'yeah, you need a lot of work.' So fast forward two and a half years and I've been fortunate to say the least. One book out, one book due out in three days, and a third July. The GA readers have been extremely generous with the time, comments and encouragement and that is where I feel I've not ben reciprocating.


In my naiveté, I assumed I when I got published, I'd have to cut down on what I posted, but could still post. I expected I'd be able to keep reading and commenting like I used to. I wanted to keep beta reading for folks and trying to help them as much as people helped me. Sigh, so much I haven't had time to do.


The one thing I learned about being published is that it takes almost as much if not more time to promote your work as it did getting it published. I promised Cia I'd write something for the site blog and I will have that out soon. But I do miss how easy it used to be to write, have reviewed, correct and post. I miss reading stuff and leaving witty - well I thought they were witty - comments. I want to have time to beta read for folks again, but I've been so busy, I had to stop before I really got started with someone. Right now I'm only able to work with one person and even he has to badger me because I'm so bad about getting things out in a timely manner.


I want to say, okay, it's going to get better and I'll reclaim my GA Mojo, but I can't. I hate being unable to live up to a promise so I won't make any. My plan is to try to get something out for the Spring Anthology. When I finished Second Shot, I had plans for a spin off and a sequel, but I've yet to have time to work on them. I'm hoping to do something with a couple characters from Second Shot for this Anthology, but it might not get done in time. If not I'll post it as a short story instead.


Sigh - I do miss things being less complicated. But then again, it has been very cool and exciting seeing my work get published. Now if I could just get the word out and see a few more sales. But that is a story for another time.



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In all your push to write, publish, edit, promote and post, I'm sure you haven't forgot to spend as much time on your family as possible.   These first few years before the princess goes off to school full time and develops her own priorities that might not include you and Mike all the time are too precious to waste. 


So don't apologize for having a life!  Just try to enjoy the ride and make as many memories as possible. 


P.S.  The pictures have been great!

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I agree with Daddydavek 100% :)



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Andy, there's no need to apologize for your success.  Everyone here is happy to have one of our own become published in print and e-book formats.


Taking care of your family certainly comes first.

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Andrew Q Gordon


It's not the family time that I feel bad about, far from it. 'lil and Mike get my attention first - always have. It's that I in the free time I have I don't seem to have enough of it to go around.  


At the risk of spreading a forest worth of sap around, I was welcomed, well received and encouraged by the GA community.  So I feel some obligation to return the love so to speak.  It's just hard now that i have these other demands for my 'writing' time.  


But I'll figure it out. I'm Italian, we don't forget our friends. [or our enemies, but no one here fits that description] :P



:hug: Quono.  :)  Yeah, I think I can understand you somewhat.  Just don't overwork yourself.  Take your time.  Relax.  Live your life a bit.  A lot of time that what happened when you turn your hobby into work, and it takes time to readjust the change.  Though you're published (congrats!  it's a big achievement), just keep it going like a hobby.  And you still have your Lil Q!  :)

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