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Writing Prompts #226 & #227

Renee Stevens


Thank you once again to Comicfan for providing a couple of new prompts for you to take a shot at. Make sure you share in the Writing Prompt Forum!


Prompt 226 – Creative
Tag – The Lover
You finally have found the perfect mate. Someone who listens to you, shares your tastes in music and art, loves your movies. However they have just one small flaw. What is it?


Prompt 227 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story: cane, pillow, car, medicine, and toilet paper.


Since no one took a stab at last weeks prompts, we're going to visit a response to prompt #224 by Dolores Esteban called.... Stabbed.





"Your accusation's entirely out of place," Alexander Carmichael said sharply. "You suspect me of having murdered Amanda, don't you? You're wrong, detectives."


He straightened and then continued, forcing himself to keep his voice calm.


"Again, detectives. I have not seen my half-sister and I have not heard from her in twenty years. Apart from the letter she sent after our father's death. That was nine years ago. She accepted the inheritance, a monthly allowance in money, 5.000 pounds sterling until her death. Don't think I killed her for saving that money. My father left me the rest of his fortune, 26 million pounds sterling. You'll find out about it anyway. I can do without Amanda's money and always could. Your accusation's downright ridiculous."


Alexander Carmichael took a breath, turned around and moved to the window. The two detectives watched him until he finally turned back to them and made a gesture with his hand.


"Do what you need to do. Investigate. Check my accounts, my correspondence, my house, whatever you want. I won't hinder you. I can't stop you anyway," he said.


"Is this all that bothers you, Mr. Carmichael? Don't you feel upset? Your half-sister was murdered," Ryan Jones, one of the detectives, said.
Carmichael measured him and then shrugged.


"I saw Amanda only once, twenty years ago. She was fourteen. I was nine. She had come with her mother, my father's first wife, to our grandmother's funeral. My father and his first wife divorced after only one year. Amanda had just been born. My father married again two years later. My mother died one year ago," he said.


He started pacing the room, an elaborately furnished parlour, and finally stopped at a desk and pointed at a photograph. The detectives stepped closer.





Want more? Finish reading it here and leave a review for Dolores!


Recommended Comments

Dolores's mystery prompt response was excellent. I'm hoping to see it expanded and made into something grander. :D


Unfortunately, with the anthology last weekend there weren't any prompts, but hopefully we'll see some interesting responses :) I have to think carefully for this one...

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I agree.  Both of these look interesting.  Have to set aside some time and have a stab at them!

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