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Holding on to Hope



blog-0222829001390675805.jpgSo I have been MIA, I know lol But today was a special day and I wanted to share this news with you all!


My story "Holding on to Hope" is getting published! It comes out next month on the Valentine's Day and I feel very lucky to announce that the publisher is none other than Dreamspinner Press - one of the most reputed publisher in the industry!


It's my dream come true. So without wasting any more time, here's everything to know about it -






TITLE: Holding on to Hope


AUTHOR: Sid Love


PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press


LENGTH: 68 Pages


RELEASE DATE: 14th February, 2014


COVER ARTIST: Paul Richmond


BLURB: Bradley Parker has waited twenty years for Mr. Right, and on Valentine’s Day, he finally finds him. It’s love at first sight, and Brad even loses his virginity to the man of his dreams. But when he wakes up the next morning unable to remember anything—even what the man looked like—his best friend, Leslie, is convinced he imagined the whole thing. Brad knows he didn’t make up the best night of his life, but he has no idea of the danger he’s putting himself in as he struggles to recall the details of his perfect man. His search may lead him to parts of New York City he never dreamed existed and a war being waged in the shadows.


PRE ORDER LINK: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4724







Sid Love grew up in one of busiest cities in the world, Mumbai, listening to the excerpts of Indian epics from his father every night. While it served as an inspiration back in time, he has always had an ambitious mind. In 2007, when he had just turned sixteen, he decided that he would make his lifelong dream come true—to become a well-known, respected author some day.


Ask him and he would refuse to accept that he is obsessed with books. Or movies. Or TV shows. Addicted may even be the right word. He is a die-hard fan of Jane Austen’s romance novels and loves to reread them time and again.


You can find him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sid.love.16?ref=tn_tnmn or tweet him anytime: https://twitter.com/FatefulMercy, or simply e-mail him at sidlovethewriter@live.in.

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