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Writing Prompts #332 & #333

Renee Stevens


I almost can't believe it's already Friday again, this week just seems to have gone by so quickly. Thanks to Comicfan, we have two new prompts for you today. As a reminder, you are more than welcome to upload your prompt responses into GA stories (we even have a genre for them), but if you do so, please remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted in collections. Now, lets see what Comicfan has for us this week.


Prompt 332 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Try it again, and I will kill you!”


Prompt 333 – Creative
Tag – Photo




The hardest part of the Prompt Me blogs is deciding which prompt response to feature. This week I chose DynoReads take on Prompt 330. Enjoy!

"Hey, Dude. Dude, wake up...dude?"


"Huh?" Bill rolled over and rubbed his eyes. Music throbbed in his ears. The frat house down the street must be having another party.


"Dude, you're out of toilet paper."


Still half asleep Bill rolled out of bed to get the extra roll from the linen closet. Walking down the hall he thought he heard a mosquito buzzing past. Bill yawned and set the roll on the sink.


"Finally some service around here." Bill thought that was a lady's voice? In his bathroom? And did a butterfly just fly into the bathroom? Bill decided he must have drunk more than he though last night, and it would be a good idea to get a LARGE glass of water.


As Bill shuffled down the hall, he thought the music got louder. Light spilled into the hallway from the living room arch distracted Bill. The couch, the chair, the love seat and even the window seat was covered with butterflies. Bill blinked, each one seemed to have a tiny champagne flute.


"Ah, the owner of this establishment. Would you be so kind as to ask the louts in the kitchen to turn down their music? We cannot hear ourselves think." A Painted Lady Butterfly hovered in front of Bill's nose.


To read more of this interesting tale, click here.

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