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Life Goes Swimmingly Along

Well, it's like this. In the beginning of Hercules III I said the story is for "everyone". I've tried to keep to that commitment, but now in the start I'm faced with this sentence: There was a holographic image slowly rotating in front of them showing two naked young men in a close, slow dance barely mimicking sexual intimacy.

Okay! Okay. . .

Yes, there is implied sex, but is it too much sex, considering "everyone" might say visual sex is still sex. Does futuristic pornography meet the requirements of no sex? After all, porn does titilate the grungier side of the mind, possibly to the point of no return when orgasmic relief needs to be satisfied.

I have watered down the sentence to the point where any further cleaning will erase the sentence and, most likely, the whole paragraph where it resides.

Frankly, I'm going to run with it unless someone confronts me on the street in the steamier part of town (you know where) and says porn titilates the mind too much. So much, in fact, that certain parts of the body are stimulated into compromising situations.


Chapter 8 of Hercules III is progressing at a slow rate. I'm not awakened at night needing relief from the story bouncing around in my mind. Those nights are long past. Mostly, it's the anti-pyschosis medicine that's doing most of the dirty work. My attention span is so bad sometimes I lose the end of a sentence I'm creating. I'll remember I'm supposed to take my afternoon anti-depressant, but after a few minutes I'll forget it, sometimes until after dinner. I have trouble conversing with anyone because I lose interest and return to a program on the television. My son helps alot (whether he knows it or not) by earnestly carrying a conversation that interests me, but still it only takes a moment and I'm off on some other track, totally forgetting what he asks or says.

Driving is a hazard because I lose concentration on the car ahead and catch myself getting too close. At least I haven't gotten to the point where I can't drive at all. That scares me because we're so far out, it's nearly twenty miles to a town that has everything (three grocery stores, three BECU ATMs, a Rite Aid, a Lowes, and a hospital). There is a bus, but I have to walk a mile and a half to catch it; sunny days are okay, but raining days are not.


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