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No More Hiding *posting complete*

Wow. It’s hard to believe that No More Hiding has finished posting in Premium. I first started writing about Phillip and Vance all the way back in 2009. I completed it and ran it by a few of my friends and, after a bunch of corrections, submitted it to a publisher in February of 2010.


In April 2010, I heard back that it was being rejected. It was probably the nicest rejection letter I could have gotten. Not only did the publisher tell me they liked the characters and the storyline, they told me exactly what it was that was keeping them from accepting No More Hiding for publication.


It took nearly a year before I really decided to sit back down and start to work on the story again with the help of Sara Alva (at that time known as KingdombytheSea). I didn’t understand what the publisher was talking about, but I was lucky that Sara did and was willing to help me. Unfortunately, we only made it through about five chapters of the rewrite before the story stalled. Entirely my fault as I started struggling with the chapters. I can’t say enough about how much Sara helped me in those early chapters.


Fast forward nearly three years when I was asked about doing a story for Premium. I had a couple options, and at first I tried to work on a story called Rough Stock Wranglers. I got a few chapters into the revision before realizing that it needed a lot more work than what I could accomplish in the time frame I had to complete it. So I turned my attention once more to No More Hiding.


It’s been a lot of work. I’ve changed some plot aspects, added some scenes, and some chapters were nearly complete rewrites. I was incredibly lucky to have Cia and AJ who stuck with me through its entirety and once again, not only has it finished posting in Premium, but it is once again in the hands of a publisher. A different one this time and hopefully by the end of October I’ll have an answer as to whether or not they’ll accept it for publication. If they don’t, then it looks like I’ll be self-publishing it, just like I did with Challenging Fate!


A huge Thank You to all those who have been reading and commenting on the story as it posts! I've enjoyed reading all of your thoughts and thank you for sticking with me through the story, I know at times it has been a bit of a tough read!


So, what's next?


It’s hard to imagine that it’s been a 5 year journey with No More Hiding. Now I need to work on Rough Stock Wranglers, which, ironically enough, will have also become a 5 year journey once it’s done considering it was my 2010 NaNoWriMo story.


(I will also be working on finishing "Thwarted", "Line of Sight", and "Forging Trust".)

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I'm gonna read the last 3 chapters tomorow after work. I liked this story so much and I am also "sad" that it's complete :(:)

Renee Stevens


Thank you Little Blue One.  I look forward to seeing what you think of the final chapters.  It is a bit of a sad day, but on the plus side, it just means I can turn my focus to something else.  I will miss Phillip, Vance, Jacob, Sam, Robert, Bree, Corey, and Marissa though.  *sigh*  Maybe that's why I wanted to share a little of the history of "No More Hiding".  Sometimes it really sucks to change a story from "In Process" to "Complete"

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I loved how Sam made everyone's day!  

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