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Writing Prompts #356 & #357

Renee Stevens


It's Friday again!!! I hope that everyone has had a great week so far. It's that time again for two new prompts, supplied as always by our prompt guru, Comicfan! *Reminder: Authors are more than welcome to post their Prompt Responses in GA Stories, but please remember that flash pieces under 1k must be posted in collections, not as individual stories.*


Prompt 356 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Since when do I have to tell you everything?”


Prompt 357 – Creative
Tag – The Party
You have been part of a group who meet and discuss things online for the past five years. They have decided to get together and have a huge party. What is it like and where is it held?


This week I decided to feature Rook Lee's response to Prompt #355:

“Here let me get that for you sir.” A young man said cheerfully.


The heavy door Richard had been struggling with easily swung open and he hobbled into the store. All the while fumbling to put away his umbrella with his cane tucked under his arm. He glared up at the man who still stood holding the door.


The young man’s smile twitched to an uncertain frown and Richard’s eyes dropped to the name tag. The overenthusiastic air he gave off virtually screamed “new guy” but Richard’s eyes weren't what they used to be. He had forgotten his glasses and couldn't read the name.


“Thank you Williams.” Richard muttered the first name that came to mind.


“Um, no problem sir. Please watch your step.” Newly dubbed Williams said.


Richard was aware of the impatient grumblings aimed at his back by a couple teenagers as he held up the entryway but he didn't give a damn. Without his cane his legs felt like jelly and he could see the puddles of water this employee had been in the process of cleaning. They would survive with an awning over their heads. They should have all been at home instead of out in this god forsaken storm anyway. Exactly where he should have been instead he was returning a book.


Richard didn’t need a book recounting his life’s history. About the grandchildren who most likely thought him dead since he never introduced himself. Or how well his own brats had done in college or who they had married. It had all been his hard earned money putting them through school without a damned “thank you”. The check he sent to their weddings had been to temporarily satisfy the “money grubbing ingrates” off his back. He never did get an invitation in the mail either. If he had he would have tossed it out with the garbage.


They were his personal hell on Earth. How ironic. It wasn’t until recently that he thought he truly deserved them... a long and painful life derived by the devil tormenting him so. He deserved this after what he had done in the past. A man couldn’t live with half a soul after all. The reminder now in his back pocket. A few pieces of paper so achingly precious.


To read the rest, click here!

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