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Ask An Author #22

Renee Stevens


Many might have noticed that there was no "Ask An Author" feature last month. There were a few reasons for that, but one of the main ones was because this month we're doing a Special Edition of Ask An Author! In the spirit of the season, Dark has gifted us with an Ask An Author feature that features not three, but FOUR, authors. On top of that, each of the authors this month has answered two questions each! Thanks Dark! Enjoy!

Ask an Author #22


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors! Today is a special edition and as such features 2 questions apiece for 4 different authors!


In AtA #21, we had questions for authors comicfan, K.C., and reddirtwriter.


In AtA #22, we’ll hear from authors Comicality, Nephylim, Rob Colton, and Sasha Distan.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


First up today is signature author Comicality. Legend says that Myr was a big fan of the stories Comsie posted online and dragged a kicking and screaming Comicality to the then-fledgling teen fiction website that today is known as Gay Authors. With 4,758,720 total words in over a hundred different stories, Comsie is one of our most beloved (and followed) authors. My One True Weakness is Comicality’s most recent multi-chapter story, told in first person about young Russ’s search for his one true love. Check it out! You know Comicality won’t leave you hanging for long!


To Comicality #1: How did you come up with the concept for "The Secret Life of Billy Chase?"

Actually, "Billy Chase" began as a fanfiction type of story. It was originally going to be about a boy whose father worked for a celebrity talent agency, and Billy would get the chance to meet and sleep with many well known famous cuties of the time. Hehehe, but after trying to plan out ways for that to happen, I decided to make Billy the focus instead of the starlets that he got into bed. And that story was much more interesting to me, and I thought it would be much more relatable to people reading. So I decided to write Billy as more of a regular teenage boy, just trying to navigate through the trials and tribulations of life, love, sex, and personal identity. Just as a normal person would, pitfalls and all. I'm glad that I went in that in that direction. Anything else would have burned out a long time ago.


To Comicality #2: What inspired you to write the Gone from Daylight series? Did you ever really have a solid direction you wanted the narrative to go in, or did it come to you as you went?


A weird story, actually. Hehehe! When I was in my late teens, I actually got the Chickenpox. Now...if anyone has had the chickenpox past the age of ten...you KNOW just how screwed up and almost FATAL something like that can be! Hehehe, and I had it sooooo bad! I was so depressed, for like two MONTHS or more! LOL! Anyway, "GFD" actually came from a really screwed up dream that I had while breaking a fever of 102* on a random Wednesday afternoon! Bedridden and alone...I had a dream about vampire teenagers who ran a night club, and fed off of their patrons one by one as they came in for a good time. Over time, I developed this story a bit more and called it "Midnight's Child". And that later became "Gone From Daylight". Also, I wanted an exotic name for the main love interest in the story, and came up with a bunch of different ideas, until the name 'Taryn' came to mind. I didn't know it was a real name until the movie "8 Mile" came out, and the actress/singer, Taryn Manning, was in the cast.


Next, say hello to another signature author, the vampiress Nephylim! Writing to us from Wales, Nephy is both an accomplished mother (one daughter and one son) and a published author. Swing by her blog some time to say hello! She’s strong, beautiful, determined, and by all accounts as nice in person as she is online. It’s been about a year now since my favorite Nephy story, “A Face in the Window,” was published, but since then we’ve been introduced to Frank, from ”Finding Alex”, Slave and Shade, from ”Boy Called Slave”, and a good half-dozen other new boys to keep us all interested. If you haven’t yet found Alex, I recommend you give it a read.


To Nephylim #1: Which character do you regret the most in Enigma and why?

Not sure what you mean by this. I've no regrets as far as the characters are concerned in the story. They each have their part and I like them all for different reasons. Even Faith. He was a stereotype it was fun to write. My biggest regrets as far as Enigma is concerned are, firstly that I haven't been able to afford to have it properly edited before publication and secondly that Silver isn't real


To Nephylim #2: Your fictional story, Dangerous Liaisons, deals with gays and bigotry fueled by religion. Do you feel that there is hope for these bigots in real life? That they can become more open-minded and come to accept gays? What do you think it will take to spark this change?


To be honest, the answer to this question has to be, I don't know. I have never been able to understand religious bigots. The bible provides no more reason to hate gays than to stone adulteresses or murder children. It has always shocked me that people who are happy to accept horrific behaviour (like murder, child abuse and torture) both in the bible and in the name of the bible can't accept an expression of love. What I mainly don't understand is - lets say the bible DOES condemn homosexuality and all homosexuals are going to hell, what does that have to do with anyone else? What gives someone the right to beat, berate or even murder someone because they're going to hell? If someone has joy and love in their hearts they have no room for hate and if someone has hate and bitterness in their hearts they have no room for love of any kind. I honestly have no idea what it would take to get the hate out. I don't really think they want it to.


Our next author is another signature author: Rob Colton. You may remember him joining us as robcub32 in the spring of 2012. With more than 10 stories and 4500 likes, it’s no wonder this writer was promoted so quickly! His first story was “The Deegan Incident” which has since been expanded with Book 2 of the series Galactic Conspiracies which takes the story to a doctor and his marine lover. Or, if sci-fi isn’t to your taste, you might like Rob’s most recent story, Noah's New Plan, about a man whose partner leaves him for a younger man. Find out what Noah gets up to as he starts over in his middle years.


To Rob Colton #1: What helps you to focus when writing?

It seems these days I have a lot of distractions trying to pull me away from writing. What I have found most helpful is to set aside time, usually on Saturday and/or Sunday. Instead of sitting with my laptop in the living room or wherever, I find I concentrate better sitting in my office at my desk using my big screen monitor.


To Rob Colton #2: How did you decide to start publishing your work?


What really got me to publish my work was the prodding of some of my fans, as well as author M. A. Church. After she made the successful leap into the publishing world, she gave me a ton of great advice. I was so nervous after submitting my first novella, but I am so very glad I took the chance.


Last up in this special edition is an up and coming writer, Promising Author Sasha Distan. At almost 10,000 likes and 150+ followers, I’d be surprised if you didn’t know this author! He’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, with a surprising story of encouragement by way of his godfather (way back when he was just a wee lad of 15). According to his profile, Sasha is now published on 3 different sites and is another one of our members from good ol’ Great Britain. His short story collection American Songbook has its 9th addition as of November 25th, and if you haven’t yet read about Clem’s confusion, I highly recommend it. Besides, who can resist a story about cowboys? ;)


To Sasha Distan #1: How do you deal with writer's block?

Generally, I don't get it. For which the rest of you will now curse me as a lucky S.O.B, I'm sure. If a particular chapter, scene or character is being difficult, I always find a change in physical location helps. Even if all I do is go for walk, or make dinner, when I come back, I can look at the situation anew. Mostly I think I used up all of my writer's block in the four years I spent not writing between 2008 and 2012. My muse tells me I needed that time to let the story i was thinking about fully mature, but then, we disagree often.


To Sasha Distan #2: How do you balance your work and personal life with writing, especially when the ideas are flowing faster than you can write them?


The short answer is: I just don't sleep anymore. The longer answer is that I don't have as much social life as people might think. Being a teacher is a great excuse for not being available on school nights. In a typical week day, i'll be at work from 7.30 until 5. Then I'll go to the farm and ride, work sheep, feed dogs and do other farm jobs for three hours. Come home, cook dinner, and then write until midnight. And as my sister will attest, I type really fast. it helps.


As we enter the Holiday Season, send a thank-you note to your favorite authors on their profile pages, blogs, or in chat. You might be surprised how much even a small overture can really brighten up a person’s day. With the crazy weather this year and the usual hustle-bustle-stress of the holidays, one teensy smile can stretch a long way.


Coming next time: Mark Arbor, Thomas Nealy, and Thorn Wilde.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).
Until next time!

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that's the nicest intro anyone has ever written about me! When I'm rich and infamous, I shall get Dark to write my biography.

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Delighted to hear from several of my favorites in this installment and to see more of them on the docket for next time.


I'm especially pleased that Comicality has returned to "My One True Weakness," since it's long been a favorite of mine among his unfinished stories. But it might not be the best example of the author "not leaving us hanging": the gap between chapters 3 and 4 was 12 years!


Don't know whether you intended that to be funny, Dark, but it definitely made me laugh!

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