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When to OUT People: a Guide for Nuking Hypocrites

"Outing" people is, under most circumstances, traumatic and potentially destructive.


It can even be dangerous to people.


It should only be done only under certain exceptional circumstances. Examples follow and then guidelines.



Reverend Ted Haggard, millionaire leader of a mega-church, was a highly influential, outspoken critic of gay people and gay rights.

He counseled parents to send their gay kids to pray-the-gay-away camp.

He was caught with a hustler and crystal meth.


More info: http://en.wikipedia....iki/Ted_Haggard







Rep. Mark Foley never saw a piece of ridiculously anti-gay legislation that he didn't like. He also voted for and authored many bills that created severe penalties for illegal use of a minor.

He was caught sending sexy texts to under-aged male pages. He requested that they take pictures of their junk and send it to him.'


More info: http://en.wikipedia....l_page_incident







Senator Larry Craig had one of the senates most anti-gay voting records. He was caught soliciting sex from a police officer in a airport mens room.


For more info: http://en.wikipedia....y_Craig_scandal







This is Dr. George Rekers(left). He wrote many of the basic scientific papers used by anti-gay hate groups to justify their bigotry. He did a study (federally funded) utilizing negative feedback (aversion therapy) to turn an effeminate male child "masculine". He touted his research with his test subject Craig as a big success. Problem was that Craig was a broken adult and committed suicide just shy of his 35th birthday after a long battle with drug and alcohol addiction and depression.

Rekers was a board member of NARTH (National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality) and co-founder of the Family Research Council.

Dr. George as he was affectionately called by the board of directors of the Family Research Council (FRC), was the face of scientific credibility for their severely biased anti-gay propaganda.


He was caught vacationing with a pretty young twink he met on rentboy.com

He claimed to have a bad back and paid the poor deviant boy $5000 to accompany him on vacation so that he could minister to him.

The rent-boy(right) didn't really know who Dr. George was. When he found out, he blew the whistle on Reker's lies. It turns out that sex doesn't count as ministering.


The quack Doctor George Alan Rekers wrote many books including the steaming piece of crap below. There's no telling how many children have been tortured because they didn't fit Reker's or their parents image of masculinity.




Both the FRC and NARTH continue to use Reker's work.


More info: http://liftmyluggage.org


Reker's unethical human experimentation: http://www.towleroad...troyed-a-m.html



Once again:






A Good General Rule of Thumb:


Never ever under ANY circumstances out a minor.


Never out a private citizen. The way they live their life and handle their affairs is nobodies business but their own.




Celebrities and people in power, especially hypocrites that use that power to harm other GLBT people, ALL BETS ARE OFF.


It's sort of a public service to out ass-hats like this.






Originally run in April 2012

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I thought this looked familiar... ;)



it's from my greatest blog hits collection with over 4,000 views.



This is definitely a classic post. One for the ages. I don't know whether we are going to have a whole lot more closet cases going forward, in our wonderful new world, but who knows. I think outing someone who is going out of their way to harm gays is not only justified but necessary, and sets the an instructive example for others.


Ain't it weird that some of the worst homophobes were themselves homo? There is something profoundly dishonorable about that.

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Ain't it weird that some of the worst homophobes were themselves homo? There is something profoundly dishonorable about that.


Maybe it started off as a survival thing, and they wound up in public roles and found that it was a big advantage.

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"Originally run in April 2012" and still valid today.

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