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People Will has slept with

Mark Arbour

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I have a research assignment for those of you who are willing to tackle it.  I'm trying to figure out how many people Will has had sex with.  I'm trying to break it down by three categories:  Oral, anal-receptive (bottom), and anal-penetrative (top).  Hand jobs don't count.  :wizard: So any of you who feel up to reading through Poor Man's Son, Paternity, and now 9.11, take some time to tally them up for me.  Just list the category, and then the name of who he was with below it. 

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   Is it really possible to figure that out? I don't think we've been privy to every single sexual encounter Will has had, and it's possible that he could have messed around with other guys in between the time that Brad saw him messing with Drew, and between the start of Poor Man's Son, as well as during the gap between Paternity and 9.11.

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   Is it really possible to figure that out? I don't think we've been privy to every single sexual encounter Will has had, and it's possible that he could have messed around with other guys in between the time that Brad saw him messing with Drew, and between the start of Poor Man's Son, as well as during the gap between Paternity and 9.11.


Let's go on the assumption that I've cataloged all of his sexploits.

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Or at the VERY least, let's at least catalogue the ones we have seen.


Going on the assumption that these characters have been having bunches and bunches and bunches of hook-ups with bunches and bunches and bunches of people out-of-story...kind of defeats the purpose of trying to figure out who and how many for...well, for any one of them. :P


(Although...something about "cataloguing" anyone's sexual history just seems so so wrong. :P)

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   Will isn't a real person. If we were talking Andy Sharpe, who is based on a real person, it'd be one thing, but Will doesn't actually exist.



Let's go on the assumption that I've cataloged all of his sexploits.


   I'm kinda having a hard time believing that Kyle and Tony were the only guys that Will had sex with between February 2001 to May 2001, but that's what creative liberty is for.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Let's go on the assumption that I've cataloged all of his sexploits.


Dude, Will is such a slut....  I'm sure he's done guys even you don't know about :P  All those hot, horny surfer dudes in Malibu out front of his house!


Here is what I have so far off the top of my head:


Will’s “loves”; Drew, John, Gathan, Ryan, Alistair, Tony, the taxi driver to Santa Cruz, Berto, Jeff, David (ice dancer), Shane, tech guy, Kristoffer, Kyle, guy at Paly party, weight room guy, Vic the masseuse, Trevor & Hayden, Jake, night  club in Chicago, Carmine, Mason, Steve (Maui), Kai, Malcolm......   That is like 28-30 so far depending on how many guys in Norway he actually hooked up with. I'll need to find that chapter(s).

Edited by PrivateTim
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   I'm kinda having a hard time believing that Kyle and Tony were the only guys that Will had sex with between February 2001 to May 2001, but that's what creative liberty is for.


I can actually see that, if he's getting regular carnal servicing.  :P   I expect that Jeff could have been around occasionally, too.  It's tough to meet older guys when you're still a high school freshman.  Cut him some slack. 


Dude, Will is such a slut....  I'm sure he's done guys even you don't know about :P  All those hot, horny surfer dudes in Malibu out front of his house!


Here is what I have so far off the top of my head:


Will’s “loves”; Drew, John, Gathan, Ryan, Alistair, Tony, the taxi driver to Santa Cruz, Berto, Jeff, David (ice dancer), Shane, tech guy, Kristoffer, Kyle, guy at Paly party, weight room guy, Vic the masseuse, Trevor & Hayden, Jake, night  club in Chicago, Carmine, Mason, Steve (Maui), Kai, Malcolm......   That is like 28-30 so far depending on how many guys in Norway he actually hooked up with. I'll need to find that chapter(s).


Ah, but there's sex, and then there's sex.  If we count oral sex the same as butt sex, well...I'd have to seriously revise my own numbers.  So would you.  :o:lmao:

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Will isn't a real person. If we were talking Andy Sharpe, who is based on a real person, it'd be one thing, but Will doesn't actually exist.


You assume that because? :D


As far as we know, Mark could as well be JP and this is his life and his family.

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Now that would be funny if Mark just happened to have a bitchy blond nephew that shares my first name and my birthdate, and my younger brattier tendencies. LOL.

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You assume that because? :D


As far as we know, Mark could as well be JP and this is his life and his family.


From "ADHD and writing":



Your question was what do I do to stay focused on a story?  Immersion.  I have to totally imagine that I'm my protagonist. I have to see as vividly as I'm there the things he's seeing.  I'm not saying that I can't tell what's going on in the world outside my head, I'm just saying that when I'm writing, I'm very much visualizing the situation.


Based on this, it stands to reason that many many characters (though not all!), not just JP, could represent the Many Facets of Arbour.

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So no help on this one?  No one wants to put together a list. 


*turns into JJ*  Fine.  Then when the posting slows down, and you all get mad at me, I'll have to explain that it was because I had to go back and put this together myself.  :P

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*turns into JJ*  Fine.  Then when the posting slows down, and you all get mad at me, I'll have to explain that it was because I had to go back and put this together myself.  :P


I think JJ would be more along the lines of, "I can't believe you guys are fucking up my posting schedule by making me do this list by myself! And I asked so nicely, too. FUCK YOU GUYS!"

Edited by methodwriter85
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So no help on this one?  No one wants to put together a list. 



Hey, but you're kind of like Will's dad? If you don't know all of this already, should we be telling you really?  :unsure:

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PrivateTim said : Drew, John, Gathan, Ryan, Alistair, Tony, the taxi driver to Santa Cruz, Berto, Jeff, David (ice dancer), Shane, tech guy, Kristoffer, Kyle, guy at Paly party, weight room guy, Vic the masseuse, Trevor & Hayden, Jake, night  club in Chicago, Carmine, Mason, Steve (Maui), Kai, Malcolm.


I still think we are missing someone.


oral ONLY: Drew, Allistair, Shane, Kristoffer, Paolo, Vic the Masseuse,Jake, Steve, John Carullo (Stanford football player), clerk in San Fran store


Will Bottomed ONLY: John, Gathan, Ryan, Tony, Tyler the cab driver,  Kyle, Patrick from party, Trevor, Chicago night club guy, Carmine, Kai


Will topped ONLY: David the ice dancer,Jason theTech guy, Hayden, Mason, Malcolm, Raine, Gustave


Will was practicing being versatile: Berto, Jeff

Edited by Mari
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    Will had oral sex with Evan Lysacek in Norway, didn't he? I know JJ only made out with Evan, but I thought Will got to third base with Evan, pissing JJ off.


     I'll be honest- I tend to glaze over during the Will sex scenes, especially when he was still 13, so I'm bad at keeping track of the amount of guys he's been with.

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From what I remember they just made out, jj came back in the room and interrupted them before it went past kissing. I have no clue what the bases are. Care to define?

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So, when I was Will's age, I had a fair bit of gay sex, because for whatever reason, the neighborhood where I grew up had some pretty open minded guys. Had I been "hotter", or more social, I'm sure I would have had quite a few different partners. As it was, I had a couple/three friends who liked to play, although we were pretty bad at it. "Practicing", and all that.


So since I had some FWBs, I got some fairly regularly. Looking at the number of times that Will's gotten some and comparing it to my own history at the time, I'd say Will's had more sex, but not much more. We were pretty busy. I guess what I'm saying is that while Will's had more partners, it's not a given that he's having more sex than others in his age group.

Edited by Gene Splicer PHD
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   It would make sense that because Will's in a jet-set lifestyle where he meets a lot of people while he's traveling around, he's having more sexual partners as opposed to a typical 15-year old, but the bulk of those experiences tend to be one-offs instead of regular sexual partners like they would be with a 15-year old boy who has a lot of neighbor/school friends he messes with.

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Without looking at anecdotal experiences, Will is way, way ahead of other 14 year olds.


There are all kinds of studies out there that talk about at what age teens have sex for the first time and all kinds that talk about the average number of lifetime partners.

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We've had this discussion a few times before, where we worry and wring out hands about a 14/15 year old dude getting laid, and I get rolled eyes from some people about how improper it is. 




But for the record, I actually based Will's sexual development and maturity on four guys I knew growing up.  All four of them matured early, and all four of them were wolves by the time they were 13.  One guy was so nice, shit, people would do anything he wanted them to do.  Another guy was cocky, a real asshole, and tended to use people. Another got in trouble and went to jail.  And one guy was kind of a laid back stoner dude.  Three of them (not the guy who went to jail) were hot, really hot. 


They were lucky, in that their bodies developed fast enough that they could take advantage of their total cuteness to get laid.  I don't recall any of them thinking (then or later) that it was traumatic.  They were mostly just smiling about it. 

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They were lucky, in that their bodies developed fast enough that they could take advantage of their total cuteness to get laid.  I don't recall any of them thinking (then or later) that it was traumatic.  They were mostly just smiling about it. 


I cringed about it at first, and I'm still not particularly into reading the scenes, but then again...when I was 9th grade I did know guys and girls who were very developed and very sexually experienced. I knew a few people who had already had brushes with pregnancy and the like. It wasn't a big deal to me in 9th grade when my friends talked about having sex, because when I was 14/15 I didn't see my friends as being little kids.


I mean, you're not really representing Will as the norm, which is why the massive bulk of the guys you've had Will hook up with were at least 17.

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We've had this discussion a few times before, where we worry and wring out hands about a 14/15 year old dude getting laid, and I get rolled eyes from some people about how improper it is. 


They were lucky, in that their bodies developed fast enough that they could take advantage of their total cuteness to get laid.  I don't recall any of them thinking (then or later) that it was traumatic.  They were mostly just smiling about it. 


Improper makes it sound like its "against the rules" just for the sake of being "against the rules" and that there are no practical or legitimate reasons as to why children shouldn't be promiscuous,


No one, at least no one I know, says that getting laid when you are 14 is going to be traumatic for a guy, not even when the person is twice you age. I know it is inconsistent, but I do think it is different when a guy is 15 and the woman is 30, than a 30 year old guy and 15 year old girl.


But traumatic isn't quite the right word. I don't know the right word to use, but I do think that when you've had 30 partners before you are 15, especially when you are straight, it is going to effect future relationships. I do think it is slightly different for gay males.


With your friends, how many of the three have had more than one marriage? How many of the wolves stayed wolves and ruined relationships through it? Sociology and psychology are not really my things, but I did have a lot of the classes in college and it does come into play in my job in peripheral ways. I think there are any number of studies that show practical or legitimate reasons why being promiscuous (as opposed to just sexually active) is not healthy emotionally, whether or not the person realizes the consequences and anecdotal evidence aside.

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