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Ask An Author #24

Renee Stevens


It's hard to believe it's already February, but not only is it a new month, but it's also the first Wednesday of the month. That means it's time for the "Ask An Author" feature provided to us by Dark! Don't forget, PM Dark if you have a question you'd like to ask your favorite author!

Ask an Author #24


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #23, we had questions for authors Mark Arbour, Thomas Nealy, and Thorn Wilde.


In AtA #24, we hear from authors Andrew Q. Gordon, Andy78, and Sasha Distan.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


This will be the fourth question in AtA posed for Signature Author Andrew Q. Gordon. Though he may not be as active on GA as he once was, AQG remains popular, and is gaining new followers every day, through GA or the internet publishers he’s graced with his time and efforts. His most recent release A Closed Door is likewise through new Wayward Ink Publishing, which, if I’m not mistaken, Q helped get started. And don’t forget that Q continues to add to the story begun in Second Shot, one of the first stories Q posted to GA and still one of the most-liked. At Q’s website, you can find out more about how busy his life has gotten chasing the toddler Lil’ Q has become.


To Andrew Q. Gordon: Has fatherhood and formal marriage encouraged you to re-think the balance in your life between work/career and your personal life as a father/husband? And if so in what ways?

Marriage hasn't really changed my life that much - and where it has, it's all been for the better. As far as we were concerned, we'd been acting like we were married for at least 16 years when we 'formally' tied the knot. All those balancing issues were there and dealth with before - at least where marriage is concerned.


Fatherhood, on the other hand, created/creates a huge shift in focus. I do a much better job of being out on time - not that I didn't want to see Mike, but if I got home at 630 vs 730 didn't matter so much because we'd have the rest of the evening. Now, getting home at 730 means instead of two hours to see 'lil q I get one. In the past I would take people's weekends to get extra time off later - (court is open saturdays and holiday in DC so we cover those days on a rotating schedule) Now I give away my days where I can to have that time. Weekends require more planning, becuase we want to do things with her. We also need to plan more in general. So it absolutely required a rethinking of my priorities and activities.


Andy78 first graced GA by the name Andy 021278 in 2011. In 2013, he became a Promising Author, and then in 2014 became a Signature Author. He has also been a long-time helper behind the scenes, like working on the blog and a being part of the forum moderation team. One of our many Brits, Andy loves to cook and helped me discover the reality show Masterchef in its overseas guises (I can’t help but love Gordon Ramsey). Andy is also a long-time devotee of our Friday Weekly Prompts. You’ll find some real gems in his collection and its sequel. As if that weren’t enough, Andy often submits to the anthologies, of which my favorite is From Beyond the Stars, because it’s told in a unique way via emails from the different characters.


To Andy78: Do you take on multiple stories at once or do you like to take it one story at a time?

When posting, I now try to limit myself to one story at a time, though I have about seven or eight others I'm working on. I used to quite happily flit between posting two or three stories at once, but because of constant changes in my work life I'm now in the mess of having two in process stories that haven't been updated in ages. I'm still writing chapters for them, so they will be finished at some point. Though from now on I'll only be posting a story once it's complete.


Today’s final author Sasha Distan was featured most recently in AtA #22 and is a fellow Brit. Self-described as a cowboy, writer, jeweler, chef, and “not-so-secret Redneck-type,” Sasha is married with 2 fat babies (he calls them “fancy goldfish”). You can find his published works on Lulu.com, if you’ve already devoured the 40 stories he’s posted to GA. :o


To Sasha Distan: You have an ever increasing body of work on GA. How do you balance your work with so many open stories in progress at once?

I cheat. Kidding. Sometimes I genuinely do work on three or four stories at once, and it's hard, but i just write whichever character is holding my brain to ransom on any particular day. Summer last year, for example, I was writing Unexpected Liaisons and Cowboy Summer and i simply had to not write any cowboy Summer for two weeks because Zupan wouldn't let me go. I have just finished writing and posting Wicked Boy, but Born Wolf was completed before I started posting it, which is why it looks like I'm doing two at once. Of course, this means I also work on other stuff while uploading which you guys don't see just yet. Whatever's going on, I'm always writing.


Oh Dark, I think the "coded" message in this question is "Are you going to write any more direct confusion chapters soon?", and the answer to that is "YES".


That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


See you next time, with authors Aditus, Nephylim, and Stephanie Danielson.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).
Until next time!

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great article Dark!

unfortunately we no longer lived with our two fat and fancy goldfish. One passed away two years ago, and the other pined for his buddy so we re-homed him into a big fresh water pond with some friends. He's gone wild.


once we moved, hopefully we will have fluffy babies.

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once we moved, hopefully we will have fluffy babies.

Fluffy babies, YAY! Didn't you say something about men and their dogs? Cats? Both?

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