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Shoot Me Now

So it looks like I'm going against the firing squad for, well, things that should not have been said.


It's like waving a red flag at twenty thousand bulls.


My last blog post (now deleted to prevent continued offense) about the wonderful service of the Marines was meant to be a mere, light-hearted joke that reflects my own humor. And before I apologise for that particular incident, which caused an unsurmountably large uproar of dissaproval, you must realise that it was your choice to come to the Jordanation, you should be aware that the faint-hearted will not survive.


I apologize for the following:


1. My last blog post. I am sorry that it caused most of you to be offended. That was not the intention at all. I never want to offend anybody. But I do realise that my words which I may personally think is funny, may not be to others. From now on, I'm going to watch what I say. No more offensive material which mocks the brilliant service of the US military from here ever again. I will no longer make fun of other countries as well, as this has offended some others too. No more.


And that's a promise.


2. My status update about NZ accepting gay marriage before USA did. That was just me being mean and I shouldn't have done that. I think I was trying to show the USA doesn't always have the one-up from NZ. I dunno, I can't even remember tbh. I'm sorry for the offense that has caused. America deserves a party without me.


3. My common catch phrase. Apparently, some love the term 'punk bitch' while others detest it. I'm sorry if this phrase has offended you also. I use it as a funky kinda dropline I use for everyone, including myself. But from now, I will carefully use this phrase keeping in mind who it's with and if they will find it offensive or not.


Seriously, I never wish to be offensive. Some of you think I am outrightly and I can admit that maybe I was just for a little bit. But I'm gonna stop now and just keep doing what I do best. And that's writing. I still have two promising stories to write and I'm getting distracted trying to pull funnies on you all.


So yeah. All I ask now is your understanding. I will understand if you don't forgive me or feel any sympathy. I should take the consequences and just lay low.


Just no more backlash please. Being trampled by twenty thousand bulls is more than enough hate for one day.

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My response to your previous blog entry, which only you and I saw, wasn't intended to trample you.  Hopefully, it showed that I am neither faint-hearted nor vindictive.


As for the US trailing behind other countries in advancing certain social changes, it's not reasonable for us to always be the leader.  We will eventually get there.


You are forgiven.

  • Site Moderator


It can be addictive to push the boundaries of both good sense and good taste from the relative safety and anonymity of the internet. When you post on a site like GA, you are communicating with people from many countries and cultures. Sometimes it's easy to make a mistake and offend someone, especially with intended humor. Satire, sarcasm, and hyperbole often fall flat with the end user. You can't see an impish grin or waggling eyebrows through the separation of the printed word over an internet connection that may communicate a totally different meaning. It's a fundamental of good character to admit a mistake. I think you took a huge step in the right direction here.  :)

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Never saw your blog so I've no opinion. Although I'm very surprised it could have been so bad as to make one staunch FOS advocate do a 180 :/ Especially as this is sacrosanct to the American psyche. That being said a good rule of thumb is to stick to your own tribe when joking. So African Americans can joke about niggas, Jews about Israel, paraplegics about wheelchairs... you get the idea. And I can joke about crazy Americans coz we're cousins :lol:



Maturing is a process, and we all make mistakes. Owning up to those, and learning from them is the biggest sign you are on your way to gaining a portion of that maturity. You are very young, and filled with the power your youth gives you... with time you will learn to use it more wisely. I, for one, hold no ill will towards you. If you follow through with what you say, you will earn the forgiveness you seek... Cheers... Gary

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Hi Jordanator - I just wanted you to know that I attempted to defend/explain your post (to a degree) yesterday, but I'm not sure if it had a chance to be approved (or not approved?) by the moderator before you deleted the original. I'm definitely not trying to start anything up again, just wanted you to know you weren't entirely alone while waving that red flag. Meanwhile, I appreciate your quick apology to those you offended. I hope the hurt feeling will heal quickly, all around.

-cems [lurker extraordinaire]



Sorry to hear what you're going through little man and yes, your sense of humor may not be for the masses. Equally, you're a young person trying to find your way and that need to be understood by your elders too. You've said your sorry and you deserved to be forgiven for your indiscretions.


I hope you don't decide to lay low. I would miss you, as I'm sure so would a lot of others. You are an entertaining and creative young man with a lot of talent. Just be mindful before making comment, which may not be to everyone's liking.


However, I also think we as grown up ought to remember what it was like to be young. And that trampling all over a teenager is not cool either.  


Our role is to nurture and guide not to destroy. Stay strong little man.

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Thank you guys. Some of you are ready to forgive while others still think negatively about this. If you don't agree with my apology, would you change your mind if I never did make offensive jokes like I said I would?

  • Site Administrator


Actions speak louder than words.  You need to show us you are willing to change your behavior, not just beg forgiveness when none has been earned.  It doesn't come overnight. 

Never Surrender


i would also like an apology for your derisive comments about women playing sports, just while we're here! 


ill forgive, as long as you promise to at least try and learn, but it may take a while to forget!



Please note who didn't pile on and urged others to be nice. ;)



Part of growing up is pushing your boundaries...but it's also about learning.  If you learn from this and take something positive from it then I would count that as a success.  

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