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#throwbackthursday- Clueless On Set, 20 Years Ago



we were blessed with quite possibly one of the best Jane Austen adaptions ever, Clueless. An updated version of her book, Emma, Clueless follows the trials and tribulations of Cher, a pampered 15-year old Beverly Hills student, who can't help but try to play matchmakers to those in her world, often with hilarious results and misunderstandings. Twenty years later, the film has become a teen class and remains a fresh, funny take on the social mores of Jane Austen updated to a then-contemporary setting. Check out this great Throwback video of them on set twenty years ago:


To celebrate, I'm going to post some of favorite tunes from the movie:



It was kind of strange when I was a little bit older and I realized that this wasn't the original version of the song and it actually came out in the early 1980's as a new-wave tune. I can't really decide which one I like better, the original or this version.



This video is just hilarious. I loved that it was a Carrie homage.


"Alright" by Supergrass


What a great feel-good for such a feel-good movie.


And of course, the closing tune of the movie:



I didn't know that this was actually a tune from the 1980's- I really thought this had been written for the movie. In any event, it's kind of funny that it sounds like such a happy tune...but then if you listen carefully to the lyrics, it's about a guy in a toxic relationship.
Anyway, Clueless remains one of my favorite childhood friends, and it just holds up so well. I feel like it's kind of a time capsule in a way- really reflecting that mid-1990's time period between the grunge feeling of circa 1993/1994 and the pop boom of circa 1997.


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