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Interview: Dolores Esteban

Renee Stevens


Have you downloaded your copy of this month's signature background? If not, before you do so, check out this week's interview that Cia did with Dolores Esteban on her story Cold Case.


Interview with Dolores Esteban


Single people often have more time to write. Are you single?

Yes, I’m single, but I don’t feel I have more time. No long evenings and lonely weekends


Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?

I make my bed in the morning. I like it all tidy. It saves time and nerves.


Did you like to write as a kid in school?

No, I actually hated it. I loved reading, though. I practically spent all my free time reading books on a wide variety of subjects.


What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Reading books on a wide variety of subjects, researching weird stuff on the internet and discussing it with friends. I’m intensively following an aviation forum on the internet. Don’t ask me why. I was interested in a specific topic and now I can’t stop reading the stuff. Oh, and I have a full time job.


What’s the best part of being an author?

I can make up a whole new world. I can do whatever I like and go wherever I want to.


Did something specific inspire you to write in a crime/cop based-theme for Cold Case?

The first chapter was actually a reply to Comicfan’s prompt # 122. I rewrote and continued the story later.


Did the characters or the plot for Cold Case come to you first?

The prompt inspired me. Use the following words in story: Red hand print, shattered vase, new car, fifteen year old boy, and a spider.


Just how real is the Antique Mafia?

It’s real. I read about it in a magazine and thought it fitted my story.


Did you always plan to have a strong paranormal theme to the story, even though it’s primarily a contemporary setting?

Paranormal and mysterious themes fascinate me. I’m a big fan of unsolved mysteries and the unknown. I like to research on it, read about it, write about it, make up a mystery or twist the mundane.


What are your future projects?

I like the poetry prompts. The last one particularly intrigued me. I want to write more poems and experiment with the forms. Another major project is my Space Pioneer series. I have finally finished editing Space Pioneer III and IV, 20.000 words together, and plan to start posting soon. I have some ideas for another story.
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Thanks, Renee, Cia, and Dolores, for doing this. It's always good to get to know 'our' people better. I agree with Adi, and always enjoy your replies to my poetry prompts. Please keep it up, and do experiment :)

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Thank you, aditus. I like your poems, too. They're very good.


Thank you, AC Benus. The poetry prompts are fun and some keep me busy for hours.

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