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Maybe What We Should Do Is Change Your Medications. . . .

Last week the shrink dropped my antidepressant and doubled the dosage of my antipsychotic. And, then, the world as I knew it began to change.


I'm sure I'll eventually get used to the extra mg of risperidone, but right now I've experienced an incredible increase in weight, increased tiredness, decreased libido, and to top off everything else Microsoft ended the 30-day restriction I was experiencing with my account due to attempting to change my password, thereby enabling me to finally use my new laptop.


Normally, there wouldn't have been much of a problem with changing PCs. Just create a bunch of CDs with documents and read them onto the new PC. Except, the CD drive on the old was kaput. So, having Windows 10, I had the great idea of transferring all the documents, music, and pictures up to the cloud and then moving them back down to the new PC, but, not to be, OneDrive wouldn't work on my old PC, just another nail in the coffin. Light bulb came on and one day we were down in Monroe and stopped in Staples where I asked their techie if there was a way to move all my stuff from my old PC to the new without being able to use a CD drive or use OneDrive. He took out a hammer and pulled the nail out of the coffin: "Oh, sure, we can do that for you!"


When Microsoft dropped the restriction I got the new one set up and then we drove back down to Monroe and dropped off the PCs at Staples. Early on in my experience with all things computer it is always best to go to someone who knows what they're doing to get it done right.


Unfortunately, the techie who worked on my PCs had a hammer and a nail. Oh, he transferred my files, I had no problem with that, but when I went into picked up the PCs he cranked up the new PC to show me what a good job he did. Damned fool drove that nail straight into the coffin. The Documents, Music, and Pictures folders were empty! He checked, yes, the files had been moved. Where, I ask? Well, let's see. Click, click, click, click, click. See, right here. They were buried so deep in the new PC that accessing them would've been near impossible. Can you fix this? Uh, sure, we can move them from there to where they need to be, shouldn't take any time at all. So, he set up a copy process to move the files. Luckily for me, but unlucky for him there was a time meter indicating the time left on the move. It was a half an hour to closing, I hadn't had dinner, I was cranky from an extra mg of risperidone, and the time left said 3 hours, 33 minutes, and counting down.


Needless to say, I was pissed and went home. Well, not directly, we stopped in Sultan at Ixtapa for dinner. I had a margarita to calm my nerves. Would've preferred a double shot of Laphroaig, but I'm no longer that kind of drinking man.


Today, I've got the computer back, I have a new cellphone (dumb variety), a tablet (free benie from long relationship with Verizon), my repaired guitar (broke back in August) to get back to learning how to use, Word 2016 to get used to using (from what I can see so far Microsoft has done another upgrade F**K UP), and the pleasure of creating new playlists on Groove.


I do hope my mood stabilizer is going to be able to handle the inevitable mood swings I know I'm going to encounter.


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