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May Signature Feature: Enforcer By Rob Colton



Are you a fan of Rob Colton? I know I am! This month we're featuring his 2nd installment of the immensely popular Timber Pack Chronicles. Enforcer features Jed's story, though we get to see more of the other characters we loved from the first book.




Length: 58,419


Description: Jed Stone suffers in silence, damaged and poisoned from his fight with the rogue wolf. But he puts on a smile and does his duty, making sure his Timber Pack mates are safe.


Buzz Hinske belongs to a traditional lycan pack. Challenges and violence seem to be their way of life.


When they come together at the annual Lycan Conclave, Jed is elated at finding his destined mate. Unfortunately, Buzz has already been promised to another...


sjohnjohnc says... I think I'm like quite a few of Rob Colton's fans here; we really do enjoy reading and rereading his stories. I've been rereading these last ten chapters in anticipation of chapter 11 and I have to say I'm incredibly impressed with the character development. Sometimes hero characters (the stronger and dare I say more hyper masculine characters) tend to be clones, reflections or rotations of strong characters we've been introduced to before. Which leads me to say how impressed I am with the difference between Colton is from Jed. Yes, Colton is the alpha of the little pack, but Jed is strong in his own right. I admire the shades of strong characters created by R. Colton; while Colton chases after Parker, I'm thinking back to the very romantic pebbles thrown at a window in Book 1, Jed is patient and waits. Yes, Jed admires Colton's ability to hold off for a year, but his own strength to let the Buzz make a choice with the possibility of Buzz choosing convention over fate, is uniquely him.


I really must thank Rob Colton for such excellent distractions.


belann says... Rob, you write the best sex/love scenes: not only hot but also very beautiful.A mixture of aggressiveness and tenderness.
My heart almost broke when Jed told Buzz his shirt was all he had of him. Buzz had a difficult decision to make and I'm glad he chose Jed and he's giving up on his fears to give himself to his mate. Great chapter! :worship:


Cannd says... That was a really beautiful chapter! There were a bunch of really special moments that you did a great job writing. I am so glad Parker and Colton are keeping Wylie. I worried for a moment there, that his father would be found. One of those moments was the emotion that Parker showed when he feared they'd take Wylie. It would have wrecked him. He loved the boy from the first time he picked him up. Do they know if Sandra was killed by the hunters? It was so funny when Wylie called Parker 'pup.' lol I have a feeling he is going to make a great Alpha wolf someday. It was nice to see Buzz officially become Timber pack and of course seeing the kids become pack and Wylie to call Colton Dad was so sweet.


The fact that Wylie's name was the same as that boy's was bittersweet. While I get Buzz's happiness that the child would grow up loved no matter who and what he was is a nice thought. I just can't get the image of Christopher looking to Buzz for help right before they killed him. He looked to the man he had slept with and who was the only one of them who wasn't so hateful. I am surprised Buzz has dealt with that as well as he has. I would feel really guilty if I were him, b/c he was targeted to prove a point to Buzz. They may have found out anyhow, but this way it must have felt like he was partly responsible for his death, esp when he could do nothing to save him.
I hope the story isn't over. I know that Derek won't let this go as easily as he pretended to. I think he is going to want to have the last say and going to want to kill his abomination of a brother and also show Colton up. I guess we'll see. If it was the end, then it was a great one. It was adorable that Wylie climbed up for a ride on colton. The pack is stronger and such a safe place. Though, I also hope we get to be there for the official mating of the guys.


I am definitely excited though, and already looking forward to Zef's story that we'll all be begging for! lol no pressure or anything.
I hope we get to be there for that mating bite. It was a hard earned moment for those two. I am wondering if Colton really did send the registry for their mating. I have a feeling he may have. He seems to have taken to being an Alpha amazingly well. They really have built a great pack in the year since they became one.
I love how you continued to develop the characters and their personalities through this. Parker makes the cutest dad...so worried about him and colton really surprised me with how well he took to fatherhood. I hope Wylie can come to trust the others like he trusts his dads.


Inky says... Fantastic!!! As usual you make me cry, laugh and do that really big sigh and smile. I had it all wrong in the last chapter, but no matter my late night reading and rambling, you always deliver a powerful punch. I mean that in a good way. Lol. I am sad that this story will end soon, but I am totally hoping that there is more to come. I still don't trust Derek..., I so want a story with Alpha Poundstone and Zef...., the Hunters have to be investigated..., Christopher's mother is dead..., was she murdered..., is his unknown dad dead as well..., and Christopher's behavior indicates that he was somewhere that he had to fight for everything to exist. I am just greedy for more of your work so I will keep hoping and pondering until I see you post a new installment of Timber Pack Chronicles. :rolleyes: Rob, you turned me into a junkie with your ultra amazing writing. :2thumbs:


Carlos Hazday says... After trying my hand at penning a story, I have a new-found respect for authors that can create rich characters and surround them with action and suspense but still provide a satisfying ( read happy ) ending.


You sir, have my admiration for doing so time and time again. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.


Rob Colton Enforcer Signature.jpg






Remember to check back on Wednesday to see what excerpt Rob chose to share with readers!






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Enforcer is a story I read over and over again. Partly because I'm waiting for Zef's story, which should be very interesting, but also because I like the Timber Pack series and almost everything else Rob writes. :yes:

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I want to say how much I enjoyed this, but I may be biased after Rob let me help beta-read and edit! :D  Sneak peeks are awesome!

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  • Site Administrator

I loved this story :)  I am a huge fan of Rob's writing and this story doesn't disappoint.  I'd love to read more of this series. 

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Colton stories are the ones I go back and read again when I can't find anything else which appeals to me. I think we're due for a new installment in the series...

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I loved this story, and it's predecessor... I've loved everything I've read of Rob's. He makes us care about his characters in a deep way., and spins tales that take hold. I haven't read this story in a while so maybe it's time to revisit. Cheers... and thanks, Rob, for the gift of your writing... Gary...

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I want to say how much I enjoyed this, but I may be biased after Rob let me help beta-read and edit! :D  Sneak peeks are awesome!


are we talking about Enforcer or a sequel?

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are we talking about Enforcer or a sequel?


Enforcer. I'm hoping for a sequel, because I loved helping him on it. There was a lot of time between the first and second book because he has a very busy life. We'll have to pester him every so often to keep him on track. :lol:

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