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Insomnia sucks like a Hoover



It's 3:50 in the morning, I have to be awake in 2 hours to get ready to go to work. Oh yeah, I haven't slept yet. This sucks, and not in the good way. I hate it when I get like this. I'm not stressed out, so I know it's not stress-related. I'm in a good place in my life right now. Things are going swell. My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades. Oh, and I wear my sunglasses at night. (Damn, I rock the kasbah, and the Sharif don't like it?)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. 

Oh yeah, my original point in all of this was to let y'all know that insomnia fracking sucks. 


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I used to have insomnia. I found it helped to keep a little book on vector calculus by my bedside. If I couldn't get to sleep I'd read through a proof of something, switch off the light, and try to go through the proof in my mind, and off to sleep I went.


If vector calculus doesn't work for you, something else might.

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I sympathize, buddy. I used to suffer from it for weeks at a time. It was ROUGH! No real problems anymore, because if I can't sleep I just take it easy the next day... maybe you need someone right next to you ;) 

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I agree!!! Sucks is not a strong enough word for it.  There were nights I would still be awake at 4 am and needing to open the doors at the daycare at 7.  Facing a room full of 5 to 10 year olds under those circumstances...let's just say NOT GOOD and move on.


I found a melatonin supplement helped.

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Insomnia does suck.   :(

And the longer it goes on, the longer you worry about it, the worse it gets. :angry:

I found that buying (don't laugh) a Baby Einstein Lullaby DVD for the bedroom helped. A. Lot!

Something about the soft music, gentle pictures, soft lighting worked to help me sleep.

Good luck! :hug:

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I can sleep when I finally actually go to bed, but my problem is I want to stay up all night because there are so many things I like doing, especially writing. I don't want to waste time sleeping! But the odd time it does happen that I can't sleep, I put on a relaxation tape or CD (there are a lot of good ones on YouTube) and they lull me right off in a few minutes. :boy:

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Hey there JayT.


How's the insomnia?  Has it started to pass yet?

Have you been able to rest?


I hope it's better :hug:

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Just now, mollyhousemouse said:

Hey there JayT.


How's the insomnia?  Has it started to pass yet?

Have you been able to rest?


I hope it's better :hug:

Not at all.....I'm up most of the night, unable to sleep. So, I sleep when I can. Mostly, on the way to and from work and maybe a nap when I get home.

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Just now, JayT said:

Not at all.....I'm up most of the night, unable to sleep. So, I sleep when I can. Mostly, on the way to and from work and maybe a nap when I get home.

Aww, hon.

I'm sorry to hear that.  

I hope it resolves soon.

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19 minutes ago, JayT said:

Not at all.....I'm up most of the night, unable to sleep. So, I sleep when I can. Mostly, on the way to and from work and maybe a nap when I get home.

So sorry, buddy. I wish I could rock you to sleep, stroke your hair, whisper what a good boy you were... hey, it always worked for my kids :) 

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33 minutes ago, Headstall said:

So sorry, buddy. I wish I could rock you to sleep, stroke your hair, whisper what a good boy you were... hey, it always worked for my kids :) 

Awww thank you Poppa Gary

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A long walk, minimum of half an hour--try to clear your head while walking--then straight to bed. This depends on where you live of course, probably not a good idea to walk around some neighborhoods late at night. I've lived in places where insomnia would be a healthier option, but if you can, walking always helps and is good exercise too, although I'm no health freak.

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