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Suspending Judgement



Recently, I've been delving into the philosophy of Stoicism - an ancient Greek philosophy that teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. It refers to living in the moment, retaining emotions, but using logic, clear judgment and inner calm to express and react rather than anxiety and fear.

I am guilty of being judgmental. It's something within myself that I work on daily. I no longer want to jump to conclusions or assume a situation is the way it is because it appears to be a certain way to me. There are two sides to every story. I want to approach life with more compassion, less cynicism.

Below is a piece from The Daily Stoic, an online community dedicated to the Stoic philosophy. It hit straight home for me this morning. Maybe it will enlighten you, too. 

We live in a culture where people sit on the sidelines and pass a lot of strong judgements. We look at people we don’t know and decide whether they’re good or bad people. We look at complicated situations and difficult projects and cleanly label them successes or failures—despite having little understanding of what went on behind the scenes. We take an instance of behavior or a tiny interaction—the way someone talked to us at the grocery store or a decision that they made—and extrapolate out who that person is and what motivates them.

As we’ve talked about before, the result of these snap judgements is not just misery for us, but an overwhelmingly negative view of humanity and of the world. It’s no way to live. Which is why when you feel that urge to decide—as an outsider or an observer—that you know who someone is or what it means, you should stop yourself. Stop yourself and consider this prompt from Epictetus:

“Until you know their reasons, how do you know whether they have acted wrongly?”

What Epictetus is not saying is that you should sit there and try to think about why Hitler and Stalin murdered so many people. He’s not saying that right and wrong are relative and that truly awful things can be excused. He’s saying, in the vein of Socrates, that we need to take a minute and really think about what we don’t know in a situation. We need to consider that, with the exception of mental illness, (which is its own kind of reason), most people have a logic for their actions—and that logic is usually not to try to hurt you or anyone else. They are just doing the best they can.

David Foster Wallace speaks about this in his famous “This is Water” speech, after several allusions to his frustration with bad drivers:

It's not impossible that some of these people in SUVs have been in horrible auto accidents in the past and now find driving so traumatic that their therapist has all but ordered them to get a huge, heavy SUV so they can feel safe enough to drive; or that the Hummer that just cut me off is maybe being driven by a father whose little child is hurt or sick in the seat next to him, and he's trying to rush to the hospital, and he's in a way bigger, more legitimate hurry than I am—it is actually I who am in his way. And so on.

You don’t know that someone acted wrongly or is an asshole or that they totally screwed a situation up, because you don’t know the full story. You don’t know their reasons or their side of things. And what do the Stoics tell us to do when we don’t have all the facts about something?

They tell us to suspend judgement.

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thinking about this .. i know i often think the worst in the heat of the moment. but i have also less often thought about why is that person acting that way, but it certainly isn't usually the first thing i think.

this good Sir .. and i think it is something worth working on

thanks again Sir

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Currently, I'm working on rearranging my perspective on the homeless camps set up along the river I jog down every morning. Each day, there's a new addition to the ever-growing mess, and each day, I feel agitated. So, that's my personal project at the moment - investing in more productive thoughts on how to help the growing homeless population in my city rather than just being upset by their encroachment on my personal space. 

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that is so sad ... not what You're doing Sir but the fact you have to .. the fact they are homeless.  it's horrible and i never want to be back there. 

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This has to rank as one of the most thought provoking posts that I've read on GA over the past few months for that reason I've decided to post a reaction, which has become rare for me to post any comments on GA

As someone who has been on the receiving end of 'judgemental attitudes' whilst dealing with what has been the most traumatic and devastating period of my life over the last nine months I can say that I know what it's like to be judged and treated in a negative way by others who have no idea of what it's been like to experience the events that I have had to deal with during that time, no matter how 'low key' that 'judgemental' attitude and treatment has been. No that treatment has not caused what I have to deal with, but it hasn't helped and has made it more difficult to deal with. Being 'judgemental' towards someone isn't necessarily spoken, sometimes it's done by actions such as turning away from someone who thought of you as a friend and 'cutting them off' as though they no longer exist. Believe me when I say that that can hurt as much and sometimes more than anything that can be said in words. Maybe some of the things that I was brought up with apply here, 'judge not lest you be judged' and 'don't judge me until you have walked a mile in my shoes'.

I'm not asking for, or after, any sympathy from anyone, I'm not after apologies from the few on GA who have treated me in this fashion, they would mean nothing to me after the time that has since passed. I'm not going to go into detail but I have had to deal with two traumatic events and a serious health issue in a very short space of time and have now spent three periods of time, of different lengths, in a psychiatric hospital the help me deal with those events and attempt to move forward in life. I'm lucky I have had a few really good friends and family who have stuck by me to help and support me, but others do not have that. 

That brings me to my point for responding to this post. Whilst I have been lucky as I do have support and the means to overcome the judgemental attitude and actions of others, there are many that do not have what I have. For me it has made things hard to deal with, for those that do not have what I have it could make it an insurmountable obstacle and could cost them a great deal emotionally and mentally that will not be able to recover from, or even their life. Think before you speak and just as importantly, think before you act, sometimes actions say more and worse than words. Please choose your words and actions wisely.

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@Mancunian Thanks for contributing to the conversation. I agree that we should not judge someone until we've walked a mile in their shoes. We can never know someone's personal story unless we're receptive to discovering it. Even then, judgment occurs. It's part of human nature. I'm on a journey to be better about it, but I'm still guilty. We should lead our lives with compassion; if we can't manage that, then we're in trouble.

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