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October CSR Feature: Spirits & Spare Parts



Wow, it's October 2019, and I've been doing the CSR blog every month for 7 years this year.... 7 is one of those spoooooky numbers. :P Or is it lucky? Guess it depends on who you ask... or if you're in Vegas? When the holiday season comes around, I like to change this up, or really, any season where I can theme the stories or give readers a chance to try something a little different. I've been doing interviews, a LOT of interviews, over the years as well. Well, this month it's going to be a little different.

I've picked several stories, and I'd love for readers who enjoy the CSR to tell me which story they'd pick to read/comment on this month and why it grabbed their attention. Just a sentence, or two, or four if you really want to go on and on. ;) You can do that as soon as you read this blog. Especially if you've read all these stories and know you love one of them, or you like one type of paranormal plot-type, or if you check out all the stories and try reading the first chapter and one sucks you in, or... I don't know. You tell me and your fellow readers!

These comments will be featured on the Discussion day, and then everyone can still share their comments on the story plot/characters below the blog feature. And since it's the month for all things spooky and fun, I've chosen the theme of Spirits and Spare Parts (Zombies, of course!) with 4 stories of varying lengths. (Is that one aspect that matters to you?) 



Purpose by @Andrew Q Gordon

Length: 79,326

Description: A timeless spirit moves from host to host demanding vengeance for the innocent who are killed. The only problem is that wasn't it's true purpose.

A non-corporeal spirit - a Purpose - gives great power to it's host and compels them to seek out the guilty.  The current host finds his world upended with no explanation by a young homeless man who dredges memories of his life before the Purpose took over.  Memories he spent decades locking away.





Z is for Zombie by @Geron Kees

Length: 84,460

Description: The world had ended in the middle of the night. For Richie Kincannon and a small group of young survivors, it was the beginning of a struggle for life, against an unknown force that had altered their world, seemingly forever. Now, two years after the Changes, the group must once again fight for their right to life, against an enemy of incredible ability - one they didn't understand, but knew once had been human...





Shepherd's Crook by @K.C.

Length: 48,152

Description: It’s never easy being the new kid at school, but there are secrets at Shepherd’s Crook and nothing is as it seems.




me Zombie by @Mikiesboy

Length: 2,517


Stephen just stopped to buy a soda and his whole life changed.

People kept saying they hoped my next story wouldn't be a zombie one. Well, i decided to write one. It's short. But my real next story ... is not about zombies.


How many people like the CSR blog as it is? How many people have the 7 year itch and want a change and have an idea for me? You can share them below too! I'd love to keep featuring stories on the site and authors, but we want to keep this activity interactive and what people want to see/read/take part in! 

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i've read 2 of these and really enjoyed them!

me Zombie from @Mikiesboy is a great short story. Zombie stories are usually the same. Lots of shuffling, shambling creatures, scaring the still living. A wonderful take on the genre, with a fantastic twist at the end. It's a story i've shared with a lot of people.

@Geron Kees Z Is For Zombie i almost didn't read. i don't particularly care for angsty teen stories. Well, i was glad i read this! It's not angsty, and the young people are handling themselves better than some adults would!

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Well, i wrote one of them, but i've read the other 3 and they are each of them brilliant and different and all should be read or discussed.

Purpose- is an amazing story, what an idea! And so very well written. It felt very original and it was compelling. Gar is a fascinating character.

Z is for Zombies - is not your usual zombie story and the first paragraphs were brilliantly written and captured me. After that there was no choice but to read the whole thing. It was so very good.

Shepherd's Crook - is good. It takes a while to warm up, I thought but the build up was necessary. I did sort of figure it out but it's a worthwhile read.

I like the CSR blog. I don't always like the story chosen, but someone will. And you may introduce me to an author i've not had the opportunity to read and that's always a good thing. The length doesn't bother me but if its long chapters are important. If a chapter is over say 5,000 to 7,000 words, it's unlikely i'll read it. I don't have time ... chapters help me come back to the story and finish.


Picking one ... i really don't want to but ... i would love to know more about Purpose.  Where did this idea come from is my most burning question.

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